def jira_issue_rejected(issue): issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) pr_num = github_pr_num(issue) pr_url = github_pr_url(issue) issue_url = pr_url.replace("pulls", "issues") gh_issue_resp = github.get(issue_url) gh_issue_resp.raise_for_status() gh_issue = gh_issue_resp.json() sentry.client.extra_context({"github_issue": gh_issue}) if gh_issue["state"] == "closed": # nothing to do msg = "{key} was rejected, but PR #{num} was already closed".format( key=issue_key, num=pr_num) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return msg # Comment on the PR to explain to look at JIRA username = to_unicode(gh_issue["user"]["login"]) comment = { "body": ("Hello @{username}: We are unable to continue with " "review of your submission at this time. Please see the " "associated JIRA ticket for more explanation.".format( username=username)) } comment_resp = + "/comments", json=comment) comment_resp.raise_for_status() # close the pull request on Github close_resp = github.patch(pr_url, json={"state": "closed"}) close_resp.raise_for_status() return "Closed PR #{num}".format(num=pr_num)
def jira_issue_rejected(issue): issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) pr_num = github_pr_num(issue) pr_url = github_pr_url(issue) issue_url = pr_url.replace("pulls", "issues") gh_issue_resp = github.get(issue_url) gh_issue_resp.raise_for_status() gh_issue = gh_issue_resp.json() sentry.client.extra_context({"github_issue": gh_issue}) if gh_issue["state"] == "closed": # nothing to do msg = "{key} was rejected, but PR #{num} was already closed".format( key=issue_key, num=pr_num ) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return msg # Comment on the PR to explain to look at JIRA username = to_unicode(gh_issue["user"]["login"]) comment = {"body": ( "Hello @{username}: We are unable to continue with " "review of your submission at this time. Please see the " "associated JIRA ticket for more explanation.".format(username=username) )} comment_resp = + "/comments", json=comment) comment_resp.raise_for_status() # close the pull request on Github close_resp = github.patch(pr_url, json={"state": "closed"}) close_resp.raise_for_status() return "Closed PR #{num}".format(num=pr_num)
def should_transition(issue): """ Return a boolean indicating if the given issue should be transitioned automatically from "Needs Triage" to an open status. """ issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) issue_status = to_unicode(issue["fields"]["status"]["name"]) project_key = to_unicode(issue["fields"]["project"]["key"]) if issue_status != "Needs Triage": print( "{key} has status {status}, does not need to be processed".format( key=issue_key, status=issue_status, ), file=sys.stderr, ) return False # Open source pull requests do not skip Needs Triage. # However, if someone creates a subtask on an OSPR issue, that subtasks # might skip Needs Triage (it just follows the rest of the logic in this # function.) is_subtask = issue["fields"]["issuetype"]["subtask"] if project_key == "OSPR" and not is_subtask: print( "{key} is an open source pull request, and does not need to be processed.".format( key=issue_key ), file=sys.stderr, ) return False user_url = URLObject(issue["fields"]["creator"]["self"]) user_url = user_url.set_query_param("expand", "groups") user_resp = jira_get(user_url) if not user_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(user_resp.text) user = user_resp.json() user_group_map = {g["name"]: g["self"] for g in user["groups"]["items"]} user_groups = set(user_group_map) exempt_groups = { # group name: set of projects that they can create non-triage issues "edx-employees": {"ALL"}, "clarice": {"MOB"}, "bnotions": {"MOB"}, "opencraft": {"SOL"}, } for user_group in user_groups: if user_group not in exempt_groups: continue exempt_projects = exempt_groups[user_group] if "ALL" in exempt_projects: return True if project_key in exempt_projects: return True return False
def rescan_issues(): """ Re-scan all JIRA issues that are in the "Needs Triage" state. If any were created by edX employees, they will be automatically transitioned to an "Open" state. Normally, issues are processed automatically. However, sometimes an issue is skipped accidentally, either due to a network hiccup, a bug in JIRA, or this bot going offline. This endpoint is used to clean up after these kind of problems. """ jql = request.form.get("jql") or 'status = "Needs Triage" ORDER BY key' sentry.client.extra_context({"jql": jql}) issues = jira_paginated_get( "/rest/api/2/search", jql=jql, obj_name="issues", session=jira, ) results = {} for issue in issues: issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) results[issue_key] = issue_opened(issue) resp = make_response(json.dumps(results), 200) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return resp
