def infer(): # Step1:初始化ONNXRuntime库并配置相应参数, 并进行预测 # 加载ONNX模型 sess = InferenceSession(FLAGS.onnx_file) # define transforms input_shape = sess.get_inputs()[0].shape[2:] eval_transforms = ClassificationPresetEval( crop_size=input_shape, resize_size=FLAGS.crop_size) # 准备输入 with open(FLAGS.img_path, 'rb') as f: img ='RGB') img = eval_transforms(img) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) # 模型预测 ort_outs =, input_feed={sess.get_inputs()[0].name: img}) output = ort_outs[0] class_id = output.argmax() prob = output[0][class_id] print("ONNXRuntime predict: ") print(f"class_id: {class_id}, prob: {prob}")
def test_dict_vectorizer_rfr(self): this = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) data = os.path.join(this, "data", "pipeline_vectorize.onnx") sess = InferenceSession(data) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name self.assertEqual(input_name, "float_input") input_type = str(sess.get_inputs()[0].type) self.assertEqual(input_type, "map(int64,tensor(float))") input_shape = sess.get_inputs()[0].shape self.assertEqual(input_shape, []) output_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name self.assertEqual(output_name, "variable1") output_type = sess.get_outputs()[0].type self.assertEqual(output_type, "tensor(float)") output_shape = sess.get_outputs()[0].shape self.assertEqual(output_shape, [1, 1]) x = {0: 25.0, 1: 5.13, 2: 0.0, 3: 0.453, 4: 5.966} res =[output_name], {input_name: x}) model_onnx = onnx.load(data) oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, runtime='onnxruntime1') res2 ={input_name: x}) x = {k: numpy.float32(v) for k, v in x.items()} oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, runtime='python') res3 ={input_name: [x]}) # , verbose=10, fLOG=print) self.assertEqualFloat(res[0][0, 0], res2["variable1"][0, 0]) self.assertEqualFloat(res[0][0, 0], res3["variable1"][0])
def format_results(sess: rt.InferenceSession, data: list) -> dict: input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name input_shape = sess.get_inputs()[0].shape label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name return { 'input_name': input_name, 'input_shape': input_shape[1:], 'output_name': label_name, 'prediction': data, 'createdAt': }
class OnnxModelLoader: def __init__(self, onnx_path: str): """ Class for loading ONNX models to inference on CPU. :param onnx_path: path to ONNX model file (*.onnx file). """ self.onnx_path = onnx_path self.sess = InferenceSession(self.onnx_path, providers=['CPUExecutionProvider']) # In current case model always has exactly one input and one output. self.input_name = [ for x in self.sess.get_inputs()][0] self.output_name = [ for x in self.sess.get_outputs()][0] def inference(self, inputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Run inference. :param inputs: input numpy array. :return: output numpy array. """ outputs = [self.output_name], input_feed={self.input_name: np.float32(inputs)}) return outputs[0]
def run_inference(sess: rt.InferenceSession, TRUNCATION: float = 0.7, seed=None) -> np.array: # return raw array from Generator # really badly set numpy seed from string if provided # note that `hash()` would not work here, as it is itself initialized from a random state # it would be possible to force hash() to be set from a static type, but would require an additional python file # to set the environment seed... So equally awful random.seed(seed) # this may be a string np.random.seed( random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) ) # use python random state to generate numpy random state repeatably, lol # randomized generator inputs latents = np.random.randn(1, 512).astype(np.float32) truncation = np.array([TRUNCATION]).astype(np.float32) input_name_a = sess.get_inputs()[0].name input_name_b = sess.get_inputs()[1].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name pred =[label_name], { input_name_a: latents, input_name_b: truncation })[0] return pred
def test_xgboost_classifier_i5450(self): iris = load_iris() X, y =, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=10) clr = XGBClassifier(objective="multi:softmax", max_depth=1, n_estimators=2), y_train, eval_set=[(X_test, y_test)], early_stopping_rounds=40) initial_type = [('float_input', FloatTensorType([None, 4]))] onx = convert_xgboost(clr, initial_types=initial_type) sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString()) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[1].name predict_list = [1., 20., 466., 0.] predict_array = np.array(predict_list).reshape( (1, -1)).astype(np.float32) pred_onx =[label_name], {input_name: predict_array})[0] pred_xgboost = sessresults = clr.predict_proba(predict_array) bst = clr.get_booster() bst.dump_model('dump.raw.txt') dump_data_and_model( X_test.astype(np.float32) + 1e-5, clr, onx, allow_failure= "StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')", basename="XGBClassifierIris")
def _predict_with_onnx(model, X): session = InferenceSession(model.SerializeToString()) output_names = [ for s_output in session.get_outputs()] input_names = [ for s_input in session.get_inputs()] if len(input_names) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "Test expects one input. Found multiple inputs: %r." "" % input_names) input_name = input_names[0] return, {input_name: X})[0][:, 0]
def get_io_numpy_type_map( ort_session: InferenceSession) -> Dict[str, numpy.dtype]: """Create a mapping from input/output name to numpy data type""" name_to_numpy_type = {} for input in ort_session.get_inputs(): name_to_numpy_type[] = TypeHelper.ort_type_to_numpy_type( input.type) for output in ort_session.get_outputs(): name_to_numpy_type[] = TypeHelper.ort_type_to_numpy_type(output.type) return name_to_numpy_type
def onnx_predict(sess: InferenceSession, x: np.ndarray): """ use ONNX runtime session to predict result :param sess: ONNX runtime session :param x: input ndarray :return: predicted result """ x = x.reshape((-1, 1, 28, 28)) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name pred =[label_name], {input_name: x.astype("float32")})[0] return np.argmax(pred, axis=1)[0]
