def generate_material_trace(mat, Endf_MT_number): if type(Endf_MT_number) == int: Endf_MT_number = [Endf_MT_number] Energy, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(mat, 'material', Endf_MT_number) cross_section = data[0] trace1 = Scatter(x=Energy, y=cross_section, mode='lines', + ' MT ' + str(Endf_MT_number[0])) return trace1
carbon_reactor_grade = openmc.Material() carbon_reactor_grade.add_element('B', 0.000001, percent_type='wo') carbon_reactor_grade.add_element('C', 0.999999, percent_type='wo') carbon_reactor_grade.set_density('g/cm3', 1.70) # Tungsten tungsten = openmc.Material() tungsten.set_density('g/cm3', 19.3) tungsten.add_element('W', 1.0) Endf_MT16_number = [16] # (n,2n) Endf_MT2_number = [2] # (n, elastic scatter) Endf_MT18_number = [18] # (n,fission) Endf_MT102_number = [102] # (n,gamma) energy_beryllium, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(beryllium, 'material', Endf_MT16_number) cross_section_beryllium = data[0] energy_uranium, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(uranium235, 'material', Endf_MT18_number) cross_section_uranium = data[0] energy_carbon, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(carbon_reactor_grade, 'material', Endf_MT2_number) cross_section_carbon = data[0] energy_tungsten, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(tungsten, 'material', Endf_MT102_number) cross_section_tungsten = data[0] traces = []
) # this material defaults to a density of 1g/cm3 try: element_object.add_element(element_name, 1.0, percent_type='ao') except ValueError: print("The cross section files for the isotopes of ", element_name, " don't exist") continue try: atomic_weight(element_name) except ValueError: print('There are no natural isotopes of ', element_name) continue energy, cross_sections = openmc.calculate_cexs(element_object, 'material', [Endf_MT_number]) cross_section = cross_sections[0] if cross_section.sum() != 0.0: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=energy, y=cross_section, mode='lines', name=element_name + ' MT ' + str(Endf_MT_number))) else: print('Element ', element_name, ' has no cross section data for MT number', Endf_MT_number) fig.update_layout(title='Element cross sections ' + str(Endf_MT_number), xaxis={ 'title': 'Energy (eV)', 'range': (0, 14.1e6)
natural_Li2TiO3 = openmc.Material() natural_Li2TiO3.add_element('Li', 2.0, percent_type='ao') natural_Li2TiO3.add_element('Ti', 2.0, percent_type='ao') natural_Li2TiO3.add_element('O', 3.0, percent_type='ao') natural_Li2TiO3.set_density( 'g/cm3', 2.899) # this density was found using crystal volumes function #natural_Li4SiO4 density 1.8770150075137564 g/cm3 #enriched_Li4SiO4 density 1.8441466011318948 g/cm3 #60% Li6 #natural_Li2SiO3 density 2.619497078021483 g/cm3 #natural_Li2ZrO3 density 2.5288596326567134 g/cm3 #natural_Li2TiO3 density 2.8994147653592983 g/cm3 Endf_MT_number = [205] # MT number 205 is (n,t) reaction Energy_natural_Li4SiO4_MT16, data = openmc.calculate_cexs( natural_Li4SiO4, 'material', Endf_MT_number) cross_section_natural_Li4SiO4_MT16 = data[0] Energy_enriched_Li4SiO4_MT16, data = openmc.calculate_cexs( enriched_Li4SiO4, 'material', Endf_MT_number) cross_section_enriched_Li4SiO4_MT16 = data[0] Energy_natural_Li2SiO3_MT16, data = openmc.calculate_cexs( natural_Li2SiO3, 'material', Endf_MT_number) cross_section_natural_Li2SiO3_MT16 = data[0] Energy_natural_Li2ZrO3_MT16, data = openmc.calculate_cexs( natural_Li2ZrO3, 'material', Endf_MT_number) cross_section_natural_Li2ZrO3_MT16 = data[0] Energy_natural_Li2TiO3_MT16, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(
openmc_material.set_density('g/cm3', density_value) mt_numbers = [] for entry in reaction_descriptions: # print(entry) mt_number = int(entry.split(" ")[1]) if mt_number == 1: mt_number = 'total' mt_numbers.append(mt_number) #mt_numbers.append(entry.split(" ")[-1]) # print(openmc_material) # print(mt_number) x_data, y_datas = openmc.calculate_cexs(openmc_material, 'material', mt_numbers) for reaction_description, y_data in zip(reaction_descriptions, y_datas): if not np.any(y_data): # print('all zero' , reaction_description) st.write(reaction_description, ' cross section not found in material') # print(y_data) else: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(y=y_data, x=x_data, name=reaction_description, mode='lines')) xaxis_scale = axis_scales.split('-')[0]
