    def test_build_footer_invalid(self):
        Test the build_footer_css() function
        # GIVEN: Create a theme.
        css = []
        item = MagicMock()
        item.theme_data = None
        item.footer = 'FAIL'
        height = 1024

        # WHEN: Settings say that footer should wrap
        css.append(build_footer_css(item, height))
        item.theme_data = 'TEST'
        item.footer = None
        css.append(build_footer_css(item, height))

        # THEN: Footer should wrap
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS_INVALID, css[0], 'The footer strings should be blank.')
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS_INVALID, css[1], 'The footer strings should be blank.')
    def test_build_footer_invalid(self):
        Test the build_footer_css() function
        # GIVEN: Create a theme.
        css = []
        item = MagicMock()
        item.theme_data = None
        item.footer = 'FAIL'
        height = 1024

        # WHEN: Settings say that footer should wrap
        css.append(build_footer_css(item, height))
        item.theme_data = 'TEST'
        item.footer = None
        css.append(build_footer_css(item, height))

        # THEN: Footer should wrap
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS_INVALID, css[0],
                         'The footer strings should be blank.')
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS_INVALID, css[1],
                         'The footer strings should be blank.')
    def build_footer_css_test(self):
        Test the build_footer_css() function
        # GIVEN: Create a theme.
        item = MagicMock()
        item.footer = QtCore.QRect(10, 921, 1260, 103)
        item.theme_data.font_footer_name = 'Arial'
        item.theme_data.font_footer_size = 12
        item.theme_data.font_footer_color = '#FFFFFF'
        height = 1024

        # WHEN: create the css with default settings.
        css = build_footer_css(item, height)

        # THEN: THE css should be the same.
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS, css, 'The footer strings should be equal.')
    def build_footer_css_wrap_test(self):
        Test the build_footer_css() function
        # GIVEN: Create a theme.
        item = MagicMock()
        item.footer = QtCore.QRect(10, 921, 1260, 103)
        item.theme_data.font_footer_name = 'Arial'
        item.theme_data.font_footer_size = 12
        item.theme_data.font_footer_color = '#FFFFFF'
        height = 1024

        # WHEN: Settings say that footer should wrap
        Settings().setValue('themes/wrap footer', True)
        css = build_footer_css(item, height)

        # THEN: Footer should wrap
        self.assertEqual(FOOTER_CSS_WRAP, css, 'The footer strings should be equal.')