def predict(ort_session: ort.InferenceSession, im_array: np.ndarray) -> Image: sample = preprocess(im_array) inputs_test = np.expand_dims(sample["image"], 0).astype(np.float32) ort_inputs = {ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: inputs_test} ort_outs =, ort_inputs) d1 = ort_outs[0] pred = d1[:, 0, :, :] predict = np.squeeze(norm_pred(pred)) img = Image.fromarray(predict * 255).convert("RGB") return img
def test_variable_names(self): pipeline = Pipeline([("passthrough", Passthrough())]) initial_types = [("input", FloatTensorType([None, 2]))] model_onnx = convert_sklearn(pipeline, initial_types=initial_types, target_opset=TARGET_OPSET, verbose=0) self.assertIn('Identity', str(model_onnx)) x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 2)) sess = InferenceSession(model_onnx.SerializeToString()) name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name got =, {name: x}) assert_almost_equal(x, got[0])
class SimplifiedOnnxInference: "Simple wrapper around InferenceSession which imitates OnnxInference." def __init__(self, ort): from onnxruntime import InferenceSession self.sess = InferenceSession(ort) @property def input_names(self): "Returns InferenceSession input names." return [ for _ in self.sess.get_inputs()] def run(self, input): "Calls" return, input)
def test_pipeline_make_column_selector(self): X = pandas.DataFrame({ 'city': ['London', 'London', 'Paris', 'Sallisaw'], 'rating': [5, 3, 4, 5]}) X['rating'] = X['rating'].astype(numpy.float32) ct = make_column_transformer( (StandardScaler(), make_column_selector( dtype_include=numpy.number)), (OneHotEncoder(), make_column_selector( dtype_include=object))) expected = ct.fit_transform(X) onx = to_onnx(ct, X, target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString()) names = [ for i in sess.get_inputs()] got =, {names[0]: X[names[0]].values.reshape((-1, 1)), names[1]: X[names[1]].values.reshape((-1, 1))}) assert_almost_equal(expected, got[0])
def verify_onnx(model: T5EncoderDecoderInit, ort_session: InferenceSession, device: torch.device, max_cases=4): """ Compare the result from PyTorch and OnnxRuntime to verify the ONNX model is good. """ ort_inputs = ort_session.get_inputs() use_decoder_input_ids = len(ort_inputs) == 3 test_cases = [(4, 11), (1, 2), (3, 1), (8, 5)] test_cases_max_diff = [] for (batch_size, encode_sequence_length) in test_cases[:max_cases]: inputs = T5EncoderDecoderInitInputs.create_dummy(model.config, batch_size, encode_sequence_length, use_decoder_input_ids=use_decoder_input_ids, device=device) ort_outputs = T5EncoderDecoderInitHelper.onnxruntime_inference(ort_session, inputs) # Run inference of PyTorch model input_list = inputs.to_list() torch_outputs = model(*input_list) assert (torch_outputs[0].cpu().numpy().shape == ort_outputs[0].shape) max_diff = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(torch_outputs[0].cpu().numpy() - ort_outputs[0])) logger.debug(f"logits max_diff={max_diff}") max_diff_all = max_diff assert (torch_outputs[1].cpu().numpy().shape == ort_outputs[1].shape) max_diff = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(torch_outputs[1].cpu().numpy() - ort_outputs[1])) logger.debug(f"encoder_hidden_states max_diff={max_diff}") max_diff_all = max(max_diff_all, max_diff) for i in range(2 * model.config.num_layers): max_diff = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(torch_outputs[2][i].cpu().numpy() - ort_outputs[2 + i])) logger.debug(f"self attention past state {i} max_diff={max_diff}") for i in range(2 * model.config.num_layers): max_diff = numpy.amax( numpy.abs(torch_outputs[3][i].cpu().numpy() - ort_outputs[2 + 2 * model.config.num_layers + i])) logger.debug(f"cross attention past state {i} max_diff={max_diff}") max_diff_all = max(max_diff_all, max_diff) test_cases_max_diff.append(max_diff_all) f"batch_size={batch_size} encode_sequence_length={encode_sequence_length}, max_diff={max_diff_all}") return max(test_cases_max_diff)
def _test_lgbm(self, X, model, extra_config={}): # Create ONNX-ML model onnx_ml_model = convert_model( model, 'lgbm-onnxml', [("input", FloatTensorType([X.shape[0], X.shape[1]]))])[0] # Create ONNX model onnx_model = convert_model( model, 'lgbm-onnx', [("input", FloatTensorType([X.shape[0], X.shape[1]]))], without_onnx_ml=True)[0] try: from onnxruntime import InferenceSession except ImportError: # onnxruntime not installed (python 2.7) return # Get the predictions for the ONNX-ML model session = InferenceSession(onnx_ml_model.SerializeToString()) output_names = [ session.get_outputs()[i].name for i in range(len(session.get_outputs())) ] onnx_ml_pred = [[] for i in range(len(output_names))] inputs = {session.get_inputs()[0].name: X} pred =, inputs) for i in range(len(output_names)): if output_names[i] == "label": onnx_ml_pred[1] = pred[i] else: onnx_ml_pred[0] = pred[i] # Get the predictions for the ONNX model session = InferenceSession(onnx_model.SerializeToString()) onnx_pred = [[] for i in range(len(output_names))] pred =, inputs) for i in range(len(output_names)): if output_names[i] == "label": onnx_pred[1] = pred[i] else: onnx_pred[0] = pred[i] return onnx_ml_pred, onnx_pred, output_names
class OnnxModelLoader: def __init__(self, onnx_path: str) -> None: """ Class for loading ONNX models to inference on CPU. CPU inference is very effective using onnxruntime. :param onnx_path: path to ONNX model file (*.onnx file). """ self.sess = InferenceSession(onnx_path, providers=['CPUExecutionProvider']) self.input_name = [ for x in self.sess.get_inputs()][0] self.output_names = [ for x in self.sess.get_outputs()] def inference(self, inputs: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Run inference. :param inputs: list of arguments, order must match names in input_names. :return: list of outputs. """ return, input_feed={self.input_name: inputs})
