def prevent_flip(options: oespruce.OEMakeDesignUnitOptions, match_strings: List[str]) -> oespruce.OEMakeDesignUnitOptions: pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(match_strings) protonate_opts = options.GetPrepOptions().GetProtonateOptions() place_hydrogens_opts = protonate_opts.GetPlaceHydrogensOptions() place_hydrogens_opts.SetNoFlipPredicate(pred) return options
def SetProteinLigandVizStyle(protein, ligand, carbonRGB=(180, 180, 180)): # set the carbon color (and phosphorus to magenta) carbonColor = oechem.OEColor(carbonRGB[0], carbonRGB[1], carbonRGB[2]) acolorer = oechem.OEMolStyleColorer(oechem.OEAtomColorScheme_Element) acolorer.AddColor(15, oechem.OEMagenta) acolorer.AddColor(6, carbonColor) # make the protein style object protein_style = oechem.OE3DMolStyle() protein_style.SetHydrogenVisibility(oechem.OEHydrogenVisibility_Polar) protein_style.SetAtomStyle(oechem.OEAtomStyle_Hidden) protein_style.SetProteinStyle(oechem.OEProteinStyle_Ribbons) protein_style.SetProteinColorer( oechem.OEMolStyleColorer(oechem.OEProteinColorScheme_AtomColor)) protein_style.SetAtomColorer(acolorer) # make the active site style object asite_style = oechem.OE3DMolStyle() asite_style.SetAtomStyle(oechem.OEAtomStyle_Wireframe) # make the ligand style object ligand_style = oechem.OE3DMolStyle() ligand_style.SetAtomStyle(oechem.OEAtomStyle_Stick) ligand_style.SetHydrogenVisibility(oechem.OEHydrogenVisibility_Polar) ligand_style.SetAtomColorer(acolorer) # now color the protein and the ligand oechem.OEClearStyle(protein) oechem.OESetStyle(protein, protein_style) oechem.OEClearStyle(ligand) oechem.OESetStyle(ligand, ligand_style) # display binding site residues asitePred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(protein, ligand, 5) for atom in protein.GetAtoms(asitePred): oechem.OEClearStyle(atom) oechem.OESetStyle(atom, asite_style) return
def get_atoms(molecule: oechem.OEGraphMol, match_string: str, atom_name: str) -> List[oechem.OEAtomBase]: atoms = [] pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(match_string) for atom in molecule.GetAtoms(pred): if atom.GetName().strip() == atom_name: atoms.append(atom) return atoms
def prepare_receptor(complex_pdb_filename, output_basepath, dimer=False): """ Parameters ---------- complex_pdb_filename : str The complex PDB file to read in output_basepath : str Base path for output dimer : bool, optional, default=False If True, generate the dimer as the biological unit """ import os basepath, filename = os.path.split(complex_pdb_filename) prefix, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) prefix = os.path.join(output_basepath, prefix) # Check if receptor already exists receptor_filename = f'{prefix}-receptor.oeb.gz' thiolate_receptor_filename = f'{prefix}-receptor-thiolate.oeb.gz' if os.path.exists(receptor_filename) and os.path.exists( thiolate_receptor_filename): return # Read in PDB file pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(complex_pdb_filename, 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] # If monomer is specified, drop crystal symmetry lines if not dimer: pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in pdbfile_lines if 'REMARK 350' not in line ] # Reconstruct PDBFile contents pdbfile_contents = ''.join(pdbfile_lines) # Read the receptor and identify design units from openeye import oespruce, oechem from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='wt', suffix='.pdb') as pdbfile: pdbfile.write(pdbfile_contents) pdbfile.close() complex = read_pdb_file( # TODO: Clean up #print('Identifying design units...') design_units = list(oespruce.OEMakeDesignUnits(complex)) if len(design_units) == 1: design_unit = design_units[0] elif len(design_units) > 1: #print('More than one design unit found---using first one') design_unit = design_units[0] elif len(design_units) == 0: raise Exception(f' * No design units found for {complex_pdb_filename}') # Prepare the receptor #print('Preparing receptor...') from openeye import oedocking protein = oechem.OEGraphMol() design_unit.GetProtein(protein) ligand = oechem.OEGraphMol() design_unit.GetLigand(ligand) receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol() oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, protein, ligand) oedocking.OEWriteReceptorFile(receptor, receptor_filename) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, protein) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.mol2') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.sdf') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) # Filter out UNK from PDB files (which have covalent adducts) pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb', 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] with open(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb', 'wt') as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(pdbfile_lines)) # Adjust