def P(c, interpolate='auto'):
    if interpolate not in (True, False, 'auto'):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            "in P() parameter interpolate must be True, False or 'auto'")

    if c is True: return 1.0
    elif c is False: return 0.0

    if not isinstance(c, BaseFDConstraint):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'arg of FuncDesigner.P() must be True, False or FuncDesigner constraint'

    if (type(c.ub) == np.ndarray
            and c.ub.size != 1) or (type(c.lb) == np.ndarray
                                    and c.lb.size != 1):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'stochastic constraints are unimplemented for vectorized API yet')

    if np.isfinite(c.ub) and c.lb == -np.inf:
        r = oofun(lambda x: f_quantile(x, c.ub, interpolate),
                  d=lambda x: d_quantile(x, c.ub, interpolate))
    elif np.isfinite(c.lb) and c.ub == np.inf:
        r = oofun(lambda x: 1.0 - f_quantile(x, c.lb, interpolate),
                  d=lambda x: -d_quantile(x, c.lb, interpolate))
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'stochastic constraints are implemented for case xor(isfinite(lb),isfinite(ub)) only for now'

    return r
def max(inp,  *args,  **kwargs): 
    if type(inp) in (list, tuple, np.ndarray) \
    and (len(args) == 0 or len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], oofun)) \
    and not any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in (inp if type(inp) in (list, tuple) else np.atleast_1d(inp))]):
        return np.max(inp, *args, **kwargs)
    assert len(args) == len(kwargs) == 0, 'incorrect data type in FuncDesigner max or not implemented yet'
    if isinstance(inp, oofun):
        f = lambda x: np.max(x)
#        def f(x):
#            print np.max(x)
#            return np.max(x)
        def d(x):
            df = inp.d(x)
            ind = np.argmax(x)
            return df[ind, :]
        def interval(domain, dtype):
            lb_ub, definiteRange = inp._interval(domain, dtype)
            tmp1, tmp2 = lb_ub[0], lb_ub[1]
            return np.vstack((np.max(np.vstack(tmp1), 0), np.max(np.vstack(tmp2), 0))), np.all(definiteRange, 0)
        r = oofun(f, inp, d = d, size = 1, _interval_ = interval)
    elif type(inp) in (list, tuple, ooarray):
        f = lambda *args: np.max([arg for arg in args])
        def interval(domain, dtype):
            arg_inf, arg_sup, tmp, DefiniteRange = [], [], -np.inf, True
            for _inp in inp:
                if isinstance(_inp, oofun):
                    #tmp1, tmp2 = _inp._interval(domain, dtype)
                    lb_ub, definiteRange = _inp._interval(domain, dtype)
                    tmp1, tmp2 = lb_ub[0], lb_ub[1]
                    DefiniteRange = logical_and(DefiniteRange, definiteRange)
                elif tmp < _inp:
                    tmp = _inp
            r1, r2 = np.max(np.vstack(arg_inf), 0), np.max(np.vstack(arg_sup), 0)
            r1[r1<tmp] = tmp
            r2[r2<tmp] = tmp
            return np.vstack((r1, r2)), DefiniteRange
        r = oofun(f, inp, size = 1, _interval_ = interval)
        def _D(point, *args, **kwargs):
            ind = np.argmax([(s(point) if isinstance(s, oofun) else s) for s in r.input])
            return r.input[ind]._D(point, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(r.input[ind], oofun) else {}
        r._D = _D
        return np.max(inp, *args, **kwargs)
    return r        
    def __call__(self, INP):
        us = self._un_sp
        if not isinstance(INP, oofun):
            raise FuncDesignerException('for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun,other cases not implemented yet')
        def d(x): 
            X = np.asanyarray(x)
            r = Diag(us.__call__(X, 1).view(X.__class__))
            return r

        def f(x):
            x = np.asanyarray(x)
            tmp = us.__call__(x.flatten() if x.ndim > 1 else x)
            return tmp if x.ndim <= 1 else tmp.reshape(x.shape)
        r = oofun(f, INP, d = d, isCostly = True, vectorized=True)

