def _get_column_as_letter(self, sheet, column_to_convert, startcol=0): if not isinstance(column_to_convert, (int, str_type, unicode_type, Container)): raise TypeError( "column must be an index, column letter or column name") column_as_letter = None if column_to_convert in self.data_df.columns: # column name column_index = self.data_df.columns.get_loc( column_to_convert ) + startcol + 1 # worksheet columns index start from 1 column_as_letter = cell.get_column_letter(column_index) # column index elif isinstance(column_to_convert, int) and column_to_convert >= 1: column_as_letter = cell.get_column_letter(startcol + column_to_convert) # assuming we got column letter elif isinstance(column_to_convert, (str_type, unicode_type)) < get_column_letter( sheet.max_column): column_as_letter = column_to_convert if column_as_letter is None or column_as_letter > get_column_letter( sheet.max_column): raise IndexError("column: %s is out of columns range." % column_to_convert) return column_as_letter
def _generateTraceabilitySummary(sheet, reqMap, args): ''' Generates a summary sheet with summary details for each module and overall summary''' sheet.title = 'Summary' sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 50 sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 30 sheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 15 sheet.column_dimensions['D'].width = 3 sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 15 sheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 3 sheet.column_dimensions['G'].width = 15 cellRow = 1 for moduleName in reqMap: cellRow += TraceabilityGenerator._generateModuleSummary( sheet, moduleName, cellRow, 1, args) cellRow += 1 # set summary of module summaries cell = sheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=1) cell.value = 'Summary' cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT cellRow += 1 moduleCol = 3 expectedCount = TraceabilityGenerator._getSummaryFormula(reqMap, 'A') if (True == args.checkSrcLinks): # set summary of source links actualCount = TraceabilityGenerator._getSummaryFormula( reqMap, get_column_letter(moduleCol)) TraceabilityGenerator._generateSummaryColSummary( sheet, 'Source Links:', actualCount, expectedCount, cellRow, 2) cellRow += 1 moduleCol += 1 if (True == args.checkTestLinks): # set summary of test links actualCount = TraceabilityGenerator._getSummaryFormula( reqMap, get_column_letter(moduleCol)) TraceabilityGenerator._generateSummaryColSummary( sheet, 'Test Links:', actualCount, expectedCount, cellRow, 2) cellRow += 1 moduleCol += 1
def _generateSummaryColSummary(sheet, colName, countFormula, totalFormula, rowOffset, colOffset): ''' Generates a column summary details for all the modules in the format <summary_description> | <actual_value> / <expected_value> = <percent_value>''' # set summary type cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset) cell.value = colName cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set actual summary count cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset + 1) cell.value = countFormula cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT alignment = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT) alignment.horizontal = 'right' cell.alignment = alignment cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset + 2) cell.value = '/' font = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT) font.bold = True cell.font = font cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set expected summary count cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset + 3) cell.value = totalFormula cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT alignment = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT) alignment.horizontal = 'left' cell.alignment = alignment cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset + 4) cell.value = '=' font = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT) font.bold = True cell.font = font cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set percentage of actual/expected cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 5)) cell.value = TraceabilityGenerator.PERCENT_FORMULA % (\ get_column_letter(colOffset+3), rowOffset, get_column_letter(colOffset+1), rowOffset, get_column_letter(colOffset+3), rowOffset) cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT cell.number_format = '0.00%'
def _get_column_as_letter(self, sheet, column_to_convert, startcol=0): col = column_to_convert.value if isinstance( column_to_convert, Container) else column_to_convert if not isinstance(col, (int, str)): raise TypeError( "column must be an index, column letter or column name") column_as_letter = None if col in self.data_df.columns: # column name column_index = self.data_df.columns.get_loc( col) + startcol + 1 # worksheet columns index start from 1 column_as_letter = cell.get_column_letter(column_index) # column index elif isinstance(col, int) and col >= 1: column_as_letter = cell.get_column_letter(startcol + col) # assuming we got column letter elif isinstance(col, str) and col <= get_column_letter(sheet.max_column): column_as_letter = col if column_as_letter is None or cell.column_index_from_string( column_as_letter) > sheet.max_column: raise IndexError("column: %s is out of columns range." % column_to_convert) return column_as_letter
