    def add_surface(self, surface, halfspace):
        """Add a half-space to the list of half-spaces whose intersection defines the

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.1
            Use the :attr:`Cell.region` property to directly specify a Region

        surface : openmc.Surface
            Quadric surface dividing space
        halfspace : {-1, 1}
            Indicate whether the negative or positive half-space is to be used


            "Cell.add_surface(...) has been deprecated and may be "
            "removed in a future version. The region for a Cell "
            "should be defined using the region property directly.",

        if not isinstance(surface, openmc.Surface):
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" since it is ' \
                        'not a Surface object'.format(surface, self._id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if halfspace not in [-1, +1]:
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" with halfspace ' \
                  '"{2}" since it is not +/-1'.format(surface, self._id, halfspace)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If no region has been assigned, simply use the half-space. Otherwise,
        # take the intersection of the current region and the half-space
        # specified
        region = +surface if halfspace == 1 else -surface
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = region
            if isinstance(self.region, Intersection):
                self.region &= region
                self.region = Intersection(self.region, region)
文件: cell.py 项目: biegelk/openmc
    def add_surface(self, surface, halfspace):
        """Add a half-space to the list of half-spaces whose intersection defines the

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.1
            Use the :attr:`Cell.region` property to directly specify a Region

        surface : openmc.Surface
            Quadric surface dividing space
        halfspace : {-1, 1}
            Indicate whether the negative or positive half-space is to be used


        warnings.warn("Cell.add_surface(...) has been deprecated and may be "
                      "removed in a future version. The region for a Cell "
                      "should be defined using the region property directly.",

        if not isinstance(surface, openmc.Surface):
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" since it is ' \
                        'not a Surface object'.format(surface, self._id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if halfspace not in [-1, +1]:
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" with halfspace ' \
                  '"{2}" since it is not +/-1'.format(surface, self._id, halfspace)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If no region has been assigned, simply use the half-space. Otherwise,
        # take the intersection of the current region and the half-space
        # specified
        region = +surface if halfspace == 1 else -surface
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = region
            if isinstance(self.region, Intersection):
                self.region = Intersection(self.region, region)
class Cell(IDManagerMixin):
    r"""A region of space defined as the intersection of half-space created by
    quadric surfaces.

    cell_id : int, optional
        Unique identifier for the cell. If not specified, an identifier will
        automatically be assigned.
    name : str, optional
        Name of the cell. If not specified, the name is the empty string.
    fill : openmc.Material or openmc.Universe or openmc.Lattice or None or iterable of openmc.Material, optional
        Indicates what the region of space is filled with
    region : openmc.Region, optional
        Region of space that is assigned to the cell.

    id : int
        Unique identifier for the cell
    name : str
        Name of the cell
    fill : openmc.Material or openmc.Universe or openmc.Lattice or None or iterable of openmc.Material
        Indicates what the region of space is filled with. If None, the cell is
        treated as a void. An iterable of materials is used to fill repeated
        instances of a cell with different materials.
    fill_type : {'material', 'universe', 'lattice', 'distribmat', 'void'}
        Indicates what the cell is filled with.
    region : openmc.Region or None
        Region of space that is assigned to the cell.
    rotation : Iterable of float
        If the cell is filled with a universe, this array specifies the angles
        in degrees about the x, y, and z axes that the filled universe should be
        rotated. The rotation applied is an intrinsic rotation with specified
        Tait-Bryan angles. That is to say, if the angles are :math:`(\phi,
        \theta, \psi)`, then the rotation matrix applied is :math:`R_z(\psi)
        R_y(\theta) R_x(\phi)` or

        .. math::

