model_name = teacher.variables[0].name.split('/')[0] trained = sio.loadmat(args.trained_param) n = 0 for v in teacher.variables: if model_name in v.assign(trained[[len(model_name) + 1:]]) n += 1 print(n, 'params loaded') Knowledge = importlib.import_module('distiller.' + args.Knowledge) model.distiller = Knowledge.distill(args, model, teacher) model(np.zeros([1] + args.input_shape, dtype=np.float32), training=False) train_step, train_loss, train_accuracy,\ test_step, test_loss, test_accuracy, optimizer = op_util.Optimizer(model, args.weight_decay, args.learning_rate) args.decay_points = [ int(dp * args.train_epoch) if dp < 1 else int(dp) for dp in args.decay_points ] def scheduler(epoch): lr = args.learning_rate for dp in args.decay_points: if epoch >= dp: lr *= args.decay_rate return lr summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(args.train_path, flush_millis=30000)
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[0], True) tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[gpu_num], 'GPU') summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(args.train_dir) train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels, pre_processing = Dataloader(args.dataset, '') train_ds =, train_labels)).shuffle(100).batch(batch_size) train_ds = = True)) test_ds =, val_labels)).batch(val_batch_size) test_ds = = False)) student_model = WResNet.Model(architecture=[40,4], weight_decay = weight_decay, num_class = np.max(train_labels)+1) LR_scheduler = op_util.learning_rate_scheduler(Learning_rate, train_epoch, decay_points = [0.3, 0.6, 0.8], decay_rate = 2e-1) train_step, train_loss, train_accuracy,\ test_step, test_loss, test_accuracy = op_util.Optimizer(student_model, Learning_rate) with summary_writer.as_default(): step = 0 for epoch in range(train_epoch): lr = LR_scheduler(epoch) train_time = time.time() for images, labels in train_ds: train_step(images, labels, lr) step += 1 if step % should_log == 0: template = 'Global step {0:5d}: loss = {1:0.4f} ({2:1.3f} sec/step)' print (template.format(step, train_loss.result(), (time.time()-train_time)/should_log)) train_time = time.time() tf.summary.scalar('Categorical_loss/train', train_loss.result(), step=epoch+1)
args.decay_points = [ int(dp * args.train_epoch) if dp < 1 else int(dp) for dp in args.decay_points ] LR = op_util.PiecewiseConstantDecay( [dp * cardinality for dp in args.decay_points], [ args.learning_rate * args.decay_rate**i for i in range(len(args.decay_points) + 1) ]) if args.slimmable: train_step, train_loss, train_accuracy,\ test_step, test_loss, test_accuracy = op_util.Slimmable_optimizer(args, model, args.weight_decay, args.learning_rate) else: train_step, train_loss, train_accuracy,\ test_step, test_loss, test_accuracy = op_util.Optimizer(model, args.weight_decay, LR) with summary_writer.as_default(): step = 0 logs = {'training_acc': [], 'validation_acc': []} model_name = model.variables[0].name.split('/')[0] train_time = time.time() init_epoch = 0 if args.slimmable: ## Warm-up training if args.trained_slimmable is None or 'None' in args.trained_slimmable: print('Warm-up training starts') slim_util.Warm_up(args, model, train_step, ceil(args.train_epoch * .3), datasets['train_sub'], train_loss,
tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(False) gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[0], True) _, _, test_images, test_labels = Dataloader(args.dataset, '') test_images = test_images.reshape(test_images.shape[0], -1).astype(np.float32) test_images = test_images / 255 if os.path.isfile(home_path + '/pre_built/test_full.mat'): DAD = sio.loadmat(home_path + '/pre_built/test_full.mat') else: DAD = get_affinity(home_path, test_images, k) model = GALA.Model(DAD=DAD, name='GALA', trainable=True) init_step, init_loss, finetuning, validate, ACC, NMI, ARI = op_util.Optimizer( model, [train_lr, finetune_lr]) summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(args.train_dir) with summary_writer.as_default(): step = 0 best_loss = 1e12 stopping_step = 0 train_time = time.time() for epoch in range(maximum_epoch): # init_step(test_images, test_labels) init_step(test_images, test_labels, weight_decay, k) step += 1 if epoch % do_log == 0 or epoch == maximum_epoch - 1:
