    def __init__(self, parent, profile=None):
        QGLViewer.__init__(self, parent)
        self.__profile = None
        self.__position = 0
        self.__positionCurve = None
        self.increment = 0.01
        self._axisScaleTolerance = abs(pi / 8.)  # (radians)

        self.__oldY = None
        self.__scalingDirection = None

        self.__param_min = 0.0
        self.__param_max = 1.0

        # --rendering components --
        self.factor = [1., 1., 1.]  #x, y, z scene scaling factors.
        self.discretizer = Discretizer()
        self.renderer = GLRenderer(self.discretizer)
        self.renderer.renderingMode = GLRenderer.Dynamic

        # -- addons --
        self._addons = []
        self.visualSections = VisualCrossSectionsAddOn(self)
        self.grids = GridAddOn(self)
        self.userSlices = UserSlicesAddOn(self)
def sc_to_blender (sc) :
	"""Export each shape in the scene as a new object
	 - `sc` (Scene) - the scene to transform
	:Returns Type: None
	bldsc = Scene.GetCurrent()
	#fill with shapes
	t = time.time()
	d = Discretizer()
	for ind,shp in enumerate(sc) :
		if ind % 10 == 0 :
		ob = shp_to_blender(shp,d)
		ob.sel = True
	print('Time :', time.time() - t)
	return ob
def geometry_to_blender (geom, bld_mesh = None, discretizer = None) :
	"""Create a blender mesh
	Paint the faces too if needed
	 - `geom` (pgl.Geometry) - the geometry to transform
	 - `bld_mesh` (Mesh) - a mesh in which to append the shape.
	                       If None, a blank new one will be created
	 - `discretizer` (Discretizer) - algorithm to triangulate the geometry
	:Returns Type: Mesh
	#create bld_mesh
	if bld_mesh is None :
		if geom.isNamed() :
			name = geom.name
		else :
			name = "pglgeom%d" % geom.getId()
		bld_mesh = Mesh.New(name)
	#geometry (mesh)
	if discretizer is None:
		d = Discretizer()
		d = discretizer 
	geom = d.result
	#fill mesh
	pts = array(geom.pointList)
	nbv = len(bld_mesh.verts)
	faces = nbv + array(geom.indexList)
	nbf = len(bld_mesh.faces)
	bld_mesh.faces.extend(faces.tolist() )
	#set vertex colors if needed
	mat = None
	if not geom.isColorListToDefault() :
		bld_mesh.vertexColors = True
		#create material to render mesh colors
		try :
			mat = Material.Get("default_vtx_mat")
		except NameError :
			mat = Material.New("default_vtx_mat")
			mat.mode += Material.Modes['VCOL_PAINT']
		bld_mesh.materials = [mat]
		#modify color list to duplicate colors per face per vertex
		if geom.colorPerVertex and geom.isColorIndexListToDefault() :
			#each vertex has a color
			for i,inds in enumerate(faces) :
				face = bld_mesh.faces[nbf + i]
				for j,v in enumerate(face) :
					col = face.col[j]
					pglcol = geom.colorList[geom.indexList[i][j] ]
					col.r = pglcol.red
					col.g = pglcol.green
					col.b = pglcol.blue
					col.a = pglcol.alpha
		elif geom.colorPerVertex and not geom.isColorIndexListToDefault() :
			#each local vertex of each face has a color
			for i,inds in enumerate(geom.colorIndexList) :
				face = bld_mesh.faces[nbf + i]
				for j,v in enumerate(face) :
					col = face.col[j]
					pglcol = geom.colorList[inds[j] ]
					col.r = pglcol.red
					col.g = pglcol.green
					col.b = pglcol.blue
					col.a = pglcol.alpha
		else :
			#each face has a color
			for i,col in enumerate(geom.colorList) :
				face = bld_mesh.faces[nbf + i]
				R,G,B,A = col.red,col.green,col.blue,col.alpha
				for j,v in enumerate(face) :
					col = face.col[j]
					col.r = R
					col.g = G
					col.b = B
					col.a = A
#		#assign 
#		for fid in xrange(nb,len(bld_mesh.faces) ) :
#			face = bld_mesh.faces[fid]
#			for i,v in enumerate(face) :
#				col = face.col[i]
#				col.r = ambient.red
#				col.g = ambient.green
#				col.b = ambient.blue
#	for vtx in bld_mesh.verts :
#		vtx.sel = 0
	return bld_mesh,mat