           \left [ \begin{array}{ccc} \cos\theta \cos\psi & -\cos\theta \sin\psi
           + \sin\phi \sin\theta \cos\psi & \sin\phi \sin\psi + \cos\phi
           \sin\theta \cos\psi \\ \cos\theta \sin\psi & \cos\phi \cos\psi +
           \sin\phi \sin\theta \sin\psi & -\sin\phi \cos\psi + \cos\phi
           \sin\theta \sin\psi \\ -\sin\theta & \sin\phi \cos\theta & \cos\phi
           \cos\theta \end{array} \right ]
    rotation_matrix : numpy.ndarray
        The rotation matrix defined by the angles specified in the
        :attr:`Cell.rotation` property.
    temperature : float or iterable of float
        Temperature of the cell in Kelvin.  Multiple temperatures can be given
        to give each distributed cell instance a unique temperature.
    translation : Iterable of float
        If the cell is filled with a universe, this array specifies a vector
        that is used to translate (shift) the universe.
    paths : list of str
        The paths traversed through the CSG tree to reach each cell
        instance. This property is initialized by calling the
        :meth:`Geometry.determine_paths` method.
    num_instances : int
        The number of instances of this cell throughout the geometry.
    volume : float
        Volume of the cell in cm^3. This can either be set manually or
        calculated in a stochastic volume calculation and added via the
        :meth:`Cell.add_volume_information` method.


    next_id = 1
    used_ids = set()

    def __init__(self, cell_id=None, name='', fill=None, region=None):
        # Initialize Cell class attributes
        self.id = cell_id
        self.name = name
        self.fill = fill
        self.region = region
        self._rotation = None
        self._rotation_matrix = None
        self._temperature = None
        self._translation = None
        self._paths = None
        self._num_instances = None
        self._volume = None
        self._atoms = None

    def __contains__(self, point):
        if self.region is None:
            return True
            return point in self.region

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Cell):
            return False
        elif self.id != other.id:
            return False
        elif self.name != other.name:
            return False
        elif self.fill != other.fill:
            return False
        elif self.region != other.region:
            return False
        elif self.rotation != other.rotation:
            return False
        elif self.temperature != other.temperature:
            return False
        elif self.translation != other.translation:
            return False
            return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(repr(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        string = 'Cell\n'
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tID', self.id)
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tName', self.name)

        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            string += '{: <16}=\tMaterial {}\n'.format('\tFill', self.fill.id)
        elif self.fill_type == 'void':
            string += '{: <16}=\tNone\n'.format('\tFill')
        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
            string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format(
                list(map(lambda m: m if m is None else m.id, self.fill)))
            string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tFill', self.fill.id)

        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tRegion', self.region)
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tRotation', self.rotation)
        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            string += '\t{0: <15}=\t{1}\n'.format('Temperature',
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tTranslation', self.translation)

        return string

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def fill(self):
        return self._fill

    def fill_type(self):
        if isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Material):
            return 'material'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            return 'universe'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Lattice):
            return 'lattice'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, Iterable):
            return 'distribmat'
            return 'void'

    def region(self):
        return self._region

    def rotation(self):
        return self._rotation

    def rotation_matrix(self):
        return self._rotation_matrix

    def temperature(self):
        return self._temperature

    def translation(self):
        return self._translation

    def volume(self):
        return self._volume

    def paths(self):
        if self._paths is None:
            raise ValueError('Cell instance paths have not been determined. '
                             'Call the Geometry.determine_paths() method.')
        return self._paths

    def bounding_box(self):
        if self.region is not None:
            return self.region.bounding_box
            return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf,
                              -np.inf]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))

    def num_instances(self):
        if self._num_instances is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of cell instances have not been determined. Call the '
                'Geometry.determine_paths() method.')
        return self._num_instances

    def name(self, name):
        if name is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell name', name, string_types)
            self._name = name
            self._name = ''

    def fill(self, fill):
        if fill is not None:
            if isinstance(fill, string_types):
                if fill.strip().lower() != 'void':
                    msg = 'Unable to set Cell ID="{0}" to use a non-Material ' \
                          'or Universe fill "{1}"'.format(self._id, fill)
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                fill = None

            elif isinstance(fill, Iterable):
                for i, f in enumerate(fill):
                    if f is not None:
                        cv.check_type('cell.fill[i]', f, openmc.Material)

            elif not isinstance(
                    fill, (openmc.Material, openmc.Lattice, openmc.Universe)):
                msg = 'Unable to set Cell ID="{0}" to use a non-Material or ' \
                      'Universe fill "{1}"'.format(self._id, fill)
                raise ValueError(msg)

        self._fill = fill

    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise TypeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                            'is filled with a Universe.')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix -- the reason we do this instead of having it be
        # automatically calculated when the rotation_matrix property is accessed
        # is so that plotting on a rotated geometry can be done faster.
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation * (-pi / 180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array(
            [[c1 * c2, c1 * s2 * s3 - c3 * s1, s1 * s3 + c1 * c3 * s2],
             [c2 * s1, c1 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3, c3 * s1 * s2 - c1 * s3],
             [-s2, c2 * s3, c2 * c3]])