def benchmark(name, onx, fct_numpy, *args, dims=(1, 10, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000)): sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString()) device = C_OrtDevice(C_OrtDevice.cpu(), C_OrtDevice.default_memory(), 0) names = [ for i in sess.get_inputs()] out_names = [ for o in sess.get_outputs()] if len(names) != len(args): raise RuntimeError(f"Size mismatch {len(names)} != {len(args)}.") rows = [] for dim in tqdm(dims): new_args = [reshape(a, dim) for a in args] ortvalues = [ C_OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(a, device) for a in new_args ] ms = measure_time(lambda: fct_numpy(*new_args), repeat=50, number=100) ms.update(dict(name=name, impl='numpy', dim=dim)) rows.append(ms) inps = {n: a for n, a in zip(names, new_args)} ms = measure_time(lambda:, inps)) ms.update(dict(name=name, impl='sess', dim=dim)) rows.append(ms) bind = SessionIOBinding(sess._sess) ms = measure_time(lambda: bind_and_run(sess._sess, bind, names, ortvalues, out_names, device)) ms.update(dict(name=name, impl='bind_run', dim=dim)) rows.append(ms) ms = measure_time(lambda: nobind_just_run(sess._sess, bind)) ms.update(dict(name=name, impl='run', dim=dim)) rows.append(ms) return rows
def predict_with_onnxruntime(onx, X): sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString()) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name res =, {input_name: X.astype(np.float32)}) return res[0]
def forward_no_training(self, exc=None, verbose=False): if exc is None: exc = __name__ != '__main__' from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import (OrtValue as C_OrtValue, OrtDevice as C_OrtDevice, OrtMemType) from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import (OrtValueVector) from import OrtGradientForwardBackward X, y = make_regression( # pylint: disable=W0632 100, n_features=10, bias=2) X = X.astype(numpy.float32) y = y.astype(numpy.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, _ = train_test_split(X, y) reg = LinearRegression(), y_train) reg.coef_ = reg.coef_.reshape((1, -1)) onx = to_onnx(reg, X_train, target_opset=opset, black_op={'LinearRegressor'}) # starts testing if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] start testing") if exc: if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] check exception") self.assertRaise( lambda: OrtGradientForwardBackward( onx, debug=True, enable_logging=True, providers=['NONE']), ValueError) if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] instantiate") forback = OrtGradientForwardBackward(onx, debug=True, enable_logging=True) self.assertEqual(repr(forback), "OrtGradientForwardBackward(...)") self.assertTrue(hasattr(forback, 'cls_type_')) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._onx_inp, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._onx_out, ['X_grad', 'coef_grad', 'intercept_grad']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._weights_to_train, ['coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._grad_input_names, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._input_names, ['X']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._bw_fetches_names, ['X_grad', 'coef_grad', 'intercept_grad']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._output_names, ['variable']) if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] expected prediction") expected = reg.predict(X_test) coef = reg.coef_.astype(numpy.float32).reshape((-1, 1)) intercept = numpy.array([reg.intercept_], dtype=numpy.float32) if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] InferenceSession") providers = device_to_providers('cpu') sess0 = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString(), providers=providers) inames = [ for i in sess0.get_inputs()] # pylint: disable=E1101 self.assertEqual(inames, ['X']) got =, {'X': X_test}) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] evaluation") sess_eval = forback.cls_type_._sess_eval # pylint: disable=E1101 inames = [ for i in sess_eval.get_inputs()] self.assertEqual(inames, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) got =, { 'X': X_test, 'coef': coef, 'intercept': intercept }) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) # OrtValue if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] OrtValue") inst = forback.new_instance() device = C_OrtDevice(C_OrtDevice.cpu(), OrtMemType.DEFAULT, 0) # list of OrtValues inputs = [] for a in [X_test, coef, intercept]: inputs.append(C_OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(a, device)) got_ort = inst.forward(inputs) got = [v.numpy() for v in got_ort] self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) # OrtValueVector if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] OrtValueVector") inputs = OrtValueVector() for a in [X_test, coef, intercept]: inputs.push_back(C_OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(a, device)) got = inst.forward(inputs) self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].numpy().ravel(), decimal=4) # numpy if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] numpy") inputs = [X_test, coef, intercept] got = inst.forward(inputs) self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].numpy().ravel(), decimal=4) if verbose: print("[forward_no_training] end")
