def writeOther(self, oeMol, filePath, title='None', constantMol=False): try: ofs = oemolostream() myMol = OEMol(oeMol) myMol.SetTitle(title) self.__lfh.write( "+PdbxBuildChemComp.writeOther writing %s title %s\n" % (filePath, myMol.GetTitle())) if constantMol: OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, myMol) else: OEWriteMolecule(ofs, myMol) return True except Exception as e: self.__lfh.write("+PdbxBuildChemComp.writeOther FAILING %s\n" % str(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) return False
class OeBuildModelMol(object): ''' Utility methods for constructing OEMols from chemical component model instances. ''' def __init__(self, verbose=True, log=sys.stderr): self.__verbose = verbose self.__debug = False self.__lfh = log # # File system path to the chemical component dictionary definitions in (CVS checkout organization) # # Internal storage for current OE molecule self.__oeMol = None # # Component identifier # self.__ccId = None self.__modelId = None # # dictionary of element counts eD[atno]=count self.__eD = {} # # Source data categories objects from chemical component definitions. # self.__ccAtomDL = None self.__ccBondDL = None self.__molXyzL = [] def setDebug(self, flag): self.__debug = flag def setChemCompModelPath(self, modelPath): try: ccm = PdbxChemCompModelIo(verbose=self.__verbose, log=self.__lfh) ccm.setFilePath(modelPath) ccDL = ccm.getAttribDictList(catName='pdbx_chem_comp_model') cmp = PdbxChemCompModel(ccDL[0], self.__verbose, self.__lfh) self.__modelId = cmp.getId() self.__ccId = cmp.getCompId() self.__ccAtomDL = ccm.getAttribDictList( catName='pdbx_chem_comp_model_atom') self.__ccBondDL = ccm.getAttribDictList( catName='pdbx_chem_comp_model_bond') return self.__modelId except Exception as e: self.__lfh.write( "OeBuildModelMol(setChemCompModelPath) Fails for %s %s\n" % (modelPath, str(e))) traceback.print_exc(file=self.__lfh) return None def __clear(self): self.__oeMol = None self.__eD = {} def serialize(self): """ Create a string representing the content of the current OE molecule. This serialization uses the OE internal binary format. """ oms = oemolostream() oms.SetFormat(OEFormat_OEB) oms.openstring() OEWriteMolecule(oms, self.__oeMol) if (self.__debug): self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(Serialize) SMILES %s\n" % OECreateCanSmiString(self.__oeMol)) self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(Serialize) atoms = %d\n" % self.__oeMol.NumAtoms()) return oms.GetString() def deserialize(self, oeS): """ Reconstruct an OE molecule from the input string serialization (OE binary). The deserialized molecule is used to initialize the internal OE molecule within this object. Returns True for success or False otherwise. """ self.__clear() ims = oemolistream() ims.SetFormat(OEFormat_OEB) ims.openstring(oeS) nmol = 0 mList = [] # for mol in ims.GetOEGraphMols(): for mol in ims.GetOEMols(): if (self.__debug): self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) SMILES %s\n" % OECreateCanSmiString(mol)) self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) title %s\n" % mol.GetTitle()) self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) atoms %d\n" % mol.NumAtoms()) # mList.append(OEGraphMol(mol)) mList.append(OEMol(mol)) nmol += 1 # if nmol >= 1: self.__oeMol = mList[0] self.__ccId = self.__oeMol.GetTitle() # if (self.__debug): self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) mols %d\n" % nmol) self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) id %s\n" % self.__ccId) self.__lfh.write("OeBuildModelMol(deserialize) atoms %d\n" % self.__oeMol.NumAtoms()) return True else: return False def getElementCounts(self): """ Get the dictionary of element counts (eg. eD[iAtNo]=iCount). """ if len(self.__eD) == 0: # calculate from current oeMol try: self.__eD = {} for atom in self.__oeMol.GetAtoms(): atNo = atom.GetAtomicNum() if atNo not in self.__eD: self.__eD[atNo] = 1 else: self.