    def _interval_dates(self, frequency, company):
        Method used to compute the theoretical date from which account move lines should be fetched
        @param {string} frequency: a valid value of the selection field on the object (daily, monthly, annually)
            frequencies are literal (daily means 24 hours and so on)
        @param {recordset} company: the company for which the closing is done
        @return {dict} the theoretical date from which account move lines are fetched.
            date_stop date to which the move lines are fetched, always now()
            the dates are in their Odoo Database string representation
        date_stop = datetime.utcnow()
        interval_from = None
        name_interval = ''
        if frequency == 'daily':
            interval_from = date_stop - timedelta(days=1)
            name_interval = _('Daily Closing')
        elif frequency == 'monthly':
            month_target = date_stop.month > 1 and date_stop.month - 1 or 12
            year_target = month_target < 12 and date_stop.year or date_stop.year - 1
            interval_from = date_stop.replace(year=year_target,
            name_interval = _('Monthly Closing')
        elif frequency == 'annually':
            year_target = date_stop.year - 1
            interval_from = date_stop.replace(year=year_target)
            name_interval = _('Annual Closing')

        return {
            'interval_from': FieldDateTime.to_string(interval_from),
            'date_stop': FieldDateTime.to_string(date_stop),
            'name_interval': name_interval
    def index(self, **kwargs):
        method = request.httprequest.method
        if method == "GET":
            return request.render("hr_sf.attendance_index")
        elif method == "POST":
            Attendance = request.env["hr.attendance"].sudo()
            Employee = request.env["hr.employee"].sudo()
            UploadLog = request.env["hr_sf.attendance_upload_log"].sudo()

                upload_file = kwargs.get("upload_file", None)
                source = kwargs.get("source", None)
                if upload_file is None:
                    raise Exception("can not get upload file from http post data")
                upload_file_content = upload_file.stream.read()
                sniffer = csv.Sniffer()
                dialect = sniffer.sniff(upload_file_content, delimiters=',\t')
                rows = csv.reader(upload_file_content.splitlines(), dialect=dialect)

                upload_log = None
                if rows:
                    base64_file = base64.standard_b64encode(upload_file_content)
                    upload_log = UploadLog.create({"upload_file": base64_file, "file_name": upload_file.filename,
                                                   "date": Datetime.now(), "source": source})
                upload_log_id = upload_log.id

                employees = Employee.search([])
                employee_ids = dict(employees.mapped(lambda r: (r.internal_code, r.id)))

                line_number = 0
                values = []
                for row in rows:
                    code, name, year, month, day, hour, minute = row[0:7]
                    location = str(int(row[7]))

                    dt_str = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:00" % (year, month, day, hour, minute)
                    dt = Datetime.from_string(dt_str)
                    dt = dt - datetime.timedelta(hours=8)
                    odoo_dt_str = Datetime.to_string(dt)

                    exist_count = Attendance.search_count([("code", "=", code), ("name", "=", odoo_dt_str)])
                    if exist_count <= 0:
                        emp_id = employee_ids.get(code, None)
                        if emp_id is not None:
                            # Attendance.create({"employee_id": emp_id, "name": odoo_dt_str, "location": location,
                            #                    "action": "action", "upload_log_id": upload_log_id})
                            values.append({"employee_id": emp_id, "name": odoo_dt_str, "location": location,
                                           "action": "action", "upload_log_id": upload_log_id,
                                           "forget_card": False})
                            raise Exception("error in line:%d,employee with code:%s not found" % (line_number, code))
                    line_number += 1

                for value in values:

                return request.render("hr_sf.attendance_upload_finish", {"import_count": len(values)})
            except Exception, e:
                return e.message or e.value
def UTC_String_To_TW_TZ(timestr):
    if not timestr:
        return None

    dt_time = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ(timestr)
    return Datetime.to_string(dt_time)
def UTC_String_To_TW_TZ(timestr):
    if not timestr:
        return None

    dt_time = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ(timestr)
    return Datetime.to_string(dt_time)
    def attendance_per_location(self, date=None, location=None):
        if not date:
            date = Date.today()

        dt_from = datetime.datetime.strptime("%s 00:00:00" % date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) - datetime.timedelta(
        dt_to = datetime.datetime.strptime("%s 23:59:59" % date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) - datetime.timedelta(

        if not location:
            location = "1"

        Attendance = request.env["hr.attendance"].sudo()
        Employee = request.env["hr.employee"].sudo()
        values = {}

        domain = []
        if date:
            domain.append(("name", ">=", Datetime.to_string(dt_from)))
            domain.append(("name", "<=", Datetime.to_string(dt_to)))

        # if location:
        #     domain.append(("location", "=", location))

        all_employees = Employee.search([])

        emp_attendances_values = []
        for emp in all_employees:
            attendance = dict()
            attendance["name"] = emp.name
            attendance["dep"] = emp.department_id.name

            records = Attendance.search(domain + [("employee_id", "=", emp.id)],
            if records and records[-1].location:
                latest_rec = records[-1]
                attendance["state"] = "打卡"

                dt = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ(latest_rec.name)
                date_part = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
                time_part = dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIME_FORMAT)
                attendance["date"] = date_part
                attendance["time"] = time_part
                attendance["location"] = latest_rec.location
                attendance["state"] = "未打卡"
                attendance["date"] = None
                attendance["time"] = None
                attendance["location"] = None

            leave_time = emp.get_holiday_on(date)
            attendance["leave"] = string.join(leave_time.keys(), ",") if leave_time else None


        # attendance_grouped_by_location = itertools.groupby(emp_attendances_values, key=lambda a: a["location"])
        attendances = defaultdict(lambda: list())
        for attendance in emp_attendances_values:
            attendances[attendance["location"]].append(attendance)  # or _("not attended")

        print_time = UTC_Datetime_To_TW_TZ(Datetime.now())
        values["print_time"] = Datetime.to_string(print_time)

        values["date"] = date
        values["location"] = location
        values["emp_attendances"] = attendances
        keys = sorted(attendances.keys())
        if None in keys:
        values["attendance_keys"] = keys
        values["action_count"] = len(filter(lambda a: a.get("date", None), emp_attendances_values))
        values["un_action_count"] = len(filter(lambda a: not a.get("date", None), emp_attendances_values))

        return request.render("hr_sf.attendance_per_location", values)