def test_forward_no_training_pickle(self): from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import (OrtValue as C_OrtValue, OrtMemType, OrtDevice as C_OrtDevice) from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import (OrtValueVector) from import OrtGradientForwardBackward X, y = make_regression( # pylint: disable=W0632 100, n_features=10, bias=2) X = X.astype(numpy.float32) y = y.astype(numpy.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, _ = train_test_split(X, y) reg = LinearRegression(), y_train) reg.coef_ = reg.coef_.reshape((1, -1)) onx = to_onnx(reg, X_train, target_opset=opset, black_op={'LinearRegressor'}) forback0 = OrtGradientForwardBackward(onx, debug=True) st = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(forback0, st) st2 = io.BytesIO(st.getvalue()) forback = pickle.load(st2) self.assertTrue(hasattr(forback, 'cls_type_')) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._onx_inp, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._onx_out, ['X_grad', 'coef_grad', 'intercept_grad']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._weights_to_train, ['coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._grad_input_names, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._input_names, ['X']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._bw_fetches_names, ['X_grad', 'coef_grad', 'intercept_grad']) self.assertEqual(forback.cls_type_._output_names, ['variable']) expected = reg.predict(X_test) coef = reg.coef_.astype(numpy.float32).reshape((-1, 1)) intercept = numpy.array([reg.intercept_], dtype=numpy.float32) providers = device_to_providers('cpu') sess0 = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString(), providers=providers) inames = [ for i in sess0.get_inputs()] self.assertEqual(inames, ['X']) got =, {'X': X_test}) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) sess_eval = forback.cls_type_._sess_eval # pylint: disable=W0212 inames = [ for i in sess_eval.get_inputs()] self.assertEqual(inames, ['X', 'coef', 'intercept']) got =, { 'X': X_test, 'coef': coef, 'intercept': intercept }) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) # OrtValue inst = forback.new_instance() inputs = [] device = C_OrtDevice(C_OrtDevice.cpu(), OrtMemType.DEFAULT, 0) for a in [X_test, coef, intercept]: inputs.append(C_OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(a, device)) got_ort = inst.forward(inputs) got = [v.numpy() for v in got_ort] self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].ravel(), decimal=4) # OrtValueVector inputs = OrtValueVector() for a in [X_test, coef, intercept]: inputs.push_back(C_OrtValue.ortvalue_from_numpy(a, device)) got = inst.forward(inputs) self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].numpy().ravel(), decimal=4) # numpy inputs = [X_test, coef, intercept] got = inst.forward(inputs) self.assertEqual(len(got), 1) self.assertEqualArray(expected.ravel(), got[0].numpy().ravel(), decimal=4)
def get_input_type(ort_session: InferenceSession, name: str) -> str: for i, input in enumerate(ort_session.get_inputs()): if == name: return input.type raise ValueError(f"input name {name} not found")
def _create_onnx_graphs(self): """ Creates forward and backward ONNX graph. The new class has the following attributes: * `__doc__`: doc string * `__module__`: module name (this file) * `_run_options`: see :epkg:`RunOptions` * `_sess`: :epkg:`InferenceSession` with the original graph * `_sess_eval`: :epkg:`InferenceSession` on the graph with weights as inputs * `_training_agent`: :epkg:`TrainingAgent` * `_cache`: :epkg:`OrtValueCache` * `_logger`: logger * `_input_names`: input names * `_debug`: use debug mode * `_grad_input_names`: gradient input names * `_output_names`: output names * `_weights_to_train`: names of the weights to train Training attributes * `_bw_fetches_names`: bw_fetches_names, * `_fw_outputs_device_info`: fw_outputs_device_info, * `_bw_outputs_device_info`: bw_outputs_device_info, * `_fw_no_grad_output_device_info`: fw_no_grad_output_device_info, * `_graph_info`: graph_info} Additional attributes added if *keep_model* is True: * `_trained_onnx`: ONNX graph for the gradient * `_optimized_pre_grad_model`: evaluation ONNX graph taking weights as inputs * `_graph_builder`: :epkg:`OrtModuleGraphBuilder` """ logger = self._logger if logger is not None:"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] create training onnx")"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] input_names=%r", self.input_names)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] output_names=%r", self.output_names)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] weights_to_train=%r", self.weights_to_train) builder = OrtModuleGraphBuilder() if logger is not None: cf = self.graph_builder_config.graph_transformer_config cfp = cf.propagate_cast_ops_config"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] " "OrtModuleGraphBuilder.initialize") "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] graph_builder_config=%s", OrtGradientForwardBackward._repr_helper_( self.graph_builder_config, indent=4)) "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] graph_builder_config." "graph_transformer_config=%s", OrtGradientForwardBackward._repr_helper_(cf, indent=4)) "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] graph_builder_config." "graph_transformer_config.propagate_cast_ops_config=%s", OrtGradientForwardBackward._repr_helper_(cfp, indent=4)) builder.initialize(self.onnx_model.SerializeToString(), self.graph_builder_config) if logger is not None: "[OrtGradientForwardBackward]") if logger is not None: "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] OrtModuleGraphBuilder.get_model") train_onnx_model_serialized = builder.get_model() optimized_pre_grad_model = builder.get_inference_optimized_model() graph_info = builder.get_graph_info() if logger is not None: "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] graph_info=%s", OrtGradientForwardBackward._repr_helper_(graph_info, indent=4))"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] create TrainSession") "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] sess_options=%s", OrtGradientForwardBackward._repr_helper_(self.sess_options, indent=4))"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] providers=%r", self.providers) sess = InferenceSession(train_onnx_model_serialized, sess_options=self.sess_options, provider_options=self.provider_options, providers=self.providers) if logger is not None:"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] create InferenceSession") sess_eval = InferenceSession(optimized_pre_grad_model, sess_options=self.sess_options, provider_options=self.provider_options, providers=self.providers) if logger is not None:"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] create training agent") grad_input_names = [ for obj in sess.get_inputs()] bw_fetches_names = [ for