def get_token(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): if context is None: context = {} user = self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read(cr,uid)#List of users read[] obj= self.browse(cr, uid,ids,context) if obj.user_id and obj.id_session: api = Trading(domain='') for i in user: if i["user_id"]==obj.user_id: site=i["site"] appid=i["appid"] devid=i["devid"] certid=i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response=api.execute("FetchToken",{"SessionID":obj.id_session}) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) raise RedirectWarning("Error obtaning token on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s"%e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning("Error response obtaning token to eBay.\n %s"%e.message) else: dic_response=response.dict() ebay_token=dic_response.get("eBayAuthToken") try: response=api.execute('GetTokenStatus') except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning("Error to get token status, Try it again.\nERROR:%s"%e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning("Error response get token to eBay.\n %s"%e.message) else: status_token= response.dict().get("TokenStatus").get("Status") if status_token=="Active": self.write(cr,uid,ids,{"eBay_Token":ebay_token}) this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0] return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'registration_sign.objeto', } else: raise RedirectWarning("eBay`s token is incorrect, sign in eBay and create another one new") print "EL TOKEN DEL USUARIO NO ES VALIDO TIENE QUE CAMBIAR DE TOKEN, METASE EN EBAY CREE UNO NUEVO Y VUELVA A INTENTARLO" else: print "GETTOKEN: El Usuario a auntenticar no es el que ha metido no hay obj.user_id o obj.session"
def _get_categories(self): list_categories=[] bb=self.env['registration.objeto'].search_read() if len(bb)==0: if not self.env.context.has_key("check_view_ids"): action_id=self.pool[''].get_object_reference(,self.env.context["uid"],'ebaypasoapaso','join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("There is not anyone user register",action_id[1],"Go to create it") for i in bb: #Check if we are upgrading the module, because if not we have a execution fail, because CONTEXTS are different if self.env.context.has_key("check_view_ids"): return list_categories else: #If user that is surfing, is registered and his session is active user_registered=False active_sessions=self.env['registration_sign.objeto'].search_read() for ses in active_sessions: if ses["eBay_Token"]and ses["actual_state"]=="inside": user_registered=True if(self.env.context["uid"]==i["create_uid"][0])and(user_registered): #list_categories=get_categories(i["site"]) Data = { # #'CategorySiteID': site, #Specifies the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, where the top-level categories (meta-categories) are at level 1 'LevelLimit': 1,#Default=0 'ViewAllNodes':True, 'DetailLevel': 'ReturnAll', #'ErrorLanguage':'en_US'#en_US United States, es_ES Spain } api = Trading(domain='') site=i["site"] appid=i["appid"] devid=i["devid"] certid=i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response = api.execute('GetCategories',Data) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning("Error to get categories on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s"%e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning("Error response getting categories token to eBay.\n %s"%e.message) else: d=[] d=response.reply.get('CategoryArray').get('Category') num=0 num=int(response.reply.get('CategoryCount')) i=0 while (i<num): list_categories.append((d[i].get('CategoryID'),d[i].get('CategoryName'))) i=i+1 else: raise RedirectWarning("You have not got account user or You have not got session initiated") print"GET CATEGORIES:EL UID ACTUAL NO TIENE CUENTA, O NO TIENE SESIÓN INICIADA, COMPRUÉBELO" return list_categories
def update_product(self,cr,uid,ids,context): user=self.browse(cr, uid,ids, context) if not user.pictureDetails: user.pictureDetails="" if user.return_accepted=="ReturnsNotAccepted": Data={ "Item":{ # "Country", "PostalCode":user.postalCode, "currency":user.currency, "PaymentMethods":user.paymentMethods, "ShippingDetails": { "ShippingServiceOptions": { "ShippingService": user.shippingservice, "ShippingServiceCost":user.shippingServiceCost } }, "PrimaryCategory":{"CategoryID":user.send_category},#45454 #"start_date":user.start_date, "PictureDetails":{"PictureURL": user.pictureDetails}, "Description":user.description_article, "ListingDuration":user.listingDuration, "StartPrice":user.startPrice, "Title":user.title, "ConditionID":user.conditionID, "CategoryMappingAllowed": "true", "DispatchTimeMax":"5", "ReturnPolicy": { "ReturnsAcceptedOption": user.return_accepted, } } } else: Data={ "Item":{ # "Country", "PostalCode":user.postalCode, "currency":user.currency, "PaymentMethods":user.paymentMethods, "ShippingDetails": { "ShippingServiceOptions": { "ShippingService": user.shippingservice, "ShippingServiceCost":user.shippingServiceCost } }, "PrimaryCategory":{"CategoryID":user.send_category}, #"start_date":user.start_date, "PictureDetails":{"PictureURL": user.pictureDetails}, "Description":user.description_article, "ListingDuration":user.listingDuration, "StartPrice":user.startPrice, "Title":user.title, "ConditionID":user.conditionID, "CategoryMappingAllowed": "true", "DispatchTimeMax":"5", "ReturnPolicy": { "ReturnsAcceptedOption": user.return_accepted, "ReturnsWithinOption": user.whitin, "Description": "If