def synthesize_enumerated_streett(spec):
    """Return transducer enumerated as a graph.

    @type spec: `tulip.spec.form.GRSpec`
    @rtype: `networkx.DiGraph`
    aut = _grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    assert aut.action['sys'] != aut.false
    t0 = time.time()
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    t1 = time.time()
    # unrealizable ?
    if not gr1.is_realizable(z, aut):
        print('WARNING: unrealizable')
        return None
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    t2 = time.time()
    g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, 'env', 'impl', qinit=aut.qinit)
    h = _strategy_to_state_annotated(g, aut)
    del z, yij, xijk
    t3 = time.time()
    log.info(('Winning set computed in {win} sec.\n'
              'Symbolic strategy computed in {sym} sec.\n'
              'Strategy enumerated in {enu} sec.').format(win=t1 - t0,
                                                          sym=t2 - t1,
                                                          enu=t3 - t2))
    return h
def test_streett_trivial_loop():
    a = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    a.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    # solve
    assert len(a.win['<>[]']) == 1
    assert len(a.win['[]<>']) == 1
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    assert z == a.bdd.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, a)
    # vars
    assert '_goal' in a.vars, a.vars
    vt = a.vars['_goal']['type']
    assert vt == 'int', vt
    dom = a.vars['_goal']['dom']
    assert dom == (0, 0), dom
    assert 'x' in a.vars, a.vars
    # init
    init = a.init['impl_env']
    init_ = a.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, a.bdd.to_expr(init)
    # action
    action = a.action['impl']
    s = "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0)"
    action_ = a.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, a.bdd.to_expr(action)
def synthesize_enumerated_streett(spec, use_cudd=False):
    """Return transducer enumerated as a graph.

    @type spec: `tulip.spec.form.GRSpec`
    @param use_cudd: efficient BDD computations with `dd.cudd`
    @rtype: `networkx.DiGraph`
    aut = _grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    bdd = _init_bdd(use_cudd)
    aut.bdd = bdd
    a = aut.build()
    assert a.action['sys'][0] != bdd.false
    t0 = time.time()
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    t1 = time.time()
    # unrealizable ?
    if not gr1.is_realizable(z, a):
        print('WARNING: unrealizable')
        return None
    t = gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, a)
    t2 = time.time()
    (u, ) = t.action['sys']
    assert u != bdd.false
    g = enum.action_to_steps(t, qinit=spec.qinit)
    h = _strategy_to_state_annotated(g, a)
    del u, yij, xijk
    t3 = time.time()
    log.info(('Winning set computed in {win} sec.\n'
              'Symbolic strategy computed in {sym} sec.\n'
              'Strategy enumerated in {enu} sec.').format(win=t1 - t0,
                                                          sym=t2 - t1,
                                                          enu=t3 - t2))
    return h
def synthesize_enumerated_streett(spec, use_cudd=False):
    """Return transducer enumerated as a graph.

    @type spec: `tulip.spec.form.GRSpec`
    @param use_cudd: efficient BDD computations with `dd.cudd`
    @rtype: `networkx.DiGraph`
    aut = _grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    bdd = _init_bdd(use_cudd)
    aut.bdd = bdd
    a = aut.build()
    t0 = time.time()
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    t1 = time.time()
    # unrealizable ?
    if z == a.bdd.false:
        return None
    t = gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, a)
    t2 = time.time()
    (u,) = t.action['sys']
    care = _int_bounds(t)
    g = enum.relation_to_graph(u, t, care_source=care,
    h = _strategy_to_state_annotated(g, a)
    del u, yij, xijk, care
    t3 = time.time()
        'Winning set computed in {win} sec.\n'
        'Symbolic strategy computed in {sym} sec.\n'
        'Strategy enumerated in {enu} sec.').format(
            win=t1 - t0,
            sym=t2 - t1,
            enu=t3 - t2))
    return h
def test_streett_trivial_loop():
    a = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    a.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    # solve
    assert len(a.win['<>[]']) == 1
    assert len(a.win['[]<>']) == 1
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    assert z == a.bdd.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, a)
    # vars
    assert '_goal' in a.vars, a.vars
    vt = a.vars['_goal']['type']
    assert vt == 'int', vt
    dom = a.vars['_goal']['dom']
    assert dom == (0, 0), dom
    assert 'x' in a.vars, a.vars
    # init
    init = a.init['impl_env']
    init_ = a.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, a.bdd.to_expr(init)
    # action
    action = a.action['impl']
    s = "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0)"
    action_ = a.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, a.bdd.to_expr(action)
def test_streett_deadend():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 10))
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("(x = 0) /\ (x' = 5)")
    z, _, _ = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    win_set = z
    assert win_set == aut.bdd.false, win_set
def test_streett_deadend():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x=(0, 10))
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("(x = 0) /\ (x' = 5)")
    z, _, _ = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    win_set = z
    assert win_set == aut.bdd.false, win_set
def is_realizable(spec):
    """Return `True` if, and only if, realizable.

