    def __call__(self, data):
        # empirically, (and interestingly): this (near 16-bit) shift factor lets
        # the exposed ref property be 1 while giving occasional 0 dB output on a
        # Mac with "Use ambient noise reduction" set to on and "Input volume"
        # slider set to the minimum (settings which give about the lowest level
        # signal data you can get on the mac)
        ref_factor = N.float32(1 / (1 << 18))
        # this should be an adequate range of dBs
        clip_lo, clip_hi = 0, 140

        assert data.shape[-1] == self.data_length
        band = data[self.select]
        assert len(band) >= 1
        ref = N.float32(self.ref * len(band) * ref_factor)
        band *= band
        bandsum = band.sum()
        # XXX not ndarrays....
        sum = float(bandsum)
        if False:
            # slight smoothing; bizarre: causes Python ncurses to bog down!
            sum = (self.prev + sum) / 2
            self.prev = sum
        # space is 10 * log10 (energy)
        dB = (10 * math.log10(sum / ref)) if sum > ref else 0
        dB = max(clip_lo, dB)
        dB = min(clip_hi, dB)
        dcheck(vumeterlog) and dprint(vumeterlog, 'dB', N.float32(dB), 'channels', len(band), 'ref', self.ref, 'scaled_ref', ref, 'energy', bandsum)
        # we return the dB in decibel scaling
        return dB
def safe_log_divide(x, y):
    Compute x - y where x and y are either scalars, Numpy arrays of the same
    shape, or Numpy arrays that can be projected into the same shape, and make
    sure that (-Inf) - (-Inf) is handled correctly and quietly.  Complain if the
    second operand is -Inf but the first is not.

    >>> zero = quiet_log(0.0)
    >>> result = safe_log_divide(zero, 1.0)
    >>> result == zero
    >>> safe_log_divide(1.0, zero)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: log division by zero

    >>> result = safe_log_divide(zero, zero)
    >>> result == zero

    >>> x = numpy.zeros((3,2), dtype=float) - 3.2
    >>> x[:,1] = quiet_log(0.0)
    >>> x
    array([[-3.2, -Inf],
           [-3.2, -Inf],
           [-3.2, -Inf]])

    >>> safe_log_divide(x, x)
    array([[  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf]])

    >>> y = numpy.zeros((3,2), dtype=float) - 3.2
    >>> safe_log_divide(x, y)
    array([[  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf]])

    >>> safe_log_divide(y, x)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: log division by zero
    with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        POS_INF = 1.0 - LOG_ZERO
        ret = numpy.subtract(x, y)
    if isinstance(ret, numpy.ndarray):
        if (ret == POS_INF).any():
            dc = dcheck("math_raise")
            dc and dc("Arguments: numerator = \n%s\ndenominator = \n%s" %
                      (x, y))
            raise ValueError("log division by zero")
        numpy.place(ret, numpy.isnan(ret), LOG_ZERO)
    elif numpy.isnan(ret):
        ret = LOG_ZERO
    elif ret == POS_INF:
        dc = dcheck("math_raise")
        dc and dc("Arguments: numerator = \n%s\ndenominator = \n%s" % (x, y))
        raise ValueError("log division by zero")
    return ret
def safe_log_divide(x, y):
    Compute x - y where x and y are either scalars, Numpy arrays of the same
    shape, or Numpy arrays that can be projected into the same shape, and make
    sure that (-Inf) - (-Inf) is handled correctly and quietly.  Complain if the
    second operand is -Inf but the first is not.