    def translation(self, translation):
        cv.check_type('cell translation', translation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell translation', translation, 3)
        self._translation = np.asarray(translation)

    def temperature(self, temperature):
        # Make sure temperatures are positive
        cv.check_type('cell temperature', temperature, (Iterable, Real))
        if isinstance(temperature, Iterable):
            cv.check_type('cell temperature', temperature, Iterable, Real)
            for T in temperature:
                cv.check_greater_than('cell temperature', T, 0.0, True)
            cv.check_greater_than('cell temperature', temperature, 0.0, True)

        # If this cell is filled with a universe or lattice, propagate
        # temperatures to all cells contained. Otherwise, simply assign it.
        if self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):
            for c in self.get_all_cells().values():
                if c.fill_type == 'material':
                    c._temperature = temperature
            self._temperature = temperature

    def region(self, region):
        if region is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell region', region, Region)
        self._region = region

    def volume(self, volume):
        if volume is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell volume', volume, Real)
        self._volume = volume

    def add_surface(self, surface, halfspace):
        """Add a half-space to the list of half-spaces whose intersection defines the

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.1
            Use the :attr:`Cell.region` property to directly specify a Region

        surface : openmc.Surface
            Quadric surface dividing space
        halfspace : {-1, 1}
            Indicate whether the negative or positive half-space is to be used


            "Cell.add_surface(...) has been deprecated and may be "
            "removed in a future version. The region for a Cell "
            "should be defined using the region property directly.",

        if not isinstance(surface, openmc.Surface):
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" since it is ' \
                        'not a Surface object'.format(surface, self._id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if halfspace not in [-1, +1]:
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" with halfspace ' \
                  '"{2}" since it is not +/-1'.format(surface, self._id, halfspace)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If no region has been assigned, simply use the half-space. Otherwise,
        # take the intersection of the current region and the half-space
        # specified
        region = +surface if halfspace == 1 else -surface
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = region
            if isinstance(self.region, Intersection):
                self.region &= region
                self.region = Intersection(self.region, region)

    def add_volume_information(self, volume_calc):
        """Add volume information to a cell.

        volume_calc : openmc.VolumeCalculation
            Results from a stochastic volume calculation

        if volume_calc.domain_type == 'cell':
            if self.id in volume_calc.volumes:
                self._volume = volume_calc.volumes[self.id][0]
                self._atoms = volume_calc.atoms[self.id]
                raise ValueError('No volume information found for this cell.')
            raise ValueError('No volume information found for this cell.')

    def get_nuclides(self):
        """Returns all nuclides in the cell

        nuclides : list of str
            List of nuclide names

        return self.fill.get_nuclides() if self.fill_type != 'void' else []

    def get_nuclide_densities(self):
        """Return all nuclides contained in the cell and their densities

        nuclides : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are nuclide names and values are 2-tuples of
            (nuclide, density)


        nuclides = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type == 'material':
        elif self.fill_type == 'void':
            if self._atoms is not None:
                volume = self.volume
                for name, atoms in self._atoms.items():
                    nuclide = openmc.Nuclide(name)
                    density = 1.0e-24 * atoms[
                        0] / volume  # density in atoms/b-cm
                    nuclides[name] = (nuclide, density)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Volume information is needed to calculate microscopic cross '
                    'sections for cell {}. This can be done by running a '
                    'stochastic volume calculation via the '
                    'openmc.VolumeCalculation object'.format(self.id))

        return nuclides

    def get_all_cells(self):
        """Return all cells that are contained within this one if it is filled with a
        universe or lattice

        cells : collections.orderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are cell IDs and values are :class:`Cell`


        cells = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):

        return cells

    def get_all_materials(self):
        """Return all materials that are contained within the cell

        materials : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are material IDs and values are
            :class:`Material` instances

        materials = OrderedDict()
        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            materials[self.fill.id] = self.fill
        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
            for m in self.fill:
                if m is not None:
                    materials[m.id] = m
            # Append all Cells in each Cell in the Universe to the dictionary
            cells = self.get_all_cells()
            for cell in cells.values():

        return materials

    def get_all_universes(self):
        """Return all universes that are contained within this one if any of
        its cells are filled with a universe or lattice.