    See `synthesize_enumerated_streett` for more details.
    aut = _grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    t0 = time.time()
    z, _, _ = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    t1 = time.time()
    return gr1.is_realizable(z, aut)
def test_streett_with_liveness_assumption():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 2))
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr('y < 2')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr(
        /\ ( ((y = 0) /\ ~ x) => (y' = 0) )
        /\ ((y = 0) => (y' < 2))
        /\ ((y = 1) => (y' = 0))
        /\ ((y = 2) => FALSE)
        /\ y \in 0..2
    aut.win['<>[]'] = [aut.add_expr(' ~ x')]
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('y = 1')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    z_ = aut.add_expr('y < 2')
    e = aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    e_ = aut.bdd.to_expr(z_)
    assert z == z_, (e, e_)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('(y < 2) /\ (_goal = 0)'), aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = (
        "( (y = 0) => ite(x, (y' = 1), (y' = 0)) ) /\ "
        "( (y = 1) => (y' = 0) ) /\ "
        "( (_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) ) /\ "
        "( (y /= 2) /\ (y /= 3) )")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    sat = list(aut.bdd.pick_iter(action))
    sys_action = aut.action['sys']
    sys_action = gr1._copy_bdd(sys_action, aut.bdd, aut.bdd)
    u = aut.apply('=>', action, sys_action)
    assert u == aut.bdd.true, u
    assert action == action_, (action, action_, pprint.pprint(sat))
    # test complement
    b = trl.default_rabin_automaton()
    b.acceptance = 'Rabin(1)'
    b.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 2))
    b.varlist = dict(env=['y'], sys=['x'])
    b.action['env'] = gr1._copy_bdd(aut.action['sys'], aut.bdd, b.bdd)
    b.win['<>[]'] = [b.add_expr('y /= 1')]
    b.win['[]<>'] = [b.add_expr('x')]
    zk, yki, xkijr = gr1.solve_rabin_game(b)
    rabin_win_set = zk[-1]
    bdd = b.bdd
    streett_win_set = gr1._copy_bdd(z, aut.bdd, bdd)
    assert rabin_win_set == bdd.apply('not', streett_win_set)
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        gr1.make_rabin_transducer(zk, yki, xkijr, b)
def synthesize_some_controller(aut):
    """Return a controller that implements the spec.

