文件: api.py 项目: amarandon/opencore
class TemplateAPI(object):
    _community_info = None
    _recent_items = None
    _identity = None
    _isStaff = None
    _intranets_info = None
    _current_intranet = None
    _home_url = None
    _snippets = None
    _start_time = int(time.time())
    countries = countries
    _form_field_templates = None

    def __init__(self, context, request, page_title=None):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request
        self.userid = authenticated_userid(request)
        self.app_url = app_url = request.application_url
        self.profile_url = app_url + '/profiles/%s' % self.userid
        self.here_url = self.context_url = model_url(context, request)
        self.view_url = model_url(context, request, request.view_name)
        settings = queryUtility(ISettings)
        self.js_devel_mode = settings and getattr(settings,
                                                  'js_devel_mode', None)
        self.static_url = '%s/static/%s' % (app_url, _get_static_rev())

        # this data will be provided for the client javascript
        self.karl_client_data = {}

        # Provide a setting in the INI to fully control the entire URL
        # to the static.  This is when the proxy runs a different port
        # number, or to "pipeline" resources on a different URL path.
        full_static_path = getattr(settings, 'full_static_path', False)
        if full_static_path:
            if '%d' in full_static_path:
                # XXX XXX note self._start_time is needed... and not _start_time
                # XXX XXX since this was a trivial bug, there is chance that
                # XXX XXX this actually never runs! TODO testing???
                full_static_path = full_static_path % self._start_time
            self.static_url = full_static_path
        self.page_title = page_title
        self.system_name = get_setting(context, 'system_name', 'KARL')
        self.user_is_admin = 'group.KarlAdmin' in effective_principals(request)
        self.site = find_site(context)
        self.admin_url = model_url(self.site, request, 'admin.html')
        # XXX XXX XXX This will never work from peoples formish templates
        # XXX XXX XXX (edit_profile and derivates) because, in those form
        # XXX XXX XXX controllers, the api is instantiated from __init__,
        # XXX XXX XXX where request.form is still unset!!! (From all other
        # XXX XXX XXX formcontrollers the api is instantiated from __call__,
        # XXX XXX XXX which is why this works. A chicken-and-egg problem, really.
        if hasattr(request, 'form') and getattr(request.form, 'errors', False):
            # This is a failed form submission request, specify an error message
            self.error_message = u'Please correct the indicated errors.'

        if settings:
            self.kaltura_info = dict(
                enabled =  getattr(settings, 'kaltura_enabled', False) in ('true', 'True'),
                partner_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_partner_id', ''),
                sub_partner_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_sub_partner_id', ''),
                admin_secret = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_admin_secret', ''),
                user_secret = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_user_secret', ''),
                kcw_uiconf_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_kcw_uiconf_id', '1000741'),
                player_uiconf_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_player_uiconf_id', ''),
                player_cache_st = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_player_cache_st', ''),
                local_user = self.userid,
            if not getattr(settings, 'kaltura_client_session', False) in ('true', 'True'):
                # Secrets will not be sent to client, instead session is handled on the server.
                self.kaltura_info['session_url'] = app_url + '/' + 'kaltura_create_session.json'
            self.kaltura_info = dict(
                enabled = False,

        # propagate the head data to the client
        d = self.karl_client_data['kaltura'] = dict(self.kaltura_info)
        # remove secrets if needed
        if 'session_url' in d:
            # server side session management, do not send secrets to client
            del d['user_secret']
            del d['admin_secret']

        # from openideo
        self.formerrors = {}
        self.formdata = request.POST
        self.app_config = settings
        self.rdbstore = RDBMSStore()

    def site_announcement(self):
        site_announcement = getattr(self.site, 'site_announcement', None)
        if site_announcement:
            site_announcement['profile'] = self.find_profile(
                    site_announcement.get('userid', None))
            if site_announcement['profile']:
                return site_announcement
        return {}

    def topics(self, context):
	topics = get_setting(context, 'topics')
	return sorted(elem.strip() for elem in topics.split('\n') if elem)

    def snippets(self):
        if self._snippets is None:
            self._snippets = get_template('templates/snippets.pt')
            self._snippets.doctype = xhtml
        return self._snippets

    def has_staff_acl(self, context):
        return getattr(context, 'security_state', 'inherits') == 'public'

    def is_private_in_public_community(self, context):
        """Return true if the object is private, yet located in a
        public community.
        if self.community_info is None:
            return False

        community = self.community_info.context
        if context is community:
            return False
        if getattr(community, 'security_state', 'inherits') == 'public':
            return getattr(context, 'security_state', 'inherits') == 'private'
        return False

    def user_is_staff(self):
        gn = 'group.KarlStaff'
        if self._identity is None:
            self._identity = self.request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
            if self._identity:
                self._isStaff = gn in self._identity.get('groups', [])
        return self._isStaff