        r.engine_monotonity = self.engine_monotonity
        r.engine_convexity = self.engine_convexity
        if self.criticalPoints is not False:
            r._interval_ = lambda *args, **kw: spline_interval_analysis_engine(r, *args, **kw)
            r._nonmonotone_x = self._nonmonotone_x
            r._nonmonotone_y = self._nonmonotone_y
            r.criticalPoints = False
        def Plot():
            print('Warning! Plotting spline is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline')
        def Residual():
            print('Warning! Getting spline residual is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline')
            return self.residual()
        r.plot, r.residual = Plot, Residual
        return r
def arcsinh(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([arcsinh(elem) for elem in inp])        
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(arcsinh(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.arcsinh(inp)
    return oofun(st_arcsinh, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(1.0/np.sqrt(1+x**2)), vectorized = True, criticalPoints = False)
def exp(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray):
        return ooarray([exp(elem) for elem in inp])         
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(exp(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.exp(inp)
    return oofun(st_exp, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(np.exp(x)), vectorized = True, criticalPoints = False)
def ifThenElse(condition, val1, val2, *args, **kwargs):
    # for future implementation
    assert len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0 
    Val1 = atleast_oofun(val1)#fixed_oofun(val1) if not isinstance(val1, oofun) else val1
    #if np.isscalar(val1): raise 0
    Val2 = atleast_oofun(val2)#fixed_oofun(val2) if not isinstance(val2, oofun) else val2
    if isinstance(condition, bool): 
        return Val1 if condition else Val2
    elif isinstance(condition, oofun):
        f = lambda conditionResult, value1Result, value2Result: value1Result if conditionResult else value2Result
        # !!! Don't modify it elseware function will evaluate both expressions despite of condition value 
        r = oofun(f, [condition, val1, val2])
        r.D = lambda point, *args, **kwargs: (Val1.D(point, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(Val1, oofun) else {}) if condition(point) else \
        (Val2.D(point, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(Val2, oofun) else {})
        r._D = lambda point, *args, **kwargs: (Val1._D(point, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(Val1, oofun) else {}) if condition(point) else \
        (Val2._D(point, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(Val2, oofun) else {})
        r.d = errFunc
        # TODO: try to set correct value from val1, val2 if condition is fixed
#        def getOrder(Vars=None, fixedVars=None, *args, **kwargs):
#            dep = condition.getDep()
#            if Vars is not None and dep.is

        return r
        raise FuncDesignerException('ifThenElse requires 1st argument (condition) to be either boolean or oofun, got %s instead' % type(condition))
def mean(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r =  arg.Mean
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        if arg._isSum:
            r = o.sum([mean(elem) for elem in arg._summation_elements])
#            def ff(x):
#                # TODO: same changes for std, var,other moments
#                #print (type(x), multiarray)
#                r =  np.array([mean(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray) if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
#                    else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean
#                #if type(x) == np.ndarray:
##                print ('!', x, r.shape)
#                return r
            r = oofun(f_mean, arg)
#            r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([mean(xx) for xx in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
#            else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean, arg)
            # TODO: move _D definition outside of the func
            def _D(*args, **kw):
                if not isinstance(arg, oofun): return {}
                res = arg._D(*args, **kw)
                res = dict([(key, elem.Mean if isinstance(elem, stochasticDistribution) else elem) for key, elem in res.items()])
                return res
            r._D = _D
        r = np.mean(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
def floor(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([floor(elem) for elem in inp])        
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.floor(inp)
    r = oofun(lambda x: np.floor(x), inp, vectorized = True)
    r._D = lambda *args, **kwargs: raise_except('derivative for FD floor is unimplemented yet')
    r.criticalPoints = False#lambda arg_infinum, arg_supremum: [np.floor(arg_infinum)]
    return r
def abs(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([abs(elem) for elem in inp])
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(abs(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.abs(inp)
    return oofun(st_abs, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(np.sign(x)), vectorized = True, _interval_ = ZeroCriticalPointsInterval(inp, np.abs))
 def __init__(self, func, _input, *args, **kwargs):
     oofun.__init__(self, func, _input, *args, **kwargs)
     #self.input = oofun_Involved.input
     BooleanOOFun._unnamedBooleanOOFunNumber += 1
     self.name = 'unnamed_boolean_oofun_' + str(BooleanOOFun._unnamedBooleanOOFunNumber)
     self.oofun = oofun(lambda *args, **kw: asanyarray(func(*args, **kw), int8), _input, vectorized = True)
     self.lb = self.ub = 1
def log2(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([log2(elem) for elem in inp])    
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(log2(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)       
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.log2(inp)
    r = oofun(st_log2, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(INV_LOG_2/x), vectorized = True, _interval_ = log_interval(np.log2, inp))
    r.attach((inp>1e-300)('log2_domain_zero_bound_%d' % r._id, tol=-1e-7))
    return r
def sin(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([sin(elem) for elem in inp])
    elif hasStochastic and isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(sin(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)
    elif not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.sin(inp)
    return oofun(st_sin, inp, 
                 d = lambda x: Diag(np.cos(x)), 
                 vectorized = True, 
                 criticalPoints = TrigonometryCriticalPoints)
def arctanh(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([arctanh(elem) for elem in inp])        
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(arctanh(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)          
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.arctanh(inp)
    r = oofun(st_arctanh, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(1.0/(1.0-x**2)), vectorized = True, criticalPoints = False)
    r.getDefiniteRange = get_box1_DefiniteRange
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: box_1_interval(inp, np.arctanh, domain, dtype, -np.inf, np.inf)
    return r
def arccosh(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([arccosh(elem) for elem in inp])        
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(arccosh(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.arccosh(inp)
    r = oofun(st_arccosh, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(1.0/np.sqrt(x**2-1.0)), vectorized = True)
    F0, shift = 0.0, 1.0
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: nonnegative_interval(inp, np.arccosh, domain, dtype, F0, shift)
    return r
def sign(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([sign(elem) for elem in inp])
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(sign(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): 
        return np.sign(inp)
    r = oofun(st_sign, inp, vectorized = True, d = lambda x: 0.0)
    r.criticalPoints = False
    return r
def tan(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([tan(elem) for elem in inp])
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(tan(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)       
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.tan(inp)
    # TODO: move it outside of tan definition
    def interval(*args):
        raise 'interval for tan is unimplemented yet'
    r = oofun(st_tan, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(1.0 / np.cos(x) ** 2), vectorized = True, interval = interval)
    return r
def cross(a, b):
    if not isinstance(a, oofun) and not isinstance(b, oofun): return np.cross(a, b)

