def setup_classic_job(self, create_job_path=True, upload_id=None): """Create a classic job with associated upload and inputs. :param integer upload_id: if set use upload record with given db key. :param bool create_job_path: if set the path for the job will be created and captured in the job record :returns: a :py:class:`db.alchemy.models.OqJob` instance """ session = get_db_session("uiapi", "writer") upload = self.setup_upload(upload_id) oqp = OqParams() oqp.job_type = "classical" oqp.upload = upload oqp.region_grid_spacing = 0.01 oqp.min_magnitude = 5.0 oqp.investigation_time = 50.0 oqp.component = "gmroti50" oqp.imt = "pga" oqp.truncation_type = "twosided" oqp.truncation_level = 3 oqp.reference_vs30_value = 760 oqp.imls = self.IMLS oqp.poes = [0.01, 0.10] oqp.realizations = 1 oqp.region = ( "POLYGON((-81.3 37.2, -80.63 38.04, -80.02 37.49, -81.3 37.2))") session.add(oqp) job = OqJob(oq_params=oqp, owner=upload.owner, job_type="classical") session.add(job) session.commit() if create_job_path: job.path = os.path.join(upload.path, str( session.add(job) session.commit() os.mkdir(job.path) os.chmod(job.path, 0777) return job
def prepare_job(params): """ Create a new OqJob and fill in the related OpParams entry. Returns the newly created job object. """ session = get_db_session("reslt", "writer") # TODO specify the owner as a command line parameter owner = session.query(OqUser).filter(OqUser.user_name == 'openquake').one() oqp = OqParams(upload=None) job = OqJob(owner=owner, path=None, oq_params=oqp, job_type=CALCULATION_MODE[params['CALCULATION_MODE']]) # fill-in parameters oqp.job_type = job.job_type oqp.region_grid_spacing = float(params['REGION_GRID_SPACING']) oqp.component = ENUM_MAP[params['COMPONENT']] oqp.imt = ENUM_MAP[params['INTENSITY_MEASURE_TYPE']] oqp.truncation_type = ENUM_MAP[params['GMPE_TRUNCATION_TYPE']] oqp.truncation_level = float(params['TRUNCATION_LEVEL']) oqp.reference_vs30_value = float(params['REFERENCE_VS30_VALUE']) if oqp.imt == 'sa': oqp.period = float(params.get('PERIOD', 0.0)) if oqp.job_type != 'classical': oqp.gm_correlated = ( params['GROUND_MOTION_CORRELATION'].lower() != 'false') else: oqp.imls = [float(v) for v in params['INTENSITY_MEASURE_LEVELS'].split(",")] oqp.poes = [float(v) for v in params['POES_HAZARD_MAPS'].split(" ")] if oqp.job_type != 'deterministic': oqp.investigation_time = float(params.get('INVESTIGATION_TIME', 0.0)) oqp.min_magnitude = float(params.get('MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE', 0.0)) oqp.realizations = int(params['NUMBER_OF_LOGIC_TREE_SAMPLES']) if oqp.job_type == 'event_based': oqp.histories = int(params['NUMBER_OF_SEISMICITY_HISTORIES']) # config lat/lon -> postgis -> lon/lat coords = [float(v) for v in params['REGION_VERTEX'].split(",")] vertices = ["%f %f" % (coords[i + 1], coords[i]) for i in xrange(0, len(coords), 2)] region = "SRID=4326;POLYGON((%s, %s))" % (", ".join(vertices), vertices[0]) oqp.region = ga.WKTSpatialElement(region) session.add(oqp) session.add(job) session.commit() return job