protonation state of CYS145 to generate thiolate form #print('Deprotonating CYS145...') pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["CYS:145: :A"]) for atom in protein.GetAtoms(pred): if oechem.OEGetPDBAtomIndex(atom) == oechem.OEPDBAtomName_SG: oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(atom) atom.SetFormalCharge(-1) atom.SetImplicitHCount(0) # Adjust protonation states #print('Re-optimizing hydrogen positions...') place_hydrogens_opts = oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensOptions() place_hydrogens_opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) protonate_opts = oespruce.OEProtonateDesignUnitOptions( place_hydrogens_opts) success = oespruce.OEProtonateDesignUnit(design_unit, protonate_opts) design_unit.GetProtein(protein) # Old hacky way to adjust protonation states #opts = oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensOptions() #opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) #describe = oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensDetails() #success = oechem.OEPlaceHydrogens(protein, describe, opts) #if success: # oechem.OEUpdateDesignUnit(design_unit, protein, oechem.OEDesignUnitComponents_Protein) # Write thiolate form of receptor receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol() oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, protein, ligand) oedocking.OEWriteReceptorFile(receptor, thiolate_receptor_filename) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, protein) # Filter out UNK from PDB files (which have covalent adducts) pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb', 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] with open(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb', 'wt') as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(pdbfile_lines))
def prepare_receptor(complex_pdb_filename, output_basepath, dimer=False, retain_water=False): """ Parameters ---------- complex_pdb_filename : str The complex PDB file to read in output_basepath : str Base path for output dimer : bool, optional, default=False If True, generate the dimer as the biological unit retain_water : bool, optional, default=False If True, will retain waters """ # Check whether this is a diamond SARS-CoV-2 Mpro structure or not import re is_diamond_structure = ('-x\d+_', complex_pdb_filename) is not None) import os basepath, filename = os.path.split(complex_pdb_filename) prefix, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) prefix = os.path.join(output_basepath, prefix) # Check if receptor already exists receptor_filename = f'{prefix}-receptor.oeb.gz' thiolate_receptor_filename = f'{prefix}-receptor-thiolate.oeb.gz' if os.path.exists(receptor_filename) and os.path.exists( thiolate_receptor_filename): return # Read in PDB file, skipping UNK atoms (left over from processing covalent ligands) pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(complex_pdb_filename, 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] # Check if biological symmetry header is present has_biological_symmetry_header = False for line in pdbfile_lines: if 'REMARK 350' in line: has_biological_symmetry_header = True break # Prepend REMARK 350 (biological symmetry) header lines for Mpro (from 5RGG) if not present if is_diamond_structure and (not has_biological_symmetry_header): pdbfile_lines = [ line + '\n' for line in BIOLOGICAL_SYMMETRY_HEADER.split('\n') ] + pdbfile_lines # If monomer is specified, drop crystal symmetry lines if not dimer: pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in pdbfile_lines if 'REMARK 350' not in line ] # Filter out waters if not retain_water: pdbfile_lines = [line for line in pdbfile_lines if 'HOH' not in line] # Filter out LINK records to covalent inhibitors so we can model non-covalent complex pdbfile_lines = [line for line in pdbfile_lines if 'LINK' not in line] # Reconstruct PDBFile contents pdbfile_contents = ''.join(pdbfile_lines) # Append SEQRES to all structures if they do not have it seqres = """\ SEQRES 1 A 306 SER GLY PHE ARG LYS MET ALA PHE PRO SER GLY LYS VAL SEQRES 2 A 306 GLU GLY CYS MET VAL GLN VAL THR CYS GLY THR THR THR SEQRES 3 A 306 LEU ASN GLY LEU TRP LEU ASP ASP VAL VAL TYR CYS PRO SEQRES 4 A 306 ARG HIS VAL ILE CYS THR SER GLU ASP MET LEU ASN PRO SEQRES 5 A 306 ASN TYR GLU ASP LEU LEU ILE ARG LYS SER ASN HIS ASN SEQRES 6 A 306 PHE LEU VAL GLN ALA GLY ASN VAL GLN LEU ARG VAL ILE SEQRES 7 A 306 GLY HIS SER MET GLN ASN CYS VAL LEU LYS LEU LYS VAL SEQRES 8 A 306 ASP THR ALA ASN PRO LYS THR PRO LYS TYR LYS PHE VAL SEQRES 9 A 306 ARG ILE GLN PRO GLY GLN THR PHE SER VAL LEU ALA CYS SEQRES 10 A 306 TYR ASN GLY SER PRO SER GLY VAL TYR GLN CYS ALA MET SEQRES 11 A 306 ARG PRO ASN PHE THR ILE LYS GLY SER PHE LEU ASN GLY SEQRES 12 A 306 SER CYS GLY SER VAL GLY PHE ASN ILE ASP TYR ASP CYS SEQRES 13 A 306 VAL SER PHE CYS TYR MET HIS HIS