def jira_issue_rejected(issue, bugsnag_context=None): bugsnag_context = bugsnag_context or {} issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) pr_num = github_pr_num(issue) pr_url = github_pr_url(issue) issue_url = pr_url.replace("pulls", "issues") gh_issue_resp = github.get(issue_url) if not gh_issue_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(gh_issue_resp.text) gh_issue = gh_issue_resp.json() bugsnag_context["github_issue"] = gh_issue bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) if gh_issue["state"] == "closed": # nothing to do msg = "{key} was rejected, but PR #{num} was already closed".format( key=issue_key, num=pr_num ) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return msg # Comment on the PR to explain to look at JIRA username = to_unicode(gh_issue["user"]["login"]) comment = {"body": ( "Hello @{username}: We are unable to continue with " "review of your submission at this time. Please see the " "associated JIRA ticket for more explanation.".format(username=username) )} comment_resp = + "/comments", json=comment) # close the pull request on Github close_resp = github.patch(pr_url, json={"state": "closed"}) if not close_resp.ok or not comment_resp.ok: bugsnag_context['request_headers'] = close_resp.request.headers bugsnag_context['request_url'] = close_resp.request.url bugsnag_context['request_method'] = close_resp.request.method bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) bug_text = '' if not close_resp.ok: bug_text += "Failed to close; " + close_resp.text if not comment_resp.ok: bug_text += "Failed to comment on the PR; " + comment_resp.text raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(bug_text) return "Closed PR #{num}".format(num=pr_num)
def issue_opened(issue, bugsnag_context=None): bugsnag_context = bugsnag_context or {} bugsnag_context = {"issue": issue} bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) issue_url = URLObject(issue["self"]) transitioned = False if should_transition(issue): transitions_url = issue_url.with_path(issue_url.path + "/transitions") transitions_resp = jira_get(transitions_url) if not transitions_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(transitions_resp.text) transitions = {t["name"]: t["id"] for t in transitions_resp.json()["transitions"]} if "Open" in transitions: new_status = "Open" elif "Design Backlog" in transitions: new_status = "Design Backlog" else: raise ValueError("No valid transition! Possibilities are {}".format(transitions.keys())) body = { "transition": { "id": transitions[new_status], } } transition_resp =, json=body) if not transition_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(transition_resp.text) transitioned = True # log to stderr action = "Transitioned to Open" if transitioned else "ignored" print( "{key} created by {name} ({username}), {action}".format( key=issue_key, name=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["displayName"]), username=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["name"]), action="Transitioned to Open" if transitioned else "ignored", ), file=sys.stderr, ) return action
def github_pr_url(issue): """ Return the pull request URL for the given JIRA issue, or raise an exception if they can't be determined. """ pr_repo = github_pr_repo(issue) pr_num = github_pr_num(issue) if not pr_repo or not pr_num: issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) fail_msg = '{key} is missing "Repo" or "PR Number" fields'.format(key=issue_key) raise Exception(fail_msg) return "/repos/{repo}/pulls/{num}".format(repo=pr_repo, num=pr_num)
def rescan_issues(): if request.method == "GET": # just render the form return render_template("jira_rescan_issues.html") jql = request.form.get("jql") or 'status = "Needs Triage" ORDER BY key' sentry.client.extra_context({"jql": jql}) issues = jira_paginated_get( "/rest/api/2/search", jql=jql, obj_name="issues", session=jira, ) results = {} for issue in issues: issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) results[issue_key] = issue_opened(issue) resp = make_response(json.dumps(results), 200) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return resp
def jira_rescan_issues(): if request.method == "GET": # just render the form return render_template("jira_rescan_issues.html") jql = request.form.get("jql") or 'status = "Needs Triage" ORDER BY key' bugsnag_context = {"jql": jql} bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) issues = jira_paginated_get( "/rest/api/2/search", jql=jql, obj_name="issues", session=jira, ) results = {} for issue in issues: issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) results[issue_key] = issue_opened(issue) resp = make_response(json.dumps(results), 200) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return resp
def rescan_issues(): """ Re-scan all JIRA issues that are in the "Needs Triage" state. If any were created by edX employees, they will be automatically transitioned to an "Open" state. Normally, issues are processed automatically. However, sometimes an issue is skipped accidentally, either due to a network hiccup, a bug in JIRA, or this bot going offline. This endpoint is used to clean up after these kind of problems. """ jql = request.form.get("jql") or 'status = "Needs Triage" ORDER BY key' sentry.client.extra_context({"jql": jql}) issues = jira_paginated_get("/rest/api/2/search", jql=jql, obj_name="issues", session=jira) results = {} for issue in issues: issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) results[issue_key] = issue_opened(issue) resp = make_response(json.dumps(results), 200) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return resp
