    def accept_with_inactive_plugins_test(self):
        Test that the accept() method works correctly when some of the plugins are inactive
        # GIVEN: A visible general tab and an invisible theme tab in a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = QtGui.QWidget(None)
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock-general'
        general_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock General'
        general_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo-16x16.png'
        mocked_general_save = MagicMock()
        general_tab.save = mocked_general_save
        settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=True)
        themes_tab = QtGui.QWidget(None)
        themes_tab.tab_title = 'mock-themes'
        themes_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock Themes'
        themes_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo-16x16.png'
        mocked_theme_save = MagicMock()
        themes_tab.save = mocked_theme_save
        settings_form.insert_tab(themes_tab, is_visible=False)

        # WHEN: The accept() method is called

        # THEN: The general tab's save() method should have been called, but not the themes tab
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_theme_save.call_count, 'The Themes tab\'s save() should not have been called')
    def test_reject_with_inactive_items(self):
        Test that the reject() method works correctly when some of the plugins are inactive
        # GIVEN: A visible general tab and an invisible theme tab in a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget(None)
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock-general'
        general_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock General'
        general_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo.svg'
        mocked_general_cancel = MagicMock()
        general_tab.cancel = mocked_general_cancel
        settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=True)
        themes_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget(None)
        themes_tab.tab_title = 'mock-themes'
        themes_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock Themes'
        themes_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo.svg'
        mocked_theme_cancel = MagicMock()
        themes_tab.cancel = mocked_theme_cancel
        settings_form.insert_tab(themes_tab, is_visible=False)

        # WHEN: The reject() method is called

        # THEN: The general tab's cancel() method should have been called, but not the themes tab
        self.assertEqual(0, mocked_theme_cancel.call_count, 'The Themes tab\'s cancel() should not have been called')
    def test_reject_with_inactive_items(self):
        Test that the reject() method works correctly when some of the plugins are inactive
        # GIVEN: A visible general tab and an invisible theme tab in a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget(None)
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock-general'
        general_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock General'
        general_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo.svg'
        mocked_general_cancel = MagicMock()
        general_tab.cancel = mocked_general_cancel
        mocked_general_load = MagicMock()
        general_tab.load = mocked_general_load
        settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=True)
        themes_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget(None)
        themes_tab.tab_title = 'mock-themes'
        themes_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock Themes'
        themes_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo.svg'
        mocked_theme_cancel = MagicMock()
        themes_tab.cancel = mocked_theme_cancel
        settings_form.insert_tab(themes_tab, is_visible=False)

        # WHEN: The reject() method is called

        # THEN: The general tab's cancel() method should have been called, but not the themes tab
        assert 0 == mocked_theme_cancel.call_count, 'The Themes tab\'s cancel() should not have been called'
    def insert_tab_not_visible_test(self):
        Test that the insert_tab() method works correctly when a tab that should not be visible is inserted
        # GIVEN: A general tab and a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = MagicMock()
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock'

        # WHEN: We insert the general tab
        with patch.object(settings_form.stacked_layout, 'addWidget') as mocked_add_widget, \
                patch.object(settings_form.setting_list_widget, 'addItem') as mocked_add_item:
            settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=False)

            # THEN: The general tab should have been inserted, but no list item should have been inserted into the list
            self.assertEqual(0, mocked_add_item.call_count, 'addItem should not have been called')
    def list_item_changed_invalid_item_test(self):
        Test that the list_item_changed() slot handles a non-existent item
        # GIVEN: A mocked tab inserted into a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = QtGui.QWidget(None)
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock'
        general_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock'
        general_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo-16x16.png'
        settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=True)

        with patch.object(settings_form.stacked_layout, 'count') as mocked_count:
            # WHEN: The list_item_changed() slot is called with an invalid item index

            # THEN: The rest of the method should not have been called
            self.assertEqual(0, mocked_count.call_count, 'The count method of the stacked layout should not be called')
    def insert_tab_visible_test(self):
        Test that the insert_tab() method works correctly when a visible tab is inserted
        # GIVEN: A mocked tab and a Settings Form
        settings_form = SettingsForm(None)
        general_tab = MagicMock()
        general_tab.tab_title = 'mock'
        general_tab.tab_title_visible = 'Mock'
        general_tab.icon_path = ':/icon/openlp-logo-16x16.png'

        # WHEN: We insert the general tab
        with patch.object(settings_form.stacked_layout, 'addWidget') as mocked_add_widget, \
                patch.object(settings_form.setting_list_widget, 'addItem') as mocked_add_item:
            settings_form.insert_tab(general_tab, is_visible=True)

            # THEN: The general tab should have been inserted into the stacked layout and an item inserted into the list
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_add_item.call_count, 'addItem should have been called')