文件: risk.py 项目: dsg101/openquake
    def write_metadata(self, metadata):
        Write gml:ids and other meta data for `nrml`, `riskResult`, and
        `lossMap` XML elements.

        :param metadata: A dict containing metadata about the loss map.
            For example::

                {'nrmlID': 'n1', 'riskResultID': 'rr1', 'lossMapID': 'lm1',
                 'endBranchLabel': 'vf1', 'lossCategory': 'economic_loss',
                 'unit': 'EUR'}

            If any of these items are not defined in the dict, default values
            will be used.

        :type metadata: dict
        # set gml:id attributes:
        for node, key in (
            (self.root_node, 'nrmlID'),
            (self.risk_result_node, 'riskResultID'),
            (self.loss_map_node, 'lossMapID')):
                node, metadata.get(key, self.DEFAULT_METADATA[key]))

        # set the rest of the <lossMap> attributes
        for key in ('endBranchLabel', 'lossCategory', 'unit'):
                key, metadata.get(key, self.DEFAULT_METADATA[key]))
    def write_metadata(self, metadata):
        Write gml:ids and other meta data for `nrml`, `riskResult`, and
        `lossMap` XML elements.

        :param metadata: A dict containing metadata about the loss map.
            For example::

                {'nrmlID': 'n1', 'riskResultID': 'rr1', 'lossMapID': 'lm1',
                 'endBranchLabel': 'vf1', 'lossCategory': 'economic_loss',
                 'unit': 'EUR'}

            If any of these items are not defined in the dict, default values
            will be used.

        :type metadata: dict
        # set gml:id attributes:
        for node, key in ((self.root_node, 'nrmlID'), (self.risk_result_node,
                          (self.loss_map_node, 'lossMapID')):
            nrml.set_gml_id(node, metadata.get(key,

        # set the rest of the <lossMap> attributes
        for key in ('endBranchLabel', 'lossCategory', 'unit'):
                key, metadata.get(key, self.DEFAULT_METADATA[key]))
文件: risk.py 项目: dsg101/openquake
    def _generate_lmnode(self, site):
        """ convenience method to generate a new lmnode """
        # Generate an id for the new LMNode
        # Note: ids are created start at '1'
        self.lmnode_counter += 1
        lmnode_id = "lmn_%i" % self.lmnode_counter

        # Create the new LMNode
        lmnode_el = etree.SubElement(self.loss_map_node, xml.RISK_LMNODE_TAG)

        # Set the gml:id
        nrml.set_gml_id(lmnode_el, lmnode_id)

        # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
        # for the new LMNode.
        # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
        site_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

        point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
        point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

        pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
        pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (site.longitude, site.latitude)

        return lmnode_el
文件: risk.py 项目: bwyss/oq-engine
    def _generate_map_node(self, site):
        """ convenience method to generate a new map node """
        # Generate an id for the new node element
        # Note: ids are created start at '1'
        self.node_counter += 1
        map_node_id = "mn_%i" % self.node_counter

        # Create the new node element
        map_node_el = etree.SubElement(self.map_container, self.MAP_NODE_TAG)

        # Set the gml:id
        nrml.set_gml_id(map_node_el, map_node_id)

        # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
        # for the new map node.
        # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
        site_el = etree.SubElement(map_node_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

        point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
        point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

        pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
        pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (site.longitude, site.latitude)

        return map_node_el
文件: risk.py 项目: bwyss/oq-engine
    def write(self, point, _values):
        if self.root_node is None:
            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id

            nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)

            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            etree.SubElement(result_el, xml.NRML_CONFIG_TAG)

            self.result_el = result_el
    def write(self, point, _values):
        if self.root_node is None:
            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id

            nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)

            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            etree.SubElement(result_el, xml.NRML_CONFIG_TAG)

            self.result_el = result_el
文件: risk.py 项目: bwyss/oq-engine
    def write_metadata(self, metadata):
        Write gml:ids and other meta data for `nrml`, `riskResult`, and
        map container XML elements.