    def aux_d(x, y):
        assert x.size == 3 and y.size == 3, 'currently FuncDesigner cross(x,y) is implemented for arrays of length 3 only'
        return np.array([[0, -y[2], y[1]], [y[2], 0, -y[0]], [-y[1], y[0], 0]])
    r = oofun(lambda x, y: np.cross(x, y), [a, b], d=(lambda x, y: -aux_d(x, y), lambda x, y: aux_d(y, x)))
    r.getOrder = lambda *args, **kwargs: (a.getOrder(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(a, oofun) else 0) + (b.getOrder(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(b, oofun) else 0)
    return r
 def __init__(self, func, _input, *args, **kwargs):
     oofun.__init__(self, func, _input, *args, **kwargs)
     #self.input = oofun_Involved.input
     #        BooleanOOFun._unnamedBooleanOOFunNumber += 1
     #self.name = 'unnamed_boolean_oofun_id_' + str(BooleanOOFun._unnamedBooleanOOFunNumber)
     self.name = 'unnamed_boolean_oofun_id_' + str(oofun._id)
     self.oofun = oofun(
         lambda *args, **kw: asanyarray(func(*args, **kw), int8),
     self.lb = self.ub = 1
def P(c, interpolate = 'auto'):
    if interpolate not in (True, False, 'auto'):
        raise FuncDesignerException("in P() parameter interpolate must be True, False or 'auto'")
    if c is True: return 1.0
    elif c is False: return 0.0
    if not isinstance(c, BaseFDConstraint):
        raise FuncDesignerException('arg of FuncDesigner.P() must be True, False or FuncDesigner constraint')
    if (type(c.ub) == np.ndarray and c.ub.size != 1) or (type(c.lb) == np.ndarray and c.lb.size != 1):
        raise FuncDesignerException('stochastic constraints are unimplemented for vectorized API yet')
    if np.isfinite(c.ub) and c.lb == -np.inf:
        r = oofun(lambda x: f_quantile(x, c.ub, interpolate), c.oofun, d = lambda x: d_quantile(x, c.ub, interpolate))
    elif np.isfinite(c.lb) and c.ub == np.inf:
        r = oofun(lambda x: 1.0 - f_quantile(x, c.lb, interpolate), c.oofun, d = lambda x: -d_quantile(x, c.lb, interpolate))
        raise FuncDesignerException('stochastic constraints are implemented for case xor(isfinite(lb),isfinite(ub)) only for now')
    return r
def sum(inp, *args, **kwargs):
    if type(inp) == np.ndarray and inp.dtype != object:
        return np.sum(inp, *args, **kwargs)
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and inp.dtype != object:
        inp = inp.view(np.ndarray)
    cond_ooarray = isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)])
    if cond_ooarray and inp.size == 1: 
        return np.asscalar(inp).sum()
    condIterableOfOOFuns = type(inp) in (list, tuple) or cond_ooarray
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun) and not condIterableOfOOFuns: 
        return np.sum(inp, *args, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]): inp = inp.tolist()