    If no controller exists, then raise an `Exception`.
    The returned controller is represented as a `networkx` graph.
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    g = enum.action_to_steps(
        aut, env='env', sys='impl', qinit=aut.qinit)
    return g
def test_streett_with_liveness_assumption():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 2))
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr('y < 2')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("""
        /\ ( ((y = 0) /\ ~ x) => (y' = 0) )
        /\ ((y = 0) => (y' < 2))
        /\ ((y = 1) => (y' = 0))
        /\ ((y = 2) => FALSE)
        /\ y \in 0..2
    aut.win['<>[]'] = [aut.add_expr(' ~ x')]
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('y = 1')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    z_ = aut.add_expr('y < 2')
    e = aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    e_ = aut.bdd.to_expr(z_)
    assert z == z_, (e, e_)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('(y < 2) /\ (_goal = 0)'), aut.bdd.to_expr(
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = ("( (y = 0) => ite(x, (y' = 1), (y' = 0)) ) /\ "
         "( (y = 1) => (y' = 0) ) /\ "
         "( (_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) ) /\ "
         "( (y /= 2) /\ (y /= 3) )")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    sat = list(aut.bdd.pick_iter(action))
    sys_action = aut.action['sys']
    sys_action = gr1._copy_bdd(sys_action, aut.bdd, aut.bdd)
    u = aut.apply('=>', action, sys_action)
    assert u == aut.bdd.true, u
    assert action == action_, (action, action_, pprint.pprint(sat))
    # test complement
    b = trl.default_rabin_automaton()
    b.acceptance = 'Rabin(1)'
    b.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 2))
    b.varlist = dict(env=['y'], sys=['x'])
    b.action['env'] = gr1._copy_bdd(aut.action['sys'], aut.bdd, b.bdd)
    b.win['<>[]'] = [b.add_expr('y /= 1')]
    b.win['[]<>'] = [b.add_expr('x')]
    zk, yki, xkijr = gr1.solve_rabin_game(b)
    rabin_win_set = zk[-1]
    bdd = b.bdd
    streett_win_set = gr1._copy_bdd(z, aut.bdd, bdd)
    assert rabin_win_set == bdd.apply('not', streett_win_set)
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        gr1.make_rabin_transducer(zk, yki, xkijr, b)
def test_streett_always_x():
    # always x
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.moore = False
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x' ")
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # init
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    # action
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = (
        "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ "
        "x' ")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
    # always ~ x
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr(' ~ x'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # tranducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('(_goal = 0) /\ ~ x')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ ~ x /\ ~ x'"
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def synthesize_some_controller(aut):
    """Return a controller that implements the spec.

    If no controller exists, then raise an `Exception`.
    The returned controller is represented as a `networkx` graph.
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    aut.init['env'] = aut.init['impl_env']
    aut.init['sys'] = aut.init['impl_sys']
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.action['impl']
    g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, qinit=aut.qinit)
    return g
def test_streett_always_x():
    # always x
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.moore = False
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x' ")
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # init
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    # action
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = ("(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ " "x' ")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
    # always ~ x
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr(' ~ x'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # tranducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('(_goal = 0) /\ ~ x')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    s = "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ ~ x /\ ~ x'"
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def test_streett_with_safety_assumption():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['env'] = ['x']
    aut.moore = False
    aut.plus_one = False
    aut.action['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('_goal = 0'), aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    action_ = aut.add_expr("x => ((_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0))")
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
    # negate action to make unrealizable
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr(' ~ x'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # Moore case
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = False
    aut.action['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    # solve
    z_moore, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z_moore != z, 'should differ due to plus_one'
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z_moore, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('_goal = 0'), aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
def test_streett_with_safety_assumption():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['env'] = ['x']
    aut.moore = False
    aut.plus_one = False
    aut.action['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('_goal = 0'), aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    action_ = aut.add_expr("x => ((_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0))")
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
    # negate action to make unrealizable
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr(' ~ x')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr(' ~ x'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # Moore case
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = False
    aut.action['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    # solve
    z_moore, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z_moore != z, 'should differ due to plus_one'
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z_moore, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    assert init == aut.add_expr('_goal = 0'), aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
def is_realizable(spec, use_cudd=False):
    """Return `True` if, and only if, realizable.

