def getAttributesALL(layer): # check the type of layer if type(layer) is ogr.Layer: lyr = layer elif type(layer) is ogr.DataSource: lyr = layer.GetLayer(0) elif type(layer) is str: lyrOpen = ogr.Open(layer) lyr = lyrOpen.GetLayer(0) # create empty dict and fill it header = dict.fromkeys(['Name', 'Type']) head = [[ lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn(n).GetName(), ogr.GetFieldTypeName(lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn(n).GetType()) ] for n in range(lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount())] header['Name'], header['Type'] = zip(*head) attrib = dict.fromkeys(header['Name']) for i, j in enumerate(header['Name']): attrib[j] = [ lyr.GetFeature(k).GetField(j) for k in range(lyr.GetFeatureCount()) ] return attrib
def getAttributesName(layer): # check the type of layer if type(layer) is ogr.Layer: lyr = layer elif type(layer) is ogr.DataSource: lyr = layer.GetLayer(0) elif type(layer) is str: lyrOpen = ogr.Open(layer) lyr = lyrOpen.GetLayer(0) # create empty dict and fill it header = dict.fromkeys(['Name', 'Type']) head = [[ lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn(n).GetName(), ogr.GetFieldTypeName(lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldDefn(n).GetType()) ] for n in range(lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount())] header['Name'], header['Type'] = zip(*head) return header
print ('Filename: ' + f) f = os.path.join(dirName, f) ds = ogr.Open(f) for lyr in ds: dateStamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") print ('DateStamp: ' + dateStamp) fileSize = sum([sum(map(lambda fname: os.path.getsize(os.path.join(directory, fname)), files)) for directory, folders, files in os.walk(dirName)]) fileSize = float(fileSize) fileSize = fileSize/1000/1000 fileSize = numpy.around(fileSize, decimals=1) fileSize = str(fileSize) print ('Filesize: ' + fileSize + ' MB') (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) = lyr.GetExtent() print("Geometry type: %s" % ogr.GeometryTypeToName(lyr.GetGeomType())) geomType = ogr.GeometryTypeToName(lyr.GetGeomType()) srs = lyr.GetSpatialRef() srsAuth = srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",0) srsCode = srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY",1) print ('Projection: '+ srsAuth + ' ' + srsCode) print ('Extent: %f, %f - %f %f' % (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)) #W-S-E-N print("Feature count: %d" % lyr.GetFeatureCount()) lyr_defn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): field_defn = lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) name = field_defn.GetName() ftype = ogr.GetFieldTypeName(field_defn.GetType()) width = field_defn.GetWidth() prec = field_defn.GetPrecision() print('Field: %s %s (%d.%d)' % (name, ftype, width, prec)) print ('\n')
def readMetadata(self): """Regresa un diccionario con la información leida de la fuente de datos. vector_info['feature_count'] --> La cantidad de features. vector_info['prj_info'] --> (epsg code,pretty wkt) Información de la proyeccion. vector_info['prj_dict'] --> diccionario con la información de proyección organizada para meterla en el iso_xml vector_info['field_count'] --> número de campos. vector_info['att_info'] --> Diccionario. Para cada nombre de atributo: Diccionario {'tipo':f_type,'descripcion':''}. vector_info['bbox'] --> Lista con las coordenadas del extent (xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin). vector_info['bbox_wkt'] --> el wkt del polígono nque representa la extensión de la capa """ if self.shp_path is not None: driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') shape = driver.Open(self.shp_path, 0) if shape is not None: self.capa = shape.GetLayer() else: raise InvalidFormatError('No se pudo leer el archivo') if self.postgis_conn is not None: connString = "PG: host="+self.postgis_conn['url']+ " dbname=" + self.postgis_conn['bd'] + " user="******" password="******"nombre")) return vector_info