        universes : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are universe IDs and values are
            :class:`Universe` instances


        universes = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type == 'universe':
            universes[self.fill.id] = self.fill
        elif self.fill_type == 'lattice':

        return universes

    def clone(self, memo=None):
        """Create a copy of this cell with a new unique ID, and clones
        the cell's region and fill.

        memo : dict or None
            A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter
            is used internally and should not be specified by the user.

        clone : openmc.Cell
            The clone of this cell


        if memo is None:
            memo = {}

        # If no nemoize'd clone exists, instantiate one
        if self not in memo:
            # Temporarily remove paths
            paths = self._paths
            self._paths = None

            clone = deepcopy(self)
            clone.id = None
            clone._num_instances = None

            # Restore paths on original instance
            self._paths = paths

            if self.region is not None:
                clone.region = self.region.clone(memo)
            if self.fill is not None:
                if self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
                    clone.fill = [
                        fill.clone(memo) if fill is not None else None
                        for fill in self.fill
                    clone.fill = self.fill.clone(memo)

            # Memoize the clone
            memo[self] = clone

        return memo[self]

    def create_xml_subelement(self, xml_element):
        element = ET.Element("cell")
        element.set("id", str(self.id))

        if len(self._name) > 0:
            element.set("name", str(self.name))

        if self.fill_type == 'void':
            element.set("material", "void")

        elif self.fill_type == 'material':
            element.set("material", str(self.fill.id))

        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
                "material", ' '.join(
                    ['void' if m is None else str(m.id) for m in self.fill]))

        elif self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):
            element.set("fill", str(self.fill.id))

        if self.region is not None:
            # Set the region attribute with the region specification
            region = str(self.region)
            if region.startswith('('):
                region = region[1:-1]
            if len(region) > 0:
                element.set("region", region)

            # Only surfaces that appear in a region are added to the geometry
            # file, so the appropriate check is performed here. First we create
            # a function which is called recursively to navigate through the CSG
            # tree. When it reaches a leaf (a Halfspace), it creates a <surface>
            # element for the corresponding surface if none has been created
            # thus far.
            def create_surface_elements(node, element):
                if isinstance(node, Halfspace):
                    path = "./surface[@id='{}']".format(node.surface.id)
                    if xml_element.find(path) is None:
                elif isinstance(node, Complement):
                    create_surface_elements(node.node, element)
                    for subnode in node:
                        create_surface_elements(subnode, element)

            # Call the recursive function from the top node
            create_surface_elements(self.region, xml_element)

        if self.temperature is not None:
            if isinstance(self.temperature, Iterable):
                            ' '.join(str(t) for t in self.temperature))
                element.set("temperature", str(self.temperature))

        if self.translation is not None:
            element.set("translation", ' '.join(map(str, self.translation)))

        if self.rotation is not None:
            element.set("rotation", ' '.join(map(str, self.rotation)))

        return element
文件: cell.py 项目: biegelk/openmc
class Cell(object):
    r"""A region of space defined as the intersection of half-space created by
    quadric surfaces.

    cell_id : int, optional
        Unique identifier for the cell. If not specified, an identifier will
        automatically be assigned.
    name : str, optional
        Name of the cell. If not specified, the name is the empty string.
    fill : openmc.Material or openmc.Universe or openmc.Lattice or None or iterable of openmc.Material, optional
        Indicates what the region of space is filled with
    region : openmc.Region, optional
        Region of space that is assigned to the cell.

    id : int
        Unique identifier for the cell
    name : str
        Name of the cell
    fill : openmc.Material or openmc.Universe or openmc.Lattice or None or iterable of openmc.Material
        Indicates what the region of space is filled with. If None, the cell is
        treated as a void. An iterable of materials is used to fill repeated
        instances of a cell with different materials.
    fill_type : {'material', 'universe', 'lattice', 'distribmat', 'void'}
        Indicates what the cell is filled with.
    region : openmc.Region or None
        Region of space that is assigned to the cell.
    rotation : Iterable of float
        If the cell is filled with a universe, this array specifies the angles
        in degrees about the x, y, and z axes that the filled universe should be
        rotated. The rotation applied is an intrinsic rotation with specified
        Tait-Bryan angles. That is to say, if the angles are :math:`(\phi,
        \theta, \psi)`, then the rotation matrix applied is :math:`R_z(\psi)
        R_y(\theta) R_x(\phi)` or