    >>> zero = quiet_log(0.0)
    >>> result = safe_log_divide(zero, 1.0)
    >>> result == zero
    >>> safe_log_divide(1.0, zero)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: log division by zero

    >>> result = safe_log_divide(zero, zero)
    >>> result == zero

    >>> x = numpy.zeros((3,2), dtype=float) - 3.2
    >>> x[:,1] = quiet_log(0.0)
    >>> x
    array([[-3.2, -Inf],
           [-3.2, -Inf],
           [-3.2, -Inf]])

    >>> safe_log_divide(x, x)
    array([[  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf]])

    >>> y = numpy.zeros((3,2), dtype=float) - 3.2
    >>> safe_log_divide(x, y)
    array([[  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf],
           [  0., -Inf]])

    >>> safe_log_divide(y, x)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: log division by zero
    with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        POS_INF = 1.0 - LOG_ZERO
        ret = numpy.subtract(x, y)
    if isinstance(ret, numpy.ndarray):
        if (ret == POS_INF).any():
            dc = dcheck("math_raise")
            dc and dc("Arguments: numerator = \n%s\ndenominator = \n%s" % (x, y))
            raise ValueError("log division by zero")
        numpy.place(ret, numpy.isnan(ret), LOG_ZERO)
    elif numpy.isnan(ret):
        ret = LOG_ZERO
    elif ret == POS_INF:
        dc = dcheck("math_raise")
        dc and dc("Arguments: numerator = \n%s\ndenominator = \n%s" % (x, y))
        raise ValueError("log division by zero")
    return ret
 def _init_models_rand(self, primer):
     k = self.num_components
     d = self.dimension
     self._weights = np.ones(k, dtype=float) / k
     dc1 = dcheck("gaussian_priming")
     if primer is None:
         means = np.array([self.rand.normalvariate(0,1) for x in range(d) for y in range(k)])
         self.set_means(np.reshape(means, (k, d)))
         if self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE:
             vars = np.array([0.7] * d * k)
             # vars = np.array([self.rand.normalvariate(0,1) ** 2 for x in range(d) for y in range(k)])
             self.set_vars(np.reshape(vars, (k, d)))
             assert self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE
             self.set_vars(np.resize(np.eye(d) * 0.7, (k, d, d)))
     else: # use primer
         means = []
         vars = []
         dc1 and dc1("priming with model = %s" % (primer,))
         mean_primer = primer.copy()
         mean_primer.set_vars(0.25 * primer.vars)
         dc1 and dc1("priming means with model = %s" % (mean_primer,))
         for y in xrange(k):    # loop over components
         means = np.array(means).reshape(k, d)
         dc1 and dc1("primed means = %s" % (means,))
         if self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE:
             vars = np.array(vars).reshape(k, d)
             vars = np.array(vars).reshape(k, d, d)
         dc1 and dc1("primed vars = %s" % (vars,))
    def process(self, event):
        label, scores = event
        # We try to do as little as possible unless we're going to do printing, so
        # there are many early outs here.
        if label is None: 
        self._long_term_count += 1
        self._short_term_count += 1
        if label == scores[0][1]:
            self._long_term_correct += 1
            self._short_term_correct += 1

        if self._long_term_count % self._interval != 0:
        dc = dcheck("acc_track")
        if not dc:

        to_print = list(self._line_template)
        lt_acc = int(100 * self._long_term_correct / self._long_term_count)
        assert 0 <= lt_acc <= 100
        to_print[lt_acc] = '+'
        st_acc = int(100 * self._short_term_correct / self._short_term_count)
        assert 0 <= st_acc <= 100
        to_print[st_acc] = 'x'            
        if lt_acc == st_acc:
            to_print[st_acc] = '*'            
        if self._short_term_count > self._window_size:
            self._short_term_count = self._short_term_correct = 0

        dc(DebugPrint.NO_PREFIX, ''.join(to_print))
def read_htk_mmf_file(file, log_domain=False):
    Read HTK mmf files into our model structure.

    file should be a filestream opened on an HTK MMF file.  hmm_mgr and gmm_mgr
    must be HmmMgr and GmmMgr instances, respectivly, and both must be in the
    NOT_ADAPTING state.  The return is a dict with the names of the models as
    keys and the model indices in hmm_mgr as values.
    # in general these imports should be at module scope, but doing so causes an
    # import circularity as hmm_mgr.py needs to import from *this* module
    # (htkmmf), so we delay things and do it in the function that needs these
    # symbols
    from onyx.am.gaussian import GaussianMixtureModel
    from onyx.am.modelmgr import GmmMgr
    from onyx.am.hmm import Hmm
    from onyx.am.hmm_mgr import HmmMgr