        :param metadata: A dict containing metadata about the map.
        # set gml:id attributes:
        for node, key in ((self.root_node, 'nrmlID'), (self.risk_result_node,
                          (self.map_container, self.CONTAINER_ID_ATTRIBUTE)):
            nrml.set_gml_id(node, metadata.get(key, self.UNDEFINED))

        # set the rest of the map container attributes
        for key in self.METADATA:
            self.map_container.set(key, str(metadata.get(key, self.UNDEFINED)))
    def write_metadata(self, metadata):
        Write gml:ids and other meta data for `nrml`, `riskResult`, and
        map container XML elements.

        :param metadata: A dict containing metadata about the map.
        # set gml:id attributes:
        for node, key in (
            (self.root_node, 'nrmlID'),
            (self.risk_result_node, 'riskResultID'),
            (self.map_container, self.CONTAINER_ID_ATTRIBUTE)):
            nrml.set_gml_id(node, metadata.get(key, self.UNDEFINED))

        # set the rest of the map container attributes
        for key in self.METADATA:
            self.map_container.set(key, str(metadata.get(key, self.UNDEFINED)))
    def write(self, point, values):
        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site
        asset_object = values[1]
        if self.root_node is None:
            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id

            if 'nrml_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, str(asset_object['nrml_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)

            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            if 'riskres_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, str(asset_object['riskres_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            etree.SubElement(result_el, xml.NRML_CONFIG_TAG)

            self.result_el = result_el
文件: risk.py 项目: dsg101/openquake
    def write(self, point, values):
        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site
        asset_object = values[1]
        if self.root_node is None:
            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id

            if 'nrml_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, str(asset_object['nrml_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)

            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            if 'riskres_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, str(asset_object['riskres_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            etree.SubElement(result_el, xml.NRML_CONFIG_TAG)

            self.result_el = result_el
文件: risk.py 项目: dsg101/openquake
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.

        :param point: the point of the grid we want to compute
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`,

        :param values: is a pair of (loss map values, asset_object)
        :type values: with the following members

            :py:class:`dict` (asset_object)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID
                ***endBranchLabel*** - endBranchLabel
                ***riskres_id*** - for example, 'rr'
                ***list_id*** - 'list'
        super(CurveXMLWriter, self).write(point, values)

        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset_object) = values

        # container element, needs gml:id
        if self.curve_list_el is None:
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(self.result_el,

        if 'list_id' in asset_object:
            nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, str(
            nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

        asset_id = str(asset_object['assetID'])
            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset_id]
        except KeyError:

            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el,
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset_id)
            self.assets_per_id[asset_id] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset_id, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        # attribute for endBranchLabel (optional)
        if 'endBranchLabel' in asset_object:

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.
        This method assumes that `riskResult` and `lossMap` element
        data has already been written.

        :param point: the region location of the data being written
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        :param values: is a pair of (loss dict, asset dict)
        :type values: tuple with the following members
            :py:class:`dict` (loss dict) with the following keys:
                ***mean_loss*** - the Mean Loss for a certain Node/Site
                ***stddev_loss*** - the Standard Deviation for a certain

            :py:class:`dict` (asset dict)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID
        def new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict):
            Create a new asset loss node under a pre-existing parent LMNode.
            loss_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el,

            mean_loss = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            mean_loss.text = "%s" % loss_dict['mean_loss']
            stddev = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            stddev.text = "%s" % loss_dict['stddev_loss']

        loss_dict, asset_dict = values

        # search for a Site xml node matching the input `point`
        # Note: The following function performs a linear search
        # and could be expensive when dealing with large loss maps.
        site_node = self._get_site_elem_for_site(point)
        if site_node is not None:
            # append a new loss element to an existing LMNode
            lmnode_el = site_node.getparent()
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict)
            # Generate an id for the new LMNode
            # Note: ids are created start at '1'
            self.lmnode_counter += 1
            lmnode_id = "lmn_%i" % self.lmnode_counter

            # Create the new LMNode
            lmnode_el = etree.SubElement(self.loss_map_node,

            # Set the gml:id
            nrml.set_gml_id(lmnode_el, lmnode_id)

            # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
            # for the new LMNode.
            # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
            site_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

            # now add the loss node as a child of the LMNode
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict)
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.