def jira_issue_comment_added(issue, comment): issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) # we want to parse comments on Course Launch issues to fill out the cert report # see if issue["fields"]["project"]["key"] != "COR": return "I don't care" lines = comment['body'].splitlines() if len(lines) < 2: return "I don't care" # the comment that we want should have precisely these headings in this order headings = [ "course ID", "audit", "audit_enrolled", "downloadable", "enrolled_current", "enrolled_total", "honor", "honor_enrolled", "notpassing", "verified", "verified_enrolled", ] HEADING_RE = re.compile(r"\w+".join(headings)) TIMESTAMP_RE = re.compile(r"^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ") # test header/content pairs values = None for header, content in zip(lines, lines[1:]): # if both header and content start with a timestamp, chop it off if TIMESTAMP_RE.match(header) and TIMESTAMP_RE.match(content): header = header[9:] content = content[9:] # does this have the headings we're expecting? if not # this is not the header, move on continue # this must be it! grab the values values = content.split() # check that we have the right number if len(values) == len(headings): # we got it! break else: # aww, we were so close... values = None if not values: return "Didn't find header/content pair" custom_fields = get_jira_custom_fields() fields = { custom_fields["Course ID"]: values[0], custom_fields["?"]: int(values[1]), # "audit" custom_fields["Enrolled Audit"]: int(values[2]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[3]), # "downloadable" custom_fields["Current Enrolled"]: int(values[4]), custom_fields["Total Enrolled"]: int(values[5]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[6]), # "honor" custom_fields["Enrolled Honor Code"]: int(values[7]), custom_fields["Not Passing"]: int(values[8]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[9]), # "verified" custom_fields["Enrolled Verified"]: int(values[10]), } issue_url = issue["self"] update_resp = jira.put(issue_url, json={"fields": fields}) update_resp.raise_for_status() return "{key} cert info updated".format(key=issue_key)
def issue_updated(): """ Received an "issue updated" event from JIRA. See `JIRA's webhook docs`_. .. _JIRA's webhook docs: """ try: event = request.get_json() except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid JSON from JIRA: {data}".format('utf-8'))) sentry.client.extra_context({"event": event}) if current_app.debug: print(json.dumps(event), file=sys.stderr) if "issue" not in event: # It's rare, but we occasionally see junk data from JIRA. For example, # here's a real API request we've received on this handler: # {"baseUrl": "", # "key": "jira:1fec1026-b232-438f-adab-13b301059297", # "newVersion": 64005, "oldVersion": 64003} # If we don't have an "issue" key, it's junk. return "What is this shit!?", 400 # is this a comment? comment = event.get("comment") if comment: return jira_issue_comment_added(event["issue"], comment) # is the issue an open source pull request? if event["issue"]["fields"]["project"]["key"] != "OSPR": return "I don't care" # is it a pull request against an edX repo? pr_repo = github_pr_repo(event["issue"]) if pr_repo and not pr_repo.startswith("edx/"): return "ignoring PR on external repo" # we don't care about OSPR subtasks if event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]["subtask"]: return "ignoring subtasks" # don't care about feature proposals if event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]["name"] == "Feature Proposal": return "ignoring feature propsals" # is there a changelog? changelog = event.get("changelog") if not changelog: # it was just someone adding a comment return "I don't care" # did the issue change status? status_changelog_items = [ item for item in changelog["items"] if item["field"] == "status" ] if len(status_changelog_items) == 0: return "I don't care" if not pr_repo: issue_key = to_unicode(event["issue"]["key"]) fail_msg = '{key} is missing "Repo" field'.format(key=issue_key) fail_msg += ' {0}'.format(event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]) raise Exception(fail_msg) repo_labels_resp = github.get("/repos/{repo}/labels".format(repo=pr_repo)) repo_labels_resp.raise_for_status() # map of label name to label URL repo_labels = {l["name"]: l["url"] for l in repo_labels_resp.json()} # map of label name lowercased to label name in the case that it is on Github repo_labels_lower = {name.lower(): name for name in repo_labels} old_status = status_changelog_items[0]["fromString"] new_status = status_changelog_items[0]["toString"] changes = [] if new_status == "Rejected": change = jira_issue_rejected(event["issue"]) changes.append(change) elif 'blocked' in new_status.lower(): print("New status is: {}".format(new_status)) print("repo_labels_lower: {}".format(repo_labels_lower)) if new_status.lower() in repo_labels_lower: change = jira_issue_status_changed(event["issue"], event["changelog"]) changes.append(change) if changes: return "\n".join(changes) else: return "no change necessary"