    dc = dcheck("htkmmf_read")
    covar_map = {'diagc' : GaussianMixtureModel.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE,
                 'fullc' : GaussianMixtureModel.FULL_COVARIANCE }
    contents = file.read()
    dc and dc("contents = \n%s" % (contents,))
        result = mmf.parse('top', contents)
    except Exception, any:
        print "HTK MMF parse error: " + str(any)
        return None
 def __eq__(self, other):
     dc = dcheck("gmm_eq")
     if (self.dimension, self.covariance_type) != (other.dimension, other.covariance_type):
         dc and dc("dimensions or covariance_types are not eq")
         return False
     if (self.means != other.means).any():
         dc and dc("means are not eq: self.means = %s; other.means = %s, cmp = %s" %
                   (self.means, other.means, self.means == other.means))
         return False
     if (self.vars != other.vars).any():
         dc and dc("vars are not eq: self.vars = %s; other.vars = %s" % (self.vars, other.vars))
         return False
     return True
 def accum_sequence(self, mi, gamma, comp_scores, seq):
     Accumulate for a sequence of datapoints.  mi is a model index; gamma is a Numpy array of
     shape (N+1,) where N = len(seq).  comp_scores is a list of length N containing .  seq is an
     iterable of observations in the form of Numpy arrays.  This call can only be made when the
     adaptation state is ACCUMULATING.
     dc = dcheck("mm_as")
     seq = tuple(seq)
     assert len(seq) == len(gamma) - 1
     assert len(seq) == len(comp_scores)
     dc and dc("Accumulating sequence: %s\n  gamma = %s\n  comp_scores = %s" % (seq, gamma, comp_scores))
     self._accums[mi].accum_sequence(gamma, comp_scores, seq)
 def __call__(self, labeled_data):
     label, data = labeled_data
     assert label in self.labels
     assert all(len(datum) == self.nfeatures for datum in data)
     index = self.labels.index(label)
     relevance = self.samples_seen[index] / len(data)
     self.samples_seen[index] += len(data)
     self.models[index].set_relevances((relevance, relevance))
     dc = dcheck('SimpleGaussianTrainer')
     if dc:
         dc('samples_seen', tuple(self.samples_seen))
         for label, model in izip(self.labels, self.models):
             dc(' ', '%-6s:' % label, model)
     return label
 def set_vars(self, v, rel_factor=1.0):
     dc = dcheck("gaussian_numeric_error")
     assert 0.0 <= rel_factor <= 1.0
     self._score_tuple = self._cholesky = None
     if self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE:
         assert all(len(x) == self.dimension for x in v)
         est_vars = np.array(v, dtype=float)
         self._vars = est_vars if rel_factor == 1.0 else rel_factor * est_vars + (1 - rel_factor) * self.vars
             self._var_recip_scaled = None
             self._var_inv = np.linalg.inv(self._vars)
             var_det = np.linalg.det(self._vars)
             self._denominator = np.sqrt(pow((2 * np.pi), self.dimension) * var_det) 
         except np.linalg.LinAlgError, e:
             dc and dc("Error setting full covar matrix: %s\nself._vars = %s" % (e, self._vars))
             raise e
 def accum_sequence(self, mi, gamma, comp_scores, seq):
     Accumulate for a sequence of datapoints.  mi is a model index; gamma is a Numpy array of
     shape (N+1,) where N = len(seq).  comp_scores is a list of length N containing .  seq is an
     iterable of observations in the form of Numpy arrays.  This call can only be made when the
     adaptation state is ACCUMULATING.
     dc = dcheck("mm_as")
     seq = tuple(seq)
     assert len(seq) == len(gamma) - 1
     assert len(seq) == len(comp_scores)
     dc and dc(
         "Accumulating sequence: %s\n  gamma = %s\n  comp_scores = %s" %
         (seq, gamma, comp_scores))
     self._accums[mi].accum_sequence(gamma, comp_scores, seq)
    def process(data):
        db = vumeter(data)
        if tag_queue and db_queue:
            tags = list()
            #while tag_queue and db_queue:
            if True:
                # XXX the tracker_range info is diagnostic
                tag, tracker_range = tag_queue.popleft()
                db = db_queue.popleft()