        :param point: the point of the grid we want to compute
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`,

        :param values: is a pair of (loss map values, asset_object)
        :type values: with the following members

            :py:class:`dict` (asset_object)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID
                ***endBranchLabel*** - endBranchLabel
                ***riskres_id*** - for example, 'rr'
                ***list_id*** - 'list'
        super(CurveXMLWriter, self).write(point, values)

        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset_object) = values

        # container element, needs gml:id
        if self.curve_list_el is None:
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(self.result_el,

        if 'list_id' in asset_object:
            nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, str(asset_object['list_id']))
            nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

        asset_id = str(asset_object['assetID'])
            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset_id]
        except KeyError:

            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el, xml.RISK_ASSET_TAG)
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset_id)
            self.assets_per_id[asset_id] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset_id, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        # attribute for endBranchLabel (optional)
        if 'endBranchLabel' in asset_object:

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.

        :param point: the point of the grid we want to compute
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`,

        :param values: is a pair of (loss map values, asset)
        :type values: with the following members

        super(CurveXMLWriter, self).write(point, values)

        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset) = values

        # container element, needs gml:id
        if self.curve_list_el is None:
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(self.result_el,

        nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset.asset_ref]
        except KeyError:

            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el,
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset.asset_ref)
            self.assets_per_id[asset.asset_ref] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset.asset_ref, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
文件: risk.py 项目: bwyss/oq-engine
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.

        :param point: the point of the grid we want to compute
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`,

        :param values: is a pair of (loss map values, asset)
        :type values: with the following members

        super(CurveXMLWriter, self).write(point, values)

        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset) = values

        # container element, needs gml:id
        if self.curve_list_el is None:
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(self.result_el,

        nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset.asset_ref]
        except KeyError:

            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el, xml.RISK_ASSET_TAG)
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset.asset_ref)
            self.assets_per_id[asset.asset_ref] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset.asset_ref, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
文件: risk.py 项目: danciul/openquake
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.
        This method assumes that `riskResult` and `lossMap` element
        data has already been written.

        :param point: the region location of the data being written
        :type point: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        :param values: is a pair of (loss dict, asset dict)
        :type values: tuple with the following members
            :py:class:`dict` (loss dict) with the following keys:
                ***mean_loss*** - the Mean Loss for a certain Node/Site
                ***stddev_loss*** - the Standard Deviation for a certain

            :py:class:`dict` (asset dict)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID
        def new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict):
            Create a new asset loss node under a pre-existing parent LMNode.
            loss_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el,

            mean_loss = etree.SubElement(
                loss_el, xml.RISK_LOSS_MAP_MEAN_LOSS_TAG)
            mean_loss.text = "%s" % loss_dict['mean_loss']
            stddev = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            stddev.text = "%s" % loss_dict['stddev_loss']

        loss_dict, asset_dict = values

        # search for a Site xml node matching the input `point`
        # Note: The following function performs a linear search
        # and could be expensive when dealing with large loss maps.
        site_node = self._get_site_elem_for_site(point)
        if site_node is not None:
            # append a new loss element to an existing LMNode
            lmnode_el = site_node.getparent()
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict)
            # Generate an id for the new LMNode
            # Note: ids are created start at '1'
            self.lmnode_counter += 1
            lmnode_id = "lmn_%i" % self.lmnode_counter

            # Create the new LMNode
            lmnode_el = etree.SubElement(self.loss_map_node,

            # Set the gml:id
            nrml.set_gml_id(lmnode_el, lmnode_id)

            # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
            # for the new LMNode.
            # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
            site_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

