文件: sia2d.py 项目: phigre/oggm
    def get_mb(self, year=None):
        """Get the mass balance at the requested height and time.

        Optimized so that no mb model call is necessary at each step.

        if year is None:
            year = self.yr

        # Do we have to optimise?
        if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'always':
            return self._mb_call(self.bed_topo + self.ice_thick, year)

        date = utils.floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'annual':
            # ignore month changes
            date = (date[0], date[0])

        if self._mb_current_date != date or (self._mb_current_out is None):
            # We need to reset all
            self._mb_current_date = date
            _mb = self._mb_call(self.surface_h.flatten(), year)
            self._mb_current_out = _mb.reshape((self.ny, self.nx))

        return self._mb_current_out
文件: sia2d.py 项目: bearecinos/oggm
    def get_mb(self, year=None):
        """Get the mass balance at the requested height and time.

        Optimized so that no mb model call is necessary at each step.

        if year is None:
            year = self.yr

        # Do we have to optimise?
        if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'always':
            return self._mb_call(self.bed_topo + self.ice_thick, year)

        date = utils.floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.mb_elev_feedback == 'annual':
            # ignore month changes
            date = (date[0], date[0])

        if self._mb_current_date != date or (self._mb_current_out is None):
            # We need to reset all
            self._mb_current_date = date
            _mb = self._mb_call(self.surface_h.flatten(), year)
            self._mb_current_out = _mb.reshape((self.ny, self.nx))

        return self._mb_current_out
    def get_monthly_climate(self, heights, year=None):
        """Monthly climate information at given heights.

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor.

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok]
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        npix = len(heights)
        temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)
        tempformelt = temp - self.t_melt
        tempformelt[:] = np.clip(tempformelt, 0, tempformelt.max())

        # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
        prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
        fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
        prcpsol = prcp * np.clip(fac, 0, 1)

        return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
    def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None):

        _, tmelt, _, prcpsol = self.get_monthly_climate(heights, year=year)
        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        mb_month = prcpsol - self.mu_star * tmelt
        mb_month -= self.bias * SEC_IN_MONTH / SEC_IN_YEAR
        return mb_month / SEC_IN_MONTH / cfg.RHO
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, add_climate=False, **kwargs):
     yr, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     if add_climate:
         t, tmelt, prcp, prcpsol = self.get_monthly_climate(heights,
         return self.interp_m[m - 1](heights), t, tmelt, prcp, prcpsol
     return self.interp_m[m - 1](heights)
    def get_monthly_climate(self, heights, year=None):
        """Average climate information at given heights.

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other biases (precipitation, temp) are applied

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)
        _, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        yrs = [date_to_floatyear(y, m) for y in self.years]
        heights = np.atleast_1d(heights)
        nh = len(heights)
        shape = (len(yrs), nh)
        temp = np.zeros(shape)
        tempformelt = np.zeros(shape)
        prcp = np.zeros(shape)
        prcpsol = np.zeros(shape)
        for i, yr in enumerate(yrs):
            t, tm, p, ps = self.mbmod.get_monthly_climate(heights, year=yr)
            temp[i, :] = t
            tempformelt[i, :] = tm
            prcp[i, :] = p
            prcpsol[i, :] = ps
        return (np.mean(temp, axis=0), np.mean(tempformelt, axis=0),
                np.mean(prcp, axis=0), np.mean(prcpsol, axis=0))
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, add_climate=False, **kwargs):
     _, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     mb_on_h = heights * 0.
     for yr in self.years:
         yr = date_to_floatyear(yr, m)
         mb_on_h += self.mbmod.get_monthly_mb(heights, year=yr)
     mb_on_h /= len(self.years)
     if add_climate:
         t, tmelt, prcp, prcpsol = self.get_monthly_climate(heights,
         return mb_on_h, t, tmelt, prcp, prcpsol
     return mb_on_h
    def test_date_to_floatyear(self):

        r = utils.date_to_floatyear(0, 1)
        self.assertEqual(r, 0)

        r = utils.date_to_floatyear(1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(r, 1)

        r = utils.date_to_floatyear([0, 1], [1, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(r, [0, 1])

        yr = utils.date_to_floatyear([1998, 1998], [6, 7])
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(yr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, [1998, 1998])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, [6, 7])

        yr = utils.date_to_floatyear([1998, 1998], [2, 3])
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(yr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, [1998, 1998])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, [2, 3])

        time = pd.date_range('1/1/1800', periods=300 * 12 - 11, freq='MS')
        yr = utils.date_to_floatyear(time.year, time.month)
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(yr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, time.year)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, time.month)

        myr = utils.monthly_timeseries(1800, 2099)
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(myr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, time.year)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, time.month)

        myr = utils.monthly_timeseries(1800, ny=300)
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(myr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, time.year)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, time.month)

        time = pd.period_range('0001-01', '6000-1', freq='M')
        myr = utils.monthly_timeseries(1, 6000)
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(myr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, time.year)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, time.month)

        time = pd.period_range('0001-01', '6000-12', freq='M')
        myr = utils.monthly_timeseries(1, 6000, include_last_year=True)
        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date(myr)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, time.year)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, time.month)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
    def get_monthly_climate(self, heights, year=None):
        """Monthly climate information at given heights.

