    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        Returns the mean and standard deviations calling the input GMPE
        for the mean acceleration for PGA and Sa (1.0) on the reference rock,
        defining the amplification factors and code spectrum to return the
        mean ground motion at the desired period, before the calling the
        input GMPE once more in order to return the standard deviations for the
        required IMT.
        # Get PGA and Sa (1.0) from GMPE
        ctx_r = copy.copy(ctx)
        ctx_r.vs30 = np.full_like(ctx_r.vs30, self.rock_vs30)
        rock = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx_r, [PGA(), SA(1.0)])
        pga_r = rock[0, 0]
        s_1_rp = rock[0, 1]
        s_s_rp = CONSTANTS["F0"] * np.exp(pga_r)
        s_1_rp = np.exp(s_1_rp)
        # Get the short and long period amplification factors
        if self.kind == 'euro8':
            ec8 = get_ec8_class(ctx.vs30, ctx.h800)
            ec8 = None
        f_s, f_l = get_amplification_factor(self.kind, self.F1, self.FS,
                                            s_s_rp, s_1_rp, ctx, ec8)
        s_1 = f_l * s_1_rp
        s_s = f_s * s_s_rp

        # NB: this is wasteful since means are computed and then discarded
        out = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx_r, imts)
        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            # Get the mean ground motion using the design code spectrum
            mean[m] = get_amplified_mean(s_s, s_1, s_1_rp, imt)
            sig[m] = out[1, m]
            tau[m] = out[2, m]
            phi[m] = out[3, m]
    def test_get_mean_and_stddevs_good(self):
        Tests the full execution of the GMPE tables for valid data
        gsim = GMPETable(gmpe_table=self.TABLE_FILE)
        ctx = RuptureContext()
        ctx.mag = 6.0
        # Test values at the given distances and those outside range
        ctx.rjb = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 500.0])
        ctx.vs30 = 1000. * np.ones(5)
        ctx.sids = np.arange(5)
        stddevs = [const.StdDev.TOTAL]
        expected_mean = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0E-20])
        expected_sigma = 0.25 * np.ones(5)
        imts = [imt_module.PGA(), imt_module.SA(1.0), imt_module.PGV()]
        # PGA
        mean, sigma = gsim.get_mean_and_stddevs(ctx, ctx, ctx, imts[0],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.exp(mean), expected_mean, 5)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigma[0], expected_sigma, 5)
        # SA
        mean, sigma = gsim.get_mean_and_stddevs(ctx, ctx, ctx, imts[1],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.exp(mean), expected_mean, 5)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigma[0], 0.4 * np.ones(5), 5)
        # PGV
        mean, sigma = gsim.get_mean_and_stddevs(ctx, ctx, ctx, imts[2],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.exp(mean), 10. * expected_mean,
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigma[0], expected_sigma, 5)

        # StdDev.ALL check
        contexts.get_mean_stds([gsim], ctx, imts)
def oq_mean_stddevs(
    model: gsim.base.GMPE,
    ctx: contexts.RuptureContext,
    im: imt.IMT,
    stddev_types: Sequence[const.StdDev],
    """Calculate mean and standard deviations given openquake input structures.
    model: gsim.base.GMPE
        OQ models we use are subclass of gsim.base.GMPE
    ctx: contexts.RuptureContext
        OQ RuptureContext that contains the following information
        - Site
        - Distance
        - Rupture
    im: imt.IMT
    stddev_types: Sequence[const.StdDev]
    # contexts.get_mean_stds returns ndarray, size of 4
    # mean, std_total, std_inter and std_intra
    # std_devs order may vary
    results = contexts.get_mean_stds(model, ctx, [im])

    mean_stddev_dict = {f"{convert_im_label(im)}_mean": results[0][0]}
    for idx, std_dev in enumerate(stddev_types):
        # std_devs are index between 1 and 3 from results
            f"{convert_im_label(im)}_std_{std_dev.split()[0]}"] = results[idx +

    return pd.DataFrame(mean_stddev_dict)
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     Call the get mean and stddevs of the GMPE for the respective IMT
     gsims = [self.kwargs[imt.string] for imt in imts]
     mean[:], sig[:], tau[:], phi[:] = contexts.get_mean_stds(
         gsims, ctx, imts)
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):

            cornerp = get_corner_period(ctx.mag)
            # capping period only compares
            # - highest period with a coefficient
            # - corner period
            # - 2.0 if it's bindi
            sp = get_capping_period(cornerp, self.gmpe, imt)
            hp = sp[-1]

