class Pdraw(object): def __init__( self, name=None, device_name=None, buffer_queue_size=8, legacy=False, pdraw_thread_loop=None, ): """ :param name: (optional) pdraw client name (used by Olympe logs) :type name: str :param device_name: (optional) the drone device name (used by Olympe logs) :type device_name: str :param buffer_queue_size: (optional) video buffer queue size (defaults to 8) :type buffer_queue_size: int :param legacy: Defaults to False, set this parameter to True for legacy drones (Bebop, Disco, ...) streaming support :type legacy: bool """ = name self.device_name = device_name if is not None: self.logging = getLogger("olympe.{}.pdraw".format( elif self.device_name is not None: self.logging = getLogger("olympe.pdraw.{}".format( self.device_name)) else: self.logging = getLogger("olympe.pdraw") if pdraw_thread_loop is None: self.pdraw_thread_loop = PompLoopThread(self.logging) self.pdraw_thread_loop.start() else: self.pdraw_thread_loop = pdraw_thread_loop self.callbacks_thread_loop = PompLoopThread(self.logging) self.callbacks_thread_loop.start() self.buffer_queue_size = buffer_queue_size self.pomp_loop = self.pdraw_thread_loop.pomp_loop self._legacy = legacy self._open_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future.add_done_callback(self._on_close_resp_done) self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._pause_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._state = PdrawState.Created self._state_lock = threading.Lock() self._state_wait_events = {k: list() for k in PdrawState} self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self.streams = defaultdict(StreamFactory) self.session_metadata = {} self.outfiles = { od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: { 'data': None, 'meta': None, 'info': None, }, od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV: { 'data': None, 'meta': None, 'info': None, }, } self.frame_callbacks = { od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: None, od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV: None, } self.start_callback = None self.end_callback = None self.flush_callbacks = { od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: None, od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV: None, } self.url = None self.server_addr = None self.resource_name = "live" self.media_name = None self.local_stream_port = PDRAW_LOCAL_STREAM_PORT self.local_control_port = PDRAW_LOCAL_CONTROL_PORT = od.struct_pdraw_cbs.bind({ "open_resp": self._open_resp, "close_resp": self._close_resp, "ready_to_play": self._ready_to_play, "play_resp": self._play_resp, "pause_resp": self._pause_resp, "seek_resp": self._seek_resp, "socket_created": self._socket_created, "select_demuxer_media": self._select_demuxer_media, "media_added": self._media_added, "media_removed": self._media_removed, "end_of_range": self._end_of_range, }) self.video_sink_cb = od.struct_pdraw_video_sink_cbs.bind( {"flush": self._video_sink_flush}) self.vbuf_cbs = od.struct_vbuf_cbs() res = od.vbuf_generic_get_cbs(ctypes.pointer(self.vbuf_cbs)) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating vbuf generic callbacks {}".format(res) self.logging.error(msg) raise RuntimeError("ERROR: {}".format(msg)) self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_pool)() res = od.vbuf_pool_new(self.buffer_queue_size, 0, 0, self.vbuf_cbs, ctypes.byref(self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool)) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating yuv packged buffer pool {}".format(res) self.logging.error(msg) raise RuntimeError("ERROR: {}".format(msg)) self.pdraw_thread_loop.register_cleanup(self.dispose) @property def state(self): """ Return the current Pdraw state :rtype: PdrawState """ return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): with self._state_lock: self._state = value for event in self._state_wait_events[self._state]: event.set() self._state_wait_events[self._state] = [] def wait(self, state, timeout=None): """ Wait for the provided Pdraw state This function returns True when the requested state is reached or False if the timeout duration is reached. If the requested state is already reached, this function returns True immediately. This function may block indefinitely when called without a timeout value. :type state: PdrawState :param timeout: the timeout duration in seconds or None (the default) :type timeout: float :rtype: bool """ with self._state_lock: if self._state == state: return True event = threading.Event() self._state_wait_events[state].append(event) return event.wait(timeout=timeout) @callback_decorator() def dispose(self): # cleanup some FDs from the callbacks thread loop that might have been lost for stream in self.streams.values(): if stream['video_queue_event'] is not None: self.logging.warning( "cleanup leftover pdraw callbacks eventfds") self.callbacks_thread_loop.remove_event_from_loop( stream['video_queue_event']) stream['video_queue_event'] = None if self.callbacks_thread_loop.stop():"pdraw callbacks thread loop stopped") return self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._dispose_impl) @callback_decorator() def _dispose_impl(self): f = self.close().then(lambda _: self._destroy(), deferred=True) return f @callback_decorator() def _destroy(self): if self.pdraw:"destroying pdraw...") res = od.pdraw_destroy(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.error("cannot destroy pdraw {}".format(res)) else:"pdraw destroyed") if self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool:"destroying yuv buffer pool...") res = od.vbuf_pool_destroy(self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool) if res != 0: self.logging.error( "cannot destroy yuv packed buffer pool: {}".format(res)) else:"yuv buffer pool destroyed") self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_pool)() self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() if self.pdraw_thread_loop.stop():"pdraw thread loop stopped") return True def _open_single_stream(self): """ Opening pdraw single stream (legacy API) """ res = od.pdraw_open_single_stream( self.pdraw, PDRAW_LOCAL_ADDR, self.local_stream_port, self.local_control_port, self.server_addr, PDRAW_REMOTE_STREAM_PORT, PDRAW_REMOTE_CONTROL_PORT, PDRAW_IFACE_ADRR) if res != 0: self.logging.error( "Error while opening pdraw single stream: {}".format(res)) return False else:"Opening pdraw single stream OK") return True def _open_url(self): """ Opening rtsp streaming url """ if self.resource_name.startswith("replay/"): if self.media_name is None: self.logging.error( "Error media_name should be provided in video stream replay mode" ) return False