args.input_size = list(train_images.shape[1:]) test_ds =, val_labels)) test_ds =, test_ds = test_ds.batch(args.val_batch_size) test_ds = test_ds.cache().prefetch( if 'WResNet' in args.arch: arch = [int(a) for a in args.arch.split('-')[1:]] model = WResNet.Model(architecture=arch, num_class=np.max(train_labels) + 1, name='WResNet', trainable=True) _, _, _, test_step, test_loss, test_accuracy, _ = op_util.Optimizer( model, 0., 0.) model(np.zeros([1] + args.input_size, dtype=np.float32), training=False) trained = sio.loadmat(args.trained_param) n = 0 model_name = model.variables[0].name.split('/')[0] for v in model.variables: v.assign(trained[[len(model_name) + 1:]]) n += 1 print(n, 'params loaded') for test_images, test_labels in test_ds: test_step(test_images, test_labels) ori_acc = test_accuracy.result().numpy() test_loss.reset_states() test_accuracy.reset_states()
def main(_): ### define path and hyper-parameter Learning_rate = 1e-1 batch_size = 128 val_batch_size = 200 train_epoch = 100 init_epoch = 20 if FLAGS.Distillation in {'IEP'} else 0 total_epoch = init_epoch + train_epoch weight_decay = 5e-4 should_log = 200 save_summaries_secs = 20 tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) gpu_num = '0' if FLAGS.Distillation == 'None': FLAGS.Distillation = None train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels, pre_processing, teacher = Dataloader( FLAGS.dataset, home_path, FLAGS.model_name) num_label = int(np.max(train_labels) + 1) dataset_len, *image_size = train_images.shape with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: # make placeholder for inputs image_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None] + image_size) label_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) is_training_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, []) # pre-processing image = pre_processing(image_ph, is_training_ph) label = tf.contrib.layers.one_hot_encoding(label_ph, num_label, on_value=1.0) # make global step global_step = tf.train.create_global_step() epoch = tf.floor_div( tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) * batch_size, dataset_len) max_number_of_steps = int(dataset_len * total_epoch) // batch_size + 1 # make learning rate scheduler LR = learning_rate_scheduler(Learning_rate, [epoch, init_epoch, train_epoch], [0.3, 0.6, 0.8], 0.2) ## load Net class_loss, accuracy = MODEL(FLAGS.model_name, FLAGS.main_scope, image, label, [is_training_ph, epoch < init_epoch], Distillation=FLAGS.Distillation) #make training operator if FLAGS.Distillation in {'IEP'}: train_op, train_op2 = op_util.Optimizer_w_IEP( class_loss, LR, weight_decay, epoch, init_epoch, global_step) else: train_op = op_util.Optimizer(class_loss, LR, weight_decay, epoch, init_epoch, global_step) ## collect summary ops for plotting in tensorboard summary_op = tf.summary.merge(tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES)[:1], name='summary_op') ## make placeholder and summary op for training and validation results train_acc_place = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) val_acc_place = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) val_summary = [ tf.summary.scalar('accuracy/training_accuracy', train_acc_place), tf.summary.scalar('accuracy/validation_accuracy', val_acc_place) ] val_summary_op = tf.summary.merge(list(val_summary), name='val_summary_op') ## start training train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('%s' % FLAGS.train_dir, graph, flush_secs=save_summaries_secs) config = ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = gpu_num config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True val_itr = len(val_labels) // val_batch_size logs = {'training_acc': [], 'validation_acc': []} with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: if FLAGS.Distillation is not None: global_variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) n = 0 for v in global_variables: if teacher.get([:-2]) is not None: v._initial_value = tf.constant( teacher[[:-2]].reshape( *v.get_shape().as_list())) v._initializer_op = tf.assign(v._variable, v._initial_value,[:-2] + '/Assign').op n += 1 print('%d Teacher params assigned' % n) sum_train_accuracy = [] time_elapsed = [] total_loss = [] idx = list(range(train_labels.shape[0])) shuffle(idx) epoch_ = 0 for step in range(max_number_of_steps): start_time = time.time() ## feed data if (step * batch_size) // dataset_len < init_epoch: tl, log, train_acc = [train_op2, summary_op, accuracy], feed_dict={ image_ph: train_images[idx[:batch_size]], label_ph: np.squeeze(train_labels[idx[:batch_size]]), is_training_ph: True }) else: tl, log, train_acc = [train_op, summary_op, accuracy], feed_dict={ image_ph: train_images[idx[:batch_size]], label_ph: np.squeeze(train_labels[idx[:batch_size]]), is_training_ph: True }) time_elapsed.append(time.time() - start_time) total_loss.append(tl) sum_train_accuracy.append(train_acc) idx[:batch_size] = [] if len(idx) < batch_size: idx_ = list(range(train_labels.shape[0])) shuffle(idx_) idx += idx_ step += 1 if (step * batch_size) // dataset_len >= init_epoch + epoch_: ## do validation sum_val_accuracy = [] for i in range(val_itr): acc = accuracy, feed_dict={ image_ph: val_images[i * val_batch_size:(i + 1) * val_batch_size], label_ph: np.squeeze( val_labels[i * val_batch_size:(i + 1) * val_batch_size]), is_training_ph: False }) sum_val_accuracy.append(acc) sum_train_accuracy = np.mean(sum_train_accuracy) * 100 if ( step * batch_size) // dataset_len > init_epoch else 1. sum_val_accuracy = np.mean(sum_val_accuracy) * 100 'Epoch %s Step %s - train_Accuracy : %.2f%% val_Accuracy : %.2f%%' % (str(epoch_).rjust(3, '0'), str(step).rjust( 6, '0'), sum_train_accuracy, sum_val_accuracy)) result_log =, feed_dict={ train_acc_place: sum_train_accuracy, val_acc_place: sum_val_accuracy }) logs['training_acc'].append(sum_train_accuracy) logs['validation_acc'].append(sum_val_accuracy) if ( step * batch_size ) // dataset_len == init_epoch and FLAGS.Distillation in { 'FitNet', 'FSP', 'AB' }: #re-initialize Momentum for fair comparison w/ initialization and multi-task learning methods for v in global_variables: if[:-len('Momentum:0')] == 'Momentum:0': v.assign( np.zeros(*v.get_shape().as_list()))) if step == max_number_of_steps: train_writer.add_summary(result_log, train_epoch) else: train_writer.add_summary(result_log, epoch_) sum_train_accuracy = [] epoch_ += 1 variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) + tf.get_collection( 'BN_collection') if step % should_log == 0: 'global step %s: loss = %.4f (%.3f sec/step)', str(step).rjust(6, '0'), np.mean(total_loss), np.mean(time_elapsed)) train_writer.add_summary(log, step) time_elapsed = [] total_loss = [] elif (step * batch_size) % dataset_len == 0: train_writer.add_summary(log, step) ## save variables to use for something var = {} variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) + tf.get_collection( 'BN_collection') # variables = tf.get_collection('MHA') for v in variables: if'/')[0] == FLAGS.main_scope: var[[:-2]] = sio.savemat(FLAGS.train_dir + '/train_params.mat', var) sio.savemat(FLAGS.train_dir + '/log.mat', logs) ## close all'Finished training! Saving model to disk.') train_writer.add_session_log( tf.SessionLog(status=tf.SessionLog.STOP)) train_writer.close()