        .. math::

           \left [ \begin{array}{ccc} \cos\theta \cos\psi & -\cos\theta \sin\psi
           + \sin\phi \sin\theta \cos\psi & \sin\phi \sin\psi + \cos\phi
           \sin\theta \cos\psi \\ \cos\theta \sin\psi & \cos\phi \cos\psi +
           \sin\phi \sin\theta \sin\psi & -\sin\phi \cos\psi + \cos\phi
           \sin\theta \sin\psi \\ -\sin\theta & \sin\phi \cos\theta & \cos\phi
           \cos\theta \end{array} \right ]
    rotation_matrix : numpy.ndarray
        The rotation matrix defined by the angles specified in the
        :attr:`Cell.rotation` property.
    temperature : float or iterable of float
        Temperature of the cell in Kelvin.  Multiple temperatures can be given
        to give each distributed cell instance a unique temperature.
    translation : Iterable of float
        If the cell is filled with a universe, this array specifies a vector
        that is used to translate (shift) the universe.
    paths : list of str
        The paths traversed through the CSG tree to reach each cell
        instance. This property is initialized by calling the
        :meth:`Geometry.determine_paths` method.
    num_instances : int
        The number of instances of this cell throughout the geometry.
    volume : float
        Volume of the cell in cm^3. This can either be set manually or
        calculated in a stochastic volume calculation and added via the
        :meth:`Cell.add_volume_information` method.


    def __init__(self, cell_id=None, name='', fill=None, region=None):
        # Initialize Cell class attributes
        self.id = cell_id
        self.name = name
        self.fill = fill
        self.region = region
        self._rotation = None
        self._rotation_matrix = None
        self._temperature = None
        self._translation = None
        self._paths = []
        self._volume = None
        self._atoms = None

    def __contains__(self, point):
        if self.region is None:
            return True
            return point in self.region

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Cell):
            return False
        elif self.id != other.id:
            return False
        elif self.name != other.name:
            return False
        elif self.fill != other.fill:
            return False
        elif self.region != other.region:
            return False
        elif self.rotation != other.rotation:
            return False
        elif self.temperature != other.temperature:
            return False
        elif self.translation != other.translation:
            return False
            return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(repr(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        string = 'Cell\n'
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tID', self.id)
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tName', self.name)

        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            string += '{: <16}=\tMaterial {}\n'.format('\tFill', self.fill.id)
        elif self.fill_type == 'void':
            string += '{: <16}=\tNone\n'.format('\tFill')
        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
            string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tFill', list(map(
                lambda m: m if m is None else m.id, self.fill)))
            string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tFill', self.fill.id)

        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tRegion', self.region)
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tRotation', self.rotation)
        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            string += '\t{0: <15}=\t{1}\n'.format('Temperature',
        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tTranslation', self.translation)

        return string

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def fill(self):
        return self._fill

    def fill_type(self):
        if isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Material):
            return 'material'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            return 'universe'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Lattice):
            return 'lattice'
        elif isinstance(self.fill, Iterable):
            return 'distribmat'
            return 'void'

    def region(self):
        return self._region

    def rotation(self):
        return self._rotation

    def rotation_matrix(self):
        return self._rotation_matrix

    def temperature(self):
        return self._temperature

    def translation(self):
        return self._translation

    def volume(self):
        return self._volume

    def paths(self):
        if not self._paths:
            raise ValueError('Cell instance paths have not been determined. '
                             'Call the Geometry.determine_paths() method.')
        return self._paths

    def bounding_box(self):
        if self.region is not None:
            return self.region.bounding_box
            return (np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf]),
                    np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]))

    def num_instances(self):
        return len(self.paths)

    def id(self, cell_id):
        if cell_id is None:
            global AUTO_CELL_ID
            self._id = AUTO_CELL_ID
            AUTO_CELL_ID += 1
            cv.check_type('cell ID', cell_id, Integral)
            cv.check_greater_than('cell ID', cell_id, 0, equality=True)
            self._id = cell_id

    def name(self, name):
        if name is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell name', name, string_types)
            self._name = name
            self._name = ''

