 def parse_font(self, font_node):
     """Read individual font"""
     font = Font()
     fontSizeEl = font_node.find('{%s}sz' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if fontSizeEl is not None:
         font.size = fontSizeEl.get('val')
     fontNameEl = font_node.find('{%s}name' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if fontNameEl is not None:
         font.name = fontNameEl.get('val')
     bold = font_node.find('{%s}b' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if bold is not None:
         font.bold = bool(bold.get('val', True))
     italic = font_node.find('{%s}i' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if italic is not None:
         font.italic = bool(italic.get('val', True))
     underline = font_node.find('{%s}u' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if underline is not None:
         font.underline = underline.get('val', 'single')
     strikethrough = font_node.find('{%s}strike' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if strikethrough is not None:
         font.strikethrough = True
     color = font_node.find('{%s}color' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if color is not None:
         font.color.index = self._get_relevant_color(color)
     return font
 def parse_font(self, font_node):
     """Read individual font"""
     font = Font()
     fontSizeEl = font_node.find('{%s}sz' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if fontSizeEl is not None:
         font.size = fontSizeEl.get('val')
     fontNameEl = font_node.find('{%s}name' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if fontNameEl is not None:
         font.name = fontNameEl.get('val')
     bold = font_node.find('{%s}b' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if bold is not None:
         font.bold = bool(bold.get('val', True))
     italic = font_node.find('{%s}i' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if italic is not None:
         font.italic = bool(italic.get('val', True))
     underline = font_node.find('{%s}u' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if underline is not None:
         font.underline = underline.get('val', 'single')
     strikethrough = font_node.find('{%s}strike' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if strikethrough is not None:
         font.strikethrough = True
     color = font_node.find('{%s}color' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
     if color is not None:
         font.color.index = self._get_relevant_color(color)
     return font
def parse_fonts(root, color_index):
    """Read in the fonts"""
    font_list = []
    fonts = root.find('{%s}fonts' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
    if fonts is not None:
        font_nodes = fonts.findall('{%s}font' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for font_node in font_nodes:
            font = Font()
            fontSizeEl = font_node.find('{%s}sz' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if fontSizeEl is not None:
                font.size = fontSizeEl.get('val')
            fontNameEl = font_node.find('{%s}name' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if fontNameEl is not None:
                font.name = fontNameEl.get('val')
            font.bold = True if len(font_node.findall('{%s}b' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)) else False
            font.italic = True if len(font_node.findall('{%s}i' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)) else False
            if len(font_node.findall('{%s}u' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)):
                underline = font_node.find('{%s}u' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).get('val')
                font.underline = underline if underline else 'single'
            color = font_node.find('{%s}color' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if color is not None:
                if color.get('indexed') is not None and 0 <= int(color.get('indexed')) < len(color_index):
                    font.color.index = color_index[int(color.get('indexed'))]
                elif color.get('theme') is not None:
                    if color.get('tint') is not None:
                        font.color.index = 'theme:%s:%s' % (color.get('theme'), color.get('tint'))
                        font.color.index = 'theme:%s:' % color.get('theme') # prefix color with theme
                elif color.get('rgb'):
                    font.color.index = color.get('rgb')
    return font_list
 def test_conditional_formatting_setDxfStyle(self):
     cf = ConditionalFormatting()
     fill = Fill()
     fill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
     font = Font()
     font.name = 'Arial'
     font.size = 12
     font.bold = True
     font.underline = Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE
     borders = Borders()
     borders.top.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.top.color.index = Color.DARKYELLOW
     borders.bottom.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.bottom.color.index = Color.BLACK
     cf.add('D1:D10', FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(D1)'], fill=fill))
     assert len(self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list']) == 2
     assert self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0] == {
         'font': font,
         'border': borders,
         'fill': fill
     assert self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][1] == {'fill': fill}
def styled_sheet():
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    from openpyxl.styles import Font, Style, Fill, Color, colors

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active
    ws.title = 'Test 1'

    red_fill = Fill()
    red_fill.fill_type = 'solid'
    red_fill.start_color = Color(Color.RED),
    red_fill.end_color = Color(Color.RED)
    empty_fill = Fill()
    styles = []
    # pregenerate relevant styles
    for row in range(ROWS):
        _row = []
        for col in range(COLUMNS):
            cell = ws.cell(row=row + 1, column=col + 1)
            cell.value = 1
            font = Font()
            fill = Fill()
            if formatData[row][col] & BOLD:
                font.bold = True
            if formatData[row][col] & ITALIC:
                font.italic = True
            if formatData[row][col] & UNDERLINE:
                font.underline = 'single'
            if formatData[row][col] & RED_BG:
                fill = red_fill
            style = Style()
            style.font = font
            style.fill = fill
            ws._styles[cell.address] = style
def _output_excel():
    query_text = request.args.get('query_text')
    input_sort = request.args.get('input_sort')
    results = _get_data_from_db(query_text, input_sort)
    if results=='fetch_db_error':
        print('Fetching database fails. Please check the log...')
        return ''

    # *** Output to a Excel file
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    from openpyxl.styles import Font, Color
    wb = Workbook()

