    def test_get_id_token(self):
        Test generation of ID Token.
        # test that a user with no ID Token gets a valid token on calling the
        # method 'get_id_token' against a client
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 0)
        client = Client.objects.get(name=self.client_name)
        first_token = get_id_token(self.user, self.client_name)
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 1)
        jwt.decode(first_token, client.client_secret, audience=client.client_id)

        # test that a user with existing ID Token gets the same token instead
        # of a new generated token
        second_token = get_id_token(self.user, self.client_name)
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(first_token, second_token)
    def test_get_id_token(self):
        Test generation of ID Token.
        # test that a user with no ID Token gets a valid token on calling the
        # method 'get_id_token' against a client
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 0)
        client = Client.objects.get(name=self.client_name)
        first_token = get_id_token(self.user, self.client_name)
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 1)

        # test that a user with existing ID Token gets the same token instead
        # of a new generated token
        second_token = get_id_token(self.user, self.client_name)
        self.assertEqual(AccessToken.objects.all().count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(first_token, second_token)
def get_course_programs_for_dashboard(user, course_keys):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """ Return all programs related to a user.

    Given a user and an iterable of course keys, find all
    the programs relevant to the user's dashboard and return them in a
    dictionary keyed by the course_key.

        user (user object): Currently logged-in User for which we need to get
            JWT ID-Token
        course_keys (list): List of course keys in which user is enrolled

        Dictionary response containing programs or None
    course_programs = {}
    if not is_student_dashboard_programs_enabled():
        log.warning("Programs service for student dashboard is disabled.")
        return course_programs

    # unicode-ify the course keys for efficient lookup
    course_keys = map(unicode, course_keys)

    # If cache config is enabled then get the response from cache first.
    if is_cache_enabled_for_programs():
        cached_programs = get_cached_programs_response()
        if cached_programs is not None:
            return _get_user_course_programs(cached_programs, course_keys)

    # get programs slumber-based client 'EdxRestApiClient'
        api_client = programs_api_client(
            get_id_token(user, CLIENT_NAME))
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to initialize the Programs API client.')
        return course_programs

    # get programs from api client
        response = api_client.programs.get()
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to retrieve programs from the Programs API.')
        return course_programs

    programs = response.get('results', [])
    if not programs:
        log.warning("No programs found for the user '%s'.", user.id)
        return course_programs

    # If cache config is enabled than set the cache.
    if is_cache_enabled_for_programs():

    return _get_user_course_programs(programs, course_keys)
def get_edxnotes_id_token(user):
    Returns generated ID Token for edxnotes.
    return get_id_token(user, CLIENT_NAME)
def get_course_programs_for_dashboard(user, course_keys):   # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """ Return all programs related to a user.

    Given a user and an iterable of course keys, find all
    the programs relevant to the user's dashboard and return them in a
    dictionary keyed by the course_key.

        user (user object): Currently logged-in User for which we need to get
            JWT ID-Token
        course_keys (list): List of course keys in which user is enrolled

        Dictionary response containing programs or None
    course_programs = {}
    if not is_student_dashboard_programs_enabled():
        log.warning("Programs service for student dashboard is disabled.")
        return course_programs

    # unicode-ify the course keys for efficient lookup
    course_keys = map(unicode, course_keys)

    # If cache config is enabled then get the response from cache first.
    if is_cache_enabled_for_programs():
        cached_programs = get_cached_programs_response()
        if cached_programs is not None:
            return _get_user_course_programs(cached_programs, course_keys)

    # get programs slumber-based client 'EdxRestApiClient'
        api_client = programs_api_client(ProgramsApiConfig.current().internal_api_url, get_id_token(user, CLIENT_NAME))
    except Exception:   # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to initialize the Programs API client.')
        return course_programs

    # get programs from api client
        response = api_client.programs.get()
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to retrieve programs from the Programs API.')
        return course_programs

    programs = response.get('results', [])
    if not programs:
        log.warning("No programs found for the user '%s'.", user.id)
        return course_programs

    # If cache config is enabled than set the cache.
    if is_cache_enabled_for_programs():

    return _get_user_course_programs(programs, course_keys)
def get_course_programs_for_dashboard(user, course_keys):   # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """ Return all programs related to a user.

    Given a user and an iterable of course keys, find all
    the programs relevant to the user's dashboard and return them in a
    dictionary keyed by the course_key.

        user (user object): Currently logged-in User for which we need to get
            JWT ID-Token
        course_keys (list): List of course keys in which user is enrolled

        Dictionary response containing programs or None
    course_programs = {}
    if not is_student_dashboard_programs_enabled():
        log.warning("Programs service for student dashboard is disabled.")
        return course_programs

    # unicode-ify the course keys for efficient lookup
    course_keys = map(unicode, course_keys)

    # get programs slumber-based client 'EdxRestApiClient'
        api_client = programs_api_client(ProgramsApiConfig.current().internal_api_url, get_id_token(user, CLIENT_NAME))
    except Exception:   # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to initialize the Programs API client.')
        return course_programs

    # get programs from api client
        response = api_client.programs.get()
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to retrieve programs from the Programs API.')
        return course_programs

    programs = response.get('results', [])
    if not programs:
        log.warning("No programs found for the user '%s'.", user.id)
        return course_programs

    # reindex the result from pgm -> course code -> course run
    #  to
    # course run -> program, ignoring course runs not present in the dashboard enrollments
    for program in programs:
        for course_code in program['course_codes']:
            for run in course_code['run_modes']:
                if run['course_key'] in course_keys:
                    course_programs[run['course_key']] = program

    return course_programs
def get_course_programs_for_dashboard(user, course_keys):   # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """ Return all programs related to a user.

    Given a user and an iterable of course keys, find all
    the programs relevant to the user's dashboard and return them in a
    dictionary keyed by the course_key.

        user (user object): Currently logged-in User for which we need to get
            JWT ID-Token
        course_keys (list): List of course keys in which user is enrolled

        Dictionary response containing programs or None
    course_programs = {}
    if not is_student_dashboard_programs_enabled():
        log.warning("Programs service for student dashboard is disabled.")
        return course_programs

    # unicode-ify the course keys for efficient lookup
    course_keys = map(unicode, course_keys)

    # get programs slumber-based client 'EdxRestApiClient'
        api_client = programs_api_client(ProgramsApiConfig.current().internal_api_url, get_id_token(user, CLIENT_NAME))
    except Exception:   # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to initialize the Programs API client.')
        return course_programs

    # get programs from api client
        response = api_client.programs.get()
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.exception('Failed to retrieve programs from the Programs API.')
        return course_programs

    programs = response.get('results', [])
    if not programs:
        log.warning("No programs found for the user '%s'.", user.id)
        return course_programs

    # reindex the result from pgm -> course code -> course run
    #  to
    # course run -> program, ignoring course runs not present in the dashboard enrollments
    for program in programs:
            for course_code in program['course_codes']:
                for run in course_code['run_modes']:
                    if run['course_key'] in course_keys:
                        course_programs[run['course_key']] = program
        except KeyError:
            log.exception('Unable to parse Programs API response: %r', program)

    return course_programs