    def fill(self, fill):
        if fill is not None:
            if isinstance(fill, string_types):
                if fill.strip().lower() != 'void':
                    msg = 'Unable to set Cell ID="{0}" to use a non-Material ' \
                          'or Universe fill "{1}"'.format(self._id, fill)
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                fill = None

            elif isinstance(fill, Iterable):
                for i, f in enumerate(fill):
                    if f is not None:
                        cv.check_type('cell.fill[i]', f, openmc.Material)

            elif not isinstance(fill, (openmc.Material, openmc.Lattice,
                msg = 'Unable to set Cell ID="{0}" to use a non-Material or ' \
                      'Universe fill "{1}"'.format(self._id, fill)
                raise ValueError(msg)

        self._fill = fill

    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise TypeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                            'is filled with a Universe.')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix -- the reason we do this instead of having it be
        # automatically calculated when the rotation_matrix property is accessed
        # is so that plotting on a rotated geometry can be done faster.
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation*(-pi/180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array([
            [c1*c2, c1*s2*s3 - c3*s1, s1*s3 + c1*c3*s2],
            [c2*s1, c1*c3 + s1*s2*s3, c3*s1*s2 - c1*s3],
            [-s2, c2*s3, c2*c3]])

    def translation(self, translation):
        cv.check_type('cell translation', translation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell translation', translation, 3)
        self._translation = np.asarray(translation)

    def temperature(self, temperature):
        # Make sure temperatures are positive
        cv.check_type('cell temperature', temperature, (Iterable, Real))
        if isinstance(temperature, Iterable):
            cv.check_type('cell temperature', temperature, Iterable, Real)
            for T in temperature:
                cv.check_greater_than('cell temperature', T, 0.0, True)
            cv.check_greater_than('cell temperature', temperature, 0.0, True)

        # If this cell is filled with a universe or lattice, propagate
        # temperatures to all cells contained. Otherwise, simply assign it.
        if self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):
            for c in self.get_all_cells().values():
                if c.fill_type == 'material':
                    c._temperature = temperature
            self._temperature = temperature

    def region(self, region):
        if region is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell region', region, Region)
        self._region = region

    def volume(self, volume):
        if volume is not None:
            cv.check_type('cell volume', volume, Real)
        self._volume = volume

    def add_surface(self, surface, halfspace):
        """Add a half-space to the list of half-spaces whose intersection defines the

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.1
            Use the :attr:`Cell.region` property to directly specify a Region

        surface : openmc.Surface
            Quadric surface dividing space
        halfspace : {-1, 1}
            Indicate whether the negative or positive half-space is to be used


        warnings.warn("Cell.add_surface(...) has been deprecated and may be "
                      "removed in a future version. The region for a Cell "
                      "should be defined using the region property directly.",

        if not isinstance(surface, openmc.Surface):
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" since it is ' \
                        'not a Surface object'.format(surface, self._id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if halfspace not in [-1, +1]:
            msg = 'Unable to add Surface "{0}" to Cell ID="{1}" with halfspace ' \
                  '"{2}" since it is not +/-1'.format(surface, self._id, halfspace)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If no region has been assigned, simply use the half-space. Otherwise,
        # take the intersection of the current region and the half-space
        # specified
        region = +surface if halfspace == 1 else -surface
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = region
            if isinstance(self.region, Intersection):
                self.region = Intersection(self.region, region)

    def add_volume_information(self, volume_calc):
        """Add volume information to a cell.

        volume_calc : openmc.VolumeCalculation
            Results from a stochastic volume calculation

        if volume_calc.domain_type == 'cell':
            if self.id in volume_calc.volumes:
                self._volume = volume_calc.volumes[self.id][0]
                self._atoms = volume_calc.atoms[self.id]
                raise ValueError('No volume information found for this cell.')
            raise ValueError('No volume information found for this cell.')