res = od.pdraw_open_url(self.pdraw, self.url) if res != 0: self.logging.error("Error while opening pdraw url: {} ({})".format( self.url, res)) return False else:"Opening pdraw url OK: {}".format(self.url)) return True @callback_decorator() def _open_stream(self): """ Opening pdraw stream using the appropriate method (legacy or rtsp) according to the device type """ self._open_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) if self.state not in (PdrawState.Error, PdrawState.Closed, PdrawState.Created): self.logging.warning("Cannot open stream from {}".format( self.state)) self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future self.state = PdrawState.Opening if not self._pdraw_new(): self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future if not self._legacy: ret = self._open_url() else: ret = self._open_single_stream() if not ret: self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future def close(self): """ Close a playing or paused video stream session """ if self.state in (PdrawState.Opened, PdrawState.Paused, PdrawState.Playing, PdrawState.Error): self.logging.debug("pdraw closing from the {} state".format( self.state)) self._close_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future.add_done_callback(self._on_close_resp_done) f = self._close_resp_future self.state = PdrawState.Closing self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._close_stream) elif self.state is not PdrawState.Closing: f = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) f.set_result(False) else: f = self._close_resp_future return f @callback_decorator() def _close_stream(self): """ Close pdraw stream """ if self.state is PdrawState.Closed:"pdraw is already closed".format(self.state)) self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) return self._close_resp_future if not self.pdraw: self.logging.error("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self.state = PdrawState.Error self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._close_resp_future if not self._close_stream_impl(): self.state = PdrawState.Error self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._close_resp_future def _close_stream_impl(self): res = od.pdraw_close(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.error( "Error while closing pdraw stream: {}".format(res)) self.state = PdrawState.Error return False else:"Closing pdraw stream OK") return True @callback_decorator() def _on_close_resp_done(self, close_resp_future): if close_resp_future.cancelled(): # FIXME: workaround pdraw closing timeout # This random issue is quiet hard to reproduce self.logging.error("Closing Pdraw timedout") if self.pdraw: self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_later(od.pdraw_destroy, self.pdraw) self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self.state = PdrawState.Error self.logging.error("Pdraw has been closed") def _open_resp(self, pdraw, status, userdata): self.logging.debug("_open_resp called") self.local_stream_port = od.pdraw_get_single_stream_local_stream_port( self.pdraw) self.local_control_port = od.pdraw_get_single_stream_local_control_port( self.pdraw) if status != 0: self.state = PdrawState.Error else: self.state = PdrawState.Opened self._open_resp_future.set_result(status == 0) def _close_resp(self, pdraw, status, userdata): self._close_output_files() if status != 0: self.logging.error("_close_resp called {}".format(status)) self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) self.state = PdrawState.Error else:"_close_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Closed self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) if self.pdraw: res = od.pdraw_destroy(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.error("Cannot destroy pdraw object") self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) def _pdraw_new(self): res = od.pdraw_new( self.pomp_loop,, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.py_object(self)), ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.byref(self.pdraw)) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating pdraw interface: {}".format(res) self.logging.error(msg) self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() return False else:"Pdraw interface has been created") return True def _ready_to_play(self, pdraw, ready, userdata):"_ready_to_play({}) called".format(ready)) self._is_ready_to_play = bool(ready) if self._is_ready_to_play: self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._play_impl() if self.start_callback is not None: self.callbacks_thread_loop.run_async(self.start_callback) else: if self.end_callback is not None: self.callbacks_thread_loop.run_async(self.end_callback) def _play_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, speed, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.debug("_play_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Playing self._play_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.error("_play_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Error self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) def _pause_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.debug("_pause_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Paused self._pause_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.error("_pause_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Error self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) def _seek_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.debug("_seek_resp called {}".format(status)) else: self.logging.error("_seek_resp called {}".format(status)) self.state = PdrawState.Error def _socket_created(self, pdraw, fd, userdata): self.logging.debug("_socket_created called") def _select_demuxer_media(self, pdraw, media, count, userdata): # by default select the default media (media_id=0) selected_media_id = 0 selected_media_idx = 0 for idx in range(count):"_select_demuxer_media: " "idx={} media_id={} name={} default={}".format( idx, media[idx].media_id, od.string_cast(media[idx].name), str(bool(media[idx].is_default)))) if (self.media_name is not None and self.media_name == od.string_cast(media[idx].name)): selected_media_id = media[idx].media_id selected_media_idx = idx if (self.media_name is not None and od.string_cast( media[selected_media_idx].name) != self.media_name): self.logging.warning("media_name {} is unavailable. " "Selecting the default media instead".format( self.media_name)) return selected_media_id def _media_added(self, pdraw, media_info, userdata): id_ = int("_media_added id : {}".format(id_)) # store the information if supported media type, otherwise exit if ( != od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV and != od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264): self.logging.warning('Ignoring media id {} (type {})'.format( id_, return self.streams[id_]['type'] = int( if ( == od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264): header = header = H264Header( bytearray(header.sps), int(header.spslen), bytearray(header.pps), int(header.ppslen), ) self.streams[id_]['h264_header'] = header # start a video sink attached to the new media video_sink_params = od.struct_pdraw_video_sink_params( self.buffer_queue_size, # buffer queue size 1, # drop buffers when the queue is full ) self.streams[id_]['id_userdata'] = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(ctypes.py_object(id_)), ctypes.c_void_p) self.streams[id_]['id'] = id_ res = od.pdraw_start_video_sink( pdraw, id_, video_sink_params, self.video_sink_cb, self.streams[id_]['id_userdata'], ctypes.byref(self.streams[id_]['video_sink'])) if res != 0 or not self.streams[id_]['video_sink']: self.logging.error("Unable to start video sink") return # Retrieve the queue belonging to the sink queue = od.pdraw_get_video_sink_queue( pdraw, self.streams[id_]['video_sink'], ) self.streams[id_]['video_queue'] = queue # Retrieve event object and related file descriptor self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event'] = \ od.vbuf_queue_get_evt(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) # add the file description to our pomp loop self.callbacks_thread_loop.add_event_to_loop( self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event'], lambda *args: self._video_sink_queue_event(*args), id_) def _media_removed(self, pdraw, media_info, userdata): id_ = if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.error( 'Received removed event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return"_media_removed called id : {}".format(id_)) # FIXME: Workaround media_removed called with destroyed media if not self.pdraw: self.logging.error( "_media_removed called with a destroyed pdraw id : {}".format( id_)) return with self.streams[id_]['video_sink_lock']: if self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']: self.callbacks_thread_loop.remove_event_from_loop( self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']) self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event'] = None if not self.streams[id_]['video_sink']: self.logging.error( 'pdraw_video_sink for media_id {} has already been stopped' .format(id_)) return res = od.pdraw_stop_video_sink(pdraw, self.streams[id_]['video_sink']) if res < 0: self.logging.error('pdraw_stop_video_sink() returned %s' % res) self.streams[id_]['video_queue'] = None self.streams[id_]['video_sink'] = od.POINTER_T( od.struct_pdraw_video_sink)() def _end_of_range(self, pdraw, timestamp, userdata):"_end_of_range") self.close() def _video_sink_flush(self, pdraw, videosink, userdata): id_ = py_object_cast(userdata) if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.error( 'Received flush event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return -errno.ENOENT # FIXME: Workaround video_sink_flush called with destroyed media if not self.pdraw: self.logging.error( "_video_sink_flush called with a destroyed pdraw id : {}". format(id_)) return -errno.EINVAL # FIXME: Workaround video_sink_flush called with destroyed video queue if not self.streams[id_]['video_queue']: self.logging.error( "_video_sink_flush called with a destroyed queue id : {}". format(id_)) return -errno.EINVAL with self.streams[id_]['video_sink_lock']: self.logging.debug("flush_callback {}".format(id_)) flush_callback = self.flush_callbacks[self.streams[id_]['type']] if flush_callback is not None: flushed = self.callbacks_thread_loop.run_async(flush_callback) try: if not flushed.result_or_cancel(timeout=5.): self.logging.error( 'video sink flush id {} error'.format(id_)) except FutureTimeoutError: self.logging.error( 'video sink flush id {} timeout'.format(id_)) # NOTE: If the user failed to flush its buffer at this point, # bad things WILL happen we're acknowledging the buffer flush # in all cases... res = od.vbuf_queue_flush(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) if res < 0: self.logging.error('vbuf_queue_flush() returned %s' % res) else:'vbuf_queue_flush() returned %s' % res) res = od.pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed(pdraw, videosink) if res < 0: self.logging.error( 'pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed() returned %s' % res) else: self.logging.debug( 'pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed() returned %s' % res) return 0 @callback_decorator() def _video_sink_queue_event(self, pomp_evt, userdata): id_ = py_object_cast(userdata) self.logging.debug('media id = {}'.format(id_)) if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.error( 'Received queue event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return # acknowledge event res = od.pomp_evt_clear(self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']) if res != 0: self.logging.error( "Unable to clear frame received event ({})".format(res)) if not self._is_ready_to_play: self.logging.debug("The stream is no longer ready: drop one frame") return # process all available buffers in the queue with self.streams[id_]['video_sink_lock']: while self._process_stream(id_): pass def _pop_stream_buffer(self, id_): buf = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_buffer)() ret = od.vbuf_queue_pop(self.streams[id_]['video_queue'], 0, ctypes.byref(buf)) if ret < 0: if ret != -errno.EAGAIN: self.logging.error('vbuf_queue_pop returned error %d' % ret) buf = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_buffer)() elif not buf: self.logging.error('vbuf_queue_pop returned NULL') return buf def _process_stream(self, id_): self.logging.debug('media id = {}'.format(id_)) if od.vbuf_queue_get_count(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) == 0: return False buf = self._pop_stream_buffer(id_) if not buf: return False video_frame = VideoFrame(self.logging, buf, id_, self.streams[id_], self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool, self.get_session_metadata()) try: self._process_stream_buffer(id_, video_frame) return True except Exception: self.logging.error('_process_stream_buffer exception:\n{}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) return False finally: # Once we're done with this frame, dispose the associated frame buffer video_frame.unref() def _process_stream_buffer(self, id_, video_frame): stream = self.streams[id_] mediatype = stream['type'] # write and/or send data over the requested