    if condIterableOfOOFuns:
        d, INP, r0 = [], [], 0.0
        for elem in inp: # TODO: mb use reduce() or something like that
            if not isinstance(elem, oofun): 
                # not '+=' because size can be changed from 1 to another value
                r0 = r0 + np.asanyarray(elem) # so it doesn't work for different sizes
        if len(INP) == 0:
            return r0
        r = oofun(lambda *args: sum_engine(r0, *args), INP, _isSum = True)
        r._summation_elements = INP if np.isscalar(r0) and r0 == 0.0 else INP + [r0]

        r.storedSumsFuncs = {}
        for inp in INP:
            Dep = [inp] if inp.is_oovar else inp._getDep()
            for v in Dep:
                if v not in r.storedSumsFuncs:
                    r.storedSumsFuncs[v] = set()
        # TODO:  check for fixed inputs
        r.getOrder = lambda *args, **kw: sum_getOrder(INP, *args, **kw)
        R0 = np.tile(r0, (2, 1))

        r._interval_ = lambda *args, **kw: sum_interval(R0, r, INP, *args, **kw)
        r.vectorized = True
        r_dep = r._getDep()
        r._D = lambda *args, **kw: sum_derivative(r, r0, INP, r_dep, *args, **kw)
#        r.isCostly = True
        return r
        return inp.sum(*args, **kwargs)#np.sum(inp, *args, **kwargs)
def arccos(inp):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([arccos(elem) for elem in inp])
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(arccos(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)     
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): return np.arccos(inp)
    r = oofun(st_arccos, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(-1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - x**2)), vectorized = True)
    r.getDefiniteRange = get_box1_DefiniteRange
    F_l, F_u = np.arccos((-1, 1))
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: box_1_interval(inp, np.arccos, domain, dtype, F_l, F_u)
    r.attach((inp>-1)('arccos_domain_lower_bound_%d' % r._id, tol=-1e-7), (inp<1)('arccos_domain_upper_bound_%d' % r._id, tol=-1e-7))
    return r
def std(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r = arg.Std
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([std(X[i]) for i in range() in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        r = oofun(f_std, arg)
        r = np.std(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
def var(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r =  arg.Var
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([var(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        r = oofun(f_var, arg)
        r = np.std(var, *args, **kw)
    return r
def sqrt(inp, attachConstraints = True):
    if isinstance(inp, ooarray) and any([isinstance(elem, oofun) for elem in atleast_1d(inp)]):
        return ooarray([sqrt(elem) for elem in inp])
    if hasStochastic and  isinstance(inp, distribution.stochasticDistribution):
        return distribution.stochasticDistribution(sqrt(inp.values), inp.probabilities.copy())._update(inp)      
    if not isinstance(inp, oofun): 
        return np.sqrt(inp)
#    def fff(x):
#        print x
#        return np.sqrt(x)
    r = oofun(st_sqrt, inp, d = lambda x: Diag(0.5 / np.sqrt(x)), vectorized = True)
    F0 = 0.0
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: nonnegative_interval(inp, np.sqrt, domain, dtype, F0)
    if attachConstraints: r.attach((inp>0)('sqrt_domain_zero_bound_%d' % r._id, tol=-1e-7))
    return r
def dot(inp1, inp2):
    if not isinstance(inp1, oofun) and not isinstance(inp2, oofun): return np.dot(inp1, inp2)
    def aux_d(x, y):
        if y.size == 1: 
            r = np.empty_like(x)
            return Diag(r)
            return y
    r = oofun(lambda x, y: x * y if x.size == 1 or y.size == 1 else np.dot(x, y), [inp1, inp2], d=(lambda x, y: aux_d(x, y), lambda x, y: aux_d(y, x)))
    r.getOrder = lambda *args, **kwargs: (inp1.getOrder(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(inp1, oofun) else 0) + (inp2.getOrder(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(inp2, oofun) else 0)
    #r.isCostly = True
    return r
def categoricalAttribute(oof, attr):
    from ooFun import oofun
    L = len(oof.domain)
    if not hasattr(oof, 'aux_domain'):
        oof.aux_domain = copy.copy(oof.domain)
        ind_numeric = [j for j, elem in enumerate(oof.aux_domain[0]) if type(elem) not in (str, np.str_)]
        if len(ind_numeric):
            ind_first_numeric = ind_numeric[0]
            oof.aux_domain.sort(key = lambda elem: elem[ind_first_numeric])
        oof.domain = np.arange(len(oof.domain))
    ind = oof.fields.index(attr)
    dom = np.array([oof.aux_domain[j][ind] for j in range(L)])
    f = lambda x: dom[int(x)] if type(x) != np.ndarray else dom[np.asarray(x, int)]
    r = oofun(f, oof, engine = attr, vectorized = True, domain = dom)
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: categorical_interval(r, oof, domain, dtype)
    return r
def var(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        r = arg.Var
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([var(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        r = oofun(f_var, arg)
        r = np.std(var, *args, **kw)
    return r
def var(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r = arg.Var
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner var() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        if is_prod_scalar(arg):
            multiplier, tmp = arg._fixed_part, arg._unfixed_part
            return multiplier**2 * var(tmp)
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([var(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        r = oofun(f_var, arg, engine = 'var', vectorized = True)
        r = np.var(var, *args, **kw)
    return r
def std(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        r = arg.Std
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([std(X[i]) for i in range() in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        r = oofun(f_std, arg)
        r = np.std(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
def std(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r = arg.Std
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner std() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        #r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([std(X[i]) for i in range() in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray)\
        if is_prod_scalar(arg):
            multiplier, tmp = arg._fixed_part, arg._unfixed_part
            return abs(multiplier) * std(tmp)
        r = oofun(f_std, arg, engine = 'std', vectorized = True)
        r = np.std(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
    def __call__(self, INP):
        us = self._un_sp
        if not isinstance(INP, oofun):
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun,other cases not implemented yet'