you are not satisfied, return the product for refund.", "ShippingCostPaidByOption":user.who_pay } } } print user.category bb=self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read(cr, uid) for i in bb: user_registered_correct_session=False token="" active_sessions= self.pool.get('registration_sign.objeto').search_read(cr,uid)#List of users read[] for ses in active_sessions: if ses["eBay_Token"]and ses["actual_state"]=="inside": timestamp=ses["hour_session"] hour_seg=int(hour.strftime('%s')) tim=hour_seg-timestamp if tim<1200:#If it has not passed more than 1200 seconds, validate session print "TIME",tim user_registered_correct_session=True token=ses["eBay_Token"] break else: print "INVALID SESSION, You have to come back to SIGN IN" if uid==i["create_uid"][0] and user_registered_correct_session:#User has account and is registered, and he has correct session api = Trading(domain='') site=i["site"] appid=i["appid"] devid=i["devid"] certid=i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid and token: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) api.config.set("token",token,force=True) try: response = api.execute('AddItem',Data) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning("Error to Add Item on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s"%e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning("Error response adding item to eBay.\n %s"%e.message) else: if response.dict().get("ItemID"): print "ITEM VERIFICADO" name=response.dict().get("ItemID") url=""%name cost=0 fee=response.dict().get("Fees").get("Fee") i=0 while i<len(fee): cost+=float( fee[i].get("Fee").get("value")) i+=1 self.write(cr,uid,ids,{ "country", "postalCode":user.postalCode, "site", "currency":user.currency, "paymentMethods":user.paymentMethods, "category":user.category, "send_category":user.send_category, "start_date":user.start_date, "title":user.title, "conditionID":user.conditionID, "pictureDetails":user.pictureDetails, "description_article":user.description_article, "listingDuration":user.listingDuration, "start_Price":user.startPrice, "shippingServiceCost":user.shippingServiceCost, "shippingservice":user.shippingservice, "who_pay":user.who_pay, "whitin":user.whitin, "return_accepted":user.return_accepted, "item_id":name, "url_id":url, "actual_state":True, "cost":cost, "foot":"env"},context=context) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'add_article.objeto', } print "If you are not using a sandbox account, this update has had a cost of", cost raise RedirectWarning("If you are not using a sandbox account, this update has had a cost of", cost) else: print "ITEM INCORRECTO" elif uid==i["create_uid"][0]:#If user has not initiated session print "User has not initiated session or Session is out of date, it is necessary you initiate it" return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'registration_sign.objeto', } elif user_registered_correct_session:#If actual user does not have account registered print "Actual user does not have account registered, Create it" return { 'name': "New eBay User Authentication", 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'registration.objeto', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'target': 'new', } print "UPDATED"
def _get_categories(self): list_categories = [] bb = self.env['registration.objeto'].search_read() if len(bb) == 0: if not self.env.context.has_key("check_view_ids"): action_id = self.pool[''].get_object_reference(, self.env.context["uid"], 'ebaypasoapaso', 'join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("There is not anyone user register", action_id[1], "Go to create it") for i in bb: #Check if we are upgrading the module, because if not we have a execution fail, because CONTEXTS are different if self.env.context.has_key("check_view_ids"): return list_categories else: #If user that is surfing, is registered and his session is active user_registered = False active_sessions = self.env[ 'registration_sign.objeto'].search_read() for ses in active_sessions: if ses["eBay_Token"] and ses["actual_state"] == "inside": user_registered = True if (self.env.context["uid"] == i["create_uid"][0]) and (user_registered): #list_categories=get_categories(i["site"]) Data = { # #'CategorySiteID': site, #Specifies the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, where the top-level categories (meta-categories) are at level 1 'LevelLimit': 1, #Default=0 'ViewAllNodes': True, 'DetailLevel': 'ReturnAll', #'ErrorLanguage':'en_US'#en_US United States, es_ES Spain } api = Trading(domain='') site = i["site"] appid = i["appid"] devid = i["devid"] certid = i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response = api.execute('GetCategories', Data) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning( "Error to get categories on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s" % e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning( "Error response getting categories token to eBay.\n %s" % e.message) else: d = [] d = response.reply.get('CategoryArray').get( 'Category') num = 0 num = int(response.reply.get('CategoryCount')) i = 0 while (i < num): list_categories.append( (d[i].get('CategoryID'), d[i].get('CategoryName'))) i = i + 1 else: raise RedirectWarning( "You have not got account user or You have not got session initiated" ) print "GET CATEGORIES:EL UID ACTUAL NO TIENE CUENTA, O NO TIENE SESIÓN INICIADA, COMPRUÉBELO" return list_categories