MET GLU LEU PRO THR SEQRES 14 A 306 GLY VAL HIS ALA GLY THR ASP LEU GLU GLY ASN PHE TYR SEQRES 15 A 306 GLY PRO PHE VAL ASP ARG GLN THR ALA GLN ALA ALA GLY SEQRES 16 A 306 THR ASP THR THR ILE THR VAL ASN VAL LEU ALA TRP LEU SEQRES 17 A 306 TYR ALA ALA VAL ILE ASN GLY ASP ARG TRP PHE LEU ASN SEQRES 18 A 306 ARG PHE THR THR THR LEU ASN ASP PHE ASN LEU VAL ALA SEQRES 19 A 306 MET LYS TYR ASN TYR GLU PRO LEU THR GLN ASP HIS VAL SEQRES 20 A 306 ASP ILE LEU GLY PRO LEU SER ALA GLN THR GLY ILE ALA SEQRES 21 A 306 VAL LEU ASP MET CYS ALA SER LEU LYS GLU LEU LEU GLN SEQRES 22 A 306 ASN GLY MET ASN GLY ARG THR ILE LEU GLY SER ALA LEU SEQRES 23 A 306 LEU GLU ASP GLU PHE THR PRO PHE ASP VAL VAL ARG GLN SEQRES 24 A 306 CYS SER GLY VAL THR PHE GLN """ has_seqres = 'SEQRES' in pdbfile_contents if not has_seqres: #print('Adding SEQRES') pdbfile_contents = seqres + pdbfile_contents # Read the receptor and identify design units from openeye import oespruce, oechem from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='wt', suffix='.pdb') as pdbfile: pdbfile.write(pdbfile_contents) pdbfile.close() complex = read_pdb_file( # TODO: Clean up # Strip protons from structure to allow SpruceTK to add these back # See: 6wnp, 6wtj, 6wtk, 6xb2, 6xqs, 6xqt, 6xqu, 6m2n #print('Suppressing hydrogens') #print(f' Initial: {sum([1 for atom in complex.GetAtoms()])} atoms') for atom in complex.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetAtomicNum() > 1: oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(atom) #print(f' Final: {sum([1 for atom in complex.GetAtoms()])} atoms') # Delete and rebuild C-terminal residue because Spruce causes issues with this # See: 6m2n 6lze #print('Deleting C-terminal residue O') pred = oechem.OEIsCTerminalAtom() for atom in complex.GetAtoms(): if pred(atom): for nbor in atom.GetAtoms(): if oechem.OEGetPDBAtomIndex(nbor) == oechem.OEPDBAtomName_O: complex.DeleteAtom(nbor) #pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["GLN:306:.*:.*:.*"]) #for atom in complex.GetAtoms(pred): # if oechem.OEGetPDBAtomIndex(atom) == oechem.OEPDBAtomName_O: # print('Deleting O') # complex.DeleteAtom(atom) #het = oespruce.OEHeterogenMetadata() #het.SetTitle("LIG") # real ligand 3 letter code #het.SetID("CovMoonShot1234") # in case you have corporate IDs #het.SetType(oespruce.OEHeterogenType_Ligand) # mdata.AddHeterogenMetadata(het) #print('Identifying design units...') # Produce zero design units if we fail to protonate # Log warnings errfs = oechem.oeosstream( ) # create a stream that writes internally to a stream oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(errfs) oechem.OEThrow.Clear() oechem.OEThrow.SetLevel( oechem.OEErrorLevel_Verbose) # capture verbose error output opts = oespruce.OEMakeDesignUnitOptions() #print(f'ligand atoms: min {opts.GetSplitOptions().GetMinLigAtoms()}, max {opts.GetSplitOptions().GetMaxLigAtoms()}') opts.GetSplitOptions().SetMinLigAtoms( 7) # minimum fragment size (in heavy atoms) mdata = oespruce.OEStructureMetadata() opts.GetPrepOptions().SetStrictProtonationMode(True) # Both N- and C-termini should be zwitterionic # Mpro cleaves its own N- and C-termini # See opts.GetPrepOptions().GetBuildOptions().SetCapNTermini(False) opts.GetPrepOptions().GetBuildOptions().SetCapCTermini(False) # Don't allow truncation of termini, since force fields don't have parameters for this opts.GetPrepOptions().GetBuildOptions().GetCapBuilderOptions( ).SetAllowTruncate(False) # Build loops and sidechains opts.GetPrepOptions().GetBuildOptions().SetBuildLoops(True) opts.GetPrepOptions().GetBuildOptions().SetBuildSidechains(True) # Don't flip Gln189 #pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["GLN:189: :A"]) pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["GLN:189:.*:.*:.*"]) protonate_opts = opts.GetPrepOptions().GetProtonateOptions() place_hydrogens_opts = protonate_opts.GetPlaceHydrogensOptions() #place_hydrogens_opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) place_hydrogens_opts.SetNoFlipPredicate(pred) #protonate_opts = oespruce.OEProtonateDesignUnitOptions(place_hydrogens_opts) #opts.GetPrepOptions().SetProtonateOptions(protonate_options); # Make design units design_units = list(oespruce.OEMakeDesignUnits(complex, mdata, opts)) # Restore error stream oechem.OEThrow.SetOutputStream(oechem.oeerr) # Capture the warnings to a string warnings = errfs.str().decode("utf-8") if len(design_units) >= 1: design_unit = design_units[0] print('') print('') print(f'{complex_pdb_filename} : SUCCESS') print(warnings) elif len(design_units) == 0: print('') print('') print(f'{complex_pdb_filename} : FAILURE') print(warnings) msg = f'No design units found for {complex_pdb_filename}\n' msg += warnings msg += '\n' raise Exception(msg) # Prepare the receptor #print('Preparing receptor...') from openeye import oedocking protein = oechem.OEGraphMol() design_unit.GetProtein(protein) ligand = oechem.OEGraphMol() design_unit.GetLigand(ligand) # Create receptor and other files receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol() oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, protein, ligand) oedocking.OEWriteReceptorFile(receptor, receptor_filename) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, protein) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.mol2') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-ligand.sdf') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, ligand) # Filter out UNK from PDB files (which have covalent adducts) pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb', 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] with open(f'{prefix}-protein.pdb', 'wt') as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(pdbfile_lines)) # Adjust protonation state of CYS145 to generate thiolate form #print('Deprotonating CYS145...') # DEBUG #pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["CYS:145: :A"]) pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["CYS:145:.*:.*:.*"]) place_hydrogens_opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) for atom in protein.GetAtoms(pred): if oechem.OEGetPDBAtomIndex(atom) == oechem.OEPDBAtomName_SG: #print('Modifying CYS 145 SG') oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(atom) atom.SetFormalCharge(-1) atom.SetImplicitHCount(0) #print('Protonating HIS41...') # DEBUG #pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["HIS:41: :A"]) pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["HIS:41:.*:.*:.*"]) place_hydrogens_opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) for atom in protein.GetAtoms(pred): if oechem.OEGetPDBAtomIndex(atom) == oechem.OEPDBAtomName_ND1: #print('Protonating HIS 41 ND1') oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(atom) # strip hydrogens from residue atom.SetFormalCharge(+1) atom.SetImplicitHCount(1) # Update the design unit with the modified formal charge for CYS 145 SG oechem.OEUpdateDesignUnit(design_unit, protein, oechem.OEDesignUnitComponents_Protein) # Don't flip Gln189 #pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(["GLN:189: :A"]) #protonate_opts = opts.GetPrepOptions().GetProtonateOptions(); #place_hydrogens_opts = protonate_opts.GetPlaceHydrogensOptions() #place_hydrogens_opts.SetNoFlipPredicate(pred) # Adjust protonation states #print('Re-optimizing hydrogen positions...') # DEBUG #place_hydrogens_opts = oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensOptions() #place_hydrogens_opts.SetBypassPredicate(pred) #protonate_opts = oespruce.OEProtonateDesignUnitOptions(place_hydrogens_opts) success = oespruce.OEProtonateDesignUnit(design_unit, protonate_opts) design_unit.GetProtein(protein) # Write thiolate form of receptor receptor = oechem.OEGraphMol() oedocking.OEMakeReceptor(receptor, protein, ligand) oedocking.OEWriteReceptorFile(receptor, thiolate_receptor_filename) with oechem.oemolostream(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb') as ofs: oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, protein) # Filter out UNK from PDB files (which have covalent adducts) pdbfile_lines = [ line for line in open(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb', 'r') if 'UNK' not in line ] with open(f'{prefix}-protein-thiolate.pdb', 'wt') as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(pdbfile_lines))
def bypass_atoms( match_strings: List[str], options: oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensOptions ) -> oechem.OEPlaceHydrogensOptions: pred = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(match_strings) options.SetBypassPredicate(pred) return options
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. In no event shall OpenEye be # liable for any damages or liability in connection with the Sample Code # or its use. import sys from openeye import oechem ifs = oechem.oemolistream()[1]) mol = oechem.OEGraphMol() oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol) # @ <SNIPPET-OEAtomMatchResidue> resAla = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidueID() resAla.SetName("ALA") predAla = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(resAla) print("Number of atoms matching residue name ALA = ", oechem.OECount(mol, predAla)) resChainA = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidueID() resChainA.SetChainID("A") predChainA = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(resChainA) print("Number of atoms matching chain A = ", oechem.OECount(mol, predChainA)) resHis = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidueID() resHis.SetName("HIS") resHis.SetChainID("A") resHis.SetResidueNumber("88") predHis = oechem.OEAtomMatchResidue(resHis) print("Number of atoms matching residue (HIS A 88) = ", oechem.OECount(mol, predHis)) # alternative way to initialize as regex