obj in sess.get_outputs()] fw_outputs_device_info = [ OrtDevice( OrtGradientForwardBackward._provider_name_to_device_type(i), OrtDevice.default_memory(), self.device_index) for i in self.providers ] bw_outputs_device_info = [ OrtDevice( OrtGradientForwardBackward._provider_name_to_device_type( self.providers[0]), OrtDevice.default_memory(), self.device_index) for i in bw_fetches_names ] fw_no_grad_output_device_info = [ OrtDevice( OrtGradientForwardBackward._provider_name_to_device_type( self.providers[0]), OrtDevice.default_memory(), self.device_index) for i in self.output_names ] try: # onnxruntime>=1.12 training_agent = TrainingAgent(sess._sess, grad_input_names, fw_outputs_device_info, bw_fetches_names, bw_outputs_device_info, 0) except TypeError: # onnxruntime<=1.11 training_agent = TrainingAgent(sess._sess, grad_input_names, fw_outputs_device_info, bw_fetches_names, bw_outputs_device_info) if logger is not None: "[OrtGradientForwardBackward] instantiate dynamic class %r", self.class_name)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] weights_to_train=%r", self.weights_to_train)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] grad_input_names=%r", grad_input_names)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] bw_fetches_names=%r", bw_fetches_names)"[OrtGradientForwardBackward] device_index=%r", self.device_index) devices = list(fw_outputs_device_info) while len(devices) < len(grad_input_names): devices.append(devices[-1]) trained_onnx = onnx.load(BytesIO(train_onnx_model_serialized)) onnx_loss = onnx.load(BytesIO(optimized_pre_grad_model)) for i, node in enumerate(trained_onnx.graph.node): if == '': = "N%d" % i for i, node in enumerate(onnx_loss.graph.node): if == '': = "N%d" % i kwargs = { '_run_options': self.run_options, '_sess': sess, '_sess_eval': sess_eval, '_training_agent': training_agent, '_cache': OrtValueCache(), '_logger': logger, '_input_names': self.input_names, '_grad_input_names': grad_input_names, '_output_names': self.output_names, '_bw_fetches_names': bw_fetches_names, '_fw_outputs_device_info': fw_outputs_device_info, '_bw_outputs_device_info': bw_outputs_device_info, '_fw_no_grad_output_device_info': fw_no_grad_output_device_info, '_weights_to_train': list(sorted(self.weights_to_train)), '_graph_info': graph_info, # '_trained_onnx': trained_onnx, '_optimized_pre_grad_model': onnx_loss, '_graph_builder': builder, '_devices': devices, '_debug': self.debug } graph = kwargs['_trained_onnx'].graph kwargs.update({ '_onx_inp': [ for o in graph.input], '_onx_out': [ for o in graph.output] }) if len(kwargs['_onx_inp']) != len(kwargs['_onx_out']): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Gradient input and output are inconsistant: " "%r != %r" % (kwargs['_onx_inp'], kwargs['_onx_out'])) return kwargs
class OpRunOnnxRuntime: """ Unique operator which calls :epkg:`onnxruntime` to compute predictions for one operator. """ def __init__(self, onnx_node, desc=None, variables=None, dtype=None, **options): """ @param onnx_node :epkg:`onnx` node @param desc internal representation @param variables registered variables created by previous operators @param dtype float computation type @param options runtime options """ self._provider = 'onnxruntime' self.onnx_node = onnx_node self.desc = desc self._schema = _schemas.get(onnx_node.op_type, None) if desc is not None: if 'atts' in desc: for a, b in desc['atts'].items(): if not isinstance(b, dict) or 'value' not in b: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected value {}.".format(b)) options[a] = b['value'] self.options = options self.dtype = dtype self._init(variables) def _name_mapping(self, inputs): mapping = {} new_inputs = [] for name in inputs: if name in mapping: i = 0 new_name = "{}_{}".format(name, i) while new_name in mapping: i += 1 new_name = "{}_{}".format(name, i) mapping[new_name] = name new_inputs.append(new_name) else: new_inputs.append(name) mapping[name] = name return mapping, new_inputs def _guess_proto_type(self, dtype): if dtype == numpy.float32: return TensorProto.FLOAT # pylint: disable=E1101 if dtype == numpy.float64: return TensorProto.DOUBLE # pylint: disable=E1101 if dtype == numpy.int64: return TensorProto.INT64 # pylint: disable=E1101 raise RuntimeError("Unable to guess type for dtype={}.".format( dtype)) # pragma: no cover def _init(self, variables=None): """ Initializes the node. @param variables registered variables created by previous operators The current implementation for operator *Scan* only works for matrices. """ try: self.alg_class = getattr(alg2, 'Onnx' + self.onnx_node.op_type) except AttributeError: self.alg_class = getattr(alg, 'Onnx' + self.onnx_node.op_type) inputs = list(self.onnx_node.input) self.mapping, self.inputs = self._name_mapping(inputs) self.outputs = list(self.onnx_node.output) options = self.options.copy() target_opset = options.pop('target_opset', None) domain = options.pop('domain', None) disable_optimisation = options.pop('disable_optimisation', False) ir_version = options.pop('ir_version', None) if domain == '' and target_opset < 9: # target_opset should be >= 9 not {} for main domain. # We assume it was the case when the graph was created. pass if self.onnx_node.op_type == 'ConstantOfShape': for k in options: v = options[k] if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): options[k] = make_tensor(k, self._guess_proto_type(v.dtype), v.shape, v.tolist()) self.inst_ = self.alg_class(*self.inputs, output_names=self.outputs, op_version=target_opset, **options) inputs = get_defined_inputs(self.inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) try: self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs, target_opset=target_opset, domain=domain) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}". format(self.onnx_)) except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover # older version of skl2onnx self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}". format(self.onnx_)) from e forced = False elif self.onnx_node.op_type == 'Scan': self.inst_ = self.alg_class(*self.inputs, output_names=self.outputs, op_version=target_opset, **options) inputs = get_defined_inputs(self.inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) outputs = get_defined_outputs(self.outputs, self.onnx_node, inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) inputs = [(name, cl.