def update_output(reaction_names, rows, density_value, fraction_type, xaxis_scale, yaxis_scale): if (reaction_names != None) and (rows != None) and (density_value != None): no_density = html.H4( 'Specify a density in g/cm3', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) if density_value == None: return no_density elif density_value == 0: return no_density elif density_value == '': return no_density else: my_mat = Material(name="my_mat") for entry in rows: if entry["Elements"][-1].isdigit(): my_mat.add_nuclide(entry["Elements"], entry["Fractions"], percent_type=fraction_type) else: my_mat.add_element(entry["Elements"], entry["Fractions"], percent_type=fraction_type) my_mat.set_density("g/cm3", density_value) if len(my_mat.nuclides) == 0: no_elements = html.H4( 'No elements or isotopes added', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) return no_elements else: energy, xs_data_set = calculate_cexs(my_mat, "material", reaction_names) global downloaded_data downloaded_data = [] for xs_data, reaction_name in zip(xs_data_set, reaction_names): downloaded_data.append({ "y": xs_data, "x": energy, "type": "scatter", "name": f"MT {reaction_name}" }) energy_units = "eV" xs_units = "Macroscopic cross section [1/cm]" return [ dcc.Graph( config=dict(showSendToCloud=True), figure={ "data": downloaded_data, "layout": { "height": 800, # "width":1600, "margin": { "l": 3, "r": 2, "t": 15, "b": 60 }, "xaxis": { "title": { "text": f"Energy {energy_units}" }, "type": xaxis_scale, "tickformat": ".1e", "tickangle": 45, }, "yaxis": { "automargin": True, "title": { "text": xs_units }, "type": yaxis_scale, "tickformat": ".1e", }, "showlegend": True, }, }, ) ] else: raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate
def update_graph_from_mcnp(reaction_names, mcnp_input_text, xaxis_scale, yaxis_scale, density_value): """mcnp_input_text is and mcnp material card like the example below M24 001001 6.66562840e-01 001002 1.03826667e-04 008016 3.32540200e-01 008017 1.26333333e-04 008018 6.66800000e-04 """ no_density = html.H4( 'Specify a density in g/cm3', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) no_mcnp_material_text = html.H4( 'Specify a material card in MCNP format', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) no_mcnp_reaction = html.H4( 'Select a reaction', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) if mcnp_input_text == None: return [], no_mcnp_material_text elif mcnp_input_text == '': return [], no_mcnp_material_text elif density_value == None: return [], no_density elif density_value == 0: return [], no_density elif density_value == '': return [], no_density elif reaction_names == None: return [], no_mcnp_reaction elif reaction_names == []: return [], no_mcnp_reaction else: try: # inputs look ok, but if the processing fails then return error file_lines = mcnp_input_text.split('\n') tokens = file_lines[0].split() # makes the first string without the material number material_string = f'{" ".join(tokens[1:])} ' # removes inline comments if "$" in material_string: position = material_string.find("$") material_string = material_string[0:position] current_line_number = 1 while True: # end of the file check if current_line_number == len(file_lines): break while True: # end of the file check if (current_line_number == len(file_lines)): break line = file_lines[current_line_number] # handels mcnp continue line (which is 5 spaces) if line[:5] == " ": # removes inline comments if "$" in line: line = line[0:line.find("$")] material_string = material_string + line else: # new cell card break # increment the line number current_line_number = current_line_number + 1 break # removes end of line chars and