    def _cleanup_action_context(self, context_str, user_id):
        """Returns a dict representing the context_str evaluated (safe_eval) as
           a dict where items that are not useful for shared actions
           have been removed. If the evaluation of context_str as a
           dict fails, context_str is returned unaltered.

           :param user_id: the integer uid to be passed as 'uid' in the
                           evaluation context
        result = False
        if context_str:
                context = safe_eval(context_str, tools.UnquoteEvalContext(), nocopy=True)
                result = dict(context)
                for key in context:
                    # Remove all context keys that seem to toggle default
                    # filters based on the current user, as it makes no sense
                    # for shared users, who would not see any data by default.
                    if key and key.startswith('search_default_') and 'user_id' in key:
            except Exception:
                # Note: must catch all exceptions, as UnquoteEvalContext may cause many
                #       different exceptions, as it shadows builtins.
                _logger.debug("Failed to cleanup action context as it does not parse server-side", exc_info=True)
                result = context_str
        return result
    def get_needaction_data(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        """ Return for each menu entry of ids :
            - if it uses the needaction mechanism (needaction_enabled)
            - the needaction counter of the related action, taking into account
              the action domain
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        res = {}
        menu_ids = set()
        for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            ctx = None
            if menu.action and menu.action.type in (
                    'ir.actions.client') and menu.action.context:
                    # use magical UnquoteEvalContext to ignore undefined client-side variables such as `active_id`
                    eval_ctx = tools.UnquoteEvalContext(**context)
                    ctx = eval(menu.action.context,
                               nocopy=True) or None
                except Exception:
                    # if the eval still fails for some reason, we'll simply skip this menu
            menu_ref = ctx and ctx.get('needaction_menu_ref')
            if menu_ref:
                if not isinstance(menu_ref, list):
                    menu_ref = [menu_ref]
                model_data_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
                for menu_data in menu_ref:
                    model, id = model_data_obj.get_object_reference(
                        cr, uid,
                    if (model == 'ir.ui.menu'):
        menu_ids = list(menu_ids)

        for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, menu_ids, context=context):
            res[menu.id] = {
                'needaction_enabled': False,
                'needaction_counter': False,
            if menu.action and menu.action.type in (
                    'ir.actions.client') and menu.action.res_model:
                obj = self.pool.get(menu.action.res_model)
                if obj and obj._needaction:
                    if menu.action.type == 'ir.actions.act_window':
                        dom = menu.action.domain and eval(
                            menu.action.domain, {'uid': uid}) or []
                        dom = eval(menu.action.params_store or '{}', {
                            'uid': uid
                    res[menu.id]['needaction_enabled'] = obj._needaction
                    res[menu.id]['needaction_counter'] = obj._needaction_count(
                        cr, uid, dom, context=context)
        return res