__class__([None, None])) for (name, cl) in inputs] outputs = [(name, cl.__class__([None, None])) for (name, cl) in outputs] self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs, outputs=outputs, target_opset=target_opset, domain=domain) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}".format( self.onnx_)) forced = True else: self.inst_ = self.alg_class(*self.inputs, output_names=self.outputs, op_version=target_opset, domain=domain, **options) inputs = get_defined_inputs(self.inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) try: self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs, target_opset=target_opset, domain=domain) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}\n---\n{}" .format(self.onnx_, inputs)) forced = False except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Let's try again by forcing output types. forced = True outputs = get_defined_outputs(self.outputs, self.onnx_node, inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs, outputs=outputs, target_opset=target_opset, domain=domain) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}". format(self.onnx_)) from e if len(self.onnx_.graph.output) != len(self.outputs): # Something is wrong, falls back to default plan. forced = True outputs = get_defined_outputs(self.outputs, self.onnx_node, inputs, variables, dtype=self.dtype) self.onnx_ = self.inst_.to_onnx(inputs, outputs=outputs, target_opset=target_opset, domain=domain) if "dim_value: 0" in str(self.onnx_): raise RuntimeError( "Probable issue as one dimension is null.\n--\n{}".format( self.onnx_)) else: lo = list(self.onnx_.graph.output) outputs = proto2vars(lo) sess_options = SessionOptions() self.run_options = RunOptions() try: sess_options.session_log_severity_level = 3 # sess_options.sessions_log_verbosity_level = 0 except AttributeError: # onnxruntime not recent enough. pass try: self.run_options.run_log_severity_level = 3 # self.run_options.run_log_verbosity_level = 0 except AttributeError: # onnxruntime not recent enough. pass if ir_version is not None: self.onnx_.ir_version = ir_version if disable_optimisation: sess_options.graph_optimization_level = ( GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_DISABLE_ALL) try: self.sess_ = InferenceSession(self.onnx_.SerializeToString(), sess_options=sess_options) except (RuntimeError, OrtNotImplemented, OrtInvalidGraph, OrtFail) as e: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to load node '{}' (output type was {})\n{}".format( self.onnx_node.op_type, "guessed" if forced else "inferred", self.onnx_)) from e self.typed_outputs_ = outputs def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Should be overwritten. """ inputs = {name: val for name, val in zip(self.inputs, args)} try: res =, inputs, self.run_options) except (RuntimeError, OrtInvalidArgument) as e: # pragma: no cover dtypes = {k: v.dtype for k, v in inputs.items()} shapes = {k: v.shape for k, v in inputs.items()} exp = [ for _ in self.sess_.get_inputs()] exp_types = [_.type for _ in self.sess_.get_inputs()] raise RuntimeError( "Predictions failed. List of inputs: {}, class={}" "\ndtypes={}\nshapes={}\nexpected={}\nexpected={}\n" "exception={}\n--ONNX--\n{}".format(list(sorted(inputs)), self.alg_class, dtypes, shapes, exp, exp_types, e, self.onnx_)) from e return tuple(res)
def infer_from_onnx(model_onnx, input_list): sess = InferenceSession(model_onnx.SerializeToString()) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name pred_onx =, {input_name: numpy.array(input_list, numpy.float32)}) return pred_onx
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType, Int64TensorType from skl2onnx import to_onnx iris = load_iris() X, y =, X = X.astype(numpy.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) clr = LogisticRegression(solver="liblinear"), y_train) onx = to_onnx(clr, X, options={'zipmap': False}) sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString()) input_names = [ for i in sess.get_inputs()] output_names = [ for o in sess.get_outputs()] print("inputs=%r, outputs=%r" % (input_names, output_names)) print(, {input_names[0]: X_test[:2]})) #################################### # Changes the input names # +++++++++++++++++++++++ # # It is possible to change the input name by using the # parameter *initial_types*. However, the user must specify the input # types as well. onx = to_onnx(clr, X, options={'zipmap': False},
class OnnxTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, OnnxOperatorMixin): """ Calls :epkg:`onnxruntime` inference following :epkg:`scikit-learn` API so that it can be included in a :epkg:`scikit-learn` pipeline. Parameters ---------- onnx_bytes : bytes output_name: string requested output name or None to request all and have method *transform* to store all of them in a dataframe enforce_float32 : boolean :epkg:`onnxruntime` only supports *float32*, :epkg:`scikit-learn` usually uses double floats, this parameter ensures that every array of double floats is converted into single floats """ def __init__(self, onnx_bytes, output_name=None, enforce_float32=True): BaseEstimator.__init__(self) TransformerMixin.__init__(self) self.onnx_bytes = onnx_bytes self.output_name = output_name self.enforce_float32 = enforce_float32 if not isinstance(onnx_bytes, bytes): raise TypeError("onnx_bytes must be bytes to be pickled.") def __repr__(self): """ usual """ ob = self.onnx_bytes if len(ob) > 20: ob = ob[:10] + b"..." + ob[-10:] return "{0}(onnx_bytes=b'{1}', output_name={2}, enforce_float32={3})".format( self.__class__.