    def _process_mask(mask, ignore_label, image_info):
      mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=tf.float32)
      mask = tf.reshape(mask, shape=[1, data['height'], data['width'], 1])
      mask += 1

      if self._segmentation_resize_eval_groundtruth:
        # Resizes eval masks to match input image sizes. In that case, mean IoU
        # is computed on output_size not the original size of the images.
        image_scale = image_info[2, :]
        offset = image_info[3, :]
        mask = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_masks(
            mask, image_scale, self._output_size, offset)
        mask = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(
            mask, 0, 0,
      mask -= 1
      # Assign ignore label to the padded region.
      mask = tf.where(
          tf.equal(mask, -1),
          ignore_label * tf.ones_like(mask),
      mask = tf.squeeze(mask, axis=0)
      return mask
    def _parse_eval_data(self, data):
        """Parses data for training and evaluation."""
        image, label = self._prepare_image_and_label(data)
        # The label is first offset by +1 and then padded with 0.
        label += 1
        label = tf.expand_dims(label, axis=3)

        # Resizes and crops image.
        image, image_info = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_image(
            image, self._output_size, self._output_size)

        if self._resize_eval_groundtruth:
            # Resizes eval masks to match input image sizes. In that case, mean IoU
            # is computed on output_size not the original size of the images.
            image_scale = image_info[2, :]
            offset = image_info[3, :]
            label = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_masks(
                label, image_scale, self._output_size, offset)
            label = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(
                label, 0, 0, self._groundtruth_padded_size[0],

        label -= 1
        label = tf.where(tf.equal(label, -1),
                         self._ignore_label * tf.ones_like(label), label)
        label = tf.squeeze(label, axis=0)

        valid_mask = tf.not_equal(label, self._ignore_label)
        labels = {
            'masks': label,
            'valid_masks': valid_mask,
            'image_info': image_info

        # Cast image as self._dtype
        image = tf.cast(image, dtype=self._dtype)

        return image, labels
    def _resize_and_crop_mask(self, mask, image_info, is_training):
        """Resizes and crops mask using `image_info` dict."""
        height = image_info[0][0]
        width = image_info[0][1]
        mask = tf.reshape(mask, shape=[1, height, width, 1])
        mask += 1

        if is_training or self._resize_eval_groundtruth:
            image_scale = image_info[2, :]
            offset = image_info[3, :]
            mask = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_masks(
                mask, image_scale, self._output_size, offset)
            mask = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(
                mask, 0, 0, self._groundtruth_padded_size[0],
        mask -= 1

        # Assign ignore label to the padded region.
        mask = tf.where(tf.equal(mask, -1),
                        self._ignore_label * tf.ones_like(mask), mask)
        mask = tf.squeeze(mask, axis=0)
        return mask
  def _parse_train_data(self, data):
    """Parses data for training.

      data: the decoded tensor dictionary from TfExampleDecoder.

      image: image tensor that is preproessed to have normalized value and
        dimension [output_size[0], output_size[1], 3]
      labels: a dictionary of tensors used for training. The following describes
        {key: value} pairs in the dictionary.
        image_info: a 2D `Tensor` that encodes the information of the image and
          the applied preprocessing. It is in the format of
          [[original_height, original_width], [scaled_height, scaled_width]],
        anchor_boxes: ordered dictionary with keys
          [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
          shape [height_l, width_l, 4] representing anchor boxes at each level.
        rpn_score_targets: ordered dictionary with keys
          [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
          shape [height_l, width_l, anchors_per_location]. The height_l and
          width_l represent the dimension of class logits at l-th level.
        rpn_box_targets: ordered dictionary with keys
          [min_level, min_level+1, ..., max_level]. The values are tensor with
          shape [height_l, width_l, anchors_per_location * 4]. The height_l and
          width_l represent the dimension of bounding box regression output at
          l-th level.
        gt_boxes: Groundtruth bounding box annotations. The box is represented
           in [y1, x1, y2, x2] format. The coordinates are w.r.t the scaled
           image that is fed to the network. The tennsor is padded with -1 to
           the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances, 4].
        gt_classes: Groundtruth classes annotations. The tennsor is padded
          with -1 to the fixed dimension [self._max_num_instances].
        gt_masks: Groundtruth masks cropped by the bounding box and
          resized to a fixed size determined by mask_crop_size.
        gt_segmentation_mask: Groundtruth mask for segmentation head, this is
          resized to a fixed size determined by output_size.
        gt_segmentation_valid_mask: Binary mask that marks the pixels that
          are supposed to be used in computing the segmentation loss while
    segmentation_mask = data['groundtruth_segmentation_mask']