                state_change = (tag != last_tag[0])
                if state_change:
                    last_tag[0] = tag

                dc = dcheck(endpointdisplay)
                if dc:
                    toggle[0] ^= 0x1
                    tog = toggle[0]
                    line = list(blank_line)
                    dbindex = min(vu_top, int(db*utt.scale))
                    if utt.fill and not state_change:
                        nfill = (dbindex+1)//2
                        line[tog:dbindex+tog:2] = pixel * nfill
                    line[dbindex] = pixel
                    if utt.trak:
                        lo, high = tuple(min(vu_top, int(x*utt.scale)) for x in tracker_range)
                        line[lo] = pixel if not utt.fill else ' '
                        line[high] = pixel
                    if tag and tog:
                        line[-bar_length:] = bar
                    if state_change:
                        line[:bar_length] = bar
##                         if not utt.fill:
##                             line[2:bar_length+2] = bar
##                         else:
##                             line[2:bar_length+2] = barx
                    dc(DebugPrint.NO_PREFIX, ' ', ''.join(line))

            return tags
            return ()
    def _apply_one_accum_set(self, mi):
        dc = dcheck("mm_aoas")
        m, a = self._models[mi], self._accums[mi]
        dc and dc("For model %d, accums are %s" % (mi, a))
        if a.num_frames_accumulated == 0:
        est_weights = a.zeroth_accum / a.norm_accum
        est_means = a.first_accum / a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis]
        mu_sq = numpy.zeros_like(a.second_accum)
        for ci in xrange(a.num_components):
            if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE:
                mu_sq[ci] = numpy.outer(est_means[ci], est_means[ci])
                assert (
                    self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE
                    or self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DUMMY_COVARIANCE
                mu_sq[ci] = est_means[ci] ** 2

        if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE:
            divisor = a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis, newaxis]
            assert (
                self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE
                or self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DUMMY_COVARIANCE
            divisor = a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis]

        dc and dc("mu_sq = %s" % (mu_sq,))
        div = a.second_accum / divisor
        dc and dc("div = %s" % (div,))
        est_vars = div - mu_sq
        # XXX I don't know what the right thing to do here is for the full covariance case
        # Also, we may want to move this clipping to gaussian.py
        if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE:
            MIN_DEV = 2.0e-20
            MAX_DEV = 2.0e20
            est_vars.clip(min=MIN_DEV, max=MAX_DEV, out=est_vars)
        dc and dc("Estimated vars = %s" % (est_vars,))
    def _apply_one_accum_set(self, mi):
        dc = dcheck("mm_aoas")
        m, a = self._models[mi], self._accums[mi]
        dc and dc("For model %d, accums are %s" % (mi, a))
        if a.num_frames_accumulated == 0:
        est_weights = a.zeroth_accum / a.norm_accum
        est_means = a.first_accum / a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis]
        mu_sq = numpy.zeros_like(a.second_accum)
        for ci in xrange(a.num_components):
            if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE:
                mu_sq[ci] = numpy.outer(est_means[ci], est_means[ci])
                assert (self._covariance_type is
                        or self._covariance_type is
                mu_sq[ci] = est_means[ci]**2

        if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE:
            divisor = a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis, newaxis]
            assert (
                self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE
                or self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DUMMY_COVARIANCE)
            divisor = a.zeroth_accum[:, newaxis]