            # 1 - if imt.period < cornerp, no changes needed
            if self.extr and imt.period <= cornerp and imt.period <= hp:
                [mean_] = contexts.get_mean_stds([self.gmpe], ctx, [imt], None)
            # if the period is larger than the corner period but the corner
            # period is less than the highest period
            elif self.extr and imt.period >= cornerp and cornerp <= hp:
                [mean_] = contexts.get_mean_stds(
                    [self.gmpe], ctx, [SA(cornerp)], None)
                disp = get_disp_from_acc(mean_, cornerp)
                mean_ = get_acc_from_disp(disp, imt.period)
            # if the corner period is longer than highest and imt is above
            # highets but below corner
            elif self.extr and cornerp > hp and hp <= imt.period < cornerp:
                mean_ = extrapolate_in_PSA(self.gmpe, ctx, hp, sp, imt.period)
            elif self.extr and cornerp > hp and imt.period > cornerp:
                mean_ = extrapolate_in_PSA(self.gmpe, ctx, hp, sp, cornerp)
                disp = get_disp_from_acc(mean, cornerp)
                mean_ = get_acc_from_disp(disp, imt.period)
                [mean_] = contexts.get_mean_stds([self.gmpe], ctx, [imt], None)

            kappa = 1
            if self.kappa_file:

                if imt.period == 0:
                    kappa = self.KAPPATAB[SA(0.01)][self.kappa_val]
                elif imt.period > 2.0:
                    kappa = self.KAPPATAB[SA(2.0)][self.kappa_val]
                    kappa = self.KAPPATAB[imt][self.kappa_val]

            mean[m] = mean_ + np.log(kappa)
            sig[m], tau[m], sig[m] = get_stddevs(
                self.ergodic, self.PHI_SS, self.PHI_S2SS, self.phi_ss_quantile,
                self.phi_model, self.tau_model, self.TAU, ctx.mag, imt)
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     Call the underlying GMPEs and return the weighted mean and stddev
     mean_, sig_, tau_, phi_ = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gsims, ctx, imts)
     mean[:] = np.average(mean_, 0, self.weights)
     sig[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(sig_**2, 0, self.weights))
     tau[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(tau_**2, 0, self.weights))
     phi[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(phi_**2, 0, self.weights))
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     Call the get mean and stddevs of the GMPE for the respective IMT
     gsims = [self.kwargs[imt.string] for imt in imts]
     outs = contexts.get_mean_stds(gsims, ctx, imts, const.StdDev.ALL)
     for m, out in enumerate(outs):
         mean[m] = out[0]
         sig[m] = out[1]
         tau[m] = out[2]
         phi[m] = out[3]
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     See :meth:`superclass method
     for spec of input and result values.
     # compute mean and standard deviation
     out = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx, imts)
     for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
         mean[m] = out[0, m]
         sig[m], tau[m], phi[m] = _get_stddvs(self.between_absolute,
                                              self.within_absolute, out[1,
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        See documentation for method `GroundShakingIntensityModel` in
        mean_stds = []  # 5 arrays of shape (2, M, N)
        for gsim in self.gsims:
            # add equivalent distances
            if isinstance(gsim, AtkinsonBoore2006Modified2011):
                c = utils.add_distances_east(ctx, ab06=True)
                c = utils.add_distances_east(ctx)
                contexts.get_mean_stds([gsim], c, imts, StdDev.TOTAL))

        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            cff = self.COEFFS_SITE[imt]

            # Pezeshk et al. 2011 - Rrup
            mean1, stds1 = mean_stds[0][:, m]
            mean1 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean1, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Atkinson 2008 - Rjb
            mean2, stds2 = mean_stds[1][:, m]

            # Silva single corner
            mean4, stds4 = mean_stds[2][:, m]
            mean4 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean4, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Silva double corner
            mean5, stds5 = mean_stds[3][:, m]
            mean5 = apply_correction_to_BC(cff, mean5, imt, ctx.repi)

            # Atkinson and Boore 2006 - Rrup
            mean3, stds3 = mean_stds[4][:, m]

            # Computing adjusted mean and stds
                m] = mean1 * 0.2 + mean2 * 0.2 + mean3 * 0.2 + mean4 * 0.2 + mean5 * 0.2

            # Note that in this case we do not apply a triangular smoothing on
            # distance as explained at page 996 of Atkinson and Adams (2013)
            # for the calculation of the standard deviation
            stds = np.log(
                np.exp(stds1) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds2) * 0.2 +
                np.exp(stds3) * 0.2 + np.exp(stds4) * 0.2 +
                np.exp(stds5) * 0.2)
            sig[m] = get_sigma(imt)
            if self.sgn:
                mean[m] += self.sgn * (stds + _get_delta(stds, ctx.repi))
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     See :meth:`superclass method
     for spec of input and result values.
     ctx_rock = copy.copy(ctx)
     ctx_rock.vs30 = np.full_like(ctx_rock.vs30, 1100.)
     mea = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx_rock, [PGA()])[0]
     pga1100 = np.exp(mea[0])  # from shape (M, N) -> N
     for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
         C = self.COEFFS[imt]
         mean[m] = (_compute_base_term(C, ctx) +
                    _compute_faulting_style_term(C, ctx) +
                    _compute_site_response_term(C, imt, ctx, pga1100))
         sig[m], tau[m], phi[m] = _get_stddevs(C, ctx)
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        :param imts: must be a single IMT of kind AvgSA
        sas = [SA(period) for period in self.avg_periods]
        out = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx, sas)

