def test_modify_mfd(self): mfd = ArbitraryMFD(magnitudes=(4., 5., 6.), occurrence_rates=(1., 2., 3.)) mfd.modify( "set_mfd", {"magnitudes": [7, 8, 9], "occurrence_rates": [0, 2, 1]}) self.assertListEqual(mfd.magnitudes, [7, 8, 9]) self.assertListEqual(mfd.occurrence_rates, [0, 2, 1])
def test(self): sitecol = SiteCollection([Site(Point(-65.13490, 0.0), vs30=760., z1pt0=48.0, z2pt5=0.607, vs30measured=True)]) mfd = ArbitraryMFD([6.0], [0.01604252]) trace = Line([Point(-65.0000, -0.11240), Point(-65.000, 0.11240)]) # 1.0 km Mesh Spacing mesh_spacing = 1.0 msr = PeerMSR() sources = [SimpleFaultSource("001", "PEER Fault Set 2.5", "Active Shallow Crust", mfd, mesh_spacing, msr, 2.0, PoissonTOM(1.0), 0.0, 12., trace, 90., 0.)] imtls = {"PGA": [0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]} gmpe = ChiouYoungs2014PEER() gmpe.mixture_model = {"factors": [0.8, 1.2], "weights": [0.5, 0.5]} hcm = calc_hazard_curves(sources, sitecol, imtls, {"Active Shallow Crust": gmpe}) # Match against the benchmark is not exact - but differences in the # log space should be on the order of less than 0.04% expected = numpy.array([-4.140470001, -4.140913368, -4.259457496, -4.724733842, -5.900747959, -7.734816415, -9.019329629, -10.03864778, -10.90333404, -11.83885783, -12.65826442, -14.05429951, -15.22535996, -16.23988897, -17.94685518, -19.36079032, -20.57460101, -21.64201335]) expected = numpy.around(expected, 5) hcm_lnpga = numpy.around(numpy.log(hcm["PGA"].flatten()), 5) perc_diff = 100.0 * ((hcm_lnpga / expected) - 1.0) numpy.testing.assert_allclose(perc_diff, numpy.zeros(len(perc_diff)), atol=0.04)
def test_point_surface(self): sid = 0 name = 'test' trt = TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST mfd = ArbitraryMFD([7.0], [1.]) rms = 2.5 msr = WC1994() rar = 1.0 tom = PoissonTOM(1.) usd = 0.0 lsd = 20.0 loc = Point(0.0, 0.0) npd = PMF([(1.0, NodalPlane(90., 90., 90.))]) hyd = PMF([(1.0, 10.)]) src = PointSource(sid, name, trt, mfd, rms, msr, rar, tom, usd, lsd, loc, npd, hyd) rups = [r for r in src.iter_ruptures()] # Compute distances param = 'closest_point' sites = SiteCollection( [Site(Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), Site(Point(-0.2, 0.0, 0.0))]) dsts = get_distances(rups[0], sites, param) # Check first point msg = 'The longitude of the first point is wrong' self.assertTrue(abs(dsts[0, 0] - 0.0) < 1e-2, msg) msg = 'The latitude of the first point is wrong' self.assertTrue(abs(dsts[0, 1] - 0.0) < 1e-2, msg) # Check second point msg = 'The longitude of the second point is wrong' self.assertTrue(abs(dsts[1, 0] + 0.1666) < 1e-2, msg) msg = 'The latitude of the second point is wrong' self.assertTrue(abs(dsts[1, 1] - 0.0) < 1e-2, msg)
def test_get_min_max(self): mfd = ArbitraryMFD(magnitudes=[4, 5, 6], occurrence_rates=[1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(mfd.get_min_max_mag(), (4, 6))
def test_get_annual_occurrence_rates(self): mfd = ArbitraryMFD(magnitudes=[4, 5, 6], occurrence_rates=[1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(mfd.get_annual_occurrence_rates(), [(4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 3)])