        def d(x):
            X = np.asanyarray(x)
            r = Diag(us.__call__(X, 1).view(X.__class__))
            return r

        def f(x):
            x = np.asanyarray(x)
            tmp = us.__call__(x.flatten() if x.ndim > 1 else x)
            return tmp if x.ndim <= 1 else tmp.reshape(x.shape)

        r = oofun(f, INP, d=d, isCostly=True, vectorized=True)

        r.engine_monotonity = self.engine_monotonity
        r.engine_convexity = self.engine_convexity

        if self.criticalPoints is not False:
            r._interval_ = lambda *args, **kw: spline_interval_analysis_engine(
                r, *args, **kw)
            r._nonmonotone_x = self._nonmonotone_x
            r._nonmonotone_y = self._nonmonotone_y
            r.criticalPoints = False

        def Plot():
                'Warning! Plotting spline is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline'

        def Residual():
                'Warning! Getting spline residual is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline'
            return self.residual()

        r.plot, r.residual = Plot, Residual
        return r
    def __call__(self, INP):
        us = self._un_sp
        if not isinstance(INP, oofun):
            raise FuncDesignerException('for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun,other cases not implemented yet')
        def d(x):
            x = np.asfarray(x)
            #if x.size != 1:
                #raise FuncDesignerException('for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun with output size = 1,other cases not implemented yet')
            return us.__call__(x, 1)
        def f(x):
            x = np.asfarray(x)
            #if x.size != 1:
                #raise FuncDesignerException('for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun with output size = 1,other cases not implemented yet')            
            tmp = us.__call__(x.flatten() if x.ndim > 1 else x)
            return tmp if x.ndim <= 1 else tmp.reshape(x.shape)
        r = oofun(f, INP, d = d, isCostly=True, vectorized=True)
        r._nonmonotone_x = self._nonmonotone_x
        r._nonmonotone_y = self._nonmonotone_y
        diffX, diffY = np.diff(self._X), np.diff(self._Y)