def main(inshp, outshp): if not os.path.exists(inshp): print('File %s does not exist' % (inshp)) sys.exit(0) pseudomerc = pyproj.Proj('epsg:3857') vecDS = ogr.Open(inshp) lyr = vecDS.GetLayer() lyrdefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() fieldcnt = lyrdefn.GetFieldCount() sourceSR = lyr.GetSpatialRef() tempfeat = lyr.GetNextFeature() tmpgeom = tempfeat.GetGeometryRef() if (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName() != 'POINT'): print('This is not a Point shapefile: %s' % (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName())) vecDS.Destroy() sys.exit(0) lyr.ResetReading() fieldname = [] fieldtypecode = [] fieldtype = [] fieldwidth = [] fieldprecision = [] ## SOURCESHP: String (254.0) ## SOURCEFID: Integer (9.0) ## BEAM: Integer64 (18.0) ## SHOT_NUMBE: Integer64 (18.0) ## ELEV_HIGH: Real (24.15) ## ELEV_LOW: Real (24.15) ## HEIGHT: Real (24.15) ## ELEV_LAST: Real (24.15) ## ELEV_LAST_: Real (24.15) ## ELEV_BIN0: Real (24.15) ## ELEV_BIN0_: Real (24.15) ## HEIGHT2: Real (24.15) ## HGT_BIN0: Real (24.15) ## HGT_LASTBI: Real (24.15) ## HEIGHT3: Real (24.15) ## COVER: Real (24.15) ## PAI: Real (24.15) ## PGAP_THETA: Real (24.15) ## PGAP_THE_1: Real (24.15) ## RH100: Integer64 (18.0) ## LSTREECOV: Real (24.15) ## MODTREECOV: Real (24.15) ## L2A_QUAL: Integer64 (18.0) ## L2B_QUAL: Integer64 (18.0) ## DEGRADE: Integer64 (18.0) ## SENSI: Real (24.15) ## SOLARELEV: Real (24.15) ## ALGORUN: Integer64 (18.0) for j in range(fieldcnt): fieldname.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetName()) fieldtypecode.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetType()) fieldtype.append(ogr.GetFieldTypeName(fieldtypecode[j])) fieldwidth.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetWidth()) fieldprecision.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetPrecision()) print(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j], fieldtype[j], fieldwidth[j], fieldprecision[j]) fieldtypecode[2] = 0 fieldtype[2] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[2] = 9 fieldprecision[2] = 0 fieldtypecode[4] = 2 fieldtype[4] = 'Real' fieldwidth[4] = 9 fieldprecision[4] = 2 fieldtypecode[5] = 2 fieldtype[5] = 'Real' fieldwidth[5] = 9 fieldprecision[5] = 2 fieldtypecode[6] = 2 fieldtype[6] = 'Real' fieldwidth[6] = 9 fieldprecision[6] = 2 fieldtypecode[7] = 2 fieldtype[7] = 'Real' fieldwidth[7] = 9 fieldprecision[7] = 3 fieldtypecode[8] = 2 fieldtype[8] = 'Real' fieldwidth[8] = 9 fieldprecision[8] = 3 fieldtypecode[9] = 2 fieldtype[9] = 'Real' fieldwidth[9] = 9 fieldprecision[9] = 2 fieldtypecode[10] = 2 fieldtype[10] = 'Real' fieldwidth[10] = 9 fieldprecision[10] = 2 fieldtypecode[11] = 0 fieldtype[11] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[11] = 3 fieldprecision[11] = 0 fieldtypecode[12] = 0 fieldtype[12] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[12] = 3 fieldprecision[12] = 0 fieldtypecode[13] = 0 fieldtype[13] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[13] = 3 fieldprecision[13] = 0 fieldtypecode[14] = 2 fieldtype[14] = 'Real' fieldwidth[14] = 9 fieldprecision[14] = 6 fieldtypecode[15] = 2 fieldtype[15] = 'Real' fieldwidth[15] = 12 fieldprecision[15] = 8 fieldtypecode[16] = 2 fieldtype[16] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[16] = 3 fieldprecision[16] = 0 ## create array of 12 offsets to get a 25-meter diameter circle around each ## center point circpnts = [] for i in np.arange(0, 12): y0 = 12.5 * math.cos((i * 30.0) * math.pi / 180.) x0 = 12.5 * math.sin((i * 30.0) * math.pi / 180.) circpnts.append([x0, y0]) circpnts = np.asarray(circpnts) ## Create output Shapefile mysrs = osr.SpatialReference() mysrs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) ## create new output layer and Shapefile drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstDS = drv.CreateDataSource(outshp) dst_layer = dstDS.CreateLayer("footprints", srs=mysrs) for