def update_product(self, cr, uid, ids, context): user = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) if not user.pictureDetails: user.pictureDetails = "" if user.return_accepted == "ReturnsNotAccepted": Data = { "Item": { # "Country":, "PostalCode": user.postalCode, "currency": user.currency, "PaymentMethods": user.paymentMethods, "ShippingDetails": { "ShippingServiceOptions": { "ShippingService": user.shippingservice, "ShippingServiceCost": user.shippingServiceCost } }, "PrimaryCategory": { "CategoryID": user.send_category }, #45454 #"start_date":user.start_date, "PictureDetails": { "PictureURL": user.pictureDetails }, "Description": user.description_article, "ListingDuration": user.listingDuration, "StartPrice": user.startPrice, "Title": user.title, "ConditionID": user.conditionID, "CategoryMappingAllowed": "true", "DispatchTimeMax": "5", "ReturnPolicy": { "ReturnsAcceptedOption": user.return_accepted, } } } else: Data = { "Item": { # "Country":, "PostalCode": user.postalCode, "currency": user.currency, "PaymentMethods": user.paymentMethods, "ShippingDetails": { "ShippingServiceOptions": { "ShippingService": user.shippingservice, "ShippingServiceCost": user.shippingServiceCost } }, "PrimaryCategory": { "CategoryID": user.send_category }, #"start_date":user.start_date, "PictureDetails": { "PictureURL": user.pictureDetails }, "Description": user.description_article, "ListingDuration": user.listingDuration, "StartPrice": user.startPrice, "Title": user.title, "ConditionID": user.conditionID, "CategoryMappingAllowed": "true", "DispatchTimeMax": "5", "ReturnPolicy": { "ReturnsAcceptedOption": user.return_accepted, "ReturnsWithinOption": user.whitin, "Description": "If you are not satisfied, return the product for refund.", "ShippingCostPaidByOption": user.who_pay } } } print user.category bb = self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read(cr, uid) for i in bb: user_registered_correct_session = False token = "" active_sessions = self.pool.get( 'registration_sign.objeto').search_read( cr, uid) #List of users read[] for ses in active_sessions: if ses["eBay_Token"] and ses["actual_state"] == "inside": timestamp = ses["hour_session"] hour = hour_seg = int(hour.strftime('%s')) tim = hour_seg - timestamp if tim < 1200: #If it has not passed more than 1200 seconds, validate session print "TIME", tim user_registered_correct_session = True token = ses["eBay_Token"] break else: print "INVALID SESSION, You have to come back to SIGN IN" if uid == i["create_uid"][ 0] and user_registered_correct_session: #User has account and is registered, and he has correct session api = Trading(domain='') site = i["site"] appid = i["appid"] devid = i["devid"] certid = i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid and token: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) api.config.set("token", token, force=True) try: response = api.execute('AddItem', Data) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning( "Error to Add Item on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s" % e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning( "Error response adding item to eBay.\n %s" % e.message) else: if response.dict().get("ItemID"): print "ITEM VERIFICADO" name = response.dict().get("ItemID") url = "" % name cost = 0 fee = response.dict().get("Fees").get("Fee") i = 0 while i < len(fee): cost += float(fee[i].get("Fee").get("value")) i += 1 self.write( cr, uid, ids, { "country":, "postalCode": user.postalCode, "site":, "currency": user.currency, "paymentMethods": user.paymentMethods, "category": user.category, "send_category": user.send_category, "start_date": user.start_date, "title": user.title, "conditionID": user.conditionID, "pictureDetails": user.pictureDetails, "description_article": user.description_article, "listingDuration": user.listingDuration, "start_Price": user.startPrice, "shippingServiceCost": user.shippingServiceCost, "shippingservice": user.shippingservice, "who_pay": user.who_pay, "whitin": user.whitin, "return_accepted": user.return_accepted, "item_id": name, "url_id": url, "actual_state": True, "cost": cost, "foot": "env" }, context=context) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'add_article.objeto', } print "If you are not using a sandbox account, this update has had a cost of", cost raise RedirectWarning( "If you are not using a sandbox account, this update has had a cost of", cost) else: print "ITEM INCORRECTO" elif uid == i["create_uid"][0]: #If user has not initiated session print "User has not initiated session or Session is out of date, it is necessary you initiate it" return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'registration_sign.objeto', } elif user_registered_correct_session: #If actual user does not have account registered print "Actual user does not have account registered, Create it" return { 'name': "New eBay User Authentication", 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'registration.objeto', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'target': 'new', } print "UPDATED"
