def find_supporting_line(point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon, polygon_number: int) -> Optional[List[PointData]]:
        Find pair of supporting points from point (not a part of polygon) to polygon in squared time.

        :param point: visibility point (x, y)
        :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal
        :param polygon_number: sequence number of polygon for PointData
        :return: list of PointData of points connecting supporting points or None if unable to find

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])

    supporting_pair = find_supporting_pair_brute(point, polygon, polygon_size, None)
    if supporting_pair is None:
        return None
    point1, point2 = supporting_pair

    line = list()
    if point2 - point1 > (polygon_size - 1) / 2:
        for i in range(point2, polygon_size):
            line.append((polygon[i], polygon_number, i, True, 0))
        for i in range(0, point1 + 1):
            line.append((polygon[i], polygon_number, i, True, 0))
        for i in range(point1, point2 + 1):
            line.append((polygon[i], polygon_number, i, True, 0))
    return line
def find_supporting_pair(
        point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon, polygon_number: int,
        angles: Optional[TAngles]) -> Optional[Tuple[PointData, PointData]]:
        Find pair of supporting points from point to polygon in log time (binary search).

        :param point: visibility point (x, y)
        :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal
        :param polygon_number: sequence number of polygon for PointData
        :param angles: tuple of polar angles from #0 point of polygon to all others except itself
        :return: pair of PointData of supporting points or None if unable to find

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])
    if polygon_size <= 3:
        return find_supporting_pair_semiplanes(point, polygon, polygon_number)
    assert turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2]) >= 0
    assert len(angles) == polygon_size - 1

    start_to_point = localize_convex(point, polygon, angles, False)

    # ray polygon[0], point intersects polygon
    if start_to_point[1] is not None:
        index1 = find_supporting_point(point, polygon, 0, start_to_point[1],
        if index1 is None:
            return None
        index2 = find_supporting_point(point, polygon, start_to_point[1],
                                       polygon_size - 1, False)
        if index2 is None:
            return None
        point_to_start = localize_convex(point, polygon, angles, True)

        # ray polygon[0], point does not intersect polygon
        if point_to_start[1] is not None:
            index1 = find_supporting_point(point, polygon, 0,
                                           point_to_start[1], False)
            if index1 is None:
                return None
            index2 = find_supporting_point(point, polygon, point_to_start[1],
                                           polygon_size - 1, True)
            if index2 is None:
                return None

        # polygon[0] is supporting point
            index1 = 0
            index2 = find_supporting_point(
                point, polygon, 1, polygon_size - 1,
                turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], point) >= 0)
            if index2 is None:
                return None

    return (polygon[index1], polygon_number, index1, True,
            0), (polygon[index2], polygon_number, index2, True, 0)
 def __retrace(self) -> None:
     current = self.__goal
     while not compare_points(current, self.__start):
             current = self.__came_from[current]
         except KeyError:
             raise Exception("Could not retrace path!")
def find_inner_edges(point: TPoint, point_number: Optional[int],
                     polygon: Sequence[TPolygon], polygon_number: int,
                     inside_percent: float, weight: int) -> List[PointData]:
    Finds segments from point to polygon vertices which are strictly inside polygon.
    If point is not a polygon vertex, finds all segments.
    If point is a polygon vertex, finds diagonals to further vertices.
    Currently only outer polygon is processed => everywhere polygon[0] is used.

    :param point: point strictly inside outer polygon (x, y)
    :param point_number: None if point is not a polygon vertex else number or vertex
    :param polygon: polygons (polygon[0] is outer, rest are inner), for each polygon first and last points must be equal
    :param polygon_number: sequence number of polygon for PointData
    :param inside_percent: (from 0 to 1) - controls the number of inner polygon edges
    :param weight: surface weight for PointData
    :return: list of PointData tuples of each point forming an inner edge with point

    assert 0 <= inside_percent <= 1
    polygon_size = len(polygon[0]) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0][0], polygon[0][-1])

    edges_inside = list()

    # point is strictly in polygon
    if point_number is None:
        for i in range(polygon_size):
            if Polygon(polygon[0]).contains(LineString([point,
                if inside_percent == 1 or choice(
                        arange(0, 2), p=[1 - inside_percent, inside_percent
                                         ]) == 1:
                        (polygon[0][i], polygon_number, i, True, weight))
        return edges_inside

    for i in range(polygon_size):
        if i == point_number:
        if fabs(i - point_number) in [1, polygon_size - 1]:
                (polygon[0][i], polygon_number, i, True, weight))
        if Polygon(polygon[0]).contains(LineString([point, polygon[0][i]])):
            if inside_percent == 1 or choice(
                    arange(0, 2), p=[1 - inside_percent, inside_percent]) == 1:
                    (polygon[0][i], polygon_number, i, True, weight))

    return edges_inside
def localize_convex_linear(point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon) -> bool:
    Localize point inside convex polygon in linear time.