        dc and dc("mu_sq = %s" % (mu_sq, ))
        div = a.second_accum / divisor
        dc and dc("div = %s" % (div, ))
        est_vars = div - mu_sq
        # XXX I don't know what the right thing to do here is for the full covariance case
        # Also, we may want to move this clipping to gaussian.py
        if self._covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE:
            MIN_DEV = 2.0e-20
            MAX_DEV = 2.0e+20
            est_vars.clip(min=MIN_DEV, max=MAX_DEV, out=est_vars)
        dc and dc("Estimated vars = %s" % (est_vars, ))
 def __call__(self, value):
     # XXX gap semantics
     tag, data = value
     result = self.result
     ret = ()
     if tag != self.prev_tag:
         if result:
             # careful: return a one-item sequence of (tag, (events...))
             rettag = self.prev_tag
             retseq =  tuple(result)
             ret = ((rettag, retseq),)
             dc = dcheck(runslog)
             if dc:
                 for index, item in enumerate(retseq):
                     dc(' ', index)
                     for val in item:
                         dc(' ', ' ', val)
             del result[:]
         self.prev_tag = tag
     return ret
 def __call__(self, value):
     dc = dcheck('UtteranceTagger')
     low_factor, high_factor, min_range, start_window, start_count, stop_window, stop_count = self.data
     state, count, queue = self.state
     # update the range trackers
     range_min, range_max = tracker_range = self.tracker(value)
     dc and dc('state', state, ' count', count, ' queue', len(queue),
               ' value', value, ' range', range_min, range_max)
     if state is BAC:
         # in background state, so we're looking for enough speechy stuff;
         # we require a range so as not to trigger in noise
         range_max = max(range_max, range_min + min_range)
         high_t = range_min + (range_max - range_min) * high_factor
         if value > high_t:
             queue.append((1, tracker_range))
             count += 1
             dc and dc('new_count', count)
             queue.append((0, tracker_range))
         if len(queue) < start_window:
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ()
         assert len(queue) == start_window
         if count >= start_count:
             ret = tuple((True, outrange) for inc, outrange in queue)
             assert len(ret) == start_window
             state = UTT
             dc and dc('new_state', state)
             count = 0
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ret
         tag = False
         assert state is UTT
         # in utterance state, so we're looking for enough backgroundy stuff;
         # we don't limit the range here, thus we don't get trapped when the
         # background level undergoes a sudden and persistent rise in level
         low_t = range_min + (range_max - range_min) * low_factor
         if value <= low_t:
             queue.append((1, tracker_range))
             count += 1
             dc and dc('new_count', count)
             queue.append((0, tracker_range))
         if len(queue) < stop_window:
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ()
         assert len(queue) == stop_window
         if count >= stop_count:
             ret = tuple((True, outrange) for inc, outrange in queue)
             assert len(ret) == stop_window
             state = BAC
             dc and dc('new_state', state)
             count = 0
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ret
         tag = True
     # queue is full, but no state change
     dc and dc('tag', tag)
     inc, outrange = queue.popleft()
     count -= inc
     assert 0 <= count <= len(queue)
     self.state = state, count, queue
     return ((tag, outrange), )
    def _get_EM_updates(self, data):
        dc1 = dcheck("gaussian")
        dc2 = dcheck("gaussian_pt")
        n = len(data)
        k = self.num_components
        d = self.dimension
        norm_sum = np.zeros((k), dtype=float)
        mean_sum = np.zeros((k, d), dtype=float)
        colon_slice = slice(None)

        # There's some Numpy cleverness here to allow us to treat the two
        # covariance cases with the same code.  In the diagonal case, things are
        # pretty much simple operations on vectors, although we do have to
        # broadcast the data across components.  In the full case, we have to
        # take outer products of the data at one point and of the means at
        # another, and we have to broadcast the norm across two dimensions when
        # dividing by it in the var calculation.  Some of this is accomplished
        # by using variables which are tuples of slice objects.  Note that if s0
        # and s1 are slice objects, then arr[s0, s1] == arr[(s0, s1)], and that
        # the colon_slice constructed here is the equivalent of using a ':' in
        # square brackets

        if self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE:
            var_sum = np.zeros((k, d), dtype=float)
            square_data_op = np.multiply
            norm_slices = (colon_slice, np.newaxis)
            square_mean_slices1 = (colon_slice, )
            square_mean_slices2 = (colon_slice, )
            assert self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.FULL_COVARIANCE
            var_sum = np.zeros((k, d, d), dtype=float)
            square_data_op = np.outer
            norm_slices = (colon_slice, np.newaxis, np.newaxis)
            square_mean_slices1 = (colon_slice, colon_slice, np.newaxis)
            square_mean_slices2 = (colon_slice, np.newaxis, colon_slice)