    See `synthesize_enumerated_streett` for more details.
    aut = _grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    bdd = _init_bdd(use_cudd)
    aut.bdd = bdd
    a = aut.build()
    t0 = time.time()
    z, _, _ = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    t1 = time.time()
    return gr1.is_realizable(z, a)
def test_streett_qinit_exist_forall():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 5))
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.moore = True
    aut.qinit = '\E \A'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.init['sys'] = aut.add_expr('(x => (y = 4)) /\ y \in 0..5')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('y \in 0..5')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr('y \in 0..5'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    u = aut.init['impl_env']
    u_ = aut.add_expr('x /\ (y = 4) /\ (_goal = 0)')
    assert u == u_, aut.bdd.to_expr(u)
def test_streett_qinit_exist_forall():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.declare_variables(x='bool', y=(0, 5))
    aut.varlist = dict(env=['x'], sys=['y'])
    aut.moore = True
    aut.qinit = '\E \A'
    aut.init['env'] = aut.add_expr('x')
    aut.init['sys'] = aut.add_expr('(x => (y = 4)) /\ y \in 0..5')
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr('y \in 0..5')
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.add_expr('y \in 0..5'), aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    u = aut.init['impl_env']
    u_ = aut.add_expr('x /\ (y = 4) /\ (_goal = 0)')
    assert u == u_, aut.bdd.to_expr(u)
def test_streett_2_goals():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist = dict(env=list(), sys=['x'])
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('x'), aut.add_expr(' ~ x')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.bdd.true, aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    # print_fol_bdd(action, aut.bdd, aut.vars)
    # enumeration.dump_relation(action, aut)
    s = ("((x /\ (_goal = 0)) => (_goal' = 1)) /\ "
         "(( ~ x /\ (_goal = 1)) => (_goal' = 0)) /\ "
         "(( ~ x /\ (_goal = 0)) => (x' /\ (_goal' = 0))) /\ "
         "((x /\ (_goal = 1)) => ( ~ x' /\ (_goal' = 1)))")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def test_streett_counter():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x => ~ x' ")
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('x')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    assert action_refined(aut)
    # regression
    s = ("(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ " "(x <=> ~ x')")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def semi_symbolic():
    """Example using a semi-enumerated state machine.

    Instructive variants:

    - `formula = "x'"`
    - `self_loops = True`
    - `aut.moore = False`
    g = TransitionSystem()
    g.owner = 'sys'
    g.vars = dict(x='bool')
    nx.add_path(g, range(11))
    g.add_edge(10, 10)
    g.add_edge(10, 0, formula="x")
    # symbolic
    aut = logicizer.graph_to_logic(g,
    aut.init['env'] = 'nd = 1'
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from(' ~ x')
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('nd = 0')
    aut.qinit = '\A \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    # compile to BDD
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # print t.bdd.to_expr(t.action['sys'][0])
    r = aut.action['sys']
    # aut.bdd.dump('bdd.pdf', roots=[r])
    g = enumerate_controller(aut)
    h, _ = sym_enum._format_nx(g)
    pd = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(h)
    print('Enumerated strategy has {n} nodes.'.format(n=len(g)))
    print(('Winning set:', aut.bdd.to_expr(z)))
    print('{n} BDD nodes in total'.format(n=len(aut.bdd)))
文件: symbolic.py 项目: johnyf/omega
def semi_symbolic():
    """Example using a semi-enumerated state machine.

    Instructive variants:

    - `formula = "x'"`
    - `self_loops = True`
    - `aut.moore = False`
    g = TransitionSystem()
    g.owner = 'sys'
    g.vars = dict(x='bool')
    g.add_edge(10, 10)
    g.add_edge(10, 0, formula="x")
    # symbolic
    aut = logicizer.graph_to_logic(
        g, 'nd', ignore_initial=True, self_loops=False)
    aut.init['env'] = 'nd = 1'
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from(' ~ x')
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('nd = 0')
    aut.qinit = '\A \A'
    aut.moore = True
    aut.plus_one = True
    # compile to BDD
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    # print t.bdd.to_expr(t.action['sys'][0])
    r = aut.action['sys']
    # aut.bdd.dump('bdd.pdf', roots=[r])
    g = enumerate_controller(aut)
    h, _ = sym_enum._format_nx(g)
    pd = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(h)
    print('Enumerated strategy has {n} nodes.'.format(
    print(('Winning set:', aut.bdd.to_expr(z)))
    print('{n} BDD nodes in total'.format(
def test_streett_2_goals():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist = dict(env=list(), sys=['x'])
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('x'), aut.add_expr(' ~ x')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.bdd.true, aut.bdd.to_expr(z)
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    assert action_refined(aut)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    # print_fol_bdd(action, aut.bdd, aut.vars)
    # enumeration.dump_relation(action, aut)
    s = (
        "((x /\ (_goal = 0)) => (_goal' = 1)) /\ "
        "(( ~ x /\ (_goal = 1)) => (_goal' = 0)) /\ "
        "(( ~ x /\ (_goal = 0)) => (x' /\ (_goal' = 0))) /\ "
        "((x /\ (_goal = 1)) => ( ~ x' /\ (_goal' = 1)))")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def synthesize_environment(spec, use_cudd=False):
    """Return transducer enumerated as a graph.