channels # handle output files files = self.outfiles[mediatype] f = files['meta'] if f and not f.closed: vmeta_type, vmeta = video_frame.vmeta() files['meta'].write(json.dumps((str(vmeta_type), vmeta)) + '\n') f = files['info'] if f and not f.closed: info = files['info'].write(json.dumps(info) + '\n') f = files['data'] if f and not f.closed: if mediatype == od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: if f.tell() == 0: # h264 files need a header to be readable stream['h264_header'].tofile(f) frame_array = video_frame.as_ndarray() if frame_array is not None: f.write( ctypes.string_at( frame_array.ctypes.data_as( ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), frame_array.size, )) # call callbacks when existing cb = self.frame_callbacks[mediatype] if cb is not None: cb(video_frame) def set_output_files(self, h264_data_file, h264_meta_file, h264_info_file, raw_data_file, raw_meta_file, raw_info_file): """ Records the video stream session to the disk - xxx_meta_file: video stream metadata output files - xxx_data_file: video stream frames output files - xxx_info_file: video stream frames info files - h264_***_file: files associated to the H264 encoded video stream - raw_***_file: files associated to the decoded video stream This function MUST NOT be called when a video streaming session is active. Setting a file parameter to `None` disables the recording for the related stream part. """ if self.state is PdrawState.Playing: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot set video streaming files while streaming is on.') for mediatype, datatype, filepath, attrib in ( (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, 'data', h264_data_file, 'wb'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, 'meta', h264_meta_file, 'w'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, 'info', h264_info_file, 'w'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, 'data', raw_data_file, 'wb'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, 'meta', raw_meta_file, 'w'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, 'info', raw_info_file, 'w')): if self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype]: self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype].close() self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = None if filepath is None: continue # open and close file to store its filename and attribute self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = open(filepath, attrib) self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype].close() def set_callbacks(self, h264_cb=None, raw_cb=None, start_cb=None, end_cb=None, flush_h264_cb=None, flush_raw_cb=None): """ Set the callback functions that will be called when a new video stream frame is available, when the video stream starts/ends or when the video buffer needs to get flushed. **Video frame callbacks** - `h264_cb` is associated to the H264 encoded video stream - `raw_cb` is associated to the decoded video stream Each video frame callback function takes an :py:func:`~olympe.VideoFrame` parameter whose lifetime ends after the callback execution. If this video frame is passed to another thread, its internal reference count need to be incremented first by calling :py:func:`~olympe.VideoFrame.ref`. In this case, once the frame is no longer needed, its reference count needs to be decremented so that this video frame can be returned to memory pool. **Video flush callbacks** - `flush_h264_cb` is associated to the H264 encoded video stream - `flush_raw_cb` is associated to the decoded video stream Video flush callback functions are called when a video stream reclaim all its associated video buffer. Every frame that has been referenced **Start/End callbacks** The `start_cb`/`end_cb` callback functions are called when the video stream start/ends. They don't accept any parameter. The return value of all these callback functions are ignored. If a callback is not desired, leave the parameter to its default value or set it to `None` explicitly. """ for mediatype, cb in ((od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, h264_cb), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, raw_cb)): self.frame_callbacks[mediatype] = callback_decorator( self.logging)(cb) for mediatype, cb in ((od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, flush_h264_cb), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, flush_raw_cb)): self.flush_callbacks[mediatype] = callback_decorator( self.logging)(cb) self.start_callback = callback_decorator(self.logging)(start_cb) self.end_callback = callback_decorator(self.logging)(end_cb) def _open_output_files(self): self.logging.debug('opening video output files') for mediatype, data in self.outfiles.items(): for datatype, f in data.items(): if f and f.closed: self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = open(, f.mode) def _close_output_files(self): self.logging.debug('closing video output files') for files in self.outfiles.values(): for f in files.values(): if f: f.close() def play(self, url=None, media_name="DefaultVideo", server_addr=None, resource_name="live"): """ Play a video By default, open and play a live video streaming session available from rtsp:// where "" is the default IP address of a physical (Anafi) drone. The default is equivalent to `"rtsp://")` For a the live video streaming from a **simulated drone**, you have to specify the default simulated drone IP address ( instead: `"rtsp://")`. The `url` parameter can also point to a local file example: `"file://~/Videos/100000010001.MP4")`. :param url: rtsp or local file video URL :type url: str :param media_name: name of the media/track (defaults to "DefaultVideo"). If the provided media name is not available from the requested video stream, the default media is selected instead. :type media_name: str """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.error("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future if self.state in (PdrawState.Opening, PdrawState.Closing): self.logging.warning("Cannot play stream from the {} state".format( self.state)) f = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) f.set_result(False) return f self.resource_name = resource_name self.media_name = media_name if server_addr is None: self.server_addr = "" else: self.server_addr = server_addr if url is None: self.url = b"rtsp://%s/%s" % (self.server_addr, self.resource_name.encode()) else: if isinstance(url, bytes): url = url.decode('utf-8') if url.startswith('file://'): url = url[7:] if url.startswith('~/'): url = os.path.expanduser(url) url = os.path.expandvars(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') self.url = url if self.is_legacy(): self.logging.warning( "Cannot open streaming url for legacy drones") # reset session metadata from any previous session self.session_metadata = {} self.streams = defaultdict(StreamFactory) self._open_output_files() if self.state in (PdrawState.Created, PdrawState.Closed): f = self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._open_stream) else: f = self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._play_impl) return f @callback_decorator() def _play_impl(self): self.logging.debug("play_impl") if self.state is PdrawState.Playing: self._play_resp_future.set_result(True) return self._play_resp_future res = od.pdraw_play(self.pdraw) if res != 0: msg = "Unable to start streaming ({})".format(res) self.logging.error(msg) self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._play_resp_future def pause(self): """ Pause the currently playing video """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.error("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future self._pause_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) if self.state is PdrawState.Playing: self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._pause_impl) elif self.state in (PdrawState.Closed, PdrawState.Opened): # Pause an opened/closed stream is OK self._pause_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.warning( "Cannot pause stream from the {} state".format(self.state)) self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future @callback_decorator() def _pause_impl(self): res = od.pdraw_pause(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.error("Unable to stop streaming ({})".format(res)) self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future def get_session_metadata(self): """ Returns a dictionary of video stream session metadata """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.error("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") return None if self.session_metadata: return self.session_metadata vmeta_session = od.struct_vmeta_session() res = od.pdraw_get_peer_session_metadata(self.pdraw, ctypes.pointer(vmeta_session)) if res != 0: msg = "Unable to get sessions metata" self.logging.error(msg) return None self.session_metadata = od.struct_vmeta_session.as_dict(vmeta_session) return self.session_metadata def is_legacy(self): return self._legacy
class Pdraw(object): def __init__(self, buffer_queue_size=2,, logfile=sys.stdout, legacy=False, pdraw_thread_loop=None, logging=None): """ :param buffer_queue_size: video buffer queue size (defaults to 2) :type buffer_queue_size: int :param loglevel: pdraw logger log level (defaults to :py:attr:``) :type loglevel: int :param logfile: pdraw logger file (defaults to sys.stdout) :type logfile: FileObjectLike :param legacy: Defaults to False, set this parameter to True for legacy drones (Bebop, Disco, ...) streaming support :type legacy: bool """ if logging is None: self.logging = TraceLogger(loglevel, logfile) else: self.logging = logging if pdraw_thread_loop is None: self.pdraw_thread_loop = PompLoopThread(self.logging) self.pdraw_thread_loop.start() else: self.pdraw_thread_loop = pdraw_thread_loop self.callbacks_thread_loop = PompLoopThread(self.logging) self.callbacks_thread_loop.start() self.buffer_queue_size = buffer_queue_size self.pomp_loop = self.pdraw_thread_loop.pomp_loop self._legacy = legacy self._open_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future.add_done_callback(self._on_close_resp_done) self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._pause_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._state = State.Created self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self.streams = defaultdict(lambda: { 'id': None, 'type': od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, 'h264_header': None, 'video_sink': od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw_video_sink)(), 'video_sink_flushed': False, 'video_sink_lock': threading.Lock(), 'video_queue': None, 'video_queue_event': None, }) self.session_metadata = {} self.outfiles = { od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: { 'data': None, 'meta': None, }, od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV: { 'data': None, 'meta': None, }, } self.frame_callbacks = { od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: None, od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV: None, } self.end_callback = None self.flush_callback = None self.url = None self.server_addr = None self.resource_name = "live" self.media_name = None self.local_stream_port = PDRAW_LOCAL_STREAM_PORT self.local_control_port = PDRAW_LOCAL_CONTROL_PORT = od.struct_pdraw_cbs.bind({ "open_resp": self._open_resp, "close_resp": self._close_resp, "ready_to_play": self._ready_to_play, "play_resp": self._play_resp, "pause_resp": self._pause_resp, "seek_resp": self._seek_resp, "socket_created": self._socket_created, "select_demuxer_media": self._select_demuxer_media, "media_added": self._media_added, "media_removed": self._media_removed, "end_of_range": self._end_of_range, }) self.video_sink_cb = od.struct_pdraw_video_sink_cbs.bind({ "flush": self._video_sink_flush }) self.vbuf_cbs = od.struct_vbuf_cbs() res = od.vbuf_generic_get_cbs(ctypes.pointer(self.vbuf_cbs)) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating vbuf generic callbacks {}".format(res) self.logging.logE(msg) raise RuntimeError("ERROR: {}".format(msg)) self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_pool)() res = od.vbuf_pool_new( self.buffer_queue_size, 0, 0, self.vbuf_cbs, ctypes.byref(self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool) ) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating yuv packged buffer pool {}".format(res) self.logging.logE(msg) raise RuntimeError("ERROR: {}".format(msg)) self.pdraw_thread_loop.register_cleanup(self.dispose) def dispose(self): self.callbacks_thread_loop.stop() return self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async( self._dispose_impl) def _dispose_impl(self): if not self.pdraw: return f = self.close().then( lambda _: self._destroy(), deferred=True) return f def _destroy(self): res = od.vbuf_pool_destroy(self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Cannot destroy yuv packed buffer pool") self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_pool)() if self.pdraw: res = od.pdraw_destroy(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Cannot destroy pdraw object") self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self.logging.logI("pdraw destroyed") return True def _open_single_stream(self): """ Opening pdraw single stream (legacy