            # now add the loss node as a child of the LMNode
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict)
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss/loss ratio information.

        point must be of type shapes.Site or shapes.GridPoint
        values is a pair of (curve_object, asset_object), with curve_object
        of type shapes.Curve. 
        asset_object is a dictionary that looks like:

        {'assetID': foo, # this is the only required item
         'nrml_id': 'nrml',
         'riskres_id': 'rr',
         'list_id': 'list',
         'endBranchLabel' : '1_1'

        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset_object) = values

        # if we are writing the first hazard curve, create wrapping elements
        if self.root_node is None:

            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id
            if 'nrml_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, str(asset_object['nrml_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)

            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            if 'riskres_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, str(asset_object['riskres_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            # container element, needs gml:id
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(result_el,
            if 'list_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

        asset_id = str(asset_object['assetID'])
            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset_id]
        except KeyError:

            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el, xml.RISK_ASSET_TAG)
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset_id)
            self.assets_per_id[asset_id] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset_id, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        # attribute for endBranchLabel (optional)
        if 'endBranchLabel' in asset_object:

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
文件: risk.py 项目: ged4gem/openquake
    def write(self, site, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.
        This method assumes that `riskResult` and `lossMap` element
        data has already been written.

        :param site: the region location of the data being written
        :type site: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        :param values: contains a list of pairs in the form
            (loss dict, asset dict) with all the data
            to be written related to the given site
        :type values: tuple with the following members
            :py:class:`dict` (loss dict) with the following keys:
                ***mean_loss*** - the Mean Loss for a certain Node/Site
                ***stddev_loss*** - the Standard Deviation for a certain

            :py:class:`dict` (asset dict)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID

        def new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict):
            Create a new asset loss node under a pre-existing parent LMNode.
            loss_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el,

            mean_loss = etree.SubElement(
                loss_el, xml.RISK_LOSS_MAP_MEAN_LOSS_TAG)
            mean_loss.text = "%s" % loss_dict['mean_loss']
            stddev = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            stddev.text = "%s" % loss_dict['stddev_loss']

        # Generate an id for the new LMNode
        # Note: ids are created start at '1'
        self.lmnode_counter += 1
        lmnode_id = "lmn_%i" % self.lmnode_counter

        # Create the new LMNode
        lmnode_el = etree.SubElement(self.loss_map_node, xml.RISK_LMNODE_TAG)

        # Set the gml:id
        nrml.set_gml_id(lmnode_el, lmnode_id)

        # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
        # for the new LMNode.
        # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
        site_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

        point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
        point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

        pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
        pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (site.longitude, site.latitude)

        # now add the loss nodes as a child of the LMNode
        # we have loss data in first position, asset data in second position
        # ({'stddev_loss': 100, 'mean_loss': 0}, {'assetID': 'a1711'})
        for value in values:
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, value[0], value[1])
    def write(self, point, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss/loss ratio information.

        point must be of type shapes.Site or shapes.GridPoint
        values is a pair of (curve_object, asset_object), with curve_object
        of type shapes.Curve. 
        asset_object is a dictionary that looks like:

        {'assetID': foo, # this is the only required item
         'nrml_id': 'nrml',
         'riskres_id': 'rr',
         'list_id': 'list',
         'endBranchLabel' : '1_1'
        if isinstance(point, shapes.GridPoint):
            point = point.site

        (curve_object, asset_object) = values

        # if we are writing the first hazard curve, create wrapping elements
        if self.root_node is None:
            # nrml:nrml, needs gml:id
            if 'nrml_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, str(asset_object['nrml_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.root_node, nrml.NRML_DEFAULT_ID)
            # nrml:riskResult, needs gml:id
            result_el = etree.SubElement(self.root_node, xml.RISK_RESULT_TAG)
            if 'riskres_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, str(asset_object['riskres_id']))
                nrml.set_gml_id(result_el, nrml.RISKRESULT_DEFAULT_ID)