        if (all(diffX >= 0) or all(diffX <= 0)) and (all(diffY >= 0) or all(diffY <= 0)) and self._k in (1, 3):
            r.criticalPoints = False
        elif self._k == 1:
            r._interval = lambda *args: spline_interval_analysis_engine(r, *args)
            def _interval(*args, **kw):
                raise FuncDesignerException('''
                Currently interval calculations are implemented for 
                sorted monotone splines with order 1 or 3 only''')
            r._interval = _interval
        def Plot():
            print('Warning! Plotting spline is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline')
        def Residual():
            print('Warning! Getting spline residual is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline')
            return self.residual()
        r.plot, r.residual = Plot, Residual
        return r
def categoricalAttribute(oof, attr):
    from ooFun import oofun
    L = len(oof.domain)
    if not hasattr(oof, 'aux_domain'):
        oof.aux_domain = copy.copy(oof.domain)
        ind_numeric = [
            j for j, elem in enumerate(oof.aux_domain[0])
            if type(elem) not in (str, np.str_)
        if len(ind_numeric):
            ind_first_numeric = ind_numeric[0]
            oof.aux_domain.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[ind_first_numeric])
        oof.domain = np.arange(len(oof.domain))
    ind = oof.fields.index(attr)
    dom = np.array([oof.aux_domain[j][ind] for j in range(L)])
    f = lambda x: dom[int(x)] if type(x) != np.ndarray else dom[np.asarray(
        x, int)]
    r = oofun(f, oof, engine=attr, vectorized=True, domain=dom)
    r._interval_ = lambda domain, dtype: categorical_interval(
        r, oof, domain, dtype)
    return r
def mean(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        r = arg.Mean
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet'
        if arg._isSum:
            r = o.sum([mean(elem) for elem in arg._summation_elements])
            #            def ff(x):
            #                # TODO: same changes for std, var,other moments
            #                #print (type(x), multiarray)
            #                r =  np.array([mean(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray) if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
            #                    else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean
            #                #if type(x) == np.ndarray:
            ##                print ('!', x, r.shape)
            #                return r
            r = oofun(f_mean, arg)

            #            r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([mean(xx) for xx in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
            #            else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean, arg)
            # TODO: move _D definition outside of the func
            def _D(*args, **kw):
                if not isinstance(arg, oofun): return {}
                res = arg._D(*args, **kw)
                res = dict([(key, elem.Mean if isinstance(
                    elem, stochasticDistribution) else elem)
                            for key, elem in res.items()])
                return res

            r._D = _D
        r = np.mean(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
def mean(arg, *args, **kw):
    if isinstance(arg, stochasticDistribution):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        r =  arg.Mean
    elif isinstance(arg, oofun):
        if not len(args) == len(kw) == 0:
            raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect usage of FuncDesigner mean() - it cannot handle additional arguments yet')
        if arg._isSum:
            r = o.sum([mean(elem) for elem in arg._summation_elements])
        elif is_prod_scalar(arg):
            # TODO: rework it when np.prod(objects) will be fixed
            multiplier, tmp = arg._fixed_part, arg._unfixed_part
            return multiplier * mean(tmp)
#        elif arg._isProd:
#            tmp = [elem for elem in arg._prod_elements if isinstance(elem, oofun) and elem.hasStochasticVariables]
#            def ff(x):
#                # TODO: same changes for std, var,other moments
#                #print (type(x), multiarray)
#                r =  np.array([mean(xx) for xx in x.view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray) if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
#                    else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean
#                #if type(x) == np.ndarray:
##                print ('!', x, r.shape)
#                return r
            r = oofun(f_mean, arg, engine = 'mean', engine_monotonity = 0, vectorized = True)
            r.getOrder = arg.getOrder
#            r = oofun(lambda x: np.array([mean(xx) for xx in (x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim < 2 else x).view(np.ndarray)]).view(multiarray)  if isinstance(x, multiarray) \
#            else x if not isinstance(x, stochasticDistribution) else x.Mean, arg)
            # TODO: move _D definition outside of the func
            def _D(*args, **kw):
                res = arg._D(*args, **kw)
                res = dict((key, elem.Mean if isinstance(elem, stochasticDistribution) else elem) for key, elem in res.items())
                return res
            r._D = _D
        r = np.mean(arg, *args, **kw)
    return r
def integrator(func, domain, **kwargs):
    if not scipyInstalled:
        raise FuncDesignerException("to use scipy_integrate_quad you should have scipy installed, see scipy.org")

