async def setup_move():
    mycam = ONVIFCamera(IP, PORT, USER, PASS)
    await mycam.update_xaddrs()
    # Create media service object
    media = mycam.createService('media')
    # Create ptz service object
    global ptz
    ptz = mycam.createService('ptz')

    # Get target profile
    media_profile = await media.GetProfiles()[0]

    # Get PTZ configuration options for getting continuous move range
    request = ptz.create_type('GetConfigurationOptions')
    request.ConfigurationToken = media_profile.PTZConfiguration.token
    ptz_configuration_options = await ptz.GetConfigurationOptions(request)

    global moverequest
    moverequest = ptz.create_type('ContinuousMove')
    moverequest.ProfileToken = media_profile.token
    if moverequest.Velocity is None:
        moverequest.Velocity = await ptz.GetStatus({'ProfileToken': media_profile.token}).Position

    # Get range of pan and tilt
    # NOTE: X and Y are velocity vector
    global XMAX, XMIN, YMAX, YMIN
    XMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].XRange.Max
    XMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].XRange.Min
    YMAX = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].YRange.Max
    YMIN = ptz_configuration_options.Spaces.ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace[0].YRange.Min
async def run():
    mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'hass',
                        'peek4boo')  #, no_cache=True)
    await mycam.update_xaddrs()
    event_service = mycam.createService('events')
    properties = await event_service.GetEventProperties()

    pullpoint = mycam.createService('pullpoint')
    req = pullpoint.create_type('PullMessages')
    req.MessageLimit = 100
    req.Timeout = 30
    messages = await pullpoint.PullMessages(req)
async def rotate_image_180():
    ''' Rotate the image '''

    # Create the media service
    mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'admin', '12345')
    await mycam.update_xaddrs()
    media_service = mycam.createService('media')

    profiles = await media_service.GetProfiles()

    # Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
    token = profiles[0].token

    # Get all video source configurations
    configurations_list = await media_service.GetVideoSourceConfigurations()

    # Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
    video_source_configuration = configurations_list[0]

    # Enable rotate
    video_source_configuration.Extension[0].Rotate[0].Mode[0] = 'OFF'

    # Create request type instance
    request = media_service.create_type('SetVideoSourceConfiguration')
    request.Configuration = video_source_configuration

    # ForcePersistence is obsolete and should always be assumed to be True
    request.ForcePersistence = True

    # Set the video source configuration
    await media_service.SetVideoSourceConfiguration(request)
async def media_profile_configuration():
    A media profile consists of configuration entities such as video/audio
    source configuration, video/audio encoder configuration,
    or PTZ configuration. This use case describes how to change one
    configuration entity which has been already added to the media profile.

    # Create the media service
    mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'admin', '12345')
    await mycam.update_xaddrs()
    media_service = mycam.createService('media')

    profiles = await media_service.GetProfiles()

    # Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
    token = profiles[0].token

    # Get all video encoder configurations
    configurations_list = await media_service.GetVideoEncoderConfigurations()

    # Use the first profile and Profiles have at least one
    video_encoder_configuration = configurations_list[0]

    # Get video encoder configuration options
    options = await media_service.GetVideoEncoderConfigurationOptions({'ProfileToken':token})

    # Setup stream configuration
    video_encoder_configuration.Encoding = 'H264'
    # Setup Resolution
    video_encoder_configuration.Resolution.Width = \
    video_encoder_configuration.Resolution.Height = \
    # Setup Quality
    video_encoder_configuration.Quality = options.QualityRange.Min
    # Setup FramRate
    video_encoder_configuration.RateControl.FrameRateLimit = \
    # Setup EncodingInterval
    video_encoder_configuration.RateControl.EncodingInterval = \
    # Setup Bitrate
    video_encoder_configuration.RateControl.BitrateLimit = \

    # Create request type instance
    request = media_service.create_type('SetVideoEncoderConfiguration')
    request.Configuration = video_encoder_configuration
    # ForcePersistence is obsolete and should always be assumed to be True
    request.ForcePersistence = True