    :param point: point to be localized (x, y)
    :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])
    if polygon_size <= 2:
        return False
    polygon_cross = turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2])
    for i in range(polygon_size):
        if turn(polygon[i], polygon[i + 1], point) * polygon_cross <= 0:
            return False
    return True
def find_restriction_pair(point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon, point_number: int) -> Optional[Tuple[TPoint, TPoint]]:
        Find pair of supporting points from point (part of polygon) to polygon in squared time.

        :param point: visibility point (x, y)
        :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal
        :param point_number: sequence number of point in polygon
        :return: pair of supporting points or None if unable to find

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])

    supporting_pair = find_supporting_pair_brute(point, polygon, polygon_size, point_number)
    if supporting_pair is None:
        return None
    point1, point2 = supporting_pair
    return polygon[point1], polygon[point2]
 def __remove_inner_polygons(self):
     polygon_number = self.polygons.shape[0]
     for i in range(polygon_number):
         if self.polygons.loc[i, "geometry"] is None:
         polygon = self.polygons.loc[i, "geometry"]
         for j in range(1, len(polygon)):
             point = polygon[j][0]
             for k in range(i + 1, polygon_number):
                 if self.polygons.loc[k, "geometry"] is None:
                     if k == polygon_number - 1:
                         self.polygons.loc[i, "tag"].append(None)
                 new_point = self.polygons.loc[k, "geometry"][0][0]
                 if compare_points(point, new_point):
                     self.polygons.loc[i, "tag"].append(
                         self.polygons.loc[k, "tag"])
                     self.polygons.loc[k, "geometry"] = None
                 elif k == polygon_number - 1:
                     self.polygons.loc[i, "tag"].append(None)
     self.polygons = self.polygons[self.polygons['geometry'].notna()]
     self.polygons = self.polygons.reset_index().drop(columns='index')
def find_supporting_point(point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon, low: int,
                          high: int, low_contains: bool) -> Optional[int]:
    Find supporting point from point to polygon (index between low and high) with binary search.

    :param point: visibility point (x, y)
    :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal
    :param low: binary search algorithm parameter (polygon min index)
    :param high: binary search algorithm parameter (polygon max index)
    :param low_contains: angle formed by polygon[low] contains point (True) or not (False)
    :return: index of supporting point from point to polygon or None if unable to find

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 3
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])
    assert turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2]) >= 0

    mid = (high + low) // 2
    while low <= high and mid < polygon_size:

        # supporting point separating 2 subsets is found
        if turn(polygon[mid], polygon[(mid + 1) % polygon_size], point) <= 0 and \
                turn(polygon[(mid - 1) % polygon_size], polygon[mid], point) >= 0 or \
                turn(polygon[mid], polygon[(mid + 1) % polygon_size], point) >= 0 and \
                turn(polygon[(mid - 1) % polygon_size], polygon[mid], point) <= 0:
            return mid

        # update mid
        if low_contains and turn(polygon[mid], polygon[(mid + 1) % polygon_size], point) >= 0 or \
                not low_contains and turn(polygon[mid], polygon[(mid + 1) % polygon_size], point) <= 0:
            low = mid + 1
            high = mid - 1
        mid = (high + low) // 2

    return None
def find_supporting_pair_semiplanes(point: TPoint, polygon: TPolygon,
                                    polygon_number: int) -> Optional[tuple]:
        Find pair of supporting points from point to polygon in linear line.

        :param point: visibility point (x, y)
        :param polygon: convex, first and last points must be equal
        :param polygon_number: sequence number of polygon for PointData
        :return: pair of PointData of supporting points or None if unable to find

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])
    if polygon_size == 2:
        return (polygon[0], polygon_number, 0, True,
                0), (polygon[1], polygon_number, 1, True, 0)

    semiplanes = [1] * polygon_size
    count = 0
    polygon_turn = turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2])

    # fill an array of angles containing (1) or not containing (0) point (2 subsets)
    for i in range(polygon_size):
        if turn(polygon[i % polygon_size], polygon[
            (i + 1) % polygon_size], point) * polygon_turn < 0:
            semiplanes[i] = 0
            count += 1

    if count in (0, polygon_size):
        return None

    start = semiplanes.index(1) if semiplanes[0] == 0 else semiplanes.index(0)
    end = (len(semiplanes) - semiplanes[::-1].index(1)) % polygon_size if semiplanes[0] == 0 else \
        (len(semiplanes) - semiplanes[::-1].index(0)) % polygon_size
    return (polygon[start], polygon_number, start, True,
            0), (polygon[end], polygon_number, end, True, 0)
def build_convex_hull(
        polygon: TPolygon
) -> Tuple[TPolygon, Tuple[int, ...], Optional[TAngles]]:
    :param polygon: first and last points must be equal
    :return: tuple of 3 elements:
        1. tuple of convex hull points
        2. tuple of their indexes in initial polygon
        3. tuple of polar angles from first point to others except itself or None if polygon is a segment or a point

