def convert_old_beta_from_phase( inputdir: Union[Path, str], outputdir: Union[Path, str], suffix: str, plane: str, old_file_name: str = "beta", new_file_name: str = BETA_NAME, ) -> None: """ Looks in the provided directory for expected beta from phase file from ``BetaBeat.src`` for a given plane, converts it to the output format used by ``omc3`` and write them to the new location. The file naming should be getbeta(x,y).out, with the following expected columns: NAME, S, COUNT, BETX, SYSBETX, STATBETX, ERRBETX, CORR_ALFABETA, ALFX, SYSALFX, STATALFX, ERRALFX, BETXMDL, ALFXMDL, MUXMDL, NCOMBINATIONS. Args: inputdir (Union[Path, str]): Location of the directory with BetaBeat.src output files. outputdir (Union[Path, str]): Location of the output directory for converted files. suffix (str): Compensation suffix used in the provided BetaBeat.src output files. plane (str): the transverse plane for which to look for the output file. old_file_name (str): the standard naming for the old output file. new_file_name (str): the standard naming for the new converted file. """"Converting old beta from phase file") old_file_path = Path( inputdir) / f"get{old_file_name}{plane.lower()}{suffix}{OLD_EXT}" if not old_file_path.is_file(): LOGGER.debug( f"Expected BetaBeat.src output at '{old_file_path.absolute()}' is not a file, skipping" ) return dframe = if "CORR_ALFABETA" in dframe.columns.to_numpy(): dframe = dframe.drop(columns=[ f"STATBET{plane}", f"SYSBET{plane}", "CORR_ALFABETA", f"STATALF{plane}", f"SYSALF{plane}" ]) else: dframe[f"{ERR}BET{plane}"] = df_err_sum(dframe, f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"STDBET{plane}") dframe[f"{ERR}ALF{plane}"] = df_err_sum(dframe, f"{ERR}ALF{plane}", f"STDALF{plane}") dframe[f"{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_rel_diff(dframe, f"BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") dframe[f"{ERR}{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_ratio(dframe, f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") dframe[f"{DELTA}ALF{plane}"] = df_diff(dframe, f"ALF{plane}", f"ALF{plane}{MDL}") dframe[ f"{ERR}{DELTA}ALF{plane}"] = dframe.loc[:, f"{ERR}ALF{plane}"].to_numpy() tfs.write(Path(outputdir) / f"{new_file_name}{plane.lower()}{EXT}", dframe)
def _get_delta_columns(beta_df, plane): beta_df[f"{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_rel_diff(beta_df, f"BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") beta_df[f"{ERR}{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_ratio(beta_df, f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") beta_df[f"{DELTA}ALF{plane}"] = df_diff(beta_df, f"ALF{plane}", f"ALF{plane}{MDL}") beta_df[ f"{ERR}{DELTA}ALF{plane}"] = beta_df.loc[:, f"{ERR}ALF{plane}"].to_numpy( ) return beta_df
def convert_old_beta_from_amplitude( inputdir: Union[Path, str], outputdir: Union[Path, str], suffix: str, plane: str, old_file_name: str = "ampbeta", new_file_name: str = AMP_BETA_NAME, ) -> None: """ Looks in the provided directory for expected beta from amplitude file from ``BetaBeat.src`` for a given plane, converts it to the output format used by ``omc3`` and write them to the new location. The file naming should be getampbeta(x,y).out, with the following expected columns: NAME, S, COUNT, BETX, BETXSTD, BETXMDL, MUXMDL, BETXRES, BETXSTDRES. Args: inputdir (Union[Path, str]): Location of the directory with BetaBeat.src output files. outputdir (Union[Path, str]): Location of the output directory for converted files. suffix (str): Compensation suffix used in the provided BetaBeat.src output files. plane (str): the transverse plane for which to look for the output file. old_file_name (str): the standard naming for the old output file. new_file_name (str): the standard naming for the new converted file. """"Converting old beta from amplitude file") old_file_path = Path( inputdir) / f"get{old_file_name}{plane.lower()}{suffix}{OLD_EXT}" if not old_file_path.is_file(): LOGGER.debug( f"Expected BetaBeat.src output at '{old_file_path.absolute()}' is not a file, skipping" ) return dframe = dframe = dframe.rename(columns={ f"BET{plane}STD": f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}STDRES": f"{ERR}BET{plane}RES" }, ) dframe[f"{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_rel_diff(dframe, f"BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") dframe[f"{ERR}{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_ratio(dframe, f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") tfs.write(Path(outputdir) / f"{new_file_name}{plane.lower()}{EXT}", dframe)
def beta_from_amplitude(meas_input, input_files, plane, tunes): df = pd.DataFrame( meas_input.accelerator.model).loc[:, ["S", f"MU{plane}", f"BET{plane}"]] df.rename(columns={ f"MU{plane}": f"MU{plane}{MDL}", f"BET{plane}": f"BET{plane}{MDL}" }, inplace=True) dpp_value = meas_input.dpp if "dpp" in meas_input.keys() else 0 df = pd.merge(df, input_files.joined_frame(plane, [f"AMP{plane}", f"MU{plane}"], dpp_value=dpp_value), how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True) df['COUNT'] = len(input_files.get_columns(df, f"AMP{plane}")) if meas_input.compensation == "model": df = _compensate_by_model(input_files, meas_input, df, plane) if meas_input.compensation == "equation": df = _compensate_by_equation(input_files, meas_input, df, plane, tunes) amps_squared = np.square(input_files.get_data(df, f"AMP{plane}")) mask = meas_input.accelerator.get_element_types_mask(df.index, ["arc_bpm"]) actions = amps_squared / df.loc[:, f"BET{plane}{MDL}"].values[:, np.newaxis] betas = amps_squared / np.mean(actions[mask], axis=0, keepdims=True) df[f"BET{plane}"] = np.mean(betas, axis=1) df[f"{ERR}BET{plane}"] = np.std(betas, axis=1) df[f"{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_rel_diff(df, f"BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") df[f"{ERR}{DELTA}BET{plane}"] = df_ratio(df, f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}") return df.loc[:, [ 'S', 'COUNT', f"BET{plane}", f"{ERR}BET{plane}", f"BET{plane}{MDL}", f"MU{plane}{MDL}", f"{DELTA}BET{plane}", f"{ERR}{DELTA}BET{plane}" ]]
def append_model(df: pd.DataFrame, df_model: pd.DataFrame, parameter: str, planes: str = '', beat: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Add the values to the measurement. """ LOG.debug(f"Appending model to fake measurement for {parameter}.") df[S] = df_model[S] for plane in planes: df[f'{PHASE_ADV}{plane}{MDL}'] = df_model[f'{PHASE_ADV}{plane}'] df[f"{parameter}{MDL}"] = df_model[f'{parameter}'] if beat: df[f"{DELTA}{parameter}"] = df_rel_diff(df, parameter, f"{parameter}{MDL}") df[f"{ERR}{DELTA}{parameter}"] = df_ratio(df, f"{ERR}{parameter}", f"{parameter}{MDL}") else: df[f"{DELTA}{parameter}"] = df_diff(df, f'{parameter}', f'{parameter}{MDL}') df[f"{ERR}{DELTA}{parameter}"] = df[f'{ERR}{parameter}'] return df
def test_df_rel_diff(random, zeros, ones): assert all(-toolbox.df_rel_diff(*_df(zeros, random)) == ones) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning): toolbox.df_rel_diff(*_df(random, zeros))
def _get_model_betabeat(model: pd.DataFrame, meas: pd.DataFrame, key: str) -> pd.DataFrame: with logging_tools.log_pandas_settings_with_copy(LOG.debug): meas[MODEL] = model.loc[meas.index.to_numpy(), key].to_numpy() meas[DIFF] = df_rel_diff(meas, VALUE, MODEL) return meas