def issue_opened(issue): sentry.client.extra_context({"issue": issue}) issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) issue_url = URLObject(issue["self"]) transitioned = False if should_transition(issue): # In JIRA, a "transition" is how an issue changes from one status # to another, like going from "Open" to "In Progress". The workflow # defines what transitions are allowed, and this API will tell us # what transitions are currently allowed by the workflow. # Ref: transitions_url = issue_url.with_path(issue_url.path + "/transitions") transitions_resp = jira_get(transitions_url) transitions_resp.raise_for_status() # This transforms the API response into a simple mapping from the # name of the transition (like "In Progress") to the ID of the transition. # Note that a transition may not have the same name as the state that it # goes to, so a transition to go from "Open" to "In Progress" may be # named something like "Start Work". transitions = { t["name"]: t["id"] for t in transitions_resp.json()["transitions"] } # We attempt to transition the issue into the "Open" state for the given project # (some projects use a different name), so look for a transition with the right name new_status = None action = None for state_name in ["Open", "Design Backlog", "To Do"]: if state_name in transitions: new_status = state_name action = "Transitioned to '{}'".format(state_name) if not new_status: # If it's an OSPR subtask (used by teams to manage reviews), transition to team backlog if to_unicode( issue["fields"]["project"] ["key"]) == "OSPR" and issue["fields"]["issuetype"]["subtask"]: new_status = "To Backlog" action = "Transitioned to 'To Backlog'" else: raise ValueError( "No valid transition! Possibilities are {}".format( transitions.keys())) # This creates a new API request to tell JIRA to move the issue from # one status to another using the specified transition. We have to # tell JIRA the transition ID, so we use that mapping we set up earlier. body = { "transition": { "id": transitions[new_status], } } transition_resp =, json=body) transition_resp.raise_for_status() transitioned = True # log to stderr if transitioned and not action: action = "Transitioned to Open" else: action = "ignored" print( "{key} created by {name} ({username}), {action}".format( key=issue_key, name=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["displayName"]), username=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["name"]), action="Transitioned to Open" if transitioned else "ignored", ), file=sys.stderr, ) return action
def jira_issue_comment_added(issue, comment, bugsnag_context=None): bugsnag_context = bugsnag_context or {} issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) # we want to parse comments on Course Launch issues to fill out the cert report # see if issue["fields"]["project"]["key"] != "COR": return "I don't care" lines = comment['body'].splitlines() if len(lines) < 2: return "I don't care" # the comment that we want should have precisely these headings in this order headings = [ "course ID", "audit", "audit_enrolled", "downloadable", "enrolled_current", "enrolled_total", "honor", "honor_enrolled", "notpassing", "verified", "verified_enrolled", ] HEADING_RE = re.compile(r"\w+".join(headings)) TIMESTAMP_RE = re.compile(r"^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ") # test header/content pairs values = None for header, content in zip(lines, lines[1:]): # if both header and content start with a timestamp, chop it off if TIMESTAMP_RE.match(header) and TIMESTAMP_RE.match(content): header = header[9:] content = content[9:] # does this have the headings we're expecting? if not # this is not the header, move on continue # this must be it! grab the values values = content.split() # check that we have the right number if len(values) == len(headings): # we got it! break else: # aww, we were so close... values = None if not values: return "Didn't find header/content pair" custom_fields = get_jira_custom_fields() fields = { custom_fields["Course ID"]: values[0], custom_fields["?"]: int(values[1]), # "audit" custom_fields["Enrolled Audit"]: int(values[2]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[3]), # "downloadable" custom_fields["Current Enrolled"]: int(values[4]), custom_fields["Total Enrolled"]: int(values[5]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[6]), # "honor" custom_fields["Enrolled Honor Code"]: int(values[7]), custom_fields["Not Passing"]: int(values[8]), custom_fields["?"]: int(values[9]), # "verified" custom_fields["Enrolled Verified"]: int(values[10]), } issue_url = issue["self"] update_resp = jira.put(issue_url, json={"fields": fields}) if not update_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(update_resp.text) return "{key} cert info updated".format(key=issue_key)