__name__, ob, self.output_name, enforce_float32) def fit(self, X=None, y=None, **fit_params): """ Loads the :epkg:`ONNX` model. Parameters ---------- X : unused y : unused Returns ------- self """ self.onnxrt_ = InferenceSession(self.onnx_bytes) self.inputs_ = [ for _ in self.onnxrt_.get_inputs()] return self def _check_arrays(self, inputs): """ Ensures that double floats are converted into single floats if *enforce_float32* is True or raises an exception. """ for k in inputs: v = inputs[k] if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): if v.dtype == numpy.float64: if self.enforce_float32: inputs[k] = v.astype(numpy.float32) else: raise TypeError( "onnxunruntime only supports floats. Input '{0}' " "should be converted.".format(k)) def transform(self, X, y=None, **inputs): """ Runs the predictions. If *X* is a dataframe, the function assumes every columns is a separate input, otherwise, *X* is considered as a first input and *inputs* can be used to specify extra inputs. Parameters ---------- X : iterable, data to process (or first input if several expected) y : unused inputs: :epkg:`ONNX` graph support multiple inputs, each column of a dataframe is converted into as many inputs if *X* is a dataframe, otherwise, *X* is considered as the first input and *inputs* can be used to specify the other ones Returns ------- :epkg:`DataFrame` """ if not hasattr(self, "onnxrt_"): raise AttributeError( "Transform OnnxTransformer must be fit first.") rt_inputs = {} if isinstance(X, pandas.DataFrame): for c in X.columns: rt_inputs[c] = X[c] elif isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray): rt_inputs[self.inputs_[0]] = X elif isinstance(X, dict) and len(inputs) == 0: for k, v in X.items(): rt_inputs[k] = v elif isinstance(X, list): if len(self.inputs_) == 1: rt_inputs[self.inputs_[0]] = numpy.array(X) else: for i in range(len(self.inputs_)): rt_inputs[self.inputs_[i]] = [row[i] for row in X] for k, v in inputs.items(): rt_inputs[k] = v names = [self.output_name] if self.output_name else None self._check_arrays(rt_inputs) outputs =, rt_inputs) if self.output_name or len(outputs) == 1: if isinstance(outputs[0], list): return pandas.DataFrame(outputs[0]) else: return outputs[0] else: names = self.output_name if self.output_name else [ for o in self.onnxrt_.get_outputs() ] return pandas.DataFrame({k: v for k, v in zip(names, outputs)}) def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **inputs): """ Loads the *ONNX* model and runs the predictions. Parameters ---------- X : iterable, data to process (or first input if several expected) y : unused inputs: :epkg:`ONNX` graph support multiple inputs, each column of a dataframe is converted into as many inputs if *X* is a dataframe, otherwise, *X* is considered as the first input and *inputs* can be used to specify the other ones Returns ------- :epkg:`DataFrame` """ return, y=y, **inputs).transform(X, y) @staticmethod def enumerate_create(onnx_bytes, output_names=None, enforce_float32=True): """ Creates multiple *OnnxTransformer*, one for each requested intermediate node. onnx_bytes : bytes output_names: string requested output names or None to request all and have method *transform* to store all of them in a dataframe enforce_float32 : boolean :epkg:`onnxruntime` only supports *float32*, :epkg:`scikit-learn` usually uses double floats, this parameter ensures that every array of double floats is converted into single floats :return: iterator on OnnxTransformer *('output name', OnnxTransformer)* """ selected = None if output_names is None else set(output_names) model = load_onnx_model(onnx_bytes) for out in enumerate_model_node_outputs(model): m = select_model_inputs_outputs(model, out) if selected is None or out in selected: tr = OnnxTransformer(m.SerializeToString(), enforce_float32=enforce_float32) yield out, tr def onnx_parser(self, inputs=None): """ Returns a parser for this model. """ if inputs: self.parsed_inputs_ = inputs def parser(): return [ for o in self.onnxrt_.get_outputs()] return parser def onnx_shape_calculator(self): def shape_calculator(operator): cout = self.onnxrt_.get_outputs() if len(operator.outputs) != len(cout): raise RuntimeError("Mismatched number of outputs: {} != {}." "".format(len(operator.outputs), len(cout))) for out in operator.outputs: shape = out.type.shape typ = guess_type(out.type) out.type = typ(shape=shape) return shape_calculator def onnx_converter(self): """ Returns a converter for this model. If not overloaded, it fetches the converter mapped to the first *scikit-learn* parent it can find. """ inputs = getattr(self, "parsed_inputs_", None) if inputs is None: inputs = [] for inp in self.onnxrt_.get_inputs(): shape = inp.type.shape typ = guess_type(inp.type) inputs.append((, typ(shape))) if outputs is None: outputs = [ for out in self.onnxrt_.get_outputs()] def copy_inout(inout): shape = [s.dim_value for s in inout.type.tensor_type.shape.dim] value_info = helper.make_tensor_value_info( clean_name(, inout.type.tensor_type.elem_type, shape) return value_info def clean_variable_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_variable_name(naame) def clean_operator_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_operator_name(naame) def clean_initializer_name(name, scope): return scope.get_unique_variable_name(naame) def converter(scope, operator, container): graph = model_onnx.graph inputs = [copy_inout(o) for o in graph.input] outputs = [copy_inout(o) for o in graph.output] for node in graph.node: n = helper.make_node( node.op_type, [clean_variable_name(o) for o in node.input], [clean_variable_name(o) for o in node.output]) n.attribute.extend(node.attribute) # pylint: disable=E1101 container.nodes.append(n) inits = [] for o in graph.initializer: tensor = TensorProto() tensor.data_type = o.data_type = clean_initializer_name( tensor.raw_data = o.raw_data tensor.dims.extend(o.dims) # pylint: disable=E1101 container.initializers.append(tensor) return converter