    # grab the active worksheet
    ws = wb.active
    ws.title = 'Yahoo Buy Search Results'  # 設置worksheet的標題

    # write header
    excelHeader = ['category', 'item_title', 'item_price', 'item_info', 'staying_period']
    ws.append(['-----', '-----', '-----', '-----', '-----'])

    ft = Font()
    ft.underline = 'single'  # add single underline
    ft.color = Color(rgb='000000FF')  # add blue color
    for one_result in results:
        item_info_list = ['‧' + each_line for each_line in one_result[3].split(';;;')]

        control_characters = dict.fromkeys(range(32))
        remove_control = lambda x: x.translate(control_characters)
        ws.append([remove_control(one_result[0]), remove_control(one_result[1]), remove_control(one_result[2]), remove_control("\r\n".join(item_info_list)), one_result[5]])

        ws['A' + str(ws._current_row)] = '=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")'.format(one_result[4], one_result[0])
        ws['A' + str(ws._current_row)].font = ft

    import datetime
    filename = 'yahoo_buy_search_result_' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '.xlsx'
    wb.save('static/' + filename)
    # ___ Output to a Excel file

    from flask import send_from_directory
    return send_from_directory('static', filename)
 def test_conditional_formatting_addDxfStyle(self):
     cf = ConditionalFormatting()
     fill = Fill()
     fill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
     font = Font()
     font.name = 'Arial'
     font.size = 12
     font.bold = True
     font.underline = Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE
     borders = Borders()
     borders.top.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.top.color.index = Color.DARKYELLOW
     borders.bottom.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.bottom.color.index = Color.BLACK
     dxfId = cf.addDxfStyle(self.workbook, font, borders, fill)
     assert dxfId == 0
     dxfId = cf.addDxfStyle(self.workbook, None, None, fill)
     assert dxfId == 1
     assert len(self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list']) == 2
 def test_conditional_formatting_setDxfStyle(self):
     cf = ConditionalFormatting()
     fill = Fill()
     fill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
     fill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
     font = Font()
     font.name = 'Arial'
     font.size = 12
     font.bold = True
     font.underline = Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE
     borders = Borders()
     borders.top.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.top.color.index = Color.DARKYELLOW
     borders.bottom.border_style = Border.BORDER_THIN
     borders.bottom.color.index = Color.BLACK
     cf.add('C1:C10', FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(C1)'], font=font, border=borders, fill=fill))
     cf.add('D1:D10', FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(D1)'], fill=fill))
     assert len(self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list']) == 2
     assert self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0] == {'font': font, 'border': borders, 'fill': fill}
     assert self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][1] == {'fill': fill}
    def test_write_dxf(self):
        redFill = Fill()
        redFill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
        redFill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
        redFill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
        whiteFont = Font()
        whiteFont.color.index = "FFFFFFFF"
        whiteFont.bold = True
        whiteFont.italic = True
        whiteFont.underline = 'single'
        whiteFont.strikethrough = True
        blueBorder = Borders()
        blueBorder.left.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.left.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.right.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.right.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.top.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.top.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.bottom.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.bottom.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        cf = ConditionalFormatting()
        cf.add('A1:A2', FormulaRule(formula="[A1=1]", font=whiteFont, border=blueBorder, fill=redFill))
        assert len(self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list']) == 1
        assert 'font' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]
        assert 'border' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]
        assert 'fill' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]

        w = StyleWriter(self.workbook)
        xml = get_xml(w._root)

        diff = compare_xml(xml, """
        <styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">
          <dxfs count="1">
                <color rgb="FFFFFFFF" />
                <b val="1" />
                <i val="1" />
                <u val="single" />
                <strike />
                <patternFill patternType="solid">
                  <fgColor rgb="FFEE1111" />
                  <bgColor rgb="FFEE1111" />
                <left style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <right style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <top style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <bottom style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
        assert diff is None, diff
    def test_write_dxf(self):
        redFill = Fill()
        redFill.start_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
        redFill.end_color.index = 'FFEE1111'
        redFill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
        whiteFont = Font()
        whiteFont.color.index = "FFFFFFFF"
        whiteFont.bold = True
        whiteFont.italic = True
        whiteFont.underline = 'single'
        whiteFont.strikethrough = True
        blueBorder = Borders()
        blueBorder.left.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.left.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.right.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.right.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.top.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.top.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        blueBorder.bottom.border_style = 'medium'
        blueBorder.bottom.color = Color(Color.BLUE)
        cf = ConditionalFormatting()
        assert len(self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list']) == 1
        assert 'font' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]
        assert 'border' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]
        assert 'fill' in self.workbook.style_properties['dxf_list'][0]

        w = StyleWriter(self.workbook)
        xml = get_xml(w._root)

        diff = compare_xml(
            xml, """
        <styleSheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">
          <dxfs count="1">
                <color rgb="FFFFFFFF" />
                <b val="1" />
                <i val="1" />
                <u val="single" />
                <strike />
                <patternFill patternType="solid">
                  <fgColor rgb="FFEE1111" />
                  <bgColor rgb="FFEE1111" />
                <left style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <right style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <top style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
                <bottom style="medium">
                    <color rgb="FF0000FF"></color>
        assert diff is None, diff