def test_temp_bias():
    """Test temp bias"""
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=10)

    mb.temp_bias = 1

    assert mb.temp_bias == 1
    assert mb.ela_h == mb.orig_ela_h + 150
def test_temp_bias_setter():
    """Test the setter of the temp_bias_series."""
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=10)

    # Check year dtype
    data = ["1", "hello", "2"]
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        mb.temp_bias_series = data

    # Finally something that should work.
    data = [1, 1.5, 1]
    mb.temp_bias_series = data
    assert len(mb.temp_bias_series.year) == 4
    assert_equal(mb.temp_bias_series.bias, np.array([0, 1, 1.5, 1]))
def test_constructor():
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=[10, 5], breakpoints=[2000])

    # Does assignment work?
    assert mb.grad == [10, 5]

    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=10)
    assert mb.grad == 10
    assert mb.ela_h == 2000
    assert mb.orig_ela_h == 2000
    assert mb.temp_bias == 0

    # We are not allowed to pass negative gradients.
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=[10, -5], breakpoints=[2000])
def test_progress_to_equilibrium():
    """Test progressing a collection of glaciers to equilibrium."""
    mb = MassBalance(ela=3000, gradient=8)
    bed = GlacierBed(top=3700, bottom=1500, width=600)
    glacier1 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
    glacier2 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
    collection = GlacierCollection([glacier1, glacier2])

    # Since the glaciers in the collection have the same attributes, they should
    # reach the same equilibrium state.

    assert collection.glaciers[0].age == collection.glaciers[1].age
def test_get_annual_mb():
    """Test the annual mb computation"""
    # Non-linear mass balance
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=[10, 5], breakpoints=[2000])

    heights = [3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000]

    computed_mbs = mb.get_annual_mb(heights)

    corr_mbs = (
        np.array([1000 * 10, 500 * 10, 0, -500 * 5, -1000 * 5]) / SEC_IN_YEAR / mb.rho
    assert_equal(computed_mbs, corr_mbs)
    # Another non-linear mb.
    # Breakpoints and heights does not have to match for it to work.
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=[10, 5, 3], breakpoints=[2000, 1200])

    computed_mbs = mb.get_annual_mb(heights)

    # INtersection
    m = (1200 - 2000) * (5 - 3)
    corr_mbs = (
        np.array([1000 * 10, 500 * 10, 0, -500 * 5, -1000 * 3 + m])
        / SEC_IN_YEAR
        / mb.rho
    assert_equal(computed_mbs, corr_mbs)

    # Liner mass balance.
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=10)

    corr_mbs = (np.asarray(heights) - 2000) * 10 / SEC_IN_YEAR / mb.rho

    computed_mbs = mb.get_annual_mb(heights)

    assert_equal(corr_mbs, computed_mbs)
def test_progress_to_year():
    """Test progressing the collection to a specified year"""
    mb = MassBalance(ela=3000, gradient=8)
    bed = GlacierBed(top=3700, bottom=1500, width=600)
    glacier1 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
    glacier2 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
    collection = GlacierCollection([glacier1, glacier2])
    collection = GlacierCollection([glacier1, glacier2])
    # Essntially all glaciers in the collection should be of the same age.

    year = 100

    # Check the ages.
    assert collection.glaciers[0].age == year
    assert collection.glaciers[1].age == year

    # Empty collection should raise.
    collection = GlacierCollection()
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
def test_gradient_lookup():
    """Test the gradient lookup function"""
    # Fancy case
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=[10, 5], breakpoints=[2000])

    # Computed gradients
    heights = [3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000]
    computed_grads = mb._gradient_lookup(heights)
    # Correct grads
    corr_grads = [10, 10, 5, 5, 5]

    assert_equal(computed_grads, corr_grads)
    # Simple case
    mb = MassBalance(ela=2000, gradient=10)

    # Computed gradients
    computed_grads = mb._gradient_lookup(heights)
    # Correct grads
    corr_grads = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10]

    assert_equal(computed_grads, corr_grads)
from oggm_edu import Glacier, SurgingGlacier, GlacierBed, MassBalance
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
import pytest

real_mb = MassBalance(ela=3000, gradient=5)
real_bed = GlacierBed(top=3400, bottom=1500, width=500)

def test_glacier_constructor():
    """The glacier consructor is fairly simple, we only check that exceptions are raised."""

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        fake_bed = ["hello"]
        Glacier(bed=fake_bed, mass_balance=real_mb)
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        fake_mb = 21654
        Glacier(bed=real_bed, mass_balance=fake_mb)

    # Initial glacier height should match bed height.
    glacier = Glacier(bed=real_bed, mass_balance=real_mb)
    assert_equal(glacier.surface_h, real_bed.bed_h)

def test_copy():
    """Is copy really producing a copy?"""
    glacier = Glacier(bed=real_bed, mass_balance=real_mb)

    glacier_copy = glacier.copy()

    assert glacier != glacier_copy
    assert isinstance(glacier_copy, Glacier)
from oggm_edu import GlacierBed, Glacier, MassBalance, GlacierCollection
import pytest

mb = MassBalance(ela=3000, gradient=8)
bed = GlacierBed(top=3700, bottom=1500, width=600)
glacier1 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
glacier2 = Glacier(bed=bed, mass_balance=mb)
bed_new = GlacierBed(top=3700, bottom=2500, width=300, slopes=45)
glacier3 = Glacier(bed=bed_new, mass_balance=mb)

# We need a global collection for testing the plots, for some efficiency.
collection = GlacierCollection()
collection.fill(glacier1, 2)
collection.change_attributes(attributes_to_change={"gradient": [10, 15]})
year = 200

def test_constructor():
    """Can we initialise a collection from a list directly?"""
    collection = GlacierCollection([glacier1, glacier2])

    # Should have length 2.
    assert len(collection.glaciers) == 2

def test_check_collection():
    """Check if the glaciers in the collection are the same."""

    # Check collection should be true since glaciers have the same beds.
    collection = GlacierCollection([glacier1, glacier2])