API) """ res = od.pdraw_open_single_stream( self.pdraw, PDRAW_LOCAL_ADDR, self.local_stream_port, self.local_control_port, self.server_addr, PDRAW_REMOTE_STREAM_PORT, PDRAW_REMOTE_CONTROL_PORT, PDRAW_IFACE_ADRR ) if res != 0: self.logging.logE( "Error while opening pdraw single stream: {}".format(res)) return False else: self.logging.logI("Opening pdraw single stream OK") return True def _open_url(self): """ Opening rtsp streaming url """ if self.resource_name.startswith("replay/"): if self.media_name is None: self.logging.logE( "Error media_name should be provided in video stream replay mode") return False res = od.pdraw_open_url(self.pdraw, self.url) if res != 0: self.logging.logE( "Error while opening pdraw url: {} ({})".format(self.url, res)) return False else: self.logging.logI("Opening pdraw url OK: {}".format(self.url)) return True def _open_stream(self): """ Opening pdraw stream using the appropriate method (legacy or rtsp) according to the device type """ self._open_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) if self._state not in (State.Error, State.Closed, State.Created): self.logging.logW("Cannot open stream from {}".format(self._state)) self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future self._state = State.Opening if not self._pdraw_new(): self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future if not self._legacy: ret = self._open_url() else: ret = self._open_single_stream() if not ret: self._open_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._open_resp_future def close(self): """ Close a playing or paused video stream session """ if self._state in (State.Opened, State.Paused, State.Playing, State.Error): self.logging.logD("pdraw closing from the {} state".format(self._state)) self._close_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._close_resp_future.add_done_callback(self._on_close_resp_done) f = self._close_resp_future self._state = State.Closing self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._close_stream) elif self._state is not State.Closing: f = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) f.set_result(False) else: f = self._close_resp_future return f def _close_stream(self): """ Close pdraw stream """ if self._state is State.Closed: self.logging.logI("pdraw is already closed".format(self._state)) self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) return self._close_resp_future if not self.pdraw: self.logging.logE("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self._state = State.Error self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._close_resp_future if not self._close_stream_impl(): self._state = State.Error self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._close_resp_future def _close_stream_impl(self): res = od.pdraw_close(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.logE( "Error while closing pdraw stream: {}".format(res)) self._state = State.Error return False else: self.logging.logI("Closing pdraw stream OK") return True def _on_close_resp_done(self, close_resp_future): if close_resp_future.cancelled(): # FIXME: workaround pdraw closing timeout # This random issue is quiet hard to reproduce self.logging.logE("Closing Pdraw timedout") if self.pdraw: res = od.pdraw_destroy(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Cannot destroy pdraw object") self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self._state = State.Closed self.logging.logE("Pdraw has been closed") def _open_resp(self, pdraw, status, userdata): self.logging.logD("_open_resp called") self.local_stream_port = od.pdraw_get_single_stream_local_stream_port(self.pdraw) self.local_control_port = od.pdraw_get_single_stream_local_control_port(self.pdraw) if status != 0: self._state = State.Error else: self._state = State.Opened self._open_resp_future.set_result(status == 0) def _close_resp(self, pdraw, status, userdata): self._close_output_files() if status != 0: self.logging.logE("_close_resp called {}".format(status)) self._close_resp_future.set_result(False) self._state = State.Error else: self.logging.logI("_close_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Closed self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) if self.pdraw: res = od.pdraw_destroy(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Cannot destroy pdraw object") self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() self._close_resp_future.set_result(True) def _pdraw_new(self): res = od.pdraw_new( self.pomp_loop,, ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.py_object(self)), ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.byref(self.pdraw) ) if res != 0: msg = "Error while creating pdraw interface: {}".format(res) self.logging.logE(msg) self.pdraw = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw)() return False else: self.logging.logI("Pdraw interface has been created") return True def _ready_to_play(self, pdraw, ready, userdata): self.logging.logI("_ready_to_play({}) called".format(ready)) if ready: self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self._play_impl() if self._state in (State.Playing, State.Closing, State.Closed): if self.end_callback is not None: self.callbacks_thread_loop.run_async(self.end_callback) def _play_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, speed, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.logD("_play_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Playing self._play_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.logE("_play_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Error self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) def _pause_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.logD("_pause_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Paused self._pause_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.logE("_pause_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Error self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) def _seek_resp(self, pdraw, status, timestamp, userdata): if status == 0: self.logging.logD("_seek_resp called {}".format(status)) else: self.logging.logE("_seek_resp called {}".format(status)) self._state = State.Error def _socket_created(self, pdraw, fd, userdata): self.logging.logD("_socket_created called") def _select_demuxer_media(self, pdraw, medias, count, userdata): # by default select the default media (media_id=0) selected_media_id = 0 selected_media_idx = 0 for idx in range(count): self.logging.logI( "_select_demuxer_media: " "idx={} media_id={} name={} default={}".format( idx, medias[idx].media_id, od.string_cast(medias[idx].name), str(bool(medias[idx].is_default))) ) if (self.media_name is not None and self.media_name == od.string_cast(medias[idx].name)): selected_media_id = medias[idx].media_id selected_media_idx = idx if ( self.media_name is not None and od.string_cast(medias[selected_media_idx].name) != self.media_name ): self.logging.logW( "media_name {} is unavailable. " "Selecting the default media instead".format(self.media_name) ) return selected_media_id def _media_added(self, pdraw, media_info, userdata): id_ = self.logging.logI("_media_added id : {}".format(id_)) # store the information if supported media type, otherwise exit if ( != od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV and != od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264): self.logging.logW( 'Ignoring media id {} (type {})'.format( id_, return self.streams[id_]['type'] = int( if ( == od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264): header = header = H264Header( bytearray(header.sps), int(header.spslen), bytearray(header.pps), int(header.ppslen), ) self.streams[id_]['h264_header'] = header # start a video sink attached to the new media video_sink_params = od.struct_pdraw_video_sink_params( self.buffer_queue_size, # buffer queue size 1, # drop buffers when the queue is full ) self.streams[id_]['id'] = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(ctypes.py_object(id_)), ctypes.c_void_p) res = od.pdraw_start_video_sink( pdraw, id_, video_sink_params, self.video_sink_cb, self.streams[id_]['id'], ctypes.byref(self.streams[id_]['video_sink']) ) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Unable to start video sink") return # Retrieve the queue belonging to the sink queue = od.pdraw_get_video_sink_queue( pdraw, self.streams[id_]['video_sink'], ) self.streams[id_]['video_queue'] = queue # Retrieve event object and related file descriptor self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event'] = \ od.vbuf_queue_get_evt(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) # add the file description to our pomp loop self.callbacks_thread_loop.add_event_to_loop( self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event'], lambda *args: self._video_sink_queue_event(*args), id_ ) def _media_removed(self, pdraw, media_info, userdata): id_ = if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.logE( 'Received removed event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return self.logging.logI("_media_removed called id : {}".format(id_)) if self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']: self.callbacks_thread_loop.remove_event_from_loop( self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']) res = od.pdraw_stop_video_sink(pdraw, self.streams[id_]['video_sink']) if res < 0: self.logging.logE('pdraw_stop_video_sink() returned %s' % res) self.streams.pop(id_) def _end_of_range(self, pdraw, timestamp, userdata): self.logging.logI("_end_for_range") self.close() def _video_sink_flush(self, pdraw, videosink, userdata): id_ = py_object_cast(userdata) if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.logE( 'Received flush event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return with self.streams[id_]['video_sink_lock']: self.logging.logD("flush_callback {}".format(id_)) if self.flush_callback is not None: res = self.flush_callback(id_) if res != 0: self.logging.logE( 'video sink flush id {} error {}'.format(id_, res)) res = od.vbuf_queue_flush(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) if res < 0: self.logging.logE('vbuf_queue_flush() returned %s' % res) else: self.logging.logI('vbuf_queue_flush() returned %s' % res) res = od.pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed(pdraw, videosink) self.streams[id_]['video_sink_flushed'] = True if res < 0: self.logging.logE( 'pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed() returned %s' % res) else: self.logging.logD( 'pdraw_video_sink_queue_flushed() returned %s' % res) def _video_sink_queue_event(self, pomp_evt, userdata): id_ = py_object_cast(userdata) self.logging.logD('media id = {}'.format(id_)) if id_ not in self.streams: self.logging.logE( 'Received queue event from unknown ID {}'.format(id_)) return # acknowledge event res = od.pomp_evt_clear(self.streams[id_]['video_queue_event']) if res != 0: self.logging.logE( "Unable to clear frame received event ({})".format(res)) # process all available buffers in the queue with self.streams[id_]['video_sink_lock']: while self._process_stream(id_): pass def _pop_stream_buffer(self, id_): buf = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_buffer)() ret = od.vbuf_queue_pop( self.streams[id_]['video_queue'], 0, ctypes.byref(buf) ) if ret < 0: if ret != -errno.EAGAIN: self.logging.logE('vbuf_queue_pop returned error %d' % ret) buf = od.POINTER_T(od.struct_vbuf_buffer)() elif not buf: self.logging.logE('vbuf_queue_pop returned NULL') return buf def _process_stream(self, id_): self.logging.logD('media id = {}'.format(id_)) if self.streams[id_]['video_sink_flushed']: self.logging.logI( 'Video sink has already been flushed ID {}'.format(id_)) return False if od.vbuf_queue_get_count(self.streams[id_]['video_queue']) == 0: return False buf = self._pop_stream_buffer(id_) if not buf: return False video_frame = VideoFrame( self.logging, buf, id_, self.streams[id_], self.yuv_packed_buffer_pool, self.get_session_metadata() ) try: if not self._process_stream_buffer(id_, video_frame): return False return True finally: # Once we're done with this frame, dispose the associated frame buffer video_frame.unref() def _process_stream_buffer(self, id_, video_frame): stream = self.streams[id_] mediatype = stream['type'] # write and/or send data over the requested channels # handle output files files = self.outfiles[mediatype] f = files['meta'] if f and not f.closed: vmeta_type, vmeta = video_frame.vmeta() files['meta'].write(json.dumps((str(vmeta_type), vmeta)) + '\n') f = files['data'] if f and not f.closed: if mediatype == od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264: if f.tell() == 0: # h264 files need a header to be readable stream['h264_header'].tofile(f) frame_array = video_frame.as_ndarray() if frame_array is not None: f.write(ctypes.string_at( frame_array.