    def get_nuclides(self):
        """Returns all nuclides in the cell

        nuclides : list of str
            List of nuclide names

        return self.fill.get_nuclides() if self.fill_type != 'void' else []

    def get_nuclide_densities(self):
        """Return all nuclides contained in the cell and their densities

        nuclides : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are nuclide names and values are 2-tuples of
            (nuclide, density)


        nuclides = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type == 'material':
        elif self.fill_type == 'void':
            if self._atoms is not None:
                volume = self.volume
                for name, atoms in self._atoms.items():
                    nuclide = openmc.Nuclide(name)
                    density = 1.0e-24 * atoms[0]/volume  # density in atoms/b-cm
                    nuclides[name] = (nuclide, density)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Volume information is needed to calculate microscopic cross '
                    'sections for cell {}. This can be done by running a '
                    'stochastic volume calculation via the '
                    'openmc.VolumeCalculation object'.format(self.id))

        return nuclides

    def get_all_cells(self):
        """Return all cells that are contained within this one if it is filled with a
        universe or lattice

        cells : collections.orderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are cell IDs and values are :class:`Cell`


        cells = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):

        return cells

    def get_all_materials(self):
        """Return all materials that are contained within the cell

        materials : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are material IDs and values are
            :class:`Material` instances

        materials = OrderedDict()
        if self.fill_type == 'material':
            materials[self.fill.id] = self.fill
        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
            for m in self.fill:
                if m is not None:
                    materials[m.id] = m
            # Append all Cells in each Cell in the Universe to the dictionary
            cells = self.get_all_cells()
            for cell in cells.values():

        return materials

    def get_all_universes(self):
        """Return all universes that are contained within this one if any of
        its cells are filled with a universe or lattice.

        universes : collections.OrderedDict
            Dictionary whose keys are universe IDs and values are
            :class:`Universe` instances


        universes = OrderedDict()

        if self.fill_type == 'universe':
            universes[self.fill.id] = self.fill
        elif self.fill_type == 'lattice':

        return universes

    def clone(self, memo=None):
        """Create a copy of this cell with a new unique ID, and clones
        the cell's region and fill.

        memo : dict or None
            A nested dictionary of previously cloned objects. This parameter
            is used internally and should not be specified by the user.

        clone : openmc.Cell
            The clone of this cell


        if memo is None:
            memo = {}

        # If no nemoize'd clone exists, instantiate one
        if self not in memo:
            clone = deepcopy(self)
            clone.id = None
            if self.region is not None:
                clone.region = self.region.clone(memo)
            if self.fill is not None:
                if self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
                    clone.fill = [fill.clone(memo) if fill is not None else None
                                  for fill in self.fill]
                    clone.fill = self.fill.clone(memo)

            # Memoize the clone
            memo[self] = clone

        return memo[self]
    def create_xml_subelement(self, xml_element):
        element = ET.Element("cell")
        element.set("id", str(self.id))

        if len(self._name) > 0:
            element.set("name", str(self.name))

        if self.fill_type == 'void':
            element.set("material", "void")

        elif self.fill_type == 'material':
            element.set("material", str(self.fill.id))

        elif self.fill_type == 'distribmat':
            element.set("material", ' '.join(['void' if m is None else str(m.id)
                                              for m in self.fill]))

        elif self.fill_type in ('universe', 'lattice'):
            element.set("fill", str(self.fill.id))

        if self.region is not None:
            # Set the region attribute with the region specification
            region = str(self.region)
            if region.startswith('('):
                region = region[1:-1]
            if len(region) > 0:
                element.set("region", region)

            # Only surfaces that appear in a region are added to the geometry
            # file, so the appropriate check is performed here. First we create
            # a function which is called recursively to navigate through the CSG
            # tree. When it reaches a leaf (a Halfspace), it creates a <surface>
            # element for the corresponding surface if none has been created
            # thus far.
            def create_surface_elements(node, element):
                if isinstance(node, Halfspace):
                    path = "./surface[@id='{}']".format(node.surface.id)
                    if xml_element.find(path) is None:
                elif isinstance(node, Complement):
                    create_surface_elements(node.node, element)
                    for subnode in node.nodes:
                        create_surface_elements(subnode, element)

            # Call the recursive function from the top node
            create_surface_elements(self.region, xml_element)

        if self.temperature is not None:
            if isinstance(self.temperature, Iterable):
                element.set("temperature", ' '.join(
                    str(t) for t in self.temperature))
                element.set("temperature", str(self.temperature))

        if self.translation is not None:
            element.set("translation", ' '.join(map(str, self.translation)))

        if self.rotation is not None:
            element.set("rotation", ' '.join(map(str, self.rotation)))

        return element