    def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, **kwargs):
        """Calculate the monthly mass balance for the glacier.

        heights : np.ndarray
            altitudes at which to compute the MB
        year : float, optional
            The current hydrological year. Used to evaluate if mass balance model should be updated.

        The monthly mass-balances for each height.

        # A year will always be provided during a model run, the only time we do this evaluation.
        # In ohter cases i.e. plotting annual mb, we don't evaluate this.
        # We check if its a float instead of simply if year since this would miss the 0th year.
        if isinstance(year, float):
            # Since we are progressing the glacier we want the next year of the climate to update
            # the mass balance.
            year = year + 1
            # If we have a future climate scenario essentially.
            if year <= self.temp_bias_series.year.iloc[-1]:
                # We get a temp bias from the series, update the ela of our mb.
                # Uses the temp_bias setter.
                self.temp_bias = self.temp_bias_series.bias[
                    self.temp_bias_series.year == year].values[0]
            # If there is no future climate scenario, we simply append the current bias to the history.
            # e.g. when climate remains constant.
                # Add the current temperature bias (unchanged) to the history.
                self.temp_bias_series = [self.temp_bias]

        # Compute the mb
        # We use the _gradient_lookup to get an array of gradients matching the length of heights.
        # _breakpoint_diff computes the mb difference at the breakpoint height for the two different
        # gradients. Used to adjust the intercept of the new gradient curve.
        mb = (np.asarray(heights) - self.ela_h) * self._gradient_lookup(
            heights) + self._breakpoint_diff(heights)

        # Adjust intercept for the case when breakpoint is above ELA.
        # Essentially making sure that the mb profile is zero at the ELA.
        ela_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.asarray(heights) - self.ela_h))
        mb = mb - mb[ela_idx]
        # Should we cap the mb?
        if self.max_mb:
            clip_max(mb, self.max_mb, out=mb)

        return mb / SEC_IN_YEAR / self.rho
文件: inversion.py 项目: fso42/oggm
def _vol_below_water(surface_h, bed_h, bed_shape, thick, widths,
                     is_rectangular, fac, dx, water_level):
    bsl = (bed_h < water_level) & (thick > 0)
    n_thick = np.copy(thick)
    n_thick[~bsl] = 0
    n_thick[bsl] = utils.clip_max(surface_h[bsl], water_level) - bed_h[bsl]
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        n_w = np.sqrt(4 * n_thick / bed_shape)
    n_w[is_rectangular] = widths[is_rectangular]
    return fac * n_thick * n_w * dx
def _vol_below_water(surface_h, bed_h, bed_shape, thick, widths,
                     is_rectangular, is_trapezoid, fac, t_lambda,
                     dx, water_level):
    bsl = (bed_h < water_level) & (thick > 0)
    n_thick = np.copy(thick)
    n_thick[~bsl] = 0
    n_thick[bsl] = utils.clip_max(surface_h[bsl], water_level) - bed_h[bsl]
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
        n_w = np.sqrt(4 * n_thick / bed_shape)
    n_w[is_rectangular] = widths[is_rectangular]
    out = fac * n_thick * n_w * dx
    # Trap
    it = is_trapezoid
    out[it] = (n_w[it] + n_w[it] - t_lambda*n_thick[it]) / 2*n_thick[it]*dx
    return out
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, **kwargs):
     mb = (np.asarray(heights) - self.ela_h) * self.grad
     if self.max_mb is not None:
         clip_max(mb, self.max_mb, out=mb)
     return mb / SEC_IN_YEAR / self.rho