def _generateModuleColSummary(sheet, moduleName, colName, countCol, totalCol, rowOffset, colOffset): ''' Generates a column summary details for the specified module in the format <summary_description> | <actual_value> / <expected_value> = <percent_value>''' # set column summary type cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=colOffset) cell.value = colName cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set column actual count cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 1)) cell.value = '=' + TraceabilityGenerator.COL_COUNT_FORMULA % ( moduleName, get_column_letter(countCol), get_column_letter(countCol)) alignment = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT) alignment.horizontal = 'right' cell.alignment = alignment cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 2)) cell.value = '/' font = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT) font.bold = True cell.font = font cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set column expected count cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 3)) cell.value = '=' + TraceabilityGenerator.COL_COUNT_FORMULA % ( moduleName, get_column_letter(totalCol), get_column_letter(totalCol)) cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT alignment = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT) alignment.horizontal = 'left' cell.alignment = alignment cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 4)) cell.value = '=' font = copy(TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT) font.bold = True cell.font = font cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT # set actual / expected percentage cell = sheet.cell(row=rowOffset, column=(colOffset + 5)) cell.value = TraceabilityGenerator.PERCENT_FORMULA % (\ get_column_letter(colOffset+3), rowOffset, get_column_letter(colOffset+1), rowOffset, get_column_letter(colOffset+3), rowOffset) cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.SUMMARY_ALIGNMENT cell.number_format = '0.00%'
driver.quit() print("Closing browser") # paymentsNZ() excel = "datafile.xlsx" wb = Workbook() ws = f = open('PNZ.txt') csv.register_dialect('slash', delimiter='\\') reader = csv.reader(f, dialect='slash') wb = Workbook() ws = wb.worksheets[0] for row_index, row in enumerate(reader): for column_index, cell in enumerate(row): column_letter = get_column_letter((column_index + 1)) ws['%s%s' % (column_letter, (row_index + 1))].value = cell ws.insert_rows(1) a = ws['A1'] = "MANUFACTURER & MODEL" b = ws['B1'] = "PCI APPROVAL NUMBER" c = ws['C1'] = "APPROVAL VERSION/CLASS" d = ws['D1'] = "PAYMENTS NZ DATE OF NO NEW CONNECTION" e = ws['E1'] = "PAYMENTS NZ SUNSET DATE" df = pd.read_excel(excel) print("loading into pandas") ndf = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['MANUFACTURER & MODEL', 'PCI APPROVAL NUMBER', 'APPROVAL VERSION/CLASS', 'PAYMENTS NZ DATE OF NO NEW CONNECTION', 'PAYMENTS NZ SUNSET DATE'])
# NOME DOS CAMPOS r1 = ['primeiro', 'segundo', 'terceiro', 'quarto', 'quinto'] # ESTILOS headFont = openpyxl.styles.Font(name='Consolas', bold=True, color="434343") headAlign = openpyxl.styles.Alignment(horizontal='center') headFill = openpyxl.styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor="f3f3f3") thin = openpyxl.styles.Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") headborder = openpyxl.styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) # LOOP para cada coluna for i in range(len(r1)): # COORDENADAS letter = get_column_letter(i + 1) cellCoord = letter + str(1) ws.column_dimensions[letter].width = 20 # LARGURA dos campos ws[cellCoord].font = headFont ws[cellCoord].alignment = headAlign ws[cellCoord].fill = headFill ws[cellCoord].border = headborder ws[cellCoord] = r1[i]'.\primeiro_xlsx.xlsx')'input file: %s' % input_file)'input file: %s' % output_file) ws = wb.worksheets[0] if args.sheet_name is not None: ws.title = args.sheet_name with open(input_file, 'r', encoding=args.encoding) as f: dataReader = csv.reader(f) line_num = 0 for line in dataReader: line_num += 1 for cnt_row, line in enumerate(dataReader): for cnt_col, word in enumerate(line): if word.__len__() != 0 and word[0] == '=': word = '\'' + word ws[get_column_letter(cnt_col + 1).__str__() + (cnt_row + 1).__str__()] = word if cnt_row % 1000 == 0: logger.debug(cnt_row.__str__() + '/' + line_num.__str__() + ' lines were converted.') logger.debug('saving...')'done.')