j in range(fieldcnt): newField = ogr.FieldDefn(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j]) newField.SetWidth(fieldwidth[j]) newField.SetPrecision(fieldprecision[j]) dst_layer.CreateField(newField) layer_defn = dst_layer.GetLayerDefn() count = 0 pointsX = [] pointsY = [] for feat in lyr: geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() xc = geom.GetX() yc = geom.GetY() xcout, ycout = pseudomerc(xc, yc) newpnts = np.asarray([xcout, ycout]) + circpnts ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for j in range(circpnts.shape[0]): ring.AddPoint(newpnts[j, 0], newpnts[j, 1]) ring.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) outfeat = ogr.Feature(layer_defn) outfeat.SetGeometry(poly) outfeat.SetFID(count) for j in range(fieldcnt): fdata = feat.GetField(j) outfeat.SetField(fieldname[j], fdata) dst_layer.CreateFeature(outfeat) count += 1 ## close the input and output shapefiles vecDS.Destroy() dstDS.Destroy()
def main(inshp, outshp): if not os.path.exists(inshp): print('File %s does not exist' % (inshp)) sys.exit(0) pseudomerc = pyproj.Proj('epsg:3857') vecDS = ogr.Open(inshp) lyr = vecDS.GetLayer() lyrdefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() fieldcnt = lyrdefn.GetFieldCount() sourceSR = lyr.GetSpatialRef() tempfeat = lyr.GetNextFeature() tmpgeom = tempfeat.GetGeometryRef() if (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName() != 'POINT'): print('This is not a Point shapefile: %s' % (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName())) vecDS.Destroy() sys.exit(0) lyr.ResetReading() fieldname = [] fieldtypecode = [] fieldtype = [] fieldwidth = [] fieldprecision = [] for j in range(fieldcnt): fieldname.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetName()) fieldtypecode.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetType()) fieldtype.append(ogr.GetFieldTypeName(fieldtypecode[j])) fieldwidth.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetWidth()) fieldprecision.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetPrecision()) print(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j], fieldtype[j], fieldwidth[j], fieldprecision[j]) fieldtypecode[0] = 0 fieldtype[0] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[0] = 5 fieldprecision[0] = 0 fieldtypecode[2] = 0 fieldtype[2] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[2] = 5 fieldprecision[2] = 0 fieldtypecode[45] = 0 fieldtype[45] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[45] = 5 fieldprecision[45] = 0 fieldtypecode[48] = 0 fieldtype[48] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[48] = 5 fieldprecision[48] = 0 ## fieldname = fieldname[2:] ## fieldtypecode = fieldtypecode[2:] ## fieldtype = fieldtype[2:] ## fieldwidth = fieldwidth[2:] ## fieldprecision = fieldprecision[2:] print('--------------------------------------------------') for k in range(len(fieldname)): print(fieldname[k], fieldtype[k], fieldtypecode[k], fieldwidth[k], fieldprecision[k]) print('--------------------------------------------------') ## create array of 12 offsets to get a 25-meter diameter circle around each ## center point circpnts = [] for i in np.arange(0, 12): y0 = 12.5 * math.cos((i*30.0)*math.pi/180.) x0 = 12.5 * math.sin((i*30.0)*math.pi/180.) circpnts.append([x0, y0]) circpnts = np.asarray(circpnts) ## Create output Shapefile mysrs = osr.SpatialReference() mysrs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) ## create new output layer and Shapefile drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstDS = drv.CreateDataSource(outshp) dst_layer = dstDS.CreateLayer("footprints", srs=mysrs) for j in range(fieldcnt): newField = ogr.FieldDefn(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j]) newField.SetWidth(fieldwidth[j]) newField.SetPrecision(fieldprecision[j]) dst_layer.CreateField(newField) layer_defn = dst_layer.GetLayerDefn() count = 0 pointsX = []; pointsY = [] for feat in lyr: geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() xc = geom.GetX() yc = geom.GetY() xcout, ycout = pseudomerc(xc, yc) newpnts = np.asarray([xcout, ycout]) + circpnts ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for j in range(circpnts.shape[0]): ring.AddPoint(newpnts[j,0], newpnts[j,1]) ring.