def get_token(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} user = self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read( cr, uid) #List of users read[] obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) if obj.user_id and obj.id_session: api = Trading(domain='') for i in user: if i["user_id"] == obj.user_id: site = i["site"] appid = i["appid"] devid = i["devid"] certid = i["certid"] if site and appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response = api.execute( "FetchToken", {"SessionID": obj.id_session}) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) raise RedirectWarning( "Error obtaning token on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s" % e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning( "Error response obtaning token to eBay.\n %s" % e.message) else: dic_response = response.dict() ebay_token = dic_response.get("eBayAuthToken") try: response = api.execute('GetTokenStatus') except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning( "Error to get token status, Try it again.\nERROR:%s" % e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning( "Error response get token to eBay.\n %s" % e.message) else: status_token = response.dict().get( "TokenStatus").get("Status") if status_token == "Active": self.write(cr, uid, ids, {"eBay_Token": ebay_token}) this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0] return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_model': 'registration_sign.objeto', } else: raise RedirectWarning( "eBay`s token is incorrect, sign in eBay and create another one new" ) print "EL TOKEN DEL USUARIO NO ES VALIDO TIENE QUE CAMBIAR DE TOKEN, METASE EN EBAY CREE UNO NUEVO Y VUELVA A INTENTARLO" else: print "GETTOKEN: El Usuario a auntenticar no es el que ha metido no hay obj.user_id o obj.session"
def session_id(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} user = self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read( cr, uid) #List of users read[] #If there is not user registered if len(user) == 0: action_id = self.pool[''].get_object_reference( cr, uid, 'ebaypasoapaso', 'join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("There is not anyone user register", action_id[1], "Go to create it") num_user = 0 api = Trading(domain='') for i in user: obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) num_user += 1 if i["user_id"] == obj.user_id.strip(): site = i["site"] appid = i["appid"] devid = i["devid"] certid = i["certid"] ru_name = i["ru_name"] if appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response = api.execute('GetSessionID', {"RuName": ru_name}) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning( "Error to get session on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s" % e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning( "Error response getting session token to eBay.\n %s" % e.message) else: #For invalidate the session timestamp = parser.parse( (response.dict().get("Timestamp"))) timestamp_int = int(timestamp.strftime('%s')) sesion = response.dict().get("SessionID") url = "" % ( ru_name, sesion) self.write(cr, uid, ids, { "site_id": site, "hour_session": timestamp_int, "user_id": obj.user_id.strip(), 'id_session': sesion.strip(), 'sign_url': url.strip(), 'actual_state': 'inside' }, context=context) break elif num_user == len(user): print num_user print len(user) print "NO EXISTE NINGUNA CUENTA CON ESE USERID DEBE DARSE DE ALTA" action_id = self.pool[''].get_object_reference( cr, uid, 'ebaypasoapaso', 'join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("You have not got account user ", action_id[1], "Go to create it")
def session_id(self,cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} user = self.pool.get('registration.objeto').search_read(cr,uid)#List of users read[] #If there is not user registered if len(user)==0: action_id=self.pool[''].get_object_reference(cr,uid,'ebaypasoapaso','join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("There is not anyone user register",action_id[1],"Go to create it") num_user=0 api = Trading(domain='') for i in user: obj= self.browse(cr, uid,ids,context) num_user+=1 if i["user_id"]==obj.user_id.strip(): site=i["site"] appid=i["appid"] devid=i["devid"] certid=i["certid"] ru_name=i["ru_name"] if appid and devid and certid: api.config.set('siteid', site, force=True) api.config.set('appid', appid, force=True) api.config.set('devid', devid, force=True) api.config.set('certid', certid, force=True) try: response=api.execute('GetSessionID',{"RuName":ru_name}) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) raise RedirectWarning("Error to get session on eBay, Try it again.\nERROR:%s"%e.message) except ConnectionResponseError as e: raise RedirectWarning("Error response getting session token to eBay.\n %s"%e.message) else: #For invalidate the session timestamp=parser.parse((response.dict().get("Timestamp"))) timestamp_int=int(timestamp.strftime('%s')) sesion=response.dict().get("SessionID") url=""%(ru_name,sesion) self.write(cr, uid, ids, { "site_id":site, "hour_session":timestamp_int, "user_id":obj.user_id.strip(), 'id_session': sesion.strip(), 'sign_url': url.strip(), 'actual_state': 'inside'}, context=context) break; elif num_user==len(user): print num_user print len(user) print "NO EXISTE NINGUNA CUENTA CON ESE USERID DEBE DARSE DE ALTA" action_id=self.pool[''].get_object_reference(cr,uid,'ebaypasoapaso','join_authorize') raise RedirectWarning("You have not got account user ",action_id[1],"Go to create it")