def _generateTraceabilitySheet(workbook, moduleName, module, args): ''' Generates a sheet with all the requirements, requirements details, and requirement links for the specified module''' # create sheet for module moduleSheet = workbook.create_sheet(title=moduleName) moduleSheet.fill = TraceabilityGenerator.REQ_MET_FILL # set column dimensions for requirement name moduleSheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 30 # set column dimensions for requirement text moduleSheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 70 # set header and requirement text as fixed moduleSheet.freeze_panes = 'B2' # set column for requirement satisfaction moduleSheet.column_dimensions['C'].hidden = True cellRow = 1 # setup header cellCol = 1 # set start column for conditional formatting startCol = get_column_letter(cellCol) # add requirement name column cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=cellCol) cell.value = 'Requirement Name' cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT cellCol += 1 # add requirement text column cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=cellCol) cell.value = 'Requirement Text' cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT cellCol += 1 areReqLinksChecked = \ (True == args.checkSrcLinks) or \ (True == args.checkTestLinks) if (True == areReqLinksChecked): # add requirement satisfied column cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=cellCol) cell.value = 'SATISFIED' cellCol += 1 if (True == args.checkSrcLinks): # set column dimension for test links moduleSheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter( cellCol)].width = 75 cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=cellCol) cell.value = 'Source Code Links' cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT cellCol += 1 if (True == args.checkTestLinks): # set column dimension for test links moduleSheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter( cellCol)].width = 75 cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=cellCol) cell.value = 'Test Links' cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT cellCol += 1 # get end column for conditional formatting endCol = get_column_letter(cellCol - 1) cellRow += 1 # add row for each requirement in module for req, reqValue in six.iteritems(module): rowCol = 1 # requirement name cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=rowCol) cell.value = req cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.HEADER_ALIGNMENT rowCol += 1 # requirement text cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=rowCol) cell.value = reqValue.reqText cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_ALIGNMENT rowCol += 1 if (True == areReqLinksChecked): # requirement satisfied reqMetCell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=rowCol) reqMetFormula = 'False' rowCol += 1 # TODO add requirements as hyperlinks '=HYPERLINK(<URL>, <text>)' if (True == args.checkSrcLinks): # add source links linksText = '' for link in reqValue.reqLinks: if (tLinkType.LINK_TYPE__SRC == link.linkType): linksText += link.linkName if ((link.linkFile is not None) and (link.linkFileLineNum is not None)): if (True == args.basename): linksText += ' - (%s line %s)' % ( os.path.basename(link.linkFile), link.linkFileLineNum) else: linksText += ' - (%s line %s)' % ( link.linkFile, link.linkFileLineNum) linksText += '\n' cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=rowCol) cell.value = linksText cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_ALIGNMENT reqMetFormula = TraceabilityGenerator.REQ_IS_MET_FORMULA % ( reqMetFormula, get_column_letter(rowCol), cellRow) rowCol += 1 if (True == args.checkTestLinks): # add test links linksText = '' for link in reqValue.reqLinks: if (tLinkType.LINK_TYPE__TEST == link.linkType): linksText += link.linkName + '\n' cell = moduleSheet.cell(row=cellRow, column=rowCol) cell.value = linksText cell.font = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_FONT cell.alignment = TraceabilityGenerator.CELL_ALIGNMENT reqMetFormula = TraceabilityGenerator.REQ_IS_MET_FORMULA % ( reqMetFormula, get_column_letter(rowCol), cellRow) rowCol += 1 # set requirement met column value reqMetCell.value = '=IF(NOT(%s), "PASS", "FAIL")' % ( reqMetFormula) # set conditional formatting for if requirement is met moduleSheet.conditional_formatting.add( '%s%d:%s%d' % (startCol, cellRow, endCol, cellRow), formatting.rule.FormulaRule( formula=[reqMetFormula], stopIfTrue=True, fill=TraceabilityGenerator.REQ_NOT_MET_FILL)) cellRow += 1
BASE_DIR = os.path.curdir + os.path.sep + '12134testFile' if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(sys.argv[1]) except Exception as err: print('[-]Error: %s' % err) sys.exit() try: ws = try: os.mkdir(BASE_DIR) except FileExistsError: pass for x in range(1, ws.max_column + 1): with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '%s.txt' % get_column_letter(x)), 'w') as fio: for y in range(1, ws.max_row + 1): v = ws.cell(y, x).value fio.write('%s\n' % str('' if v is None else v)) finally: wb.close() print('[+]Done') else: print(__doc__)
from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.compat import range from openpyxl.cell.cell import get_column_letter wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'empty_book2.xlsx' ws1 = # 第一个表 ws1.title = "range names" # 第一个表命名 # 遍历第一个表的1到40行,赋值一个600内的随机数 for row in range(1, 40): ws1.append(range(60)) ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title="Pi") ws2['F5'] = 3.14 ws3 = wb.create_sheet(title="Data") for row in range(10, 20): for col in range(27, 54): _ = ws3.cell(column=col, row=row, value="%s" % get_column_letter(col))
