def anchor(self): """ returns the expected position of a cell in pixels from the top-left of the sheet. For example, A1 anchor should be (0,0). :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ left_columns = (column_index_from_string(self.column) - 1) column_dimensions = self.parent.column_dimensions left_anchor = 0 default_width = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) for col_idx in range(left_columns): letter = get_column_letter(col_idx + 1) if letter in column_dimensions: cdw = column_dimensions.get(letter).width or default_width if cdw > 0: left_anchor += points_to_pixels(cdw) continue left_anchor += default_width row_dimensions = self.parent.row_dimensions top_anchor = 0 top_rows = (self.row - 1) default_height = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT) for row_idx in range(1, top_rows + 1): if row_idx in row_dimensions: rdh = row_dimensions[row_idx].height or default_height if rdh > 0: top_anchor += points_to_pixels(rdh) continue top_anchor += default_height return (left_anchor, top_anchor)
def point_pos(self, left=0, top=0): """ tells which cell is under the given coordinates (in pixels) counting from the top-left corner of the sheet. Can be used to locate images and charts on the worksheet """ current_col = 1 current_row = 1 column_dimensions = self.column_dimensions row_dimensions = self.row_dimensions default_width = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) default_height = points_to_pixels(DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT) left_pos = 0 top_pos = 0 while left_pos <= left: letter = get_column_letter(current_col) current_col += 1 if letter in column_dimensions: cdw = column_dimensions[letter].width if cdw is not None: left_pos += points_to_pixels(cdw) continue left_pos += default_width while top_pos <= top: row = current_row current_row += 1 if row in row_dimensions: rdh = row_dimensions[row].height if rdh is not None: top_pos += points_to_pixels(rdh) continue top_pos += default_height return (letter, row)
def __fill_week(self, work_sheet, line_number, week_activities, monday_date): calories_str = '' total_calories_burnt = 0 for day_activities in week_activities: for activity_key in day_activities.keys(): # print(str(activity_key) + " " + str(len(day_activities[activity_key]))) day_of_the_week = activity_key - monday_date cell = work_sheet.cell(line_number, 3 + day_of_the_week.days) activities_for_day = day_activities[activity_key] calories_burnt = 0 if cell.comment is None or cell.value is None or work_sheet.cell(line_number, self.CALORIES_COLUMN) is None: # If everything filled then there is nothing to do calories_burnt = int(self.__fill_day(cell, activities_for_day)) if calories_str == '': calories_str = str(calories_burnt) else: calories_str += "+" + str(calories_burnt) #Looks like there is a bug in recent excel that resets size of comments cell.comment.width = units.points_to_pixels(250) cell.comment.height = units.points_to_pixels(cell.comment.content.count('\n') * 20) week_report = self.__fill_week_report(week_activities, total_calories_burnt) work_sheet.cell(line_number, self.REPORT_COLUMN).value = week_report if work_sheet.cell(line_number, self.CALORIES_COLUMN).value is None: work_sheet.cell(line_number, self.CALORIES_COLUMN).value = "=SUM(" + calories_str + ")"
def writeCell(cell, data): if isinstance(data, list): row_num = cell.row column_num = cell.column for el in data: writeCell(sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=column_num), el) column_num += 1 return elif isinstance(data, tuple) and not isinstance(data, HyperLink): if data[1]: cell.comment = Comment(data[1], 'Generator') cell.comment.width = units.points_to_pixels(300) data = data[0] if isinstance(data, HyperLink): cell.value = data.text cell.hyperlink = = 'Hyperlink' else: cell.value = data if isinstance(data, int) or isinstance(data, float): cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='right') else: cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='left')
