def _make_auth(self, method, date, nonce, path, query={}, ctype='application/json'):
        Create the request signature to authenticate

            - method (str): HTTP method
            - date (str): HTTP date header string
            - nonce (str): Cryptographic nonce
            - path (str): URL pathname
            - query (dict, default={}): URL query string in key-value pairs
            - ctype (str, default='application/json'): HTTP Content-Type

        query = urllib.parse.urlencode(query)

        hmac_str = (method + '\n' + nonce + '\n' + date + '\n' + ctype + '\n' + path +
                    '\n' + query + '\n').lower().encode('utf-8')

        signature = base64.b64encode(, hmac_str, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())
        auth = 'On ' + self._access_key.decode('utf-8') + ':HmacSHA256:' + signature.decode('utf-8')

        if self._logging:
                'query': query,
                'hmac_str': hmac_str,
                'signature': signature,
                'auth': auth

        return auth
    def __init__(self, stack, creds='./config.json', logging=True):
        Instantiates an instance of the Onshape class. Reads credentials from a JSON file
        of this format:

                "": {
                    "access_key": "YOUR KEY HERE",
                    "secret_key": "YOUR KEY HERE"
                etc... add new object for each stack to test on

        The creds.json file should be stored in the root project folder; optionally,
        you can specify the location of a different file.

            - stack (str): Base URL
            - creds (str, default='./config.json'): Credentials location

        if not os.path.isfile(creds):
            raise IOError('%s is not a file' % creds)

        self._logging = logging

        with open(creds) as f:
                config = json.load(f)
                self._url = config["onshape_api"]
                self._access_key = config['onshape_access_key'].encode('utf-8')
                self._secret_key = config['onshape_secret_key'].encode('utf-8')
            except TypeError:
                raise ValueError('%s is not valid json' % creds)
            except KeyError:
                self._url = os.getenv('ONSHAPE_API')
                self._access_key = os.getenv('ONSHAPE_ACCESS_KEY')
                self._secret_key = os.getenv('ONSHAPE_SECRET_KEY')

                if self._url is None or self._access_key is None or self._secret_key is None:
                    print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: No OnShape API access key are set' + Style.RESET_ALL)
                    print(Fore.BLUE + 'TIP: Connect to, and edit your .bashrc file:' + Style.RESET_ALL)
                    print(Fore.BLUE + 'export ONSHAPE_API=' + Style.RESET_ALL)
                    print(Fore.BLUE + 'export ONSHAPE_ACCESS_KEY=Your_Access_Key' + Style.RESET_ALL)
                    print(Fore.BLUE + 'export ONSHAPE_SECRET_KEY=Your_Secret_Key' + Style.RESET_ALL)

                self._access_key = self._access_key.encode('utf-8')
                self._secret_key = self._secret_key.encode('utf-8')

                if self._url is None or self._access_key is None or self._secret_key is None:
                    exit('No key in config.json, and environment variables not set')

        if self._logging:
            utils.log('onshape instance created: url = %s, access key = %s' % (self._url, self._access_key))
    def _make_nonce(self):
        Generate a unique ID for the request, 25 chars in length

            - str: Cryptographic nonce

        chars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters
        nonce = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(25))

        if self._logging:
            utils.log('nonce created: %s' % nonce)

        return nonce
    def __init__(self, stack, creds='./config.json', logging=True):
        Instantiates an instance of the Onshape class. Reads credentials from a JSON file
        of this format:

                "": {
                    "access_key": "YOUR KEY HERE",
                    "secret_key": "YOUR KEY HERE"
                etc... add new object for each stack to test on

        The creds.json file should be stored in the root project folder; optionally,
        you can specify the location of a different file.

            - stack (str): Base URL
            - creds (str, default='./config.json'): Credentials location

        if not os.path.isfile(creds):
            raise IOError('%s is not a file' % creds)

        with open(creds) as f:
                config = json.load(f)
                self._url = config["onshape_api"]
                self._access_key = config['onshape_access_key'].encode('utf-8')
                self._secret_key = config['onshape_secret_key'].encode('utf-8')
                self._logging = logging
            except TypeError:
                raise ValueError('%s is not valid json' % creds)

        if self._logging:
            utils.log('onshape instance created: url = %s, access key = %s' %
                      (self._url, self._access_key))
    def request(self, method, path, query={}, headers={}, body={}, base_url=None):
        Issues a request to Onshape

            - method (str): HTTP method
            - path (str): Path  e.g. /api/documents/:id
            - query (dict, default={}): Query params in key-value pairs
            - headers (dict, default={}): Key-value pairs of headers
            - body (dict, default={}): Body for POST request
            - base_url (str, default=None): Host, including scheme and port (if different from creds file)

            - requests.Response: Object containing the response from Onshape

        req_headers = self._make_headers(method, path, query, headers)
        if base_url is None:
            base_url = self._url
        url = base_url + path + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(query)

        if self._logging:
            utils.log('request url: ' + url)

        # only parse as json string if we have to
        body = json.dumps(body) if type(body) == dict else body

        res = requests.request(method, url, headers=req_headers, data=body, allow_redirects=False, stream=True)

        if res.status_code == 307:
            location = urlparse(res.headers["Location"])
            querystring = parse_qs(location.query)

            if self._logging:
                utils.log('request redirected to: ' + location.geturl())

            new_query = {}
            new_base_url = location.scheme + '://' + location.netloc

            for key in querystring:
                new_query[key] = querystring[key][0]  # won't work for repeated query params

            return self.request(method, location.path, query=new_query, headers=headers, base_url=new_base_url)
        elif not 200 <= res.status_code <= 206:
            print('! ERROR ('+str(res.status_code)+') while using OnShape API')
            if res.text:
                print('! '+res.text)
            if self._logging:
                utils.log('request failed, details: ' + res.text, level=1)
            if self._logging:
                utils.log('request succeeded, details: ' + res.text)

        return res