def testD07CertificationRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() certification revocation"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG2.revoked_uid.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     keymsg = list_msgs(pkts)[0]
     primary_key, uid, revoker = pkts[0], pkts[3], pkts[4]
     verified = verify(revoker, uid, primary_key)
     self.assertEqual(True, verify(revoker, uid, primary_key))
 def testD07CertificationRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() certification revocation"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG2.revoked_uid.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     keymsg = list_msgs(pkts)[0]
     primary_key, uid, revoker = pkts[0], pkts[3], pkts[4]
     verified = verify(revoker, uid, primary_key)
     self.assertEqual(True, verify(revoker, uid, primary_key))
def verify_subkey(keydata):
    keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(keydata))[0]
    subkey = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].leader  # first subkey
    subkeysig = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].local_bindings[
        0]  # first applicable signature
    pubkey = keymsg._b_primary.leader  # public key
    return verify(subkeysig, subkey, pubkey)
def verify_userid(keydata):
    keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(keydata))[0]
    userid = keymsg._b_userids[0].leader  # first user id
    useridsig = keymsg._b_userids[0].local_bindings[
        0]  # first applicable signature
    pubkey = keymsg._b_primary.leader
    return verify(useridsig, userid, pubkey)
 def testD03aDSAv4UIDPrivate(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() private key user ID v4 DSA"
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(dsaseckey_d))
     keymsg = msgs[0]
     uid = keymsg._b_userids[0].leader # first user id
     sig = keymsg._b_userids[0].local_bindings[0] # first applicable signature
     key = keymsg._b_primary.leader # public key
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sig, uid, key))
 def testF01DSADirectPrimary(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct (self signature on primary)"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, seckeypkt, seckeypkt, passphrase="test")
     verified = verify(sigpkt, seckeypkt, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testD04aDSAv4SubkeyPrivate(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() pivate key subkey binding v4 DSA"
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(dsaseckey_d))
     keymsg = msgs[0]
     subkey = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].leader # first subkey
     subkeysig = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].local_bindings[0] # first applicable signature
     pubkey = keymsg._b_primary.leader # public key
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(subkeysig, subkey, pubkey))
 def testF01DSADirectPrimary(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct (self signature on primary)"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, seckeypkt, seckeypkt, passphrase="test")
     verified = verify(sigpkt,  seckeypkt, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testD06SubkeyRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() subkey revocation"
     d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG2.subkeyrevoc.gpg'])
     keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(d))[0]
     revblock = keymsg._b_subkeys['90AFB828686B6E9A'] # known revoked block
     key = keymsg._b_primary.leader
     sig = revblock.local_bindings[0]
     subkey = revblock.leader
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sig, subkey, key))
 def testE04SignatureCreationV4RSAText(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 RSA no subpkts TEXT"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_TEXT
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, passphrase="test")
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testD06SubkeyRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() subkey revocation"
     d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG2.subkeyrevoc.gpg'])
     keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(d))[0]
     revblock = keymsg._b_subkeys['90AFB828686B6E9A']  # known revoked block
     key = keymsg._b_primary.leader
     sig = revblock.local_bindings[0]
     subkey = revblock.leader
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sig, subkey, key))
 def testE01SignatureCreationV4DSABinaryNoPass(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA no pass, no subpkts BINARY"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.sec.nopass.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage'
     sigtype = SIG_BINARY
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testD04aDSAv4SubkeyPrivate(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() pivate key subkey binding v4 DSA"
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(dsaseckey_d))
     keymsg = msgs[0]
     subkey = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].leader  # first subkey
     subkeysig = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].local_bindings[
         0]  # first applicable signature
     pubkey = keymsg._b_primary.leader  # public key
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(subkeysig, subkey, pubkey))
 def testD03aDSAv4UIDPrivate(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() private key user ID v4 DSA"
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(dsaseckey_d))
     keymsg = msgs[0]
     uid = keymsg._b_userids[0].leader  # first user id
     sig = keymsg._b_userids[0].local_bindings[
         0]  # first applicable signature
     key = keymsg._b_primary.leader  # public key
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sig, uid, key))
 def testE04SignatureCreationV4RSAText(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 RSA no subpkts TEXT"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_TEXT
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, passphrase="test")
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testG01CreateUIDRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() local certification revocation (0x30)"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     seckey, uid = pkts[0], pkts[1]
     sigtype = SIG_CERTREVOC
     opts = {'passphrase': 'test', 'primary': seckey}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, uid, seckey, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, uid, seckey)
     self.assertEqual(True, verified)