        stddvs_avgsa = 0.
        for i1 in range(self.tnum):
            mean[:] += out[0, i1]
            for i2 in range(self.tnum):
                rho = self.corr_func(i1, i2)
                stddvs_avgsa += rho * out[1, i1] * out[1, i2]

        mean[:] /= self.tnum
        sig[:] = np.sqrt(stddvs_avgsa) / self.tnum
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     Call the underlying GMPEs and return the weighted mean and stddev
     outs = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gsims, ctx, imts, const.StdDev.ALL)
     # shape (G, O, M, N)
     G = len(outs)
     M, N = outs[0].shape[1:]
     data = np.zeros((G, 4, M, N))
     for i, out in enumerate(outs):
         data[i, 0] = out[0]
         for s in range(len(out) - 1):
             data[i, 1 + s] = out[1 + s]**2
     mean[:] = np.average(data[:, 0], 0, self.weights)
     sig[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(data[:, 1], 0, self.weights))
     tau[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(data[:, 2], 0, self.weights))
     phi[:] = np.sqrt(np.average(data[:, 3], 0, self.weights))
def extrapolate_in_PSA(gmpe, ctx, imt_high, set_imt, imt):
    extrap_mean = []
    t_log10 = np.log10([im for im in set_imt])
    for d in np.arange(0, len(ctx.rjb)):
        c = copy.copy(ctx)
        if hasattr(ctx, 'rjb'):
            c.rjb = np.array([ctx.rjb[d]])
        if hasattr(ctx, 'rrup'):
            c.rrup = np.array([ctx.rrup[d]])
        means_log10 = []
        for im in set_imt:
            [mean_ln] = contexts.get_mean_stds([gmpe], c, [SA(im)], None)
            mean = np.exp(mean_ln[0])
        mb = np.polyfit(t_log10, means_log10, 1)
        mean_imt_log10 = mb[0] * np.log10(imt) + mb[1]

    return extrap_mean
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        See :meth:`superclass method
        for spec of input and result values.
        mean_zh06, mean_am09, mean_ab15, mean_ga14 = contexts.get_mean_stds(
            self.gsims, ctx, imts, None)

        # Computing adjusted means
        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            cff = self.COEFFS_SITE[imt]
            mean[m] = (np.log(np.exp(mean_zh06[0, m]) * cff['mf']) * 0.1 +
                       mean_am09[0, m] * 0.5 + mean_ab15[0, m] * 0.2 +
                       np.log(np.exp(mean_ga14[0, m]) * cff['mf']) * 0.2)
            if self.sgn:
                delta = np.minimum((0.15 - 0.0007 * ctx.rrup), 0.35)
                mean[m] += self.sgn * delta
            sig[m] = get_sigma(imt)
    def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
        See :meth:`superclass method
        for spec of input and result values.
        mean_, sig_, tau_, phi_ = contexts.get_mean_stds(
            [self.VGMPE, self.HGMPE], ctx, imts)
        for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
            # V/H model, Equation 1 and 12 (in natural log units)
            mean[m] = mean_[0, m] - mean_[1, m]

            # Get standard deviations
            C = self.COEFFS[imt]
            t = _get_tau_vh(C, ctx.mag, tau_[0, m], tau_[1, m])
            p = _get_phi_vh(C, ctx.mag, phi_[0, m], phi_[1, m])
            sig[m] = np.sqrt(t**2 + p**2)
            tau[m] = t
            phi[m] = p
 def compute(self, ctx, imts, mean, sig, tau, phi):
     Returns the mean and standard deviations
     ctx_r = copy.copy(ctx)
     ctx_r.vs30 = np.full_like(ctx_r.vs30, self.rock_vs30)
     rock = contexts.get_mean_stds(self.gmpe, ctx_r, imts)
     for m, imt in enumerate(imts):
         psarock = np.exp(rock[MEAN][m])
         C = self.COEFFS_SITE[imt]
         if self.region:
             ck = self.COEFFS_REG[imt][self.region]
             ck = 0.0
         mean[m] = rock[MEAN][m] + get_site_amplification(
             C, psarock, ctx, ck)
         t = rock[INTER][m]
         p = rock[INTRA][m]
         sig[m], tau[m], phi[m] = get_stddevs(self.phi_0, C, t, p, psarock,
                                              ctx.vs30, imt)