def __fill_day(self, cell, activities_for_day): cell_value = '' comment_value = '' #Calculate callories and effort calories_burnt = 0 for activity in activities_for_day: # strava activity objects for a given date comment_value = comment_value + str(activity.type) + ": " cell_value = cell_value + str(activity.type) + ": " + str( + "\n" if activity.average_speed is not None and activity.moving_time is not None and activity.distance is not None: calories = 0 if activity.type == "Run": calories = float(self.bmr * activity.average_speed * 3.6 * activity.moving_time.seconds) / (24 * 3600) elif activity.type == "Swim": calories = self.bmr * 8.5 * activity.moving_time.seconds / (24 * 3600) elif activity.type == "Ride": calories = float(self.bmr * activity.average_speed * 3.6 * activity.moving_time.seconds) / (24 * 3600 * 3) # training_stats.cycling_distance = round(float(activity.distance) / 1000, 3) # training_stats.cycling_time_in_seconds = activity.moving_time.seconds calories_burnt += calories comment_value += " Calories:" + str(round(calories, 0)) + "\n" if activity.average_speed is not None: comment_value += " Average speed: " + str(round(float(activity.average_speed * 3.6), 2)) + "km/h\n" if activity.max_speed is not None and int(activity.max_speed) != 0: comment_value += " Max speed: " + str(round(float(activity.max_speed * 3.6), 2)) + "km/h\n" if activity.moving_time is not None: comment_value += " Moving time: " + str(activity.moving_time) + "\n" if activity.average_heartrate is not None: comment_value += " Average heart rate: " + str(activity.average_heartrate) + "bpm\n" if activity.distance is not None: comment_value += " Distance: " + str(round(float(activity.distance) / 1000, 3)) + "kms\n" comment_value += "\n" #Add comment if cell.comment is None: cell.comment = Comment(comment_value, "ME") cell.comment.width = units.points_to_pixels(250) cell.comment.height = units.points_to_pixels(comment_value.count('\n') * 20) if cell.value is None: cell.value = cell_value return calories_burnt
def add_img(self, ws, ColRow, path_img): """Add an image The image size is automatically adjusted. Parameters ------- ws : openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet worksheet ColRow : list[int] range of the cell path_img : str the path of the image data to be added """ #Calculating the height of cells in a range with #the number of cells and the default cell height height_pt = (ColRow[3] - ColRow[1] + 1) * self.unit_pt_height height_pix = points_to_pixels(height_pt) #Calculating the width of cells in a range with #the number of cells and the default cell width width_pix = (ColRow[2] - ColRow[0] + 1) * self.unit_pix_width tmp_img = Image(path_img) aspct = tmp_img.height / tmp_img.width if aspct >= 1: tmp_img.height = height_pix tmp_img.width = height_pix / aspct if tmp_img.width > width_pix: tmp_img.width = width_pix tmp_img.height = tmp_img.width * aspct else: tmp_img.width = width_pix tmp_img.height = width_pix * aspct if tmp_img.height > height_pix: tmp_img.height = height_pix tmp_img.width = tmp_img.height / aspct anc = ws.cell(column=ColRow[0], row=ColRow[1]).coordinate ws.add_image(tmp_img, anc)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() cdn_model_test.backupcdn_ip = args.ip cookies = {} if args.cookies: for cookie in args.cookies: for kv in cookie.split(';'): name, value = kv.strip().split('=', 1) cookies[name] = value runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) result =, cookies, args.head)) skip = NamedStyle(name="skip") skip.fill = PatternFill('solid', fgColor='FFFFDC4C') error = NamedStyle(name="error") error.fill = PatternFill('solid', fgColor='FFFF0000') for (case, desc) in result.errors[0:] + result.failures[0:]: = error case._cell.comment = Comment(desc, 'AutoTestor', width=units.points_to_pixels(500), height=units.points_to_pixels(100)) for (case, desc) in result.skipped: = skip case._cell.comment = Comment(desc, 'AutoTestor') for (wb, file) in wbs: t = os.path.splitext(file)''.join((t[0], '_result', t[1])))
def get(self): wish_order_id = self.args["wish_order_id"] wish_order = models.WishOrder.get_by_id(self.session, wish_order_id) if not wish_order: self.write("没有找到对应的意向单") raise Finish() # 所有订货单 demand_orders_shops = self.session.query(models.DemandOrder, models.Shop) \ .join(models.Shop) \ .filter(models.DemandOrder.wish_order_id == wish_order_id, models.DemandOrder.status == 2) \ .all() # 订货的门店列表,表头门店顺序基于此 shops = list({shop for o, shop in demand_orders_shops}) shop_order = {"仓库": -999, "总部": 1, "刘园": 2, "侯台": 3, "咸水沽": 4, "华明": 5, "大港": 6, "杨村": 7, "新立": 8, "大寺": 9, "汉沽": 10, "沧州": 11, "静海": 13, "芦台": 14, "工农村": 15, "唐山": 16, "廊坊": 17, "哈尔滨": 18, "西青道": 19, "双鸭山": 20, "承德": 21, "张胖子": 22, "固安": 23, "燕郊": 24, "胜芳": 25, "蓟县": 26, } shops = sorted(shops, key=lambda d: shop_order.get(d.abbreviation, 999)) # 意向单商品列表,左侧商品列表顺序基于此 wish_goods_list = self.session.query(models.WishOrderGoods, models.Goods) \ .join(models.Goods) \ .filter(models.WishOrderGoods.wish_order_id == wish_order_id, models.WishOrderGoods.status >= 0) \ .order_by(models.WishOrderGoods.status.asc(), models.WishOrderGoods.priority.asc()) \ .all() # 所有订货单商品 demand_order_ids = { for o, s in demand_orders_shops} demand_goods_list = self.session.query(models.DemandOrderGoods) \ .filter(models.DemandOrderGoods.demand_order_id.in_(demand_order_ids)) \ .all() demand_order_dict = { o for o, s in demand_orders_shops} demand_goods_dict = { "{}:{}".format(g.wish_order_goods_id, demand_order_dict.get(g.demand_order_id).shop_id if g.demand_order_id else -1) : g for g in demand_goods_list } workbook = Workbook() worksheet = worksheet.title = "母单" worksheet.freeze_panes = "F4" alignment_center = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center", shrink_to_fit=True) border = Border(left=Side(style='thin'), right=Side(style='thin'), top=Side(style='thin'), bottom=Side(style='thin')) fill_current_storage = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="A6A6A6") fill_ambiguous_demand_amount = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="92D050") font_title = Font(name="华文楷体", size=18, bold=True) font_head = Font(name="宋体", size=11) font_head_accent = Font(name="宋体", size=11, color="FF0000") font_shop_name = Font(name="微软雅黑", size=11, bold=True) font_goods_name = Font(name="宋体", size=11) font_goods_name_accent = Font(name="宋体", size=11, color="FF0000") font_sum_demand_amount = Font(name="微软雅黑", size=11, bold=True) font_demand_amount = Font(name="微软雅黑", size=20, bold=True, color="FF0000") font_current_storage = Font(name="微软雅黑", size=10) # 库存列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(1)].width = points_to_pixels(3.83) # 商品编码列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(2)].width = points_to_pixels(0) # 商品名列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(3)].width = points_to_pixels(16.33) # 负责人列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(4)].width = points_to_pixels(1.83) # 总数量列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(5)].width = points_to_pixels(3.83) # 门店名行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[2].height = points_to_pixels(28) # 意向数量表头行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[3].height = points_to_pixels(13) # 标题 title = "嘿嘛{}月{}日各店剩货及意向单".format(wish_order.wish_date.month, cell_title = worksheet.cell(column=1, row=1, value=title) cell_title.font = font_title cell_title.alignment = alignment_center worksheet.merge_cells(start_row=1, end_row=1, start_column=1, end_column=5 + 2 * len(shops)) # 合并标题 style_range(worksheet, "{}{}:{}{}".format(get_column_letter(1), 1, get_column_letter(5 + 2 * len(shops)), 1), border=border) # 表头 cell_head_storage = worksheet.cell(column=1, row=2, value="库存") cell_head_storage.font = font_head cell_head_storage.alignment = alignment_center worksheet.merge_cells("A2:A3") style_range(worksheet, "A2:A3", border=border) cell_head_code = worksheet.cell(column=2, row=2, value="商品编码") cell_head_code.font = font_head cell_head_code.alignment = alignment_center worksheet.merge_cells("B2:B3") style_range(worksheet, "B2:B3", border=border) cell_head_goods_name = worksheet.cell(column=3, row=2, value="商品名称") cell_head_goods_name.font = font_head cell_head_goods_name.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_goods_name.border = border worksheet.merge_cells("C2:C3") style_range(worksheet, "C2:C3", border=border) cell_head_purchaser = worksheet.cell(column=4, row=2, value="负责人") cell_head_purchaser.font = font_head cell_head_purchaser.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_purchaser.border = border worksheet.merge_cells("D2:D3") style_range(worksheet, "D2:D3", border=border) cell_head_sum = worksheet.cell(column=5, row=2, value="总数量") cell_head_sum.font = font_head cell_head_sum.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_sum.border = border cell_head_sum_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=5, row=3, value="意向数量") cell_head_sum_demand_amount.font = font_head cell_head_sum_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_sum_demand_amount.border = border # 填门店名 for i, shop in enumerate(shops): # 跳过货品信息和总订货量列 base_column = 6 + i * 2 # 跳过标题 base_row = 2 # 门店名表头 cell_shop_name = worksheet.cell(column=base_column, row=base_row, value=shop.abbreviation) cell_shop_name.font = font_shop_name cell_shop_name.alignment = alignment_center cell_shop_name.border = border worksheet.merge_cells(start_row=base_row, end_row=base_row, start_column=base_column, end_column=base_column + 1) style_range(worksheet, "{}{}:{}{}".format(get_column_letter(base_column), base_row, get_column_letter(base_column + 1), base_row), border=border) # 剩货数量表头 cell_head_current_storage = worksheet.cell(column=base_column, row=base_row + 1, value="剩货数量") cell_head_current_storage.font = font_head cell_head_current_storage.