def _check_redundancy_setting(self, redundancy, setting):
            Check that DeviceProvider.Redundancy matches Setting.
            Return None if so or string with error message if it does
            not match.
        # Too many return statements, but it has a purpose.
        # pylint: disable-msg=R0911

        drmax = setting.get('DataRedundancyMax', None)
        drmin = setting.get('DataRedundancyMin', None)
        drgoal = setting.get('DataRedundancyGoal', None)

        if drmax is not None and int(drmax) < redundancy.data_redundancy:
            return "DataRedundancyMax is too low."
        if drmin is not None and int(drmin) > redundancy.data_redundancy:
            return "DataRedundancyMin is too high."
        if (drmax is None and drmin is None and drgoal is not None
                and int(drgoal) != redundancy.data_redundancy):
            # only goal is set - it must match
            return "DataRedundancyGoal does not match."

        esmax = setting.get('ExtentStripeLengthMax', None)
        esmin = setting.get('ExtentStripeLengthMin', None)
        esgoal = setting.get('ExtentStripeLength', None)
        if esmax is not None and int(esmax) < redundancy.stripe_length:
            return "ExtentStripeLengthMax is too low."
        if esmin is not None and int(esmin) > redundancy.stripe_length:
            return "ExtentStripeLengthMin is too high."
        if (esmax is None and esmin is None and esgoal is not None
                and int(esgoal) != redundancy.stripe_length):
            # only goal is set - it must match
            return "ExtentStripeLength does not match."

        prmax = setting.get('PackageRedundancyMax', None)
        prmin = setting.get('PackageRedundancyMin', None)
        prgoal = setting.get('PackageRedundancyGoal', None)
        if prmax is not None and int(prmax) < redundancy.package_redundancy:
            return "PackageRedundancyMax is too low."
        if prmin is not None and int(prmin) > redundancy.package_redundancy:
            return "PackageRedundancyMin is too high."
        if (prmax is None and prmin is None and prgoal is not None
                and prgoal != redundancy.package_redundancy):
            # only goal is set - it must match
            return "PackageRedundancyGoal does not match."

        nspof = setting.get('NoSinglePointOfFailure', None)
        if (nspof is not None
                and SettingProvider.string_to_bool(nspof)
                    != redundancy.no_single_point_of_failure):
            return "NoSinglePointOfFailure does not match."

        parity = setting.get('ParityLayout', None)
        if (parity is not None
                and int(parity) != redundancy.parity_layout):
            return "ParityLayout does not match."

        return None
    def _check_redundancy_goal_setting(self, redundancy, setting):
            Check that DeviceProvider.Redundancy matches Setting['*Goal'].
            Return None if so or string with error message if it does
            not match.
            If any of the *Goal property is missing, the min/max is checked
            if it fits.
        drgoal = setting.get('DataRedundancyGoal', None)
        if (drgoal is not None
                and int(drgoal) != redundancy.data_redundancy):
            return "DataRedundancyGoal does not match."

        esgoal = setting.get('ExtentStripeLength', None)
        if (esgoal is not None
                and int(esgoal) != redundancy.stripe_length):
            return "ExtentStripeLength does not match."

        prgoal = setting.get('PackageRedundancyGoal', None)
        if (prgoal is not None
                and prgoal != redundancy.package_redundancy):
            return "PackageRedundancyGoal does not match."

        nspof = setting.get('NoSinglePointOfFailure', None)
        if (nspof is not None
                and SettingProvider.string_to_bool(nspof)
                    != redundancy.no_single_point_of_failure):
            return "NoSinglePointOfFailure does not match."

        parity = setting.get('ParityLayout', None)
        if (parity is not None
                and int(parity) != redundancy.parity_layout):
            return "ParityLayout does not match."

        return self._check_redundancy_setting(redundancy, setting)