文件: vcs.py 项目: opbeat/opbeatcli
def expand_ssh_host_alias(url, config=None):
    """Return ``url`` with the real host name if it has an SSH alias."""
    config = config or _get_ssh_config()

    if config:
        DUMMY_SCHEME = "opbeat-dummy://"
        parts = urlsplit(url)
        if not parts.scheme:
            # If scheme is not present in the URL, the whole URL
            # gets interpretted as path, and we don't like that.
            parts = urlsplit(DUMMY_SCHEME + url)

        host_alias = parts.netloc.split("@")[-1].split(":")[0]
        host_expanded = config.lookup(host_alias).get("hostname")
        if host_expanded:
            netloc = parts.netloc.replace(host_alias, host_expanded, 1)
            parts = list(parts)  # [scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment]
            parts[1] = netloc
            url = urlunsplit(parts)
            if url.startswith(DUMMY_SCHEME):
                url = url[len(DUMMY_SCHEME) :]

    return url
def parse_editable(uri):

    See `pip.vcs.<backend>.<Backend>.get_src_requirement()`.


    bits = urlsplit(uri)

    remove_scheme = False

    if not bits.scheme:
        # [email protected]:opbeat/opbeatcli.git@a2794#egg=opbeatcli-dev
        assert uri.startswith('git+')
        uri = 'git://' + uri[4:]
        bits = urlsplit(uri)
        remove_scheme = True

    remote_url = uri.rsplit('@', 1)[0]

    if '+' in bits.scheme:
        vcs_type, remote_url = remote_url.split('+', 1)
        assert bits.scheme == 'git', bits.scheme
        vcs_type = 'git'

    if '#' in bits.path:
        # Python 2.6 sometimes fails to parse fragment.
        # /ipython/ipython.git@rev#egg=ipython-dev
        rev, name = bits.path.split('@')[1].split('#egg=')
        name = bits.fragment.split('=', 1)[1]
        rev = bits.path.split('@')[1]

    if remove_scheme:
        remote_url = remote_url[len(bits.scheme) + 3:]

    version = None
    if vcs_type in ['git', 'hg', 'bzr']:
        # There is no version as such, but each of the VCS backends appends
        # some VCS info to the name (or just '-dev'). SVN is tricky, so we
        # don't parse the name there.
        name, version = name.rsplit('-', 1)

    parsed = {
        'name': name,
        'version': version,
        'vcs': {
            'vcs_type': VCS_NAME_MAP[vcs_type],
            'rev': rev,
            'remote_url': remote_url,

    assert all([parsed['name'],
                parsed['vcs']['remote_url']]), parsed

    return parsed