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key == 'form_field_templates':
            # Allow this, for ZPT's sake!
            return self.form_field_templates
        raise ValueError, "ZPT attempted to fetch %s" % key

    def community_info(self):
        if self._community_info is None:
            community = find_interface(self.context, ICommunity)
            if community is not None:
                self._community_info = getMultiAdapter(
                    (community, self.request), ICommunityInfo)
        return self._community_info

    def recent_items(self):
        if self._recent_items is None:
            community = find_interface(self.context, ICommunity)
            if community is not None:
                community_path = model_path(community)
                search = getAdapter(self.context, ICatalogSearch)
                principals = effective_principals(self.request)
                self._recent_items = []
                num, docids, resolver = search(
                    path={'query': community_path},
                    allowed={'query': principals, 'operator': 'or'},
                models = filter(None, map(resolver, docids))
                for model in models:
                    adapted = getMultiAdapter((model, self.request),

        return self._recent_items

    community_layout_fn = 'opencore.views:templates/community_layout.pt'
    def community_layout(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.community_layout_fn)
        return macro_template

    anonymous_layout_fn = 'opencore.views:templates/anonymous_layout.pt'
    def anonymous_layout(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.anonymous_layout_fn)
        return macro_template

    generic_layout_fn = 'opencore.views:templates/generic_layout.pt'
    def generic_layout(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.generic_layout_fn)
        return macro_template

    formfields_fn = 'opencore.views:templates/formfields.pt'
    def formfields(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.formfields_fn)
        return macro_template

    lightbox_layout_fn = 'opencore.views:templates/lightbox_layout.pt'
    def lightbox_layout(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.lightbox_layout_fn)
        return macro_template

    def form_field_templates(self):
        if self._form_field_templates is None:
            # calculate and cache value
            if hasattr(self.request, 'form'):
                self._form_field_templates =  [field.widget.template for field in self.request.form.allfields]
                self._form_field_templates = []
        return self._form_field_templates

    _status_message = None
    def get_status_message(self):
        if self._status_message:
            return self._status_message
        return self.request.params.get("status_message", None)

    def set_status_message(self, value):
        self._status_message = value

    status_message = property(get_status_message, set_status_message)

    _error_message = None
    def get_error_message(self):
        if self._error_message:
            return self._error_message
        return self.request.params.get("error_message", None)

    def set_error_message(self, value):
        self._error_message = value

    error_message = property(get_error_message, set_error_message)

    def people_url(self):
        # Get a setting for what part is appended the the app_url for
        # this installation's people directory application.
        people_path = get_setting(self.context, 'people_path', 'people')
        return self.app_url + "/" + people_path

    def communities_name(self):
        from opencore.utils import find_site
        return find_site(self.context).communities_name

    def tag_users(self):
        """Data for the tagbox display"""
        tagquery = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), ITagQuery)
        return tagquery.tagusers

    def actions_to_menu(self, actions):
        """A helper used by the snippets rendering the actions menu.

        This method converts the flat list of action tuples,
        passed in as input parameters, into a structured list.

        From this input::

                ('Manage Members', 'manage.html'),
                ('Add Folder', 'add_folder.html'),
                ('Add File', 'add_file.html'),
                ('Add Forum', 'add_forum.html'),

        it will generate a submenu structure::

                ('Manage Members', 'manage.html'),
                ('Add', '#', (
                        ('Folder', 'add_folder.html'),
                        ('File', 'add_file.html'),
                        ('Forum', 'add_forum.html'),

        but if there are only 2 or less groupable items, the menu
        stays flat and a submenu is not created.

        At the moment, there is no information marking the Add
        items. Therefore the following heuristics is applied:

        - if a title starts with Add, it is considered as Add item

        - the rest of the title is considered the content type.

