def import_ods(filename, glider):
    ods = ezodf.opendoc(filename)
    sheets = ods.sheets
    # Profiles -> map xvalues
    profiles = [Profile2D(profile) for profile in transpose_columns(sheets[3])]
    xvalues = sorted(profiles, key=lambda prof: prof.numpoints)[0].x_values  # Use airfoil with maximum profilepoints
    for profile in profiles:
        profile.x_values = xvalues

    # Ballooning old : 1-8 > upper (prepend/append (0,0),(1,0)), 9-16 > lower (same + * (1,-1))
    balloonings_temp = transpose_columns(sheets[4])
    balloonings = []
    for baloon in balloonings_temp:
        upper = [[0, 0]] + baloon[:7] + [[1, 0]]
        lower = [[0, 0]] + [[i[0], -1 * i[1]] for i in baloon[8:15]] + [[1, 0]]
        balloonings.append(BallooningBezier(upper, lower))

    # Data
    data = {}
    datasheet = sheets[-1]
    assert isinstance(datasheet, ezodf.Sheet)
    for i in range(datasheet.nrows()):
        data[datasheet.get_cell([i, 0]).value] = datasheet.get_cell([i, 1]).value
    glider.data = data

    cells = []
    main = sheets[0]
    x = y = z = span_last = 0.
    alpha2 = 0.
    thisrib = None
    for i in range(1, main.nrows()):
        line = [main.get_cell([i, j]).value for j in range(main.ncols())]
        if not line[0]:
            break  # skip empty line

        chord = line[1]  # Rib-Chord
        span = line[2]  # spanwise-length (flat)
        alpha1 = alpha2  # angle before the rib
        alpha2 += line[4] * np.pi / 180  # angle after the rib
        alpha = (span > 0) * (alpha1 + alpha2) * 0.5 + line[6] * np.pi / 180  # rib's angle
        x = line[3]  # x-value -> front/back (ribwise)
        y += np.cos(alpha1) * (span - span_last)  # y-value -> spanwise
        z -= np.sin(alpha1) * (span - span_last)  # z-axis -> up/down
        aoa = line[5] * np.pi / 180
        zrot = line[7] * np.pi / 180
        span_last = span

        profile = merge(line[8], profiles)
        ballooning = merge(line[9], balloonings)

        lastrib = thisrib
        thisrib = Rib(profile, np.array([x, y, z]), chord, alpha, aoa, zrot, data["GLIDE"],
                      name="Rib ({})".format(i))
        if i == 1 and y != 0:  # Middle-cell
            #print("midrib!", y)
            lastrib = thisrib.copy()
        if lastrib:
            cell = Cell(lastrib, thisrib, ballooning)
            cell.name = "Cell_no"+str(i)

    glider.cells = cells

    attachment_points = [AttachmentPoint(glider.ribs[args[0]], args[1], args[2]) for args in read_elements(sheets[2], "AHP", len_data=2)]
    attachment_points.sort(key=lambda element: element.name)
    attachment_points_lower = get_lower_aufhaengepunkte(glider.data)

    for p in attachment_points:
        p.force = np.array([0, 0, 10])

    glider.lineset = tolist_lines(sheets[6], attachment_points_lower, attachment_points)

    cuts = [cut+[1, glider.data["Designzugabe"]] for cut in read_elements(sheets[1], "DESIGNO")]
    cuts += [cut+[1, glider.data["Designzugabe"]] for cut in read_elements(sheets[1], "DESIGNM")]
    cuts += [cut+[2, glider.data["EKzugabe"]] for cut in read_elements(sheets[1], "EKV")]
    cuts += [cut+[2, glider.data["EKzugabe"]] for cut in read_elements(sheets[1], "EKH")]
    for i, cell in enumerate(glider.cells):  # cut = [cell_no, x_left, x_right, cut_type, amount_add]
        cuts_this = [cut for cut in cuts if cut[0] == i]
        cuts_this.sort(key=lambda cut: cut[1])
        cuts_this.sort(key=lambda cut: cut[2])
        # Insert leading-/trailing-edge
        cuts_this.insert(0, [i, -1, -1, 3, glider.data["HKzugabe"]])
        cuts_this.append([i, 1, 1, 3, glider.data["HKzugabe"]])
        cell.panels = []
        for j in range(len(cuts_this)-1):
            if cuts_this[j][3] != 2 or cuts_this[j+1][3] != 2:  # skip entry
                cell.panels.append(Panel(cuts_this[j][1:], cuts_this[j+1][1:]))
    return glider