def test_eval_conditions(self): # Get the action first self.action = Action.objects.get(name=self.action_name) # Get wflow table, filter and column names wflow_table = self.action.workflow.get_data_frame_table_name() filter_formula = self.action.get_filter_formula() column_names = self.action.workflow.get_column_names() conditions = self.action.conditions.filter(is_filter=False) # Get dataframe df = get_subframe(wflow_table, filter_formula, column_names) # Get the query set qs = get_rows(wflow_table, column_names=column_names, filter_formula=filter_formula) # Iterate over the rows in the dataframe and compare for idx, row in enumerate(qs): row_value_df = dict(list(zip(column_names, df.loc[idx, :]))) row_value_qs = dict(list(zip(column_names, row))) cond_eval1 = [ evaluate_formula(x.formula, EVAL_EXP, row_value_df) for x in conditions ] cond_eval2 = [ evaluate_formula(x.formula, EVAL_EXP, row_value_qs) for x in conditions ] assert cond_eval1 == cond_eval2
def do_operand(self, input_value, op_value, type_value, value1, value2, value3): result1 = evaluate_formula( self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format(''), type_value, value1), EVAL_EXP, {'variable': value2}) result2 = evaluate_formula( self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format(''), type_value, value1), EVAL_EXP, {'variable': value3}) if op_value.endswith('null') or value2 is not None: # If value2 is not None, expect regular results self.assertTrue(result1) else: # If value2 is None, then all formulas should be false self.assertFalse(result1) self.assertFalse(result2) if op_value.find('{0}') != -1: result1 = evaluate_formula( self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format('not_'), type_value, value1), EVAL_EXP, {'variable': value2}) result2 = evaluate_formula( self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format('not_'), type_value, value1), EVAL_EXP, {'variable': value3}) self.assertFalse(result1) if op_value.endswith('null') or value3 is not None: # If value2 is not None, expect regular results self.assertTrue(result2) else: # If value2 is None, then all formulas should be false self.assertFalse(result2)
def action_condition_evaluation( action: Action, row_values: Mapping, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, bool]]: """Calculate dictionary with column_name: Boolean evaluations. :param action: Action objects to obtain the columns :param row_values: dictionary with (name: value) pairs for one row :return: Dictionary condition_name: True/False or None if anomaly """ condition_eval = {} conditions = action.conditions.filter(is_filter=False).values( 'name', 'is_filter', 'formula', ) for condition in conditions: # Evaluate the condition try: condition_eval[condition['name']] = evaluate_formula( condition['formula'], EVAL_EXP, row_values, ) except ontask.OnTaskException: # Something went wrong evaluating a condition. Stop. return None return condition_eval
def get_num_rows(table_name, cond_filter=None): """Get the number of rows in the table that satisfy the condition. :param table_name: Table name :param cond_filter: Formula :return: integer """ query = sql.SQL('SELECT count (*) FROM {0}').format( sql.Identifier(table_name)) cond_fields = [] if cond_filter is not None: cond_filter, cond_fields = evaluate_formula( cond_filter, EVAL_SQL, ) query = sql.SQL('{0} WHERE {1}').format(query, cond_filter) with connection.connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, cond_fields) num_rows = cursor.fetchone()[0] return num_rows
def select_ids_all_false( table_name: str, filter_formula: Optional[Dict], cond_formula_list: List[Dict], ) -> List[int]: """Create query to select rows with all conditions equal to false. :param table_name: Table in the DB :param filter_formula: Filter formula for the WHERE clause (if any) :param cond_formula_list: Non-empty list of condition formulas :return: List of indeces for which all conditions (and filter) are false """ # Prelude for the query query = sql.SQL( 'SELECT t.position from (' + 'SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () ' + 'AS position FROM {0}) AS t', ).format(sql.Identifier(table_name)) cond_sql, cond_fields = zip(*[ evaluate_formula(c_formula, EVAL_SQL) for c_formula in cond_formula_list ]) # WHERE clause for the conditions query += sql.SQL(' WHERE ') + sql.SQL(' AND ').join( [sql.SQL('(NOT ({0}))').format(cond) for cond in cond_sql], ) query_fields = sum(cond_fields, []) # Query clause for the filter if filter_formula: filter_query, filter_fields = evaluate_formula( filter_formula, EVAL_SQL, ) query = query + sql.SQL(' AND ') + filter_query query_fields += filter_fields # Run the query and return the list cursor = connection.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, query_fields) return [id_tuple[0] for id_tuple in cursor.fetchall()]
def get_formula_text(self): """Translate the formula to plain text. Return the content of the formula in a string that is human readable :return: String """ if not self.formula_text: self.formula_text = evaluate_formula(self.formula, EVAL_TXT) return self.formula_text
def do_sql_txt_operand(self, input_value, op_value, type_value, value, row_yes=1, row_no=1): self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format(''), type_value, value, 'v_' + type_value) data_frame = load_table(self.test_table, self.test_columns, self.skel) self.assertEqual(data_frame.shape[0], row_yes) evaluate_formula(self.skel, EVAL_TXT) if op_value.find('{0}') != -1: self.set_skel(input_value, op_value.format('not_'), type_value, value, 'v_' + type_value) data_frame = load_table(self.test_table, self.test_columns, self.skel) self.assertEqual(data_frame.shape[0], row_no) evaluate_formula(self.skel, EVAL_TXT)