        XXX p.s. according to this heuristics, the following will
        also be detected as an Add item::

           ('Add Existing', 'add_existing.html')

        Which won't be a problem if there is no more then 3 Add
        items altogether.
        result = []
        lookahead = []
        def process_lookahead(result=result, lookahead=lookahead):
            if len(lookahead) > 2:
                # Convert to submenu
                # take part after "Add " as title.
                result.append(('Add', '#',
                    [(item[0][4:], item[1]) for item in lookahead]))
                # add to menu as flat
            # We processed it
            del lookahead[:]

        for action in actions:
            # Is this a menu action?
            is_menu_action = action[0].startswith('Add ')
            # pad them out to make sure template does not fail
            action = action + ((), )
            if is_menu_action:
                # process lookahead
        return result

    def render_sidebar(self):
        """Render the sidebar appropriate for the context."""
        for ancestor in lineage(self.context):
            r = queryMultiAdapter((ancestor, self.request), ISidebar)
            if r is not None:
                return r(self)
        # no sidebar exists for this context.
        return ''

    def render_footer(self):
        """Render the footer appropriate for the context."""
        for ancestor in lineage(self.context):
            r = queryMultiAdapter((ancestor, self.request), IFooter,)
            if r is not None:
                return r(self)

        # no footer exists for this context, use the default.
        return DefaultFooter(self.context, self.request)(self)

    def home_url(self):
        if self._home_url is None:
            target, extra_path = get_user_home(self.context, self.request)
            self._home_url = model_url(target, self.request, *extra_path)
        return self._home_url

    def settings(self):
        return SettingsReader(self.context)

    def support_attachments(self):
        return support_attachments(self.context)

    def logo_url(self):
        logo_path = get_setting(self.context, 'logo_path', 'images/logo.gif')
        return '%s/%s' % (self.static_url, logo_path)

    def render_karl_client_data(self, update_dict=None):
        How to provide data to the client? There are 3 ways:

        1. specify the data via the template api

           api.karl_client_data['my_widget'] = {...my_data...}

           The code will be injected to all pages automatically.
           Be careful not to overwrite api.karl_client_data, only update
           one or more fields of the dictionary.

        2. Pass the data directly to the template

                karl_client_data = {'my_widget': {...my_data...}},

            The passed dictionary will update the one specified via the template api.

        3. Legacy way: head_data

           from karl.views.utils import convert_to_script

                head_data = convert_to_script({'my_widget': {...my_data...}),

           Data inserted this way is supported in order to not break old code, but for
           new code please prefer to use the methods described in point 1. or 2.

        d = dict(self.karl_client_data)
        if update_dict:
        return convert_to_script(d, var_name='karl_client_data')

    def supported_comment_interfaces(self):
        return (IBlogEntry, ICommunity, IForumTopic, IProfile)

    def view_count(self, context):
        return self.rdbstore.view_count(path=model_path(context,''))[0][0]

    def like_count(self, context):
        count = 0
        if 'likes' in context.__dict__:
            count = context.likes.count()
        return count

    # openideo additions below
    def get_user_bookmarks(self, filter_challenge=True):
        if self.userid is None:
            return []
        return get_user_bookmarks(self.context, self.userid, filter_challenge)

    def render_form_widget(self, widget_id, id, label, choices=[], compulsory=False, default=None, description=None, disabled=False, alt=False):
        if default is None:
            default = self.formdata.get(id, '')
        error = self.formerrors.get(id, '')
        if isinstance(error, (list, tuple)):
            error = '\n'.join(error)
        from repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt import get_template
        #template = template_cache.get('form_widgets', createfunc=get_form_widgets)
        template = get_template('templates/form_widgets.pt')
        if isinstance(default, (list, tuple)):
            default_list = default
            default_list = [default]
        return template.render_macro(widget_id, global_scope=True,

    def model_path(self, obj):
        return model_path(obj)

    def find_model(self, path):
        return find_model(self.context, path)

    def get_url(self, ob):
        """ Returns the model url for `ob`
        return model_url(ob, self.request).replace('https://', 'http://')

    def find_profile(self, uid):
        profiles = find_profiles(self.context)
        return profiles.get(uid, None)

    def find_image_url(self, ob, search='photo', default='/img/default_user.png', size=None):
        if ob is None:
            return default
        photo = find_image(ob, search)
        if photo is not None:
	    if isinstance(photo, (unicode, str)):
		# external reference thumbnail_url
            	return photo
            if size:
                return thumb_url(photo, self.request, size)
                return model_url(photo, self.request, 'dl')
            if default.startswith('/'): # absolute local url
                default = self.static_url + default
            return default