    # Flips image randomly during training.
    if self.aug_rand_hflip:
      masks = data['groundtruth_instance_masks']
      image_mask = tf.concat([data['image'], segmentation_mask], axis=2)

      image_mask, boxes, masks = preprocess_ops.random_horizontal_flip(
          image_mask, data['groundtruth_boxes'], masks)

      segmentation_mask = image_mask[:, :, -1:]
      image = image_mask[:, :, :-1]

      data['image'] = image
      data['groundtruth_boxes'] = boxes
      data['groundtruth_instance_masks'] = masks

    image, labels = super(Parser, self)._parse_train_data(data)

    image_info = labels['image_info']
    image_scale = image_info[2, :]
    offset = image_info[3, :]

    segmentation_mask = tf.reshape(
        segmentation_mask, shape=[1, data['height'], data['width']])
    segmentation_mask = tf.cast(segmentation_mask, tf.float32)

    # Pad label and make sure the padded region assigned to the ignore label.
    # The label is first offset by +1 and then padded with 0.
    segmentation_mask += 1
    segmentation_mask = tf.expand_dims(segmentation_mask, axis=3)
    segmentation_mask = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_masks(
        segmentation_mask, image_scale, self._output_size, offset)
    segmentation_mask -= 1
    segmentation_mask = tf.where(
        tf.equal(segmentation_mask, -1),
        self._segmentation_ignore_label * tf.ones_like(segmentation_mask),
    segmentation_mask = tf.squeeze(segmentation_mask, axis=0)
    segmentation_valid_mask = tf.not_equal(
        segmentation_mask, self._segmentation_ignore_label)

        'gt_segmentation_mask': segmentation_mask,
        'gt_segmentation_valid_mask': segmentation_valid_mask})

    return image, labels
    def _parse_train_data(self, data):
        """Parses data for training and evaluation."""
        image, label = self._prepare_image_and_label(data)

        if self._crop_size:

            label = tf.reshape(label,
                               [data['image/height'], data['image/width'], 1])
            # If output_size is specified, resize image, and label to desired
            # output_size.
            if self._output_size:
                image = tf.image.resize(image,
                label = tf.image.resize(label,

            image_mask = tf.concat([image, label], axis=2)
            image_mask_crop = tf.image.random_crop(image_mask,
                                                   self._crop_size + [4])
            image = image_mask_crop[:, :, :-1]
            label = tf.reshape(image_mask_crop[:, :, -1],
                               [1] + self._crop_size)

        # Flips image randomly during training.
        if self._aug_rand_hflip:
            image, _, label = preprocess_ops.random_horizontal_flip(
                image, masks=label)

        train_image_size = self._crop_size if self._crop_size else self._output_size
        # Resizes and crops image.
        image, image_info = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_image(

        # Resizes and crops boxes.
        image_scale = image_info[2, :]
        offset = image_info[3, :]

        # Pad label and make sure the padded region assigned to the ignore label.
        # The label is first offset by +1 and then padded with 0.
        label += 1
        label = tf.expand_dims(label, axis=3)
        label = preprocess_ops.resize_and_crop_masks(label, image_scale,
                                                     train_image_size, offset)
        label -= 1
        label = tf.where(tf.equal(label, -1),
                         self._ignore_label * tf.ones_like(label), label)
        label = tf.squeeze(label, axis=0)
        valid_mask = tf.not_equal(label, self._ignore_label)
        labels = {
            'masks': label,
            'valid_masks': valid_mask,
            'image_info': image_info,

        # Cast image as self._dtype
        image = tf.cast(image, dtype=self._dtype)

        return image, labels