 def testF02DSADirectSubkey(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct (self signature on subkey)"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(seckey_d)
     seckeypkt, subkeypkt = pkts[0], pkts[3]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     opts = {'passphrase': 'test', 'primary': seckeypkt}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, subkeypkt, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, subkeypkt, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testE01SignatureCreationV4DSABinaryNoPass(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA no pass, no subpkts BINARY"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(
         ['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.sec.nopass.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage'
     sigtype = SIG_BINARY
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testG01CreateUIDRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() local certification revocation (0x30)"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     seckey, uid = pkts[0], pkts[1]
     sigtype = SIG_CERTREVOC
     opts = {'passphrase':'test', 'primary':seckey}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, uid, seckey, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, uid, seckey)
     self.assertEqual(True, verified)
 def testF02DSADirectSubkey(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct (self signature on subkey)"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     pkts = list_pkts(seckey_d)
     seckeypkt, subkeypkt = pkts[0], pkts[3]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     opts = {'passphrase':'test', 'primary':seckeypkt}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, subkeypkt, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, subkeypkt, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testD08CertificationRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() foreign user ID certification"
     key_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key',''])
     sigkey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key',''])
     sigpkt = list_pkts(sigkey_d)[0]
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     primary_key, uid, cert = pkts[0], pkts[1], pkts[3]
     opts = {'primary':primary_key}
     verified = verify(cert, uid, sigpkt, **opts)
     self.assertEqual(True, verified)
 def testD08CertificationRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() foreign user ID certification"
     key_d = read_test_file(
         ['pgpfiles', 'key', ''])
     sigkey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', ''])
     sigpkt = list_pkts(sigkey_d)[0]
     pkts = list_pkts(key_d)
     primary_key, uid, cert = pkts[0], pkts[1], pkts[3]
     opts = {'primary': primary_key}
     verified = verify(cert, uid, sigpkt, **opts)
     self.assertEqual(True, verified)
 def testF03DSADirectForeign(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct on foreign primary key"
     targetkey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key',''])
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     targetkeypkt = list_pkts(targetkey_d)[0]
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     opts = {'passphrase':'test', 'primary':targetkeypkt}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, targetkeypkt, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, targetkeypkt, seckeypkt,
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testE08SignatureCreationV3RSATextSubpackets(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v3 RSA with hashed subpkts TEXT"
     import time
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_TEXT
     created = int(time.time()) - 5000
     opts = {'passphrase':'test', 'version':3, 'created':created,
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testE06SignatureCreationV4RSABinarySubpackets(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 RSA with hashed subpkts BINARY"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key','RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_BINARY
     created = int(time.time()) - 5000
     subpkt_created = create_SignatureSubpacket(SIGSUB_CREATED, created)
     subpkt_keyid = create_SignatureSubpacket(SIGSUB_SIGNERID,
     opts = {'passphrase':'test', 'hashed_subpkts':[subpkt_created],
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testF03DSADirectForeign(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 DSA direct on foreign primary key"
     targetkey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', ''])
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'DSAELG1.sec.gpg'])
     targetkeypkt = list_pkts(targetkey_d)[0]
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     sigtype = SIG_DIRECT
     opts = {'passphrase': 'test', 'primary': targetkeypkt}
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, targetkeypkt, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt,
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testE08SignatureCreationV3RSATextSubpackets(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v3 RSA with hashed subpkts TEXT"
     import time
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_TEXT
     created = int(time.time()) - 5000
     opts = {
         'passphrase': 'test',
         'version': 3,
         'created': created,
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
 def testE06SignatureCreationV4RSABinarySubpackets(self):
     "crypto.signature: sign() v4 RSA with hashed subpkts BINARY"
     seckey_d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', 'RSA1.sec.gpg'])
     seckeypkt = list_pkts(seckey_d)[0]
     msg = 'testmessage\r\nyaddaboo\n\nsdfll\r\n'
     sigtype = SIG_BINARY
     created = int(time.time()) - 5000
     subpkt_created = create_SignatureSubpacket(SIGSUB_CREATED, created)
     subpkt_keyid = create_SignatureSubpacket(SIGSUB_SIGNERID,
     opts = {
         'passphrase': 'test',
         'hashed_subpkts': [subpkt_created],
         'unhashed_subpkts': [subpkt_keyid]
     sigpkt = sign(sigtype, msg, seckeypkt, **opts)
     verified = verify(sigpkt, msg, seckeypkt)
     self.assertEqual(1, verified)
def verify_userid(keydata):
    keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(keydata))[0]
    userid = keymsg._b_userids[0].leader # first user id
    useridsig = keymsg._b_userids[0].local_bindings[0] # first applicable signature
    pubkey = keymsg._b_primary.leader
    return verify(useridsig, userid, pubkey)
def find_key_prefs(keys):
    """Return a dictionary with an intersection of keys' preferences.
        - `keys`: list of `` subclass instances