    #    if not isinstance(domain, dict) or len(domain) != 1:
    #        raise FuncDesignerException('currently integration domain must be of type Pythoon dict {integr_var:(val_from, val_to)} only')

    # integration_var = domain.keys()[0]
    # _from, _to =  domain.values()[0]
    integration_var, a, b = domain
    if not isinstance(integration_var, oovar):
        raise FuncDesignerException("integration variable must be FuncDesigner oovar")
    a, b, func = atleast_oofun(a), atleast_oofun(b), atleast_oofun(func)

    def f(point=None):

        p2 = point.copy()
        # if integration_var not in p2:
        # p2[integration_var] = 0.0 # to ajust size, currently only R^1 is implemented
        # T = FuncDesignerTranslator(p2)
        def vect_func(x):
            p2[integration_var] = x
            tmp = func(p2)
            if np.isscalar(tmp):
                return tmp
            elif tmp.size == 1:
                return np.asscalar(tmp)
                FuncDesignerException("incorrect data type, probably bug in uncDesigner kernel")

        # vect_func = lambda x: func(T.vector2point(x))

        # TODO: better handling of fixed variables
        return integrate.quad(vect_func, a(point), b(point), **kwargs)[0]

    #    def aux_f(point):
    #        point = oopoint(_point)
    #        if a(point).size != b(point).size: raise FuncDesignerException('sizes of point-from and point-to must be equal')
    #        if a(point).size != 1 or b(point).size != 1:  raise FuncDesignerException('currently integration is implemented for single variable only')
    #        dep = a._getDep() | b._getDep() | func._getDep()
    #        involved_vars = set(point.keys()).add(integration_var)
    #        if not dep.issubset(involved_vars): raise FuncDesignerException('user-provided point for integration has no information on some variables')
    #        p2 = point.copy()
    #        if integration_var not in p2:
    #            p2[integration_var] = 0.0 # to ajust size, currently only R^1 is implemented
    #        T = FuncDesignerTranslator(p2)
    #        vect_func = lambda x: func(T.vector2point(x))

    # TODO: derivatives
    # !!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO: derivatives should not be zeros! Fix it!
    r = oofun(f, None)
    r.fun = lambda *args: f(point=r._Point)

    # TODO : use decorators here
    tmp_f = r._getFunc
    tmp_D = r._D

    def aux_f(*args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(args[0], dict):
            r._Point = args[0]
        return tmp_f(*args, **kwargs)

    def aux_D(*args, **kwargs):
        raise FuncDesignerException("derivatives from scipy_quad are not implemented yet")
        if isinstance(args[0], dict):
            r._Point = args[0]
        return tmp_D(*args, **kwargs)

    r._getFunc = aux_f
    r._D = aux_D

    return r
def integrator(func, domain, **kwargs):
    if not scipyInstalled:
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'to use scipy_integrate_quad you should have scipy installed, see scipy.org'

#    if not isinstance(domain, dict) or len(domain) != 1:
#        raise FuncDesignerException('currently integration domain must be of type Pythoon dict {integr_var:(val_from, val_to)} only')

#integration_var = domain.keys()[0]
#_from, _to =  domain.values()[0]
    integration_var, a, b = domain
    if not isinstance(integration_var, oovar):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'integration variable must be FuncDesigner oovar')
    a, b, func = atleast_oofun(a), atleast_oofun(b), atleast_oofun(func)

    def f(point=None):

        p2 = point.copy()

        #if integration_var not in p2:
        #p2[integration_var] = 0.0 # to ajust size, currently only R^1 is implemented
        #T = FuncDesignerTranslator(p2)
        def vect_func(x):
            p2[integration_var] = x
            tmp = func(p2)
            if np.isscalar(tmp): return tmp
            elif tmp.size == 1: return np.asscalar(tmp)
                    'incorrect data type, probably bug in uncDesigner kernel')

    #vect_func = lambda x: func(T.vector2point(x))

    # TODO: better handling of fixed variables

        return integrate.quad(vect_func, a(point), b(point), **kwargs)[0]

