class SiameseNetwork: """Class that constructs the Siamese Net for training This Class was constructed to create the siamese net and train it. Attributes: input_shape: image size model: current siamese model learning_rate: SGD learning rate omniglot_loader: instance of OmniglotLoader summary_writer: tensorflow writer to store the logs """ def __init__(self, dataset_path, learning_rate, batch_size, use_augmentation, learning_rate_multipliers, l2_regularization_penalization, tensorboard_log_path): """Inits SiameseNetwork with the provided values for the attributes. It also constructs the siamese network architecture, creates a dataset loader and opens the log file. Arguments: dataset_path: path of Omniglot dataset learning_rate: SGD learning rate batch_size: size of the batch to be used in training use_augmentation: boolean that allows us to select if data augmentation is used or not learning_rate_multipliers: learning-rate multipliers (relative to the learning_rate chosen) that will be applied to each fo the conv and dense layers for example: # Setting the Learning rate multipliers LR_mult_dict = {} LR_mult_dict['conv1']=1 LR_mult_dict['conv2']=1 LR_mult_dict['dense1']=2 LR_mult_dict['dense2']=2 l2_regularization_penalization: l2 penalization for each layer. for example: # Setting the Learning rate multipliers L2_dictionary = {} L2_dictionary['conv1']=0.1 L2_dictionary['conv2']=0.001 L2_dictionary['dense1']=0.001 L2_dictionary['dense2']=0.01 tensorboard_log_path: path to store the logs """ self.input_shape = (105, 105, 1) # Size of images self.model = [] self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.omniglot_loader = OmniglotLoader( dataset_path=dataset_path, use_augmentation=use_augmentation, batch_size=batch_size) self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard_log_path) # self.summary_writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard_log_path) self._construct_siamese_architecture(learning_rate_multipliers, l2_regularization_penalization) def _construct_siamese_architecture(self, learning_rate_multipliers, l2_regularization_penalization): """ Constructs the siamese architecture and stores it in the class Arguments: learning_rate_multipliers l2_regularization_penalization """ # Let's define the cnn architecture convolutional_net = Sequential() convolutional_net.add( Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(10, 10), activation='relu', input_shape=self.input_shape, kernel_regularizer=l2( l2_regularization_penalization['Conv1']), name='Conv1')) convolutional_net.add(MaxPool2D()) convolutional_net.add( Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=(7, 7), activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l2( l2_regularization_penalization['Conv2']), name='Conv2')) convolutional_net.add(MaxPool2D()) convolutional_net.add( Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=(4, 4), activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l2( l2_regularization_penalization['Conv3']), name='Conv3')) convolutional_net.add(MaxPool2D()) convolutional_net.add( Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(4, 4), activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l2( l2_regularization_penalization['Conv4']), name='Conv4')) convolutional_net.add(Flatten()) convolutional_net.add( Dense(units=4096, activation='sigmoid', kernel_regularizer=l2( l2_regularization_penalization['Dense1']), name='Dense1')) # Now the pairs of images input_image_1 = Input(self.input_shape) input_image_2 = Input(self.input_shape) encoded_image_1 = convolutional_net(input_image_1) encoded_image_2 = convolutional_net(input_image_2) # L1 distance layer between the two encoded outputs # One could use Subtract from Keras, but we want the absolute value l1_distance_layer = Lambda( lambda tensors: K.abs(tensors[0] - tensors[1])) l1_distance = l1_distance_layer([encoded_image_1, encoded_image_2]) # Same class or not prediction prediction = Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')(l1_distance) self.model = Model(inputs=[input_image_1, input_image_2], outputs=prediction) # Define the optimizer and compile the model optimizer = Modified_SGD(lr=self.learning_rate, lr_multipliers=learning_rate_multipliers, momentum=0.5) self.model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['binary_accuracy'], optimizer=optimizer) def _write_logs_to_tensorboard(self, current_iteration, train_losses, train_accuracies, validation_accuracy, evaluate_each): """ Writes the logs to a tensorflow log file This allows us to see the loss curves and the metrics in tensorboard. If we wrote every iteration, the training process would be slow, so instead we write the logs every evaluate_each iteration. Arguments: current_iteration: iteration to be written in the log file train_losses: contains the train losses from the last evaluate_each iterations. train_accuracies: the same as train_losses but with the accuracies in the training set. validation_accuracy: accuracy in the current one-shot task in the validation set evaluate each: number of iterations defined to evaluate the one-shot tasks. """ summary = tf.Summary() # Write to log file the values from the last evaluate_every iterations for index in