    :Returns: dictionary with keys 'sym', 'hash', 'comp' set with list of
        appropriate codes in descending order of popularity
    sym_v, hash_v, comp_v = [], [], []

    for key in keys:
        sym_b = hash_b = comp_b = None # for *_v extension capability below
        sigs = [] # where to look for preference blocks

        for block in key._b_userids.list() + key._b_userattrs:
            sigs.extend([s for s in block.local_bindings + block.local_direct])

        # grab hashed local signatures
        has_hashed = lambda x: hasattr(x, 'hashed_subpkts')

        for sig in [s for s in sigs if has_hashed(s.body)]:

            # sigs are all "equal," so just fill up the spaces asap
            if CRYPT.verify(sig, block.leader, key._b_primary.leader):

                for subpkt in sig.body.hashed_subpkts:

                    if SIGSUB_SYMCODE == subpkt.type:
                        sym_b = subpkt.value
                    elif SIGSUB_HASHCODE == subpkt.type:
                        hash_b = subpkt.value
                    elif SIGSUB_COMPCODE == subpkt.type:
                        comp_b = subpkt.value

                    if sym_b and hash_b and comp_b: # break out

            if sym_b and hash_b and comp_b: # still breaking out..

        # extend with list of preferences if present, otherwise nullify
        if sym_b and sym_v is not None:
            sym_v = None

        if hash_b and hash_v is not None:
            hash_v = None

        if comp_b and comp_v is not None:
            comp_v = None

    tally = {'sym':[], 'hash':[], 'comp':[]}

    if sym_v:
        tally['sym'] += intersect_order(sym_v)

    if hash_v:
        tally['hash'] += intersect_order(hash_v)

    if comp_v:
        tally['comp'] += intersect_order(comp_v)

    return tally
 def testD02RSAPGPSig(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() v3 RSA One-Pass"
     keypkt = list_pkts(rsapubkey_d)[0]
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(rsasig_d))
     sigmsg = msgs[0]
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sigmsg.sigs[0], sigmsg.msg, keypkt))
 def testD05PrimaryRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() primary key revocation"
     d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles', 'key', ''])
     keypkt, revocpkt = list_pkts(d)[:2]
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(revocpkt, keypkt, keypkt))
 def testD05PrimaryRevocation(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() primary key revocation"
     d = read_test_file(['pgpfiles','key',''])
     keypkt, revocpkt = list_pkts(d)[:2]
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(revocpkt, keypkt, keypkt))
 def testD02RSAPGPSig(self):
     "crypto.signature: verify() v3 RSA One-Pass"
     keypkt = list_pkts(rsapubkey_d)[0]
     msgs = list_msgs(list_pkts(rsasig_d))
     sigmsg = msgs[0]
     self.assertEqual(1, verify(sigmsg.sigs[0], sigmsg.msg, keypkt))
def verify_subkey(keydata):
    keymsg = list_msgs(list_pkts(keydata))[0]
    subkey    = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].leader # first subkey
    subkeysig = keymsg._b_subkeys[0].local_bindings[0] # first applicable signature
    pubkey    = keymsg._b_primary.leader # public key
    return verify(subkeysig, subkey, pubkey)