splits up tokens = material_string.replace("\n", "").split() if len(tokens) % 2 != 0: html.H4( 'The material string contains an odd number of zaids and fractions', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) zaid_fraction_dict = [] while len(tokens) != 0: nuclide = tokens[0].split(".") isotope_name = zaid_to_isotope(nuclide[0]) fraction = convert_strings_to_numbers(tokens[1]) # removes two tokens from list tokens.pop(0) tokens.pop(0) zaid_fraction_dict.append({ 'element': isotope_name, 'fraction': fraction }) my_mat = Material(name="my_mat") table_contents = [] for entry in zaid_fraction_dict: if entry['fraction'] < 0: fraction_type = 'wo' else: fraction_type = 'ao' if entry['element'][-1].isdigit(): my_mat.add_nuclide(entry['element'], entry['fraction'], percent_type=fraction_type) else: my_mat.add_element(entry['element'], entry['fraction'], percent_type=fraction_type) table_contents.append( html.Tr([ html.Td(html.Label(f"{entry['element']}"), style={ "width": "25%", "text-align": "left" }), html.Td(html.Label(f"{entry['fraction']}"), style={ "width": "25%", "text-align": "left" }) ])) my_mat.set_density("g/cm3", density_value) if len(my_mat.nuclides) == 0: no_elements = html.H4( 'No elements or isotopes added', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, ) return [], no_elements else: energy, xs_data_set = calculate_cexs(my_mat, "material", reaction_names) global mcnp_downloaded_data mcnp_downloaded_data = [] table_of_processed = [ html.Table( [ html.Tr([ html.Th('Elements / isotopes', style={ "width": "25%", "text-align": "left" }), html.Th('Fraction', style={ "width": "25%", "text-align": "left" }), ]), ] + table_contents, style={"width": "50%"}, ) ] for xs_data, reaction_name in zip(xs_data_set, reaction_names): mcnp_downloaded_data.append({ "y": xs_data, "x": energy, "type": "scatter", "name": f"MT {reaction_name}" }) energy_units = "eV" xs_units = "Macroscopic cross section [1/cm]" return [ dcc.Graph( config=dict(showSendToCloud=True), figure={ "data": mcnp_downloaded_data, "layout": { "height": 800, # "width":1600, "margin": { "l": 3, "r": 2, "t": 15, "b": 60 }, "xaxis": { "title": { "text": f"Energy {energy_units}" }, "type": xaxis_scale, "tickformat": ".1e", "tickangle": 45, }, "yaxis": { "automargin": True, "title": { "text": xs_units }, "type": yaxis_scale, "tickformat": ".1e", }, "showlegend": True, }, }, ) ], table_of_processed except: return [], html.H4( 'There was an error processing the MCNP material format', style={ "text-align": "center", "color": "red" }, )
import openmc from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, plot from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Layout from tqdm import tqdm all_stable_elements = ['Ag', 'Al', 'Ar', 'As', 'Au', 'B', 'Ba', 'Be', 'Bi', 'Br', 'C', 'Ca', 'Cd', 'Ce', 'Cl', 'Co', 'Cr', 'Cs', 'Cu', 'Dy', 'Er', 'Eu', 'F', 'Fe', 'Ga', 'Gd', 'Ge', 'H', 'He', 'Hf', 'Hg', 'Ho', 'I', 'In', 'Ir', 'K', 'Kr', 'La', 'Li', 'Lu', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Nd', 'Ne', 'Ni', 'O', 'Os', 'P', 'Pa', 'Pb', 'Pd','Po', 'Pr', 'Pt', 'Rb', 'Re', 'Rh', 'Rn', 'Ru', 'S', 'Sb', 'Sc', 'Se', 'Si', 'Sm', 'Sn', 'Sr', 'Ta', 'Tb', 'Te', 'Th', 'Ti', 'Tl', 'Tm', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Xe', 'Y', 'Yb', 'Zn', 'Zr'] Endf_MT_number = [16,205] # MT number 16 is (n,n2) reaction, MT 205 is (n,t) traces=[] for element_name in tqdm(all_stable_elements): try: element_object = openmc.Material() # this material defaults to a density of 1g/cm3 element_object.add_element(element_name,1.0,percent_type='ao') energy, data = openmc.calculate_cexs(element_object, 'material', Endf_MT_number ) cross_section = data[0] traces.append(Scatter(x=energy, y=cross_section, mode = 'lines', name=element_name+' MT '+str(Endf_MT_number[0])) ) except: print('element failed ',element_name) for element_name in tqdm(all_stable_elements): try: element_object = openmc.Material() # this material defaults to a density of 1g/cm3 element_object.add_element(element_name,1.0,percent_type='ao')