    def get_interfaces(self, ob):
        return [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(ob)]

    def time_ago(self, time):
        """ time difference
        now = datetime.now()
        delta = (now - time)

        if( delta.days == 1 ) :
            return '%d day' % delta.days
        elif( delta.days > 0 ) :
            return '%d days' % delta.days
        elif ( (delta.seconds/3600) > 1 ) :
            return '%d hours' % (delta.seconds/3600)
        elif ( (delta.seconds/60) > 1 ) :
            return '%d mins' % (delta.seconds/60)
        else :
            return 'Moments'

    def format_date(self, d, with_break=False, time_less=False):
        if with_break and not time_less:
            return d.strftime('%B %d, %Y<br /> %I:%M%p')
        elif not time_less:
            return d.strftime('%B %d, %Y, %I:%M%p')
            return d.strftime('%B %d, %Y')

    def thumb_url(self, image, size=(200, 200)):
        return thumb_url(image, self.request, size)
文件: api.py 项目: amarandon/opencore
    def __init__(self, context, request, page_title=None):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request
        self.userid = authenticated_userid(request)
        self.app_url = app_url = request.application_url
        self.profile_url = app_url + '/profiles/%s' % self.userid
        self.here_url = self.context_url = model_url(context, request)
        self.view_url = model_url(context, request, request.view_name)
        settings = queryUtility(ISettings)
        self.js_devel_mode = settings and getattr(settings,
                                                  'js_devel_mode', None)
        self.static_url = '%s/static/%s' % (app_url, _get_static_rev())

        # this data will be provided for the client javascript
        self.karl_client_data = {}

        # Provide a setting in the INI to fully control the entire URL
        # to the static.  This is when the proxy runs a different port
        # number, or to "pipeline" resources on a different URL path.
        full_static_path = getattr(settings, 'full_static_path', False)
        if full_static_path:
            if '%d' in full_static_path:
                # XXX XXX note self._start_time is needed... and not _start_time
                # XXX XXX since this was a trivial bug, there is chance that
                # XXX XXX this actually never runs! TODO testing???
                full_static_path = full_static_path % self._start_time
            self.static_url = full_static_path
        self.page_title = page_title
        self.system_name = get_setting(context, 'system_name', 'KARL')
        self.user_is_admin = 'group.KarlAdmin' in effective_principals(request)
        self.site = find_site(context)
        self.admin_url = model_url(self.site, request, 'admin.html')
        # XXX XXX XXX This will never work from peoples formish templates
        # XXX XXX XXX (edit_profile and derivates) because, in those form
        # XXX XXX XXX controllers, the api is instantiated from __init__,
        # XXX XXX XXX where request.form is still unset!!! (From all other
        # XXX XXX XXX formcontrollers the api is instantiated from __call__,
        # XXX XXX XXX which is why this works. A chicken-and-egg problem, really.
        if hasattr(request, 'form') and getattr(request.form, 'errors', False):
            # This is a failed form submission request, specify an error message
            self.error_message = u'Please correct the indicated errors.'

        if settings:
            self.kaltura_info = dict(
                enabled =  getattr(settings, 'kaltura_enabled', False) in ('true', 'True'),
                partner_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_partner_id', ''),
                sub_partner_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_sub_partner_id', ''),
                admin_secret = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_admin_secret', ''),
                user_secret = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_user_secret', ''),
                kcw_uiconf_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_kcw_uiconf_id', '1000741'),
                player_uiconf_id = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_player_uiconf_id', ''),
                player_cache_st = getattr(settings, 'kaltura_player_cache_st', ''),
                local_user = self.userid,
            if not getattr(settings, 'kaltura_client_session', False) in ('true', 'True'):
                # Secrets will not be sent to client, instead session is handled on the server.
                self.kaltura_info['session_url'] = app_url + '/' + 'kaltura_create_session.json'
            self.kaltura_info = dict(
                enabled = False,

        # propagate the head data to the client
        d = self.karl_client_data['kaltura'] = dict(self.kaltura_info)
        # remove secrets if needed
        if 'session_url' in d:
            # server side session management, do not send secrets to client
            del d['user_secret']
            del d['admin_secret']

        # from openideo
        self.formerrors = {}
        self.formdata = request.POST
        self.app_config = settings
        self.rdbstore = RDBMSStore()