range(0, evaluate_each): value = summary.value.add() value.simple_value = train_losses[index] value.tag = 'Train Loss' value = summary.value.add() value.simple_value = train_accuracies[index] value.tag = 'Train Accuracy' if index == (evaluate_each - 1): value = summary.value.add() value.simple_value = validation_accuracy value.tag = 'One-Shot Validation Accuracy' self.summary_writer.add_summary( summary, current_iteration - evaluate_each + index + 1) self.summary_writer.flush() def train_siamese_network(self, number_of_iterations, support_set_size, final_momentum, momentum_slope, evaluate_each, model_name): """ Train the Siamese net This is the main function for training the siamese net. In each every evaluate_each train iterations we evaluate one-shot tasks in validation and evaluation set. We also write to the log file. Arguments: number_of_iterations: maximum number of iterations to train. support_set_size: number of characters to use in the support set in one-shot tasks. final_momentum: mu_j in the paper. Each layer starts at 0.5 momentum but evolves linearly to mu_j momentum_slope: slope of the momentum evolution. In the paper we are only told that this momentum evolves linearly. Because of that I defined a slope to be passed to the training. evaluate each: number of iterations defined to evaluate the one-shot tasks. model_name: save_name of the model Returns: Evaluation Accuracy """ # First of all let's divide randomly the 30 train alphabets in train # and validation with 24 for training and 6 for validation self.omniglot_loader.split_train_datasets() # Variables that will store 100 iterations losses and accuracies # after evaluate_each iterations these will be passed to tensorboard logs train_losses = np.zeros(shape=(evaluate_each)) train_accuracies = np.zeros(shape=(evaluate_each)) count = 0 earrly_stop = 0 # Stop criteria variables best_validation_accuracy = 0.0 best_accuracy_iteration = 0 validation_accuracy = 0.0 # Train loop for iteration in range(number_of_iterations): # train set images, labels = self.omniglot_loader.get_train_batch() train_loss, train_accuracy = self.model.train_on_batch( images, labels) # Decay learning rate 1 % per 500 iterations (in the paper the decay is # 1% per epoch). Also update linearly the momentum (starting from 0.5 to 1) if (iteration + 1) % 500 == 0: K.set_value(, K.get_value( * 0.99) if K.get_value(self.model.optimizer.momentum) < final_momentum: K.set_value( self.model.optimizer.momentum, K.get_value(self.model.optimizer.momentum) + momentum_slope) train_losses[count] = train_loss train_accuracies[count] = train_accuracy # validation set count += 1 print( 'Iteration %d/%d: Train loss: %f, Train Accuracy: %f, lr = %f' % (iteration + 1, number_of_iterations, train_loss, train_accuracy, K.get_value( # Each 100 iterations perform a one_shot_task and write to tensorboard the # stored losses and accuracies if (iteration + 1) % evaluate_each == 0: number_of_runs_per_alphabet = 40 # use a support set size equal to the number of character in the alphabet validation_accuracy = self.omniglot_loader.one_shot_test( self.model, support_set_size, number_of_runs_per_alphabet, is_validation=True) self._write_logs_to_tensorboard(iteration, train_losses, train_accuracies, validation_accuracy, evaluate_each) count = 0 # Some hyperparameters lead to 100%, although the output is almost the same in # all images. if (validation_accuracy == 1.0 and train_accuracy == 0.5): print('Early Stopping: Gradient Explosion') print('Validation Accuracy = ' + str(best_validation_accuracy)) return 0 elif train_accuracy == 0.0: return 0 else: # Save the model if validation_accuracy > best_validation_accuracy: best_validation_accuracy = validation_accuracy best_accuracy_iteration = iteration model_json = self.model.to_json() if not os.path.exists('./models'): os.makedirs('./models') with open('models/' + model_name + '.json', "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) self.model.save_weights('models/' + model_name + '.h5') # If accuracy does not improve for 10000 batches stop the training if iteration - best_accuracy_iteration > 10000: print( 'Early Stopping: validation accuracy did not increase for 10000 iterations' ) print('Best Validation Accuracy = ' + str(best_validation_accuracy)) print('Validation Accuracy = ' + str(best_validation_accuracy)) break print('Trained Ended!') return best_validation_accuracy
#coding:utf-8 """孪生网络 """ from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from omniglot_loader import OmniglotLoader import sys dataset_path = sys.argv[1] omniglot_loader = OmniglotLoader( dataset_path=dataset_path, use_augmentation=True, batch_size=32) omniglot_loader.split_train_datasets() images, labels = omniglot_loader.get_train_batch() print([i.shape for i in images], labels.shape) images, labels = omniglot_loader.get_one_shot_batch(32, False) print([i.shape for i in images], labels.shape) from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.layers import Conv2D, Dense, MaxPool2D, GlobalAveragePooling2D, BatchNormalization, Activation, Input, Lambda from keras.regularizers import l2 from keras.optimizers import Adam import keras.backend as K input_shape = (105, 105, 1)