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other model biases (temp and prcp) are applied.

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.repeat:
            y = self.ys + (y - self.ys) % (self.ye - self.ys + 1)
        if y < self.ys or y > self.ye:
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(y, self.ys, self.ye))
        pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        npix = len(heights)
        temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)
        tempformelt = temp - self.t_melt
        tempformelt[:] = np.clip(tempformelt, 0, tempformelt.max())

        # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
        prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
        fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
        prcpsol = prcp * np.clip(fac, 0, 1)

        return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
    def get_monthly_climate(self, heights, year=None):
        """Monthly climate information at given heights.

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other model biases (temp and prcp) are applied.

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.repeat:
            y = self.ys + (y - self.ys) % (self.ye - self.ys + 1)
        if y < self.ys or y > self.ye:
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(y, self.ys, self.ye))
        pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]

        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        npix = len(heights)
        temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)
        tempformelt = temp - self.t_melt
        tempformelt[:] = np.clip(tempformelt, 0, tempformelt.max())

        # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
        prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
        fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
        prcpsol = prcp * np.clip(fac, 0, 1)

        return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
    def test_floatyear_to_date(self):

        r = utils.floatyear_to_date(0)
        self.assertEqual(r, (0, 1))

        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date([0, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, [0, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, [1, 1])

        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date([0.00001, 1.00001])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, [0, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, [1, 1])

        y, m = utils.floatyear_to_date([0.99999, 1.99999])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y, [0, 1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(m, [12, 12])

        yr = 1998 + 2 / 12
        r = utils.floatyear_to_date(yr)
        self.assertEqual(r, (1998, 3))

        yr = 1998 + 1 / 12
        r = utils.floatyear_to_date(yr)
        self.assertEqual(r, (1998, 2))
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None):
     ryr, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     ryr = date_to_floatyear(self.get_state_yr(ryr), m)
     return self.mbmod.get_monthly_mb(heights, year=ryr)
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None):
     yr, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     return self.interp_m[m - 1](heights)
    def _get_climate(self, heights, climate_type, year=None):
        """Climate information at given heights.
        year has to be given as float hydro year from what the month is taken,
        hence year 2000 -> y=2000, m = 1, & year = 2000.09, y=2000, m=2 ...
        which corresponds to the real year 1999 an months October or November
        if hydro year starts in October

        Note that prcp is corrected with the precipitation factor and that
        all other model biases (temp and prcp) are applied.

        same as in OGGM default except that tempformelt is computed by

        heights : np.array or list
            heights along flowline
        climate_type : str
            either 'monthly' or 'annual', if annual floor of year is used,
            if monthly float year is converted into month and year

        (temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol)

        y, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
        if self.repeat:
            y = self.ys + (y - self.ys) % (self.ye - self.ys + 1)
        if y < self.ys or y > self.ye:
            raise ValueError('year {} out of the valid time bounds: '
                             '[{}, {}]'.format(y, self.ys, self.ye))

        if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily' or climate_type == 'annual':
            if climate_type == 'annual':
                pok = np.where(self.years == year)[0]
                if len(pok) < 1:
                    raise ValueError('Year {} not in record'.format(int(year)))
                pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0]
                if len(pok) < 28:
                    warnings.warn('something goes wrong with amount of entries\
                                  per month for mb_real_daily')
            pok = np.where((self.years == y) & (self.months == m))[0][0]
        # Read timeseries
        itemp = self.temp[pok] + self.temp_bias
        iprcp = self.prcp[pok] * self.prcp_bias
        igrad = self.grad[pok]

        # For each height pixel:
        # Compute temp and tempformelt (temperature above melting threshold)
        heights = np.asarray(heights)
        npix = len(heights)
        if self.mb_type == 'mb_real_daily' or climate_type == 'annual':
            grad_temp = np.atleast_2d(igrad).repeat(npix, 0)
            if len(pok) != 12 and self.mb_type != 'mb_real_daily':
                warnings.warn('something goes wrong with amount of entries'
                              'per year')
            grad_temp *= (heights.repeat(len(pok)).reshape(grad_temp.shape) -
            temp2d = np.atleast_2d(itemp).repeat(npix, 0) + grad_temp

            # temp_for_melt is computed separately depending on mb_type
            temp2dformelt = self._get_tempformelt(temp2d, pok)

            # Compute solid precipitation from total precipitation
            prcp = np.atleast_2d(iprcp).repeat(npix, 0)
            fac = 1 - (temp2d - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
            prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)
            return temp2d, temp2dformelt, prcp, prcpsol

            temp = np.ones(npix) * itemp + igrad * (heights - self.ref_hgt)

            # temp_for_melt is computed separately depending on mb_type
            tempformelt = self._get_tempformelt(temp, pok)
            prcp = np.ones(npix) * iprcp
            fac = 1 - (temp - self.t_solid) / (self.t_liq - self.t_solid)
            prcpsol = prcp * clip_array(fac, 0, 1)

            return temp, tempformelt, prcp, prcpsol
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, fl_id=None):
     ryr, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     ryr = date_to_floatyear(self.get_state_yr(ryr), m)
     return self.mbmod.get_monthly_mb(heights, year=ryr)
 def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, fl_id=None):
     yr, m = floatyear_to_date(year)
     return self.interp_m[m-1](heights)