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) outfeat = ogr.Feature(layer_defn) outfeat.SetGeometry(poly) outfeat.SetFID(count) for j in range(0, fieldcnt): fdata = feat.GetField(j) outfeat.SetField(fieldname[j], fdata) dst_layer.CreateFeature(outfeat) count += 1 ## close the input and output shapefiles vecDS.Destroy() dstDS.Destroy()
def main(inshp, outshp): if not os.path.exists(inshp): print('File %s does not exist' % (inshp)) sys.exit(0) intchfile = 'all_20200716_tch_shots_sorted.txt' ingrndfile = 'all_20200716_grnd_shots_sorted.txt' inslopefile = 'all_20200716_slope_shots_sorted.txt' f = open(intchfile, 'r') inlines = f.readlines() f.close() fgrnd = open(ingrndfile, 'r') grndlines = fgrnd.readlines() fgrnd.close() fslope = open(inslopefile, 'r') slopelines = fslope.readlines() fslope.close() tchnumlines = len(inlines) - 1 inlines = inlines[1:] grndnumlines = len(grndlines) - 1 grndlines = grndlines[1:] slopenumlines = len(slopelines) - 1 slopelines = slopelines[1:] shotnumtch = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.int64) fcov25 = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) fcov50 = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) tch25meanvals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) tch25sdevvals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) tch25modevals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) ntch25 = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.int16) tch50meanvals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) tch50sdevvals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) tch50modevals = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.float32) ntch50 = np.zeros(tchnumlines, dtype=np.int16) shotnumgrnd = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.int64) grnd25meanvals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) grnd25sdevvals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) grnd25modevals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) ngrnd25 = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.int16) grnd50meanvals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) grnd50sdevvals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) grnd50modevals = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.float32) ngrnd50 = np.zeros(grndnumlines, dtype=np.int16) shotnumslope = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.int64) slope25meanvals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) slope25sdevvals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) slope25modevals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) nslope25 = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.int16) slope50meanvals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) slope50sdevvals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) slope50modevals = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.float32) nslope50 = np.zeros(slopenumlines, dtype=np.int16) for k, thisline in enumerate(inlines): vals = thisline.split(',') shotnumtch[k] = int(vals[0]) fcov25[k] = float(vals[3]) fcov50[k] = float(vals[4]) tch25meanvals[k] = float(vals[5]) tch25sdevvals[k] = float(vals[6]) tch25modevals[k] = float(vals[7]) ntch25[k] = int(vals[8]) tch50meanvals[k] = float(vals[9]) tch50sdevvals[k] = float(vals[10]) tch50modevals[k] = float(vals[11]) ntch50[k] = int(vals[12]) for k, thisline in enumerate(grndlines): vals = thisline.split(',') shotnumgrnd[k] = int(vals[0]) grnd25meanvals[k] = float(vals[3]) grnd25sdevvals[k] = float(vals[4]) grnd25modevals[k] = float(vals[5]) ngrnd25[k] = int(vals[6]) grnd50meanvals[k] = float(vals[7]) grnd50sdevvals[k] = float(vals[8]) grnd50modevals[k] = float(vals[9]) ngrnd50[k] = int(vals[10]) for