def test_get_http_url():
    url = u'https://localhost:8092/authorization'
    method = 'GET'
    values = {'acr_values': 'PASSWORD',
              'state': 'urn:uuid:92d81fb3-72e8-4e6c-9173-c360b782148a',
              'response_type': 'code', 'client_id': 'ok8tx7ulVlNV',
              'scope': 'openid profile email address phone'}
    request = AuthorizationRequest(**values)

    _url = util.get_http_url(url, request, method)
    _part = urlsplit(_url)
    _req = parse_qs(_part.query)
    assert set(_req.keys()) == {'acr_values', 'state', 'redirect_uri',
                                'response_type', 'client_id', 'scope'}
    def get_request_parameters(self, request_args=None, method="",
                               request_body_type="", authn_method='', **kwargs):
        Builds the request message and constructs the HTTP headers.

        This is the starting point for a pipeline that will:

        - construct the request message
        - add/remove information to/from the request message in the way a
            specific client authentication method requires.
        - gather a set of HTTP headers like Content-type and Authorization.
        - serialize the request message into the necessary format (JSON,
            urlencoded, signed JWT)

        :param request_body_type: Which serialization to use for the HTTP body
        :param method: HTTP method used.
        :param authn_method: Client authentication method
        :param request_args: Message arguments
        :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments
        :return: Dictionary with the necessary information for the HTTP
        if not method:
            method = self.http_method
        if not authn_method:
            authn_method = self.get_authn_method()
        if not request_body_type:
            request_body_type = self.request_body_type

        request = self.construct_request(request_args=request_args, **kwargs)
        LOGGER.debug("Request: %s", request)
        _info = {'method': method}

        _args = kwargs.copy()
        if self.service_context.get('issuer'):
            _args['iss'] = self.service_context.get('issuer')

        # Client authentication by usage of the Authorization HTTP header
        # or by modifying the request object
        _headers = self.get_authn_header(request, authn_method,

        # Find out where to send this request
            endpoint_url = kwargs['endpoint']
        except KeyError:
            endpoint_url = self.get_endpoint()

        _info['url'] = get_http_url(endpoint_url, request, method=method)

        # If there is to be a body part
        if method == 'POST':
            # How should it be serialized
            if request_body_type == 'urlencoded':
                content_type = URL_ENCODED
            elif request_body_type in ['jws', 'jwe', 'jose']:
                content_type = JOSE_ENCODED
            else:  # request_body_type == 'json'
                content_type = JSON_ENCODED

            _info['body'] = get_http_body(request, content_type)
            _headers.update({'Content-Type': content_type})

        if _headers:
            _info['headers'] = _headers

        return _info