    def add_from_namespace_query(self, session, ns, primary_keys):
        Fetches all map-annotations with the given namespace
        This will only work if there are no duplicates, otherwise an
        exception will be thrown

        WARNING: You should probably only use this in MA_APPEND mode since
        the parents of existing annotations aren't fetched (requires a query
        for each parent type)
        WARNING: This may be resource intensive
        TODO: Use omero.utils.populate_metadata._QueryContext for batch queries

        :param session: An OMERO session
        :param ns: The namespace
        :param primary_keys: Primary keys
        qs = session.getQueryService()
        q = 'FROM MapAnnotation WHERE ns=:ns ORDER BY id DESC'
        p = ParametersI()
        p.addString('ns', ns)
        results = qs.findAllByQuery(q, p)
        log.debug('Found %d MapAnnotations in ns:%s', len(results), ns)
        for ma in results:
            cma = CanonicalMapAnnotation(ma, primary_keys)
            r = self.add(cma)
            if r:
                raise Exception(
                    'Duplicate MapAnnotation primary key: id:%s %s' % (
                        unwrap(ma.getId()), str(r)))