def download_xst(subband: int, integration_time_s: int, url: str = 'localhost', port: int = 50000): """ Download cross correlation statistics Args: subband (int): Subband number integration_time_s (int): Integration time in seconds url (str): URL to connect to, defaults to 'localhost' port (str): Port to connect to, defaults to 50000 Returns: Tuple[datetime.datetime, np.ndarray, int]: UTC time, visibilities (shape n_ant x n_ant), RCU mode Raises: RuntimeError: if in mixed RCU mode """ client = Client("opc.tcp://{}:{}/".format(url, port), timeout=1000) client.connect() client.load_type_definitions() objects = client.get_objects_node() idx = client.get_namespace_index(DEFAULT_URI) obj = client.get_root_node().get_child( ["0:Objects", "{}:StationMetrics".format(idx), "{}:RCU".format(idx)]) obstime, visibilities_opc, rcu_modes = obj.call_method( "{}:record_cross".format(idx), subband, integration_time_s) client.close_session() client.close_secure_channel() rcu_modes_on = set([mode for mode in rcu_modes if mode != '0']) if len(rcu_modes_on) == 1: rcu_mode = int(rcu_modes_on.pop()) elif len(rcu_modes_on) == 0: rcu_mode = 0 else: raise RuntimeError( "Multiple nonzero RCU modes are used, that's not supported yet") assert (len(visibilities_opc) == 2) # Real and complex part visibilities = np.array(visibilities_opc)[0] + 1j * np.array( visibilities_opc[1]) return obstime, visibilities, rcu_mode
from opcua import Client client = Client('opc.tcp://') client.connect() client.get_namespace_array() objects_node = client.get_objects_node() # Print children nodes print(objects_node.get_children(), flush=True) # Get directly a specific node temperature = client.get_node('ns=2;s="temperature"') # get a node value (if it's a variable) temperature.get_value() light_bulb_state = client.get_node('ns=2;s="light_bulb_state"') # If the variable is writable, its value can be set from the client side light_bulb_state.set_value(True) # Close client session (the servere remains connected) client.close_session()
myfloat = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Float") mydouble = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Double") myint64 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Int64") myuint64 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=UInt64") myint32 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=Int32") myuint32 = client.get_node("ns=4;s=UInt32") var = client.get_node(ua.NodeId("Random1", 5)) print("var is: ", var) print("value of var is: ", var.get_value()) var.set_value(ua.Variant([23], ua.VariantType.Double)) print("setting float value") myfloat.set_value(ua.Variant(1.234, ua.VariantType.Float)) print("reading float value: ", myfloat.get_value()) handler = SubHandler() sub = client.create_subscription(500, handler) sub.subscribe_data_change(var) device = objects.get_child(["2:MyObjects", "2:MyDevice"]) method = device.get_child("2:MyMethod") result = device.call_method(method, ua.Variant("sin"), ua.Variant(180, ua.VariantType.Double)) print("Mehtod result is: ", result) embed() client.close_session() finally: client.disconnect()