def _create_test_form_searches(n=100):
    """Create n form searches with various properties.  A testing ground for searches!
    users = h.get_users()
    contributor = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0]

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        fs = model.FormSearch()

        fs.enterer_id = contributor.id
        fs.search = unicode(
                'query': {
                    'filter': ['Form', 'transcription', 'regex',
                               '%d' % i]
        if i % 2 == 0:
            fs.name = u'Form Search %d' % i
            fs.name = u'form search %d' % i

        if i > 50:
            fs.description = u'I really like this search and my favourite number is %d' % i

        if i > 20:
            fs.datetime_modified = today_timestamp
            fs.datetime_modified = yesterday_timestamp

def _create_test_form_searches(n=100):
    """Create n form searches with various properties.  A testing ground for searches!
    users = h.get_users()
    contributor = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0]

    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        fs = model.FormSearch()

        fs.enterer_id = contributor.id
        fs.search = unicode(json.dumps(
                {'query': {'filter': ['Form', 'transcription', 'regex', '%d' % i]}}))
        if i % 2 == 0:
            fs.name = u'Form Search %d' % i
            fs.name = u'form search %d' % i

        if i > 50:
            fs.description = u'I really like this search and my favourite number is %d' % i

        if i > 20:
            fs.datetime_modified = today_timestamp
            fs.datetime_modified = yesterday_timestamp

    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /formbackups behave correctly.

        # Add some test data to the database.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()
        source = h.generate_default_source()
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        file1 = h.generate_default_file()
        file1.name = u'file1'
        file2 = h.generate_default_file()
        file2.name = u'file2'
        speaker = h.generate_default_speaker()
        Session.add_all([application_settings, source, restricted_tag, file1,
                         file2, speaker])
        speaker_id = speaker.id
        restricted_tag_id = restricted_tag.id
        tag_ids = [restricted_tag_id]
        file1_id = file1.id
        file2_id = file2.id
        file_ids = [file1_id, file2_id]

        # Create a restricted form (via request) as the default contributor
        users = h.get_users()
        administrator_id = [u for u in users if u.role==u'administrator'][0].id

        # Define some extra_environs
        view = {'test.authentication.role': u'viewer', 'test.application_settings': True}
        contrib = {'test.authentication.role': u'contributor', 'test.application_settings': True}
        admin = {'test.authentication.role': u'administrator', 'test.application_settings': True}

        params = self.form_create_params.copy()
            'transcription': u'Created by the Contributor',
            'translations': [{'transcription': u'test', 'grammaticality': u''}],
            'tags': [restricted_tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.post(url('forms'), params, self.json_headers, contrib)
        form_count = Session.query(model.Form).count()
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_id = resp['id']
        assert form_count == 1

        # Update our form (via request) as the default administrator; this
        # will create one form backup.
        params = self.form_create_params.copy()
            'translations': [{'transcription': u'test', 'grammaticality': u''}],
            'transcription': u'Updated by the Administrator',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids + [None, u''], # None and u'' ('') will be ignored by forms.update_form
            'enterer': administrator_id  # This should change nothing.
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('form', id=form_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_count = Session.query(model.Form).count()
        assert form_count == 1

        # Finally, update our form (via request) as the default contributor.
        # Now we will have two form backups.
        params = self.form_create_params.copy()
            'transcription': u'Updated by the Contributor',
            'translations': [{'transcription': u'test', 'grammaticality': u''}],
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids,
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('form', id=form_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_count = Session.query(model.Form).count()
        assert form_count == 1

        # Now GET the form backups as the restricted enterer of the original
        # form and expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2

        # The viewer should get none because they're all restricted.
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0

        # Now update the form and de-restrict it.
        params = self.form_create_params.copy()
            'transcription': u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor',
            'translations': [{'transcription': u'test', 'grammaticality': u''}],
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('form', id=form_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_count = Session.query(model.Form).count()
        assert form_count == 1

        # Now GET the form backups.  Admin and contrib should see 3 but the
        # viewer should still see none.
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0

        # Finally, update our form in some trivial way.
        params = self.form_create_params.copy()
            'transcription': u'Updated by the Contributor *again*',
            'translations': [{'transcription': u'test', 'grammaticality': u''}],
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('form', id=form_id), params,
                        self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        form_count = Session.query(model.Form).count()
        assert form_count == 1