    @type spec: `tulip.spec.form.GRSpec`
    @param use_cudd: efficient BDD computations with `dd.cudd`
    @rtype: `networkx.DiGraph`
    aut = tulip.interfaces.omega._grspec_to_automaton(spec)
    bdd = tulip.interfaces.omega._init_bdd(use_cudd)
    aut.bdd = bdd
    a = aut.build()
    assert a.action['sys'][0] != bdd.false
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(a)
    if (not gr1.is_realizable(z, a)) :
        aut_rabin = generate_complement(aut) 
        controller_rabin = synthesize_rabin_controller(aut_rabin)
        h = tulip.interfaces.omega._strategy_to_state_annotated(controller_rabin, a)
        return h;
        print("Warning: the automata is synthesizable")
def test_streett_counter():
    aut = trl.default_streett_automaton()
    aut.varlist['sys'] = ['x']
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.add_expr("x => ~ x' ")
    aut.win['[]<>'] = [aut.add_expr('x')]
    # solve
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    assert z == aut.true, z
    # transducer
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
    init = aut.init['impl_env']
    init_ = aut.add_expr('_goal = 0')
    assert init == init_, aut.bdd.to_expr(init)
    action = aut.action['impl']
    assert action_refined(aut)
    # regression
    s = (
        "(_goal = 0) /\ (_goal' = 0) /\ "
        "(x <=> ~ x')")
    action_ = aut.add_expr(s)
    assert action == action_, aut.bdd.to_expr(action)
def synthesize_some_controller(env, sys, aut):
    """Return a controller that implements the spec.

    If no controller exists, then raise an `Exception`.
    The returned controller is represented as a `networkx` graph.
    # vars
    aut.varlist['env'] = aut.varlist[env] + aut.varlist['scheduler']
    aut.varlist['sys'] = aut.varlist[sys]
    # init
    aut.init['env'] = aut.init[env]
    aut.init['sys'] = aut.init[sys]
    # actions
    aut.action['env'] = aut.action[env]
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.action[sys]
    # win
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.win[sys]['[]<>']
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.win[sys]['<>[]']
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
def synthesize_some_controller(env, sys, aut):
    """Return a controller that implements the spec.

    If no controller exists, then raise an `Exception`.
    The returned controller is represented as a `networkx` graph.
    # vars
    aut.varlist['env'] = aut.varlist[env] + aut.varlist['scheduler']
    aut.varlist['sys'] = aut.varlist[sys]
    # init
    aut.init['env'] = aut.init[env]
    aut.init['sys'] = aut.init[sys]
    # actions
    aut.action['env'] = aut.action[env]
    aut.action['sys'] = aut.action[sys]
    # win
    aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.win[sys]['[]<>']
    aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.win[sys]['<>[]']
    z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
    gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)

aut.init.update(env='envInit', sys='sysInit')
aut.action.update(env='envNext', sys='sysNext')

# aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from('(sysX1 = 0 /\ sysY1 = 0)','(sysX1 = 2 /\ sysY1 = 0)', '(sysX1 = 0 /\ sysY1 = 2)')
# aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('(sysX1 = 0 /\ sysY1 = 0)','(sysX1 = 2 /\ sysY1 = 0)', '(sysX1 = 0 /\ sysY1 = 2)')

aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from('TRUE')
aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from('pos1 = 1', 'pos1 = 2')

aut.qinit = '\E \A'
aut.moore = True
aut.plus_one = True

# g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, 'env', 'sys', qinit=aut.qinit)
# h, _ = sym_enum._format_nx(g)
# pd = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(h)
# pd.write_pdf('outputs/single_gridworld_game_states_omega.pdf')

z, yij, xijk = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
gr1.make_streett_transducer(z, yij, xijk, aut)
# enumerate
g = enum.action_to_steps(aut, 'env', 'impl', qinit=aut.qinit)
h, _ = sym_enum._format_nx(g)
pd = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(h)
    (* type invariant *)
    /\ foo \in 1..15
    /\ foo' \in 1..15
aut.action['sys'] = '''
    (* type invariant *)
    /\ (bar \in -15..-1)
    /\ (bar' \in -15..-1)

