asyDir = '/home/ou/temp/asymptote/' os.chdir(bookDir) if choice == 'a' or choice == '': os.popen(r'"evince" mathematics/Rudin1976.pdf') elif choice == 'b': os.popen(r'"evince" physics/FeynmanLectures/Volume1.pdf') elif choice == 'c': os.popen(r'"evince" AtmosScience/Wallace2006.pdf') elif choice == 'd': os.popen(r'"evince" AtmosScience/DynamicMeteo/Holton2004/Holton2004.pdf') elif choice == 'e': os.popen(r'"evince" python/Programming_4th.pdf &') elif choice == 'f': os.chdir(sageDir) filename = 'file:///home/ou/sage/devel/sage-main/doc/output/pdf/en/tutorial/SageTutorial.pdf' cmd = 'evince ' + filename os.popen(cmd) elif choice == 'g': os.chdir(asyDir) gvim = 'gvim ' + 'test.asy' chrome = 'chromium-browser &' os.popen(chrome) os.popen(gvim) else: print(ob.color('\n You do not select any subject.','green','bold')) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- End script - #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ob.regularEnd('Enjoy learning!')
includes['d'] = ' 搜集文档' includes['e'] = ' 课件材料' includes['f'] = ' 表格通知名单' ob.greenLine() ob.printDic(includes) include = ob.greenInput('\n choose a category: ') if include in ['a','']: category = 'swdocs' elif include == 'b': category = 'books' elif include == 'c': category = 'created' elif include == 'd': category = 'collected' elif include == 'e': category = 'lectures' elif include == 'f': category = 'office' else: ob.redText('\n wrong selection.') sys.exit(1) gvim = 'gvim ' + 'include/'+ category + '.tex' os.popen(gvim) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compile the tex source file compileIt = ob.greenInput('\n compile it?(y/n): ') if compileIt in yesList: ob.xelatex(mainTexFile) else: print('\n do not select any note.') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- end script - #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ob.regularEnd('Enjoy onote-system!')
jobs = {} jobs['a'] = "Yu's GPE Model" jobs['b'] = "test shallow water model" jobs['c'] = "swmod" #loopList = ['y','','yes','Y','yeah'] ob.greenLine() ob.printDic(jobs) ans = ob.greenInput('\n choose: ') # read codes of Yu's global primitive model #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- yesList = ['y','','Y','yes','yeah'] if ans == 'a' or ans == '': os.chdir('/home/ou/ou/codes/ymod') os.popen(r'"gvim" Main.f90') elif ans == 'b': os.chdir('/home/ou/temp/ymod/') os.popen(r'"gvim" Main.f90') elif ans == 'c': os.chdir('/home/ou/ou/codes/swmod') os.popen(r'"gvim"') else: ob.greenText('do not select any job...') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- end script - #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ob.regularEnd('Have passion with the job!')
doc = 'books/python/PocketReference_4th.pdf' elif choice == 'c': doc = 'books/python/LearningPython_4th.pdf' elif choice == 'd': doc = 'swdocs/vim/vimqrc.pdf' elif choice == 'e': doc = 'books/python/Programming_4th.pdf' elif choice == 'g': doc = 'index.pdf' elif choice == 'h': doc = 'notes/learn/main.pdf' elif choice == 'j': doc = 'files/EmacsColors/EmacsColors.pdf' elif choice == 'k': doc = 'books/AtmosScience/MetDict.pdf' else: print(ob.color('\n Select NONE. Exiting...','green','bold')) sys.exit(1) cmd = 'evince '+doc+' &' os.system(cmd) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- End script - #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #smile = ob.color('^_^','on_red','magenta','reverse','bold') #text = ob.color('\n Done.\n \n Have fun! ','green','bold') #ending = text + smile + '\n' ob.regularEnd('Have fun!')