print(list(sorted(data["data"]))) print(data["data"]['skl']) ################################## # The input data is the following: if good: print(data['data']['data']) ######################################## # Let's compare predictions. if good: model_skl = data["data"]['skl'] model_onnx = InferenceSession(data["data"]['ort_onnx'].SerializeToString()) input_name = model_onnx.get_inputs()[0].name def ort_predict_proba(sess, input, input_name): res =, {input_name: input.astype(numpy.float32)})[1] return pandas.DataFrame(res).values if good: pred_skl = [ model_skl.predict_proba(input[0]) for input in data['data']['data'] ] pred_onnx = [ ort_predict_proba(model_onnx, input[0], input_name) for input in data['data']['data'] ]
else: print("'%s' already downloaded" % name) model_name = "squeezenet1.1-7.onnx" url_name = ("" "classification/squeezenet/model") url_name += "/" + model_name download_file(url_name, model_name, 100000) ################################################ # Loading the ONNX file and use it on one image. sess = InferenceSession(model_name) for inp in sess.get_inputs(): print(inp) ##################################### # The model expects a series of images of size # `[3, 224, 224]`. ########################################## # Classifying an image # ++++++++++++++++++++ url = ("" "East_Coker_elm%2C_2.jpg") img = "East_Coker_elm.jpg" download_file(url, img, 100000)
class DatasetsOrtBenchPerfTest(BenchPerfTest): def __init__(self, model, dataset, norm): BenchPerfTest.__init__(self) self.model_name = model self.dataset_name = dataset self.datas = common_datasets[dataset] skl_model = get_model(model) if norm: if 'NB' in model: self.model = make_pipeline(MinMaxScaler(), skl_model) else: self.model = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), skl_model) else: self.model = skl_model[0], self.datas[2]) self.data_test = self.datas[1] if '-cdist' in model: options = {id(skl_model): {'optim': 'cdist'}} else: options = None self.onx = to_onnx(self.model, self.datas[0].astype(numpy.float32), options=options, target_opset=__max_supported_opset__) self.onx.ir_version = get_ir_version(__max_supported_opset__) logger = getLogger("skl2onnx") logger.propagate = False logger.disabled = True self.ort = InferenceSession(self.onx.SerializeToString()) self.oinf = OnnxInference(self.onx, runtime='python') self.oinfc = OnnxInference(self.onx, runtime='python_compiled') self.output_name = self.oinf.output_names[-1] self.input_name = self.ort.get_inputs()[0].name self.model_info = analyze_model(self.model) def fcts(self, **kwargs): def predict_ort(X, model=self.ort, namei=self.input_name): try: return, {namei: X})[1] except Exception as e: return None def predict_skl(X, model=self.model): return model.predict(X) def predict_pyrt(X, model=self.oinf, namei=self.input_name, nameo=self.output_name): return{namei: X})[nameo] def predict_pyrtc(X, model=self.oinfc, namei=self.input_name, nameo=self.output_name): return{namei: X})[nameo] return [{ 'lib': 'ort', 'fct': predict_ort }, { 'lib': 'skl', 'fct': predict_skl }, { 'lib': 'pyrt', 'fct': predict_pyrt }, { 'lib': 'pyrtc', 'fct': predict_pyrtc }] def data(self, N=10, dim=-1, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0221 if dim != -1: raise ValueError("dim must be -1 as it is fixed.") nbs = numpy.random.randint(0, self.data_test.shape[0] - 1, N) res = self.data_test[nbs, :].astype(numpy.float32) return (res, ) def validate(self, results, **kwargs): nb = 5 if len(results) != nb * 4: # skl, ort, pyrt, pyrtc raise RuntimeError("Expected only 3 results not {0}.".format( len(results))) res = {} for idt, fct, vals in results: if idt not in res: res[idt] = {} if isinstance(vals, list): vals = pandas.DataFrame(vals).values lib = fct['lib'] res[idt][lib] = vals if len(res) != nb: raise RuntimeError("Expected only 2 results not {0}.".format( len(results))) final = {} for diff_name in ['ort', 'pyrt', 'pyrtc']: diffs = [] for i in range(0, nb): r = res[i] if diff_name not in r or r[diff_name] is None: continue bas = numpy.squeeze(r['skl']) onn = numpy.squeeze(r[diff_name].squeeze()) if bas.shape != onn.shape: raise AssertionError( "Shape mismatch {} != {} params={}".format( bas.shape, onn.shape, results[0][0])) diff = numpy.max(numpy.abs(onn - bas)) diffs.append(diff) if len(diffs) > 0: final.update({ 'diff_%s' % diff_name: sum(diffs) / nb, 'upper_diff_%s' % diff_name: max(diffs), 'lower_diff_%s' % diff_name: min(diffs) }) for k, v in self.model_info.items(): final['fit_' + k] = v return final
class InferenceSession: # pylint: disable=E0102 """ Wrappers around InferenceSession from :epkg:`onnxruntime`. :param onnx_bytes: onnx bytes :param session_options: session options :param log_severity_level: change the logging level :param device: device, a string `cpu`, `cuda`, `cuda:0`... """ def __init__(self, onnx_bytes, sess_options=None, log_severity_level=4, device=None): if InferenceSession is None: raise ImportError( # pragma: no cover "onnxruntime is not available.") self.log_severity_level = log_severity_level if device is None: self.device = get_ort_device('cpu') else: self.device = get_ort_device(device) self.providers = device_to_providers(self.device) set_default_logger_severity(3) if sess_options is None: = SessionOptions() = log_severity_level self.sess = OrtInferenceSession(onnx_bytes,, providers=self.providers) else: = sess_options self.sess = OrtInferenceSession(onnx_bytes, sess_options=sess_options, providers=self.providers) = RunOptions() = log_severity_level = log_severity_level self.output_names = [ for o in self.get_outputs()] def run(self, output_names, input_feed, run_options=None): """ Executes the ONNX graph. :param output_names: None for all, a name for a specific output :param input_feed: dictionary of inputs :param run_options: None or RunOptions :return: array """ if any(map(lambda v: isinstance(v, C_OrtValue), input_feed.values())): return self.sess._sess.run_with_ort_values(input_feed, self.output_names, run_options or return, input_feed, run_options or def get_inputs(self): "Returns input types." return self.sess.get_inputs() def get_outputs(self): "Returns output types." return self.sess.get_outputs() def end_profiling(self): "Ends profiling." return self.sess.end_profiling()