        for x in data:
            dc2 and dc2("Processing frame %s" % (x,))
            norm, raw, ssum = self.get_estimate(x)
            dc2 and dc2("norm = %s, raw = %s, ssum = %s" % (norm, raw, ssum))
            norm_sum += norm
            mean_sum += norm[:, np.newaxis] * x
            var_sum += norm[norm_slices] * square_data_op(x, x)

        w = norm_sum / n
        assert (norm_sum != 0).all()
        mu = mean_sum[:,:] / norm_sum[:,np.newaxis]
        dc1 and dc1("w update = %s" % (w,))
        dc1 and dc1("norm_sum = %s" % (norm_sum,))
        dc1 and dc1("mean_sum = %s" % (mean_sum,))
        dc1 and dc1("var_sum = %s" % (var_sum,))
        dc1 and dc1("mu.shape = %s" % (mu.shape,))
        dc1 and dc1("mean_sum.shape = %s" % (mean_sum.shape,))
        dc1 and dc1("norm_sum.shape = %s" % (norm_sum.shape,))
        assert (norm_sum != 0).all()
        var = var_sum / norm_sum[norm_slices] - (mu[square_mean_slices1] * mu[square_mean_slices2])

        if (self.covariance_type is GaussianModelBase.DIAGONAL_COVARIANCE):
            # XXX I don't know what the right thing to do here is for the full covariance case
            # Also, we may want to move this clipping to the set_vars function rather than here;
            # note that this code was copied from modelmgr.py which has a similar issue
            MIN_DEV = 2.0e-20
            MAX_DEV = 2.0e+20
            var.clip(min=MIN_DEV, max=MAX_DEV, out=var)
            assert (var != 0).all()

        return w, mu, var, norm
 def __call__(self, value):
     dc = dcheck('UtteranceTagger')
     low_factor, high_factor, min_range, start_window, start_count, stop_window, stop_count = self.data
     state, count, queue = self.state        
     # update the range trackers
     range_min, range_max = tracker_range = self.tracker(value)
     dc and dc('state', state, ' count', count, ' queue', len(queue), ' value', value, ' range', range_min, range_max)
     if state is BAC:
         # in background state, so we're looking for enough speechy stuff;
         # we require a range so as not to trigger in noise
         range_max = max(range_max, range_min + min_range)
         high_t = range_min + (range_max - range_min) * high_factor
         if value > high_t:
             queue.append((1, tracker_range))
             count += 1
             dc and dc('new_count', count)
             queue.append((0, tracker_range))
         if len(queue) < start_window:
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ()
         assert len(queue) == start_window
         if count >= start_count:
             ret = tuple((True, outrange) for inc, outrange in queue)
             assert len(ret) == start_window
             state = UTT
             dc and dc('new_state', state)
             count = 0
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ret
         tag = False
         assert state is UTT
         # in utterance state, so we're looking for enough backgroundy stuff;
         # we don't limit the range here, thus we don't get trapped when the
         # background level undergoes a sudden and persistent rise in level
         low_t = range_min + (range_max - range_min) * low_factor
         if value <= low_t:
             queue.append((1, tracker_range))
             count += 1
             dc and dc('new_count', count)
             queue.append((0, tracker_range))
         if len(queue) < stop_window:
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ()
         assert len(queue) == stop_window
         if count >= stop_count:
             ret = tuple((True, outrange) for inc, outrange in queue)
             assert len(ret) == stop_window
             state = BAC
             dc and dc('new_state', state)
             count = 0
             self.state = state, count, queue
             return ret
         tag = True
     # queue is full, but no state change
     dc and dc('tag', tag)
     inc, outrange = queue.popleft()
     count -= inc
     assert 0 <= count <= len(queue)
     self.state = state, count, queue
     return ((tag, outrange),)