        # Now GET the form backups.  Admin and contrib should see 4 and the
        # viewer should see 1
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        all_form_backups = resp
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        unrestricted_form_backup = resp[0]
        assert len(resp) == 1
        assert resp[0]['transcription'] == u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor'
        restricted_form_backups = [cb for cb in all_form_backups
                                       if cb != unrestricted_form_backup]
        assert len(restricted_form_backups) == 3

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), paginator, headers=self.json_headers,
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['items'][0]['transcription'] == all_form_backups[1]['transcription']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {'order_by_model': 'FormBackup', 'order_by_attribute': 'datetime_modified',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc'}
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), order_by_params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = sorted(all_form_backups, key=lambda cb: cb['datetime_modified'], reverse=True)
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == [cb['id'] for cb in result_set]

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {'order_by_model': 'FormBackup', 'order_by_attribute': 'datetime_modified',
                     'order_by_direction': 'desc', 'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 3}
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackups'), params,
                        headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[2]['transcription'] == resp['items'][0]['transcription']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Admin should be able to GET a particular restricted form backup
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackup', id=restricted_form_backups[0]['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['transcription'] == restricted_form_backups[0]['transcription']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should receive a 403 error when attempting to do so.
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackup', id=restricted_form_backups[0]['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view, status=403)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should be able to GET the unrestricted form backup
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackup', id=unrestricted_form_backup['id']),
                                headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['transcription'] == unrestricted_form_backup['transcription']

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('formbackup', id=100987),
                    headers=self.json_headers, extra_environ=view, status=404)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no form backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on form backup transcriptions using POST /formbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['FormBackup', 'transcription', 'like', u'%Contributor%']}})
        response = self.app.post(url('/formbackups/search'), json_query,
                        self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in all_form_backups if u'Contributor' in cb['transcription']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 3
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on form backup transcriptions using SEARCH /formbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['FormBackup', 'transcription', 'like', u'%Administrator%']}})
        response = self.app.request(url('formbackups'), method='SEARCH', body=json_query,
            headers=self.json_headers, environ=admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in all_form_backups if u'Administrator' in cb['transcription']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        # Perform the two previous searches as a restricted viewer to show that
        # the restricted tag is working correctly.
        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['FormBackup', 'transcription', 'like', u'%Contributor%']}})
        response = self.app.post(url('/formbackups/search'), json_query,
                        self.json_headers, view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in [unrestricted_form_backup]
                     if u'Contributor' in cb['transcription']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id'] for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        json_query = json.dumps({'query': {'filter':
                        ['FormBackup', 'transcription', 'like', u'%Administrator%']}})
        response = self.app.request(url('formbackups'), method='SEARCH', body=json_query,
            headers=self.json_headers, environ=view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [cb for cb in [unrestricted_form_backup]
                     if u'Administrator' in cb['transcription']]
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 0

        # I'm just going to assume that the order by and pagination functions are
        # working correctly since the implementation is essentially equivalent
        # to that in the index action already tested above.

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_formbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_formbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('formbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('formbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('formbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
def get_users():
    users = h.get_users()
    viewer = [u for u in users if u.role == u'viewer'][0]
    contributor = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0]
    administrator = [u for u in users if u.role == u'administrator'][0]
    return viewer, contributor, administrator
def get_users():
    users = h.get_users()
    viewer = [u for u in users if u.role == u'viewer'][0]
    contributor = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0]
    administrator = [u for u in users if u.role == u'administrator'][0]
    return viewer, contributor, administrator
    def test_index(self):
        """Tests that GET & SEARCH /collectionbackups behave correctly.

        # Add some test data to the database.
        application_settings = h.generate_default_application_settings()
        source = h.generate_default_source()
        restricted_tag = h.generate_restricted_tag()
        file1 = h.generate_default_file()
        file1.name = u'file1'
        file2 = h.generate_default_file()
        file2.name = u'file2'
        speaker = h.generate_default_speaker()
            application_settings, source, restricted_tag, file1, file2, speaker
        speaker_id = speaker.id
        restricted_tag_id = restricted_tag.id
        tag_ids = [restricted_tag_id]
        file1_id = file1.id
        file2_id = file2.id
        file_ids = [file1_id, file2_id]

        # Create a restricted collection (via request) as the default contributor
        users = h.get_users()
        contributor_id = [u for u in users if u.role == u'contributor'][0].id
        administrator_id = [u for u in users
                            if u.role == u'administrator'][0].id

        # Define some extra_environs
        view = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'viewer',
            'test.application_settings': True
        contrib = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'contributor',
            'test.application_settings': True
        admin = {
            'test.authentication.role': u'administrator',
            'test.application_settings': True