            # container element, needs gml:id
            self.curve_list_el = etree.SubElement(result_el, 
            if 'list_id' in asset_object:
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, str(
                nrml.set_gml_id(self.curve_list_el, self.CONTAINER_DEFAULT_ID)

        asset_id = str(asset_object['assetID'])
            asset_el = self.assets_per_id[asset_id]
        except KeyError:
            # nrml:asset, needs gml:id
            asset_el = etree.SubElement(self.curve_list_el, 
            nrml.set_gml_id(asset_el, asset_id)
            self.assets_per_id[asset_id] = asset_el

        # check if nrml:site is already existing
        site_el = asset_el.find(xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)
        if site_el is None:
            site_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

            point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
            point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

            pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
            pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (point.longitude, point.latitude)

        elif not xml.element_equal_to_site(site_el, point):
            error_msg = "asset %s cannot have two differing sites: %s, %s " \
                % (asset_id, xml.lon_lat_from_site(site_el), point)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)

        # loss/loss ratio curves - sub-element already created?
        curves_el = asset_el.find(self.curves_tag)
        if curves_el is None:
            curves_el = etree.SubElement(asset_el, self.curves_tag)

        curve_el = etree.SubElement(curves_el, self.curve_tag)

        # attribute for endBranchLabel (optional)
        if 'endBranchLabel' in asset_object:

        abscissa_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, self.abscissa_tag)
        abscissa_el.text = _curve_vals_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)

        poe_el = etree.SubElement(curve_el, xml.RISK_POE_TAG)
        poe_el.text = _curve_poe_as_gmldoublelist(curve_object)
    def write(self, site, values):
        """Writes an asset element with loss map ratio information.
        This method assumes that `riskResult` and `lossMap` element
        data has already been written.

        :param site: the region location of the data being written
        :type site: :py:class:`openquake.shapes.Site`

        :param values: contains a list of pairs in the form
            (loss dict, asset dict) with all the data
            to be written related to the given site
        :type values: tuple with the following members
            :py:class:`dict` (loss dict) with the following keys:
                ***mean_loss*** - the Mean Loss for a certain Node/Site
                ***stddev_loss*** - the Standard Deviation for a certain

            :py:class:`dict` (asset dict)
                ***assetID*** - the assetID
        def new_loss_node(lmnode_el, loss_dict, asset_dict):
            Create a new asset loss node under a pre-existing parent LMNode.
            loss_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el,

            mean_loss = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            mean_loss.text = "%s" % loss_dict['mean_loss']
            stddev = etree.SubElement(loss_el,
            stddev.text = "%s" % loss_dict['stddev_loss']

        # Generate an id for the new LMNode
        # Note: ids are created start at '1'
        self.lmnode_counter += 1
        lmnode_id = "lmn_%i" % self.lmnode_counter

        # Create the new LMNode
        lmnode_el = etree.SubElement(self.loss_map_node, xml.RISK_LMNODE_TAG)

        # Set the gml:id
        nrml.set_gml_id(lmnode_el, lmnode_id)

        # We also need Site, gml:Point, and gml:pos nodes
        # for the new LMNode.
        # Each one (site, point, pos) is the parent of the next.
        site_el = etree.SubElement(lmnode_el, xml.RISK_SITE_TAG)

        point_el = etree.SubElement(site_el, xml.GML_POINT_TAG)
        point_el.set(xml.GML_SRS_ATTR_NAME, xml.GML_SRS_EPSG_4326)

        pos_el = etree.SubElement(point_el, xml.GML_POS_TAG)
        pos_el.text = "%s %s" % (site.longitude, site.latitude)

        # now add the loss nodes as a child of the LMNode
        # we have loss data in first position, asset data in second position
        # ({'stddev_loss': 100, 'mean_loss': 0}, {'assetID': 'a1711'})
        for value in values:
            new_loss_node(lmnode_el, value[0], value[1])