k, thisline in enumerate(slopelines): vals = thisline.split(',') shotnumslope[k] = int(vals[0]) slope25meanvals[k] = float(vals[3]) slope25sdevvals[k] = float(vals[4]) slope25modevals[k] = float(vals[5]) nslope25[k] = int(vals[6]) slope50meanvals[k] = float(vals[7]) slope50sdevvals[k] = float(vals[8]) slope50modevals[k] = float(vals[9]) nslope50[k] = int(vals[10]) pseudomerc = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3857') vecDS = ogr.Open(inshp) lyr = vecDS.GetLayer() lyrdefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() fieldcnt = lyrdefn.GetFieldCount() sourceSR = lyr.GetSpatialRef() tempfeat = lyr.GetNextFeature() tmpgeom = tempfeat.GetGeometryRef() if (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName() != 'POINT'): print('This is not a Point shapefile: %s' % (tmpgeom.GetGeometryName())) vecDS.Destroy() sys.exit(0) lyr.ResetReading() fieldname = [] fieldtypecode = [] fieldtype = [] fieldwidth = [] fieldprecision = [] for j in range(fieldcnt): fieldname.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetName()) fieldtypecode.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetType()) fieldtype.append(ogr.GetFieldTypeName(fieldtypecode[j])) fieldwidth.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetWidth()) fieldprecision.append(lyrdefn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetPrecision()) print(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j], fieldtype[j], fieldwidth[j], fieldprecision[j]) fieldtypecode[0] = 0 fieldtype[0] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[0] = 5 fieldprecision[0] = 0 fieldtypecode[2] = 0 fieldtype[2] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[2] = 5 fieldprecision[2] = 0 fieldtypecode[45] = 0 fieldtype[45] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[45] = 5 fieldprecision[45] = 0 fieldtypecode[48] = 0 fieldtype[48] = 'Integer' fieldwidth[48] = 5 fieldprecision[48] = 0 fieldname.append('FCOV25') fieldname.append('FCOV50') fieldname.append('TCH25MEAN') fieldname.append('TCH25SDEV') fieldname.append('TCH25MODE') fieldname.append('NTCH25M') fieldname.append('TCH50MEAN') fieldname.append('TCH50SDEV') fieldname.append('TCH50MODE') fieldname.append('NTCH50M') fieldname.append('GRND25MEAN') fieldname.append('GRND25SDEV') fieldname.append('GRND25MODE') fieldname.append('NGRND25M') fieldname.append('GRND50MEAN') fieldname.append('GRND50SDEV') fieldname.append('GRND50MODE') fieldname.append('NGRND50M') fieldname.append('SLOP25MEAN') fieldname.append('SLOP25SDEV') fieldname.append('SLOP25MODE') fieldname.append('NSLOP25M') fieldname.append('SLOP50MEAN') fieldname.append('SLOP50SDEV') fieldname.append('SLOP50MODE') fieldname.append('NSLOP50M') fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(2) fieldtypecode.append(0) fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Real') fieldtype.append('Integer') fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(12) fieldwidth.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(2) fieldprecision.append(5) ## fieldname = fieldname[2:] ## fieldtypecode = fieldtypecode[2:] ## fieldtype = fieldtype[2:] ## fieldwidth = fieldwidth[2:] ## fieldprecision = fieldprecision[2:] print('--------------------------------------------------') for k in range(len(fieldname)): print(fieldname[k], fieldtype[k], fieldtypecode[k], fieldwidth[k], fieldprecision[k]) print('--------------------------------------------------') ## create array of 12 offsets to get a 25-meter diameter circle around each ## center point circpnts = [] for i in np.arange(0, 12): y0 = 12.5 * math.cos((i * 30.0) * math.pi / 180.) x0 = 12.5 * math.sin((i * 30.0) * math.pi / 180.) circpnts.append([x0, y0]) circpnts = np.asarray(circpnts) ## Create output Shapefile mysrs = osr.SpatialReference() mysrs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) ## create new output layer and Shapefile drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstDS = drv.CreateDataSource(outshp) dst_layer = dstDS.CreateLayer("footprints", srs=mysrs) for j in range(fieldcnt + 26): newField = ogr.FieldDefn(fieldname[j], fieldtypecode[j]) newField.SetWidth(fieldwidth[j]) newField.SetPrecision(fieldprecision[j]) dst_layer.CreateField(newField) layer_defn = dst_layer.GetLayerDefn() count = 0 pointsX = [] pointsY = [] for feat in lyr: geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() xc = geom.GetX() yc = geom.GetY() xcout, ycout = pseudomerc(xc, yc) newpnts = np.asarray([xcout, ycout]) + circpnts ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for j in range(circpnts.shape[0]): ring.AddPoint(newpnts[j, 0], newpnts[j, 1]) ring.CloseRings() poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) outfeat = ogr.Feature(layer_defn) outfeat.SetGeometry(poly) outfeat.SetFID(count) for j in range(0, fieldcnt): fdata = feat.GetField(j) outfeat.SetField(fieldname[j], fdata) shot = feat.GetField('SHOT_NUMBE') indextch = np.equal(shotnumtch, shot) indexgrnd = np.equal(shotnumgrnd, shot) indexslope = np.equal(shotnumslope, shot) if (np.sum(indextch) > 0) or (np.sum(indexgrnd) > 0): if (np.sum(indextch) > 0): postch = tch25meanvals[indextch][0] if ((postch > 0.0) and (postch < 150.0) and (float(tch25sdevvals[indextch][0]) < 100.0)): outfeat.SetField('FCOV25', float(fcov25[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('FCOV50', float(fcov50[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH25MEAN', float(tch25meanvals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH25SDEV', float(tch25sdevvals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH25MODE', float(tch25modevals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('NTCH25M', int(ntch25[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH50MEAN', float(tch50meanvals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH50SDEV', float(tch50sdevvals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('TCH50MODE', float(tch50modevals[indextch][0])) outfeat.SetField('NTCH50M', int(ntch50[indextch][0])) if (np.sum(indexgrnd) > 0): posgrnd = grnd25meanvals[indexgrnd][0] if ((posgrnd > 0.0) and (posgrnd < 8000.0) and (float(grnd25sdevvals[indexgrnd][0] < 100.0))): outfeat.SetField('GRND25MEAN', float(grnd25meanvals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('GRND25SDEV', float(grnd25sdevvals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('GRND25MODE', float(grnd25modevals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('NGRND25M', int(ngrnd25[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('GRND50MEAN', float(grnd50meanvals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('GRND50SDEV', float(grnd50sdevvals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('GRND50MODE', float(grnd50modevals[indexgrnd][0])) outfeat.SetField('NGRND50M', int(ngrnd50[indexgrnd][0])) if (np.sum(indexslope) > 0): posslope = slope25meanvals[indexslope][0] if ((posslope > 0.0) and (posslope < 100.0) and (float(slope25sdevvals[indexslope][0] < 100.0))): outfeat.SetField('SLOP25MEAN', float(slope25meanvals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('SLOP25SDEV', float(slope25sdevvals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('SLOP25MODE', float(slope25modevals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('NSLOP25M', int(nslope25[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('SLOP50MEAN', float(slope50meanvals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('SLOP50SDEV', float(slope50sdevvals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('SLOP50MODE', float(slope50modevals[indexslope][0])) outfeat.SetField('NSLOP50M', int(nslope50[indexslope][0])) dst_layer.CreateFeature(outfeat) count += 1 ## close the input and output shapefiles vecDS.Destroy() dstDS.Destroy()