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), frame_array.size, )) # call callbacks when existing cb = self.frame_callbacks[mediatype] if cb is not None: cb(video_frame) def set_output_files(self, h264_data_file, h264_meta_file, raw_data_file, raw_meta_file): """ Records the video stream session to the disk - xxx_meta_file: video stream metadata output files - xxx_data_file: video stream frames output files - h264_***_file: files associated to the H264 encoded video stream - raw_***_file: files associated to the decoded video stream This function MUST NOT be called when a video streaming session is active. Setting a file parameter to `None` disables the recording for the related stream part. """ if self._state is State.Playing: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot set video streaming files while streaming is on.') for mediatype, datatype, filepath, attrib in ( (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, 'data', h264_data_file, 'wb'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, 'meta', h264_meta_file, 'w'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, 'data', raw_data_file, 'wb'), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, 'meta', raw_meta_file, 'w')): if self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype]: self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype].close() self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = None if filepath is None: continue # open and close file to store its filename and attribute self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = open(filepath, attrib) self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype].close() def set_callbacks(self, h264_cb=None, raw_cb=None, end_cb=None, flush_cb=None): """ Set the callback functions that will be called when a new video stream frame is available or when the video stream has ended. Video frame callbacks: - `h264_cb` is associated to the H264 encoded video stream - `raw_cb` is associated to the decoded video stream Each video frame callback function takes an :py:func:`~olympe.VideoFrame` parameter The `end_cb` callback function is called when the (replayed) video stream ends and takes no parameter. The return value of all these callback functions are ignored. If a callback is not desired, just set it to `None`. """ for mediatype, cb in ((od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_H264, h264_cb), (od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_YUV, raw_cb)): self.frame_callbacks[mediatype] = cb self.end_callback = end_cb self.flush_callback = flush_cb def _open_output_files(self): self.logging.logD('opening video output files') for mediatype, data in self.outfiles.items(): for datatype, f in data.items(): if f and f.closed: self.outfiles[mediatype][datatype] = open(, f.mode) def _close_output_files(self): self.logging.logD('closing video output files') for files in self.outfiles.values(): for f in files.values(): if f: f.close() def play(self, url=None, media_name="DefaultVideo", server_addr=None, resource_name="live"): """ Play a video By default, open and play a live video streaming session available from rtsp:// where "" is the default IP address of a physical (Anafi) drone. The default is equivalent to `"rtsp://")` For a the live video streaming from a **simulated drone**, you have to specify the default simulated drone IP address ( instead: `"rtsp://")`. The `url` parameter can also point to a local file example: `"file://~/Videos/100000010001.MP4")`. :param url: rtsp or local file video URL :type url: str :param media_name: name of the media/track (defaults to "DefaultVideo"). If the provided media name is not available from the requested video stream, the default media is selected instead. :type media_name: str """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.logE("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future if self._state in (State.Opening, State.Closing): self.logging.logW("Cannot play stream from the {} state".format( self._state)) f = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) f.set_result(False) return f self.resource_name = resource_name self.media_name = media_name if server_addr is None: self.server_addr = "" else: self.server_addr = server_addr if url is None: self.url = b"rtsp://%s/%s" % ( self.server_addr, self.resource_name.encode()) else: if isinstance(url, bytes): url = url.decode('utf-8') if url.startswith('file://'): url = url[7:] if url.startswith('~/'): url = os.path.expanduser(url) url = os.path.expandvars(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') self.url = url if self.is_legacy(): self.logging.logW("Cannot open streaming url for legacy drones") # reset session metadata from any previous session self.session_metadata = {} self.streams = defaultdict(lambda: { 'id': None, 'type': od.PDRAW_VIDEO_MEDIA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, 'h264_header': None, 'video_sink': od.POINTER_T(od.struct_pdraw_video_sink)(), 'video_sink_flushed': False, 'video_sink_lock': threading.Lock(), 'video_queue': None, 'video_queue_event': None, }) self._open_output_files() if self._state in (State.Created, State.Closed): f = self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._open_stream) else: f = self._play_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._play_impl) return f def _play_impl(self): self.logging.logD("play_impl") if self._state is State.Playing: self._play_resp_future.set_result(True) return self._play_resp_future res = od.pdraw_play(self.pdraw) if res != 0: msg = "Unable to start streaming ({})".format(res) self.logging.logE(msg) self._play_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._play_resp_future def pause(self): """ Pause the currently playing video """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.logE("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future self._pause_resp_future = Future(self.pdraw_thread_loop) if self._state is State.Playing: self.pdraw_thread_loop.run_async(self._pause_impl) elif self._state in (State.Closed, State.Opened): # Pause an opened/closed stream is OK self._pause_resp_future.set_result(True) else: self.logging.logW("Cannot pause stream from the {} state".format( self._state)) self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future def _pause_impl(self): res = od.pdraw_pause(self.pdraw) if res != 0: self.logging.logE("Unable to stop streaming ({})".format(res)) self._pause_resp_future.set_result(False) return self._pause_resp_future def get_session_metadata(self): """ Returns a dictionary of video stream session metadata """ if self.pdraw is None: self.logging.logE("Error Pdraw interface seems to be destroyed") return None if self.session_metadata: return self.session_metadata vmeta_session = od.struct_vmeta_session() res = od.pdraw_get_peer_session_metadata( self.pdraw, ctypes.pointer(vmeta_session)) if res != 0: msg = "Unable to get sessions metata" self.logging.logE(msg) return None self.session_metadata = od.struct_vmeta_session.as_dict( vmeta_session) return self.session_metadata def is_legacy(self): return self._legacy