    id = collection.id
    title = collection.title
    print id
    if id != None:
        collection_id = omeka_client.get_collection_id_by_dc_identifier(id, name=title, create=args['create_collections'], public=args["public"])
        print "Collection ID", collection_id

uploaded_item_ids = []
for item in csv_data.items:
    print item.type
    id = item.id
    if id != None:
        title = item.title
        type = item.type
        previous_id = omeka_client.get_item_id_by_dc_identifier(id)
        jsonstr = json.dumps(item.omeka_data)
        # Upload it
        if previous_id != None:
            logger.info("Re-uploading %s", previous_id)
            response, content = omeka_client.put("items" , previous_id, jsonstr)
            new_item = json.loads(content)
            if 'id' not in new_item:
                print new_item
            logger.info("Uploading new version")
            response, content = omeka_client.post("items", jsonstr)
        #Looks like the ID wasn't actually there, so get it to mint a new one