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_current_storage.border = border # 意向数量表头 cell_head_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=base_column + 1, row=base_row + 1, value="意向数量") cell_head_demand_amount.font = font_head_accent cell_head_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_demand_amount.border = border # 列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(base_column)].width = points_to_pixels(0.91) worksheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(base_column + 1)].width = points_to_pixels(3.83) # 填货品信息 ambiguous = False ambiguous_row = -1 ambiguous_sum_dict = defaultdict(float) for i, (wish_goods, goods) in enumerate(wish_goods_list): # 跳过表头 base_row = 4 + i # 不保证有货行 if wish_goods.status > 0 and not ambiguous: ambiguous = True ambiguous_row = base_row cell_head_ambiguous_goods_name = worksheet.cell(column=3, row=base_row, value="下方产品不保证有货") cell_head_ambiguous_goods_name.font = font_goods_name_accent cell_head_ambiguous_goods_name.alignment = alignment_center cell_head_ambiguous_goods_name.border = border # 被不保证有货行下推一行 if ambiguous: base_row += 1 # 库存 cell_storage = worksheet.cell(column=1, row=base_row, value=check_float(goods.stock / 100)) cell_storage.alignment = alignment_center cell_storage.border = border cell_storage.font = font_goods_name # 商品编码 cell_code = worksheet.cell(column=2, row=base_row, value=goods.code) cell_code.alignment = alignment_center cell_code.border = border cell_code.font = font_goods_name # 商品名 cell_goods_name = worksheet.cell(column=3, row=base_row, value=wish_goods.goods_name or cell_goods_name.alignment = alignment_center cell_goods_name.border = border if wish_goods.goods_name_modified: cell_goods_name.font = font_goods_name_accent else: cell_goods_name.font = font_goods_name # 负责人 cell_purchaser = worksheet.cell(column=4, row=base_row, value="") cell_purchaser.alignment = alignment_center cell_purchaser.border = border cell_purchaser.font = font_goods_name demand_sum = 0 for j, shop in enumerate(shops): demand_goods = demand_goods_dict.get("{}:{}".format(, # 跳过货品信息和总订货量列 base_column = 6 + j * 2 # 门店库存 current_storage = check_float(demand_goods.current_storage / 100) if demand_goods else 0 cell_current_storage = worksheet.cell(column=base_column, row=base_row, value=current_storage) cell_current_storage.font = font_current_storage cell_current_storage.alignment = alignment_center cell_current_storage.border = border cell_current_storage.fill = fill_current_storage # 门店订货量 if demand_goods: if demand_goods.modified_demand_amount is None: demand_amount = demand_goods.demand_amount else: demand_amount = demand_goods.modified_demand_amount demand_amount = check_float(demand_amount / 100) else: demand_amount = 0 cell_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=base_column + 1, row=base_row, value=demand_amount) cell_demand_amount.font = font_demand_amount cell_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_demand_amount.border = border # 该商品各店总订货量 demand_sum += demand_amount # 各店不保证有货商品总订货量 if wish_goods.status > 0: ambiguous_sum_dict[] += demand_amount # 总意向数量 cell_sum_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=5, row=base_row, value=check_float(demand_sum)) cell_sum_demand_amount.font = font_sum_demand_amount cell_sum_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_sum_demand_amount.border = border # 不保证有货商品行的信息 if ambiguous_row >= 0: for j, shop in enumerate(shops): # 跳过货品信息和总订货量列,取意向数量列 base_column = 6 + j * 2 + 1 demand_sum = check_float(ambiguous_sum_dict.get(, 0)) cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=base_column, row=ambiguous_row, value=demand_sum) cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.font = font_demand_amount cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.border = border cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.fill = fill_ambiguous_demand_amount # 所有店不保证有货商品订货量总和 total_ambiguous_sum = reduce(lambda s, i: s + i, ambiguous_sum_dict.values(), 0) cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount = worksheet.cell(column=5, row=ambiguous_row, value=check_float(total_ambiguous_sum)) cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.font = font_sum_demand_amount cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.alignment = alignment_center cell_sum_ambiguous_demand_amount.border = border file_name = title return self.export_xlsx(workbook, file_name)