def within_sheet_boundaries(row=1, column='A'): return (1 <= int(row) <= sheet.max_row and 'A' <= column <= get_column_letter(sheet.max_column))
def load_network_from_XLSX(file): """ This method will parse a file .xls_ to create a network. :param file: the path of the file containing the network. Must be of ".xlsx" extension. :return: network: the one loaded from the Excel file. """ from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl.cell import cell network = Network() # Select a workbook workbook = load_workbook(file, data_only=True) worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] # Loading from file: we will iterate over each row/column, considering the XL file as a matrix # And then creating nodes to add them to the network. # Row Counter i = 0 # Values of all the rows full_nodes = [] row_count = worksheet.max_row col_count = worksheet.max_column max_col = cell.get_column_letter(col_count) range = "A1:"+max_col+str(row_count) # Iterate over XL file for rowOfCellObjects in worksheet[range]: i += 1 # Column Counter j = 0 # Values of the current row row_node = [] for cellObj in rowOfCellObjects: j += 1 # If we are on the first row - Which means we will be reading column headers, we pass to the next row if i == 1 and j == 1: break row_node.append(cellObj.value) if i != 1 and j != 1: # if not, we add the row to the stack that contains our XL rows full_nodes.append(row_node) # Now that we've had retrieved the data into an array, we will iterate over it to create a full network # First, we instanciate a new Bracket for node_in_file in full_nodes: node = NetworkNode() branch = NetworkBranch() user = NetworkUser([1,1,1], None, [0,0,0]) # We then set its bracket's ID. node.set_id(int(node_in_file[0][5:])) # Same as the parent. node.set_parent_id(int(node_in_file[1])) # Now, we're on to create the Branch. # First, we're setting the phases that's on the branch. branch.set_phases(node_in_file[2:5]) # Then, the representation types (For later, that's why it's in comment) # bracket.set_types(node_in_file[5:8]) # Setting the length branch.set_length(node_in_file[8]) # Finally, we instanciate R and X: vectors of floating point numbers. # Their structure is as follows # ## Note that we have 4 values for each possible phases: A, B, C and N. # R = [RA, RB, RC, RD] # Examples: RA = [R_AA, R_AB, R_AC, R_AN] import math RA = [node_in_file[9], node_in_file[15], node_in_file[17], math.inf] RB = [node_in_file[15], node_in_file[11], node_in_file[19], math.inf] RC = [node_in_file[17], node_in_file[19], node_in_file[13], math.inf] RN = [math.inf, math.inf, math.inf, math.inf] branch.set_R([RA, RB, RC, RN]) # Same as for R XA = [node_in_file[10], node_in_file[16], node_in_file[18], math.inf] XB = [node_in_file[16], node_in_file[12], node_in_file[20], math.inf] XC = [node_in_file[18], node_in_file[20], node_in_file[14], math.inf] XN = [math.inf, math.inf, math.inf, math.inf] branch.set_X([XA, XB, XC, XN]) """bracket.set_index(node_in_file[21:24]) bracket.set_EAN(node_in_file[24:27]) bracket.set_EAN(node_in_file[27:29])""" # Now we are setting the Power that circulates through the branch. pTest = node_in_file[30] powers = [] powers.append(pTest) user.set_P(powers) node.set_users([user, user, user]) if node_in_file[1] != 0: node.set_parent(network.find_node(node_in_file[1])) bracket = Bracket(node, branch) network.add_bracket(bracket) # if we are not on the first real node of the network if bracket.get_node().get_id() != 1: network.set_parent_of_bracket(bracket, node.get_parent_id()-1) # Return the network created from the XL file. return network
def __xl__codebook(self): blocks = next( filter(lambda x: x.get('Element') == 'BL', self.SurveyElements)) payload = blocks.Payload block_items = filter( lambda x: x.get('Type') in ("Default", "Standard"), payload if isinstance(payload, list) else payload.values()) trash = next( filter(lambda x: x.get('Type') == 'Trash', payload if isinstance(payload, list) else payload.values())) trash_ids = [ x.QuestionID for x in trash.BlockElements if hasattr(x, 'QuestionID') ] wb = openpyxl.Workbook() for i, block in enumerate(block_items): ws = if i == 0 else wb.create_sheet() title = self._sanitize_for_spss_(block.Description) title = title if len(title) < 31 else title[:30] ws.title = title for key, value in self.WIDTHS.items(): ws.column_dimensions[key].width = value ws.append(self.COL_HEADERS) questions = filter( lambda x: x.Type == "Question" and x.QuestionID not in trash_ids, block.BlockElements) for q in questions: question_id = q.QuestionID question = next( filter( lambda x: x.Element == 'SQ' and x.Payload.QuestionID == question_id, self.SurveyElements)) try: for row in question.variable_info(): ws.append(row) except Exception as err: print( f"Unable to insert data for question {question_id}. Error was \n{err}" ) # Make a table """ max_row = ws.max_row if max_row > 2: tbl = Table(displayName=title, ref=f"A1:D{max_row}") tbl.tableStyleInfo = self.TBL_STYLE ws.add_table(tbl) """ # Styles have to be set on cells one at a time or they won't take for row_index, row in enumerate(ws.iter_rows(), 1): for column_index, cell in enumerate(row, 1): column_letter = get_column_letter(column_index) ws.cell(row_index, column_index).alignment = self.ALIGNMENTS.get( column_letter, openpyxl.styles.Alignment()) return wb