def jira_issue_updated(): """ Received an "issue updated" event from JIRA. See `JIRA's webhook docs`_. .. _JIRA's webhook docs: """ try: event = request.get_json() except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid JSON from JIRA: {data}".format('utf-8') )) bugsnag_context = {"event": event} bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) if app.debug: print(json.dumps(event), file=sys.stderr) if "issue" not in event: # It's rare, but we occasionally see junk data from JIRA. For example, # here's a real API request we've received on this handler: # {"baseUrl": "", # "key": "jira:1fec1026-b232-438f-adab-13b301059297", # "newVersion": 64005, "oldVersion": 64003} # If we don't have an "issue" key, it's junk. return "What is this shit!?", 400 # is this a comment? comment = event.get("comment") if comment: return jira_issue_comment_added(event["issue"], comment, bugsnag_context) # is the issue an open source pull request? if event["issue"]["fields"]["project"]["key"] != "OSPR": return "I don't care" # we don't care about OSPR subtasks if event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]["subtask"]: return "ignoring subtasks" # don't care about feature proposals if event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]["name"] == "Feature Proposal": return "ignoring feature propsals" # is there a changelog? changelog = event.get("changelog") if not changelog: # it was just someone adding a comment return "I don't care" # did the issue change status? status_changelog_items = [item for item in changelog["items"] if item["field"] == "status"] if len(status_changelog_items) == 0: return "I don't care" pr_repo = github_pr_repo(event["issue"]) if not pr_repo: issue_key = to_unicode(event["issue"]["key"]) fail_msg = '{key} is missing "Repo" field'.format(key=issue_key) fail_msg += ' {0}'.format(event["issue"]["fields"]["issuetype"]) raise Exception(fail_msg) repo_labels_resp = github.get("/repos/{repo}/labels".format(repo=pr_repo)) if not repo_labels_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(repo_labels_resp.text) # map of label name to label URL repo_labels = {l["name"]: l["url"] for l in repo_labels_resp.json()} # map of label name lowercased to label name in the case that it is on Github repo_labels_lower = {name.lower(): name for name in repo_labels} old_status = status_changelog_items[0]["fromString"] new_status = status_changelog_items[0]["toString"] changes = [] if new_status == "Rejected": change = jira_issue_rejected(event["issue"], bugsnag_context) changes.append(change) elif 'blocked' in new_status.lower(): print("New status is: {}".format(new_status)) print("repo_labels_lower: {}".format(repo_labels_lower)) if new_status.lower() in repo_labels_lower: change = jira_issue_status_changed(event["issue"], event["changelog"], bugsnag_context) changes.append(change) if changes: return "\n".join(changes) else: return "no change necessary"
def issue_opened(issue, bugsnag_context=None): bugsnag_context = bugsnag_context or {} bugsnag_context = {"issue": issue} bugsnag.configure_request(meta_data=bugsnag_context) issue_key = to_unicode(issue["key"]) issue_url = URLObject(issue["self"]) transitioned = False if should_transition(issue): # In JIRA, a "transition" is how an issue changes from one status # to another, like going from "Open" to "In Progress". The workflow # defines what transitions are allowed, and this API will tell us # what transitions are currently allowed by the workflow. # Ref: transitions_url = issue_url.with_path(issue_url.path + "/transitions") transitions_resp = jira_get(transitions_url) if not transitions_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(transitions_resp.text) # This transforms the API response into a simple mapping from the # name of the transition (like "In Progress") to the ID of the transition. # Note that a transition may not have the same name as the state that it # goes to, so a transition to go from "Open" to "In Progress" may be # named something like "Start Work". transitions = {t["name"]: t["id"] for t in transitions_resp.json()["transitions"]} # We attempt to transition the issue into the "Open" state for the given project # (some projects use a different name), so look for a transition with the right name new_status = None action = None for state_name in ["Open", "Design Backlog", "To Do"]: if state_name in transitions: new_status = state_name action = "Transitioned to '{}'".format(state_name) if not new_status: # If it's an OSPR subtask (used by teams to manage reviews), transition to team backlog if to_unicode(issue["fields"]["project"]["key"]) == "OSPR" and issue["fields"]["issuetype"]["subtask"]: new_status = "To Backlog" action = "Transitioned to 'To Backlog'" else: raise ValueError("No valid transition! Possibilities are {}".format(transitions.keys())) # This creates a new API request to tell JIRA to move the issue from # one status to another using the specified transition. We have to # tell JIRA the transition ID, so we use that mapping we set up earlier. body = { "transition": { "id": transitions[new_status], } } transition_resp =, json=body) if not transition_resp.ok: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(transition_resp.text) transitioned = True # log to stderr if transitioned and not action: action = "Transitioned to Open" else: action = "ignored" print( "{key} created by {name} ({username}), {action}".format( key=issue_key, name=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["displayName"]), username=to_unicode(issue["fields"]["creator"]["name"]), action="Transitioned to Open" if transitioned else "ignored", ), file=sys.stderr, ) return action