    (* inversion with one-step delay *)
    /\ (bar' + foo <= 0)
    /\ (bar' < -2)
aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from(' ~ (foo = 3) ')
aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from(' bar = - 3 ')

aut.plus_one = True  # strictly causal stepwise implication
aut.moore = True  # implementation reads current state; not x'
aut.qinit = '\E \A'  # disjoint-state throughout

fixpoint_iterates = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
gr1.make_streett_transducer(*fixpoint_iterates, aut)

synthesized_action = aut.action['impl']
care = aut.type_hint_for(["foo", "bar", "foo'", "bar'", "_goal", "_goal'"])
care = aut.to_bdd(care)
# restrict the environment to values of interest
u = synthesized_action & care
expr = aut.to_expr(u, care=care, show_dom=True)
def forall(*arg):
    *vrs, u = arg
    return aut.forall(vrs, u)

sys_init_synth = exist('x', sys_init) | ~exist('x', 'y', env_init)
sys_init_synth &= sys_init | ~env_init

sys_next_synth = (exist("x'", sys_next) & forall("x'", sys_next | ~env_next))

aut.moore = True  # a synthesis option that describes the implementation
aut.plus_one = True  # a specification formula option, affects
# init form and
# the steady state (win set via the controllable step operator)
aut.qinit = '\E \A'  # whether state is disjoint or initially shared:
# a synthesis option that describes the kind of implementation

# initial conditions
aut.init['env'] = env_init
aut.init['sys'] = sys_init_synth
# actions
aut.action['env'] = env_next
aut.action['sys'] = sys_next_synth
# liveness requirements
aut.win['<>[]'] = [~env_live]
aut.win['[]<>'] = [sys_live]

fx_iterates = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
gr1.make_streett_transducer(*fx_iterates, aut)
    return aut.forall(vrs, u)

sys_init_synth = exist('x', sys_init) | ~ exist('x', 'y', env_init)
sys_init_synth &= sys_init | ~ env_init

sys_next_synth = (
    exist("x'", sys_next) &
    forall("x'", sys_next | ~ env_next))

aut.moore = True  # a synthesis option that describes the implementation
aut.plus_one = True  # a specification formula option, affects
    # init form and
    # the steady state (win set via the controllable step operator)
aut.qinit = '\E \A'  # whether state is disjoint or initially shared:
    # a synthesis option that describes the kind of implementation

# initial conditions
aut.init['env'] = env_init
aut.init['sys'] = sys_init_synth
# actions
aut.action['env'] = env_next
aut.action['sys'] = sys_next_synth
# liveness requirements
aut.win['<>[]'] = [~ env_live]
aut.win['[]<>'] = [sys_live]

fx_iterates = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
gr1.make_streett_transducer(*fx_iterates, aut)
文件: inverter.py 项目: johnyf/omega
    /\ foo \in 1..15
    /\ foo' \in 1..15
aut.action['sys'] = '''
    (* type invariant *)
    /\ (bar \in -15..-1)
    /\ (bar' \in -15..-1)

    (* inversion with one-step delay *)
    /\ (bar' + foo <= 0)
    /\ (bar' < -2)
aut.win['<>[]'] = aut.bdds_from(' ~ (foo = 3) ')
aut.win['[]<>'] = aut.bdds_from(' bar = - 3 ')

aut.plus_one = True  # strictly causal stepwise implication
aut.moore = True  # implementation reads current state; not x'
aut.qinit = '\E \A'  # disjoint-state throughout

fixpoint_iterates = gr1.solve_streett_game(aut)
gr1.make_streett_transducer(*fixpoint_iterates, aut)

synthesized_action = aut.action['impl']
care = aut.type_hint_for([
    "foo", "bar", "foo'", "bar'", "_goal", "_goal'"])
care = aut.to_bdd(care)
# restrict the environment to values of interest
u = synthesized_action & care
expr = aut.to_expr(u, care=care, show_dom=True)