#    def aux_f(point):
#        point = oopoint(_point)
#        if a(point).size != b(point).size: raise FuncDesignerException('sizes of point-from and point-to must be equal')
#        if a(point).size != 1 or b(point).size != 1:  raise FuncDesignerException('currently integration is implemented for single variable only')
#        dep = a._getDep() | b._getDep() | func._getDep()
#        involved_vars = set(point.keys()).add(integration_var)
#        if not dep.issubset(involved_vars): raise FuncDesignerException('user-provided point for integration has no information on some variables')
#        p2 = point.copy()
#        if integration_var not in p2:
#            p2[integration_var] = 0.0 # to ajust size, currently only R^1 is implemented
#        T = FuncDesignerTranslator(p2)
#        vect_func = lambda x: func(T.vector2point(x))

# TODO: derivatives
# !!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO: derivatives should not be zeros! Fix it!
    r = oofun(f, None)
    r.fun = lambda *args: f(point=r._Point)

    # TODO : use decorators here
    tmp_f = r._getFunc
    tmp_D = r._D

    def aux_f(*args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(args[0], dict):
            r._Point = args[0]
        return tmp_f(*args, **kwargs)

    def aux_D(*args, **kwargs):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'derivatives from scipy_quad are not implemented yet')
        if isinstance(args[0], dict):
            r._Point = args[0]
        return tmp_D(*args, **kwargs)

    r._getFunc = aux_f
    r._D = aux_D

    return r
def hstack(tup): # overload for oofun[ind]
    c = [isinstance(t, (oofun, ooarray)) for t in tup]
    if any([isinstance(t, ooarray) for t in tup]):
        return ooarray(np.hstack(tup))
    if not any(c):
        return np.hstack(tup)
    #an_oofun_ind = np.where(c)[0][0]
    f = lambda *x: np.hstack(x)
#    def d(*x): 
#        r = [elem.d(x[i]) if c[i] else None for i, elem in enumerate(tup)]
#        size = atleast_1d(r[an_oofun_ind]).shape[0]
#        r2 = [elem if c[i] else Zeros(size) for elem in r]
#        return r2
        #= lambda *x: np.hstack([elem.d(x) if c[i] else elem for elem in tup])
#        f = lambda x: x[ind] 
#        def d(x):
#            Xsize = Len(x)
#            condBigMatrix = Xsize > 100 
#            if condBigMatrix and scipyInstalled:
#                r = SparseMatrixConstructor((1, x.shape[0]))
#                r[0, ind] = 1.0
#            else: 
#                if condBigMatrix and not scipyInstalled: self.pWarn(scipyAbsentMsg)
#                r = zeros_like(x)
#                r[ind] = 1
#            return r
    def getOrder(*args, **kwargs):
        orders = [0]+[inp.getOrder(*args, **kwargs) for inp in tup]
        return np.max(orders)
    r = oofun(f, tup, getOrder = getOrder)
    #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO: sparse 

    def _D(*args,  **kwargs): 
        # TODO: rework it, especially if sizes are fixed and known
        # TODO: get rid of fixedVarsScheduleID
        sizes = [(t(args[0], fixedVarsScheduleID = kwargs.get('fixedVarsScheduleID', -1)) if c[i] else np.asarray(t)).size for i, t in enumerate(tup)]
        tmp = [elem._D(*args,  **kwargs) if c[i] else None for i, elem in enumerate(tup)]
        res = {}
        for v in r._getDep():
            Temp = []
            for i, t in enumerate(tup):
                if c[i]:
                    temp = tmp[i].get(v, None)
                    if temp is not None:
                        Temp.append(temp if type(temp) != DiagonalType else temp.resolve(kwargs['useSparse']))
#                        T = next(iter(tmp[i].values()))
#                        sz = T.shape[0] if type(T) == DiagonalType else np.atleast_1d(T).shape[0]
                        Temp.append((Zeros if sizes[i] * np.asarray(args[0][v]).size > 1000 else np.zeros)((sizes[i], np.asarray(args[0][v]).size)))
                    sz = np.atleast_1d(t).shape[0]
                    Temp.append(Zeros((sz, 1)) if sz > 100 else np.zeros(sz))
            rr = Vstack([elem for elem in Temp])
            #print type(rr)
            res[v] = rr if not isspmatrix(rr) or 0.3 * prod(rr.shape) > rr.size else rr.toarray()
            #print type(res[v])
        return res
    r._D = _D
    return r