__eD[atNo] += 1 except: # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except pass return self.__eD def build3D(self): try: self.__build3D() return True except: # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except return False def __build3D(self): """ Build OE molecule using model instance 3D coordinates and OE stereo perception. """ self.__clear() self.__oeMol = OEMol() # self.__oeMol.SetTitle(self.__modelId) aL = [] # Atom index dictionary aD = {} i = 1 for d in self.__ccAtomDL: ccAt = PdbxChemCompModelAtom(d, self.__verbose, self.__lfh) atName = ccAt.getName() aD[atName] = i i += 1 atNo = ccAt.getAtNo() if atNo not in self.__eD: self.__eD[atNo] = 1 else: self.__eD[atNo] += 1 atType = ccAt.getType() fc = ccAt.getFormalCharge() # chFlag=ccAt.isChiral() # arFlag=ccAt.isAromatic() isotope = ccAt.getIsotope() oeAt = self.__oeMol.NewAtom(atNo) oeAt.SetName(atName) oeAt.SetFormalCharge(fc) # oeAt.SetChiral(chFlag) oeAt.SetIsotope(isotope) # oeAt.SetAromatic(arFlag) # if chFlag: # st=ccAt.getCIPStereo() # if st == 'S' or st == 'R': # oeAt.SetStringData("StereoInfo",st) # if (self.__debug): # self.__lfh.write("Atom - %s type %s atno %d isotope %d fc %d chFlag %r\n" % (atName,atType,atNo,isotope,fc,chFlag)) cTup = ccAt.getModelCoordinates() # if (self.__verbose): # self.__lfh.write("CC %s Atom - %s cTup %r\n" % (self.__ccId,atName,cTup)) self.__oeMol.SetCoords(oeAt, cTup) if (self.__debug): self.__lfh.write( "Atom - %s type %s atno %d isotope %d fc %d (xyz) %r\n" % (atName, atType, atNo, isotope, fc, cTup)) aL.append(oeAt) for d in self.__ccBondDL: ccBnd = PdbxChemCompModelBond(d, self.__verbose, self.__lfh) (at1, at2) = ccBnd.getBond() iat1 = aD[at1] - 1 iat2 = aD[at2] - 1 iType = ccBnd.getIntegerType() # # arFlag=ccBnd.isAromatic() if (self.__debug): self.__lfh.write(" %s %d -- %s %d (%d)\n" % (at1, iat1, at2, iat2, iType)) oeBnd = self.__oeMol.NewBond(aL[iat1], aL[iat2], iType) # noqa: F841 pylint: disable=unused-variable # oeBnd.SetAromatic(arFlag) # if arFlag: # oeBnd.SetIntType(5) # st=ccBnd.getStereo() # if st == 'E' or st =='Z': # oeBnd.SetStringData("StereoInfo",st) # # run standard perceptions -- # self.__oeMol.SetDimension(3) OE3DToInternalStereo(self.__oeMol) OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds(self.__oeMol) # Other aromatic models: OEAroModelMDL or OEAroModelDaylight OEAssignAromaticFlags(self.__oeMol, OEAroModelOpenEye) self.updateCIPStereoOE() def updateCIPStereoOE(self): """ OE perception of CIP stereo - """ for atom in self.__oeMol.GetAtoms(): OEPerceiveCIPStereo(self.__oeMol, atom) for bond in self.__oeMol.GetBonds(): if (bond.GetOrder() == 2): OEPerceiveCIPStereo(self.__oeMol, bond) def getGraphMolSuppressH(self): """ Return the current constructed OE molecule with hydrogens suppressed. """ # OESuppressHydrogens(self.__oeMol, retainPolar=False,retainStereo=True,retainIsotope=True) OESuppressHydrogens(self.__oeMol) return self.__oeMol def getMol(self): """ Return the current constructed OE molecule. """ return self.__oeMol def getCanSMILES(self): """ Return the cannonical SMILES string derived from the current OD molecule. """ return OECreateCanSmiString(self.__oeMol) def getIsoSMILES(self): """ Return the cannonical stereo SMILES string derived from the current OE molecule. """ return OECreateIsoSmiString(self.__oeMol) def getFormula(self): """ Return the Hill order formulat derived from the current OE molecule. """ return OEMolecularFormula(self.__oeMol) def getInChIKey(self): """ Return the InChI key derived from the current OE molecule. """ return OECreateInChIKey(self.__oeMol) def getInChI(self): """ Return the InChI string derived from the current OE molecule. """ return OECreateInChI(self.__oeMol) def getTitle(self): """ Return the title assigned to the current OE molecule """ return self.__oeMol.GetTitle() def getCoords(self): """ Return coordinate list if a 3D molecule is built -- otherwise an empty list -- """ return self.__molXyzL