    def getRIB(self):
        Gets the RIB table for the connected network element.
        @return RIB table for the connected network element.
        @throws OnepConnectionException

        #  START SNIPPET: getRIB
        #  Create a Routing object for the network element.
        routing = Routing.getInstance(tutorial.get_network_element())
        #  Get the instance of the RIB table.
        rib = routing.getRib()
        return rib
    def get_app_route_table(self):
        Gets the Application Route Table generated by this application.
        @return AppRouteTable for this application
        @throws OnepConnectionException 

        #  START SNIPPET: getAppRouteTable
        #  Create a Routing object for the network element.
        routing = Routing.getInstance(tutorial.get_network_element())

        #  Get the instance of application route table.
        approutetable = routing.get_app_route_table()
        return approutetable