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])

    if polygon_size == 2:
        return polygon, tuple([i for i in range(len(polygon) - 1)]), None

    if polygon_size == 3:
        polygon = check_polygon_direction(polygon)
        starting_point = polygon[0]
        angles = [polar_angle(starting_point, vertex) for vertex in polygon]
        return polygon, tuple([i for i in range(len(polygon) - 1)
                               ]), tuple(angles)

    ch = ConvexHull(polygon)
    vertices = list(ch.vertices)
    points = ch.points[vertices]
    points = check_polygon_direction(points)
    points = tuple([tuple(point) for point in points])

    return points, tuple(vertices), calculate_angles(points)
def localize_convex(point: TPoint,
                    polygon: TPolygon,
                    angles: Optional[TAngles],
                    reverse_angle: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[int]]:
    Localize point inside convex polygon in log time (Preparata-Shamos algorithm).

    :param point: point to be localized (x, y)
    :param polygon: convex, given counter-clockwise, first and last points must be equal
    :param angles: tuple of polar angles from #0 point of polygon to all others except itself
    :param reverse_angle: point angles should be turned on pi (True) or not (False)
    :return: tuple of 2 elements:
        1. bool - point is inside polygon
        2. None if point is inside polygon else int - number of polygon vertex where point_angle is located.

    polygon_size = len(polygon) - 1
    assert polygon_size >= 2
    assert compare_points(polygon[0], polygon[-1])
    if polygon_size <= 2:
        return False, None
    assert turn(polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2]) >= 0
    assert len(angles) == polygon_size - 1

    if compare_points(point, polygon[0]):
        return True, None
    point_angle = polar_angle(point,
                              polygon[0]) if reverse_angle else polar_angle(
                                  polygon[0], point)

    # point angle not between angles
    if angles[-1] < pi < angles[0]:
        if angles[-1] <= point_angle <= angles[0]:
            return False, None
    elif point_angle <= angles[0] or point_angle >= angles[-1]:
        return False, None

    angles_len = len(angles)
    mid = (angles_len - 1) // 2
    low = 0
    high = angles_len - 1
    while low <= high:
        if mid + 1 == angles_len:
            return False, None
        angle1 = angles[mid]
        angle2 = angles[mid + 1]

        # 2 angles contain zero-angle
        if angle1 > pi > angle2:
            if point_angle >= angle1 or point_angle <= angle2:
                return turn(polygon[mid + 1], polygon[mid + 2],
                            point) > 0, mid + 2
            if point_angle > pi:
                high = mid - 1
            if point_angle < pi:
                low = mid + 1
            if angle1 <= point_angle <= angle2:
                return turn(polygon[mid + 1], polygon[mid + 2],
                            point) > 0, mid + 2
            if point_angle - pi > angle2:
                high = mid - 1
            elif point_angle + pi < angle1:
                low = mid + 1
            elif point_angle < angle1:
                high = mid - 1
                low = mid + 1
        mid = (high + low) // 2
    return False, None
    def find(self, start, goal, default_weight=10, heuristic_multiplier=10):
        Find route from point start to point goal.

        :param TPoint start: start point
        :param TPoint goal: goal point
        :param int default_weight: default weight for unfilled areas
        :param int heuristic_multiplier: multiplier to weight heuristic (http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/GameProgramming/Heuristics.html#scale)
        :rtype: offroad_routing.pathfinding.path.Path

        # PointData format
        start_data = (start, None, None, None, None)
        goal_data = (goal, None, None, None, None)

        # vgraph nodes incident to goal point (defined by object and position in the object)
        goal_neighbours = self.__vgraph.incident_vertices(goal_data)
        if len(goal_neighbours) == 0:
            raise Exception("Goal point has no neighbours on the graph")
        goal_data = (goal, None, None, None, goal_neighbours[0][4])
        goal_neighbours = [(i[1], i[2], i[3]) for i in goal_neighbours]

        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(start_data, 0)
        came_from = dict()
        came_from[start_data[0]] = None
        cost_so_far = dict()
        cost_so_far[start_data[0]] = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current = frontier.get()
            current_point = current[0]

            if compare_points(current_point, goal):

            neighbours = self.__vgraph.incident_vertices(current)

            # if current is goal neighbour add it to neighbour list
            goal_neighbour = (current[1], current[2],
                              current[3]) in goal_neighbours
            if goal_neighbour:
                neighbours.insert(0, goal_data)

            for neighbour in neighbours:
                neighbour_point = neighbour[0]
                neighbour_weight = neighbour[
                    4] if neighbour[4] > 0 else default_weight
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current_point] + point_distance(
                    current_point, neighbour_point) * neighbour_weight

                # neighbour not visited or shorter path found
                if neighbour_point not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[
                    cost_so_far[neighbour_point] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + self.__heuristic(
                        goal, neighbour_point, heuristic_multiplier)
                    frontier.put(neighbour, priority)
                    came_from[neighbour_point] = current_point

        return Path(came_from, start, goal)