        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Created by the Contributor',
            'elicitor': contributor_id,
            'tags': [restricted_tag_id]
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.post(url('collections'), params, self.json_headers,
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_id = resp['id']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Update our collection (via request) as the default administrator; this
        # will create one collection backup.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'url': u'find/me/here',
            'title': u'Updated by the Administrator',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids + [
                None, u''
            ],  # None and u'' ('') will be ignored by collections.update_collection
            'enterer': administrator_id  # This should change nothing.
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Finally, update our collection (via request) as the default contributor.
        # Now we will have two collection backups.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': tag_ids,
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups as the restricted enterer of the original
        # collection and expect to get them all.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # The admin should get them all too.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 2

        # The viewer should get none because they're all restricted.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0

        # Now update the collection and de-restrict it.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 3 but the
        # viewer should still see none.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 0
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Finally, update our collection in some trivial way.
        params = self.collection_create_params.copy()
            'title': u'Updated by the Contributor *again*',
            'speaker': speaker_id,
            'tags': [],
            'files': file_ids
        params = json.dumps(params)
        response = self.app.put(url('collection', id=collection_id), params,
                                self.json_headers, contrib)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        collection_count = Session.query(model.Collection).count()
        assert collection_count == 1

        # Now GET the collection backups.  Admin and contrib should see 4 and the
        # viewer should see 1
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        all_collection_backups = resp
        assert len(resp) == 4
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        unrestricted_collection_backup = resp[0]
        assert len(resp) == 1
        assert resp[0][
            'title'] == u'Updated and de-restricted by the Contributor'
        restricted_collection_backups = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if cb != unrestricted_collection_backup
        assert len(restricted_collection_backups) == 3

        # Test the paginator GET params.
        paginator = {'items_per_page': 1, 'page': 2}
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert len(resp['items']) == 1
        assert resp['items'][0]['title'] == all_collection_backups[1]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the order_by GET params.
        order_by_params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc'
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = sorted(all_collection_backups,
                            key=lambda cb: cb['id'],
        assert [cb['id'] for cb in resp] == [cb['id'] for cb in result_set]

        # Test the order_by *with* paginator.
        params = {
            'order_by_model': 'CollectionBackup',
            'order_by_attribute': 'id',
            'order_by_direction': 'desc',
            'items_per_page': 1,
            'page': 3
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert result_set[2]['title'] == resp['items'][0]['title']

        # Now test the show action:

        # Admin should be able to GET a particular restricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == restricted_collection_backups[0]['title']
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should receive a 403 error when attempting to do so.
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp[
            'error'] == u'You are not authorized to access this resource.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Viewer should be able to GET the unrestricted collection backup
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup',
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['title'] == unrestricted_collection_backup['title']

        # A nonexistent cb id will return a 404 error
        response = self.app.get(url('collectionbackup', id=100987),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        assert resp['error'] == u'There is no collection backup with id 100987'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # Test the search action

        # A search on collection backup titles using POST /collectionbackups/search
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                                 self.json_headers, admin)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if u'Contributor' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 3
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'

        # A search on collection backup titles using SEARCH /collectionbackups
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in all_collection_backups
            if u'Administrator' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        # Perform the two previous searches as a restricted viewer to show that
        # the restricted tag is working correctly.
        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Contributor%']
        response = self.app.post(url('/collectionbackups/search'), json_query,
                                 self.json_headers, view)
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
            if u'Contributor' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 1
        assert set([cb['id']
                    for cb in resp]) == set([cb['id'] for cb in result_set])

        json_query = json.dumps({
            'query': {
                ['CollectionBackup', 'title', 'like', u'%Administrator%']
        response = self.app.request(url('collectionbackups'),
        resp = json.loads(response.body)
        result_set = [
            cb for cb in [unrestricted_collection_backup]
            if u'Administrator' in cb['title']
        assert len(resp) == len(result_set) == 0

        # I'm just going to assume that the order by and pagination functions are
        # working correctly since the implementation is essentially equivalent
        # to that in the index action already tested above.

        # Attempting to call edit/new/create/delete/update on a read-only resource
        # will return a 404 response
        response = self.app.get(url('edit_collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.get(url('new_collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.post(url('collectionbackups'), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.put(url('collectionbackup', id=2232), status=404)
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        response = self.app.delete(url('collectionbackup', id=2232),
        assert json.loads(
            response.body)['error'] == u'This resource is read-only.'
        assert response.content_type == 'application/json'