def log(self, user, operation_type: str, **kwargs): """Log the operation with the object.""" payload = { 'id':, 'name':, 'columns': [ for col in self.columns.all()], 'formula': evaluate_formula(self.formula, EVAL_TXT), 'nrows': self.nrows} payload.update(kwargs) return Log.objects.register( user, operation_type, self.workflow, payload)
def get_boolean_clause( filter_formula: Optional[Dict] = None, filter_pairs: Optional[Mapping] = None, conjunction: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[sql.Composed, List]: """Create the boolean clause based on a formula and a list of pairs. Create the SQL boolean clause to be added to a query by combining a formula and a dictionary with key:value pairs. Both of them are optional and are combined through conjunction/disjunction depending on the conjunction variable. :param filter_formula: Boolean formula :param filter_pairs: Dictionary of key/value pairs. :param conjunction: Boolean stating if the clauses need to be in a conjunction. :return: SQL clause and list of fields. """ clause = None clause_fields = [] if filter_formula: # There is a filter clause, clause_fields = evaluate_formula(filter_formula, EVAL_SQL) if filter_pairs: c_txt = ' AND ' if conjunction else ' OR ' pairs_clause = sql.SQL(c_txt).join([ sql.SQL('{0} = {1}').format(OnTaskDBIdentifier(key), sql.Placeholder()) for key, __ in filter_pairs.items() ]) pairs_fields = [lit_val for __, lit_val in filter_pairs.items()] if clause: clause = clause + sql.SQL(' AND ') + pairs_clause clause_fields += pairs_fields else: clause = pairs_clause clause_fields = pairs_fields return clause, clause_fields
def get_action_evaluation_context( action: Action, row_values: Mapping, condition_eval: Mapping = None, ) -> Optional[Dict]: """Create a dictionary with name:value to evaluate action content. :param action: Action object for which the dictionary is needed :param row_values: Dictionary with col_name, col_value :param condition_eval: Dictionary with the condition evaluations :return: Dictionary with context values or None if there is an anomaly """ # If no row values are given, there is nothing to do here. if row_values is None: # No rows satisfy the given condition return None if not condition_eval: # Step 1: Evaluate all the conditions condition_eval = {} conditions = action.conditions.filter(is_filter=False).values( 'name', 'is_filter', 'formula', ) for condition in conditions: # Evaluate the condition try: condition_eval[condition['name']] = evaluate_formula( condition['formula'], EVAL_EXP, row_values, ) except ontask.OnTaskException: # Something went wrong evaluating a condition. Stop. return None # Create the context with the attributes, the evaluation of the # conditions and the values of the columns. return dict( dict(row_values, **condition_eval), **action.workflow.attributes, )
def search_table( table_name: str, search_value: str, columns_to_search: Optional[List] = None, filter_formula: Optional[Dict] = None, any_join: bool = True, order_col_name: str = None, order_asc: bool = True, ): """Search the content of all cells in the table. Select rows where for every (column, value) pair, column contains value ( as in LIKE %value%, these are combined with OR if any is TRUE, or AND if any is false, and the result is ordered by the given column and type (if given) :param table_name: table name :param filter_formula: Optional filter condition to pre filter the query :param columns_to_search: A column, value, type tuple to search the value in the column set. the query is built with these terms as requirement AND the cv_tuples. :param any_join: Boolean encoding if values should be combined with OR (or AND) :param order_col_name: Order results by this column :param order_asc: Order results in ascending values (or descending) :param search_value: String to search :return: The resulting query set """ # Create the query if columns_to_search: query = sql.SQL('SELECT {0} FROM {1}').format( sql.SQL(', ').join([ OnTaskDBIdentifier(colname) for colname in columns_to_search ]), sql.Identifier(table_name), ) else: query = sql.SQL('SELECT * from {1}').format(sql.Identifier(table_name)) query_fields = [] where_clause = sql.SQL('') # Add filter part if present if filter_formula: filter_query, filter_fields = evaluate_formula(filter_formula, EVAL_SQL) if filter_query: where_clause = filter_query query_fields += filter_fields # Add the CAST {0} AS TEXT LIKE ... if search_value: if where_clause != sql.SQL(''): where_clause = where_clause + sql.SQL(' AND ') # Combine the search subqueries if any_join: conn_txt = ' OR ' else: conn_txt = ' AND ' where_clause = where_clause + sql.SQL(conn_txt).join([ sql.SQL('(CAST ({0} AS TEXT) LIKE %s)').format( OnTaskDBIdentifier(cname), ) for cname in columns_to_search ]) query_fields += ['%' + search_value + '%'] * len(columns_to_search) if where_clause != sql.SQL(''): query = query + sql.SQL(' WHERE ') + where_clause # Add the order if needed if order_col_name: query = query + sql.SQL(' ORDER BY {0}').format( OnTaskDBIdentifier(order_col_name)) if not order_asc: query = query + sql.SQL(' DESC') # Execute the query with connection.connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, query_fields) search_result = cursor.fetchall() return search_result