def __init__(self, env, world_tf_id): self.env = env self.world_tf_id = world_tf_id self.tfplugin = orpy.RaveCreateSensor( self.env, 'tfplugin tfplugin ' + self.world_tf_id) env.Add(self.tfplugin)
def BHTactileSensor(env, node_name, namespace, robot, link_prefix): args = [ 'BHTactileSensor', node_name, namespace, robot.GetName(), link_prefix ] args_str = ' '.join(args) module = openravepy.RaveCreateSensor(env, args_str) if module is None: raise Exception('Creating BHTactileSensor failed.') env.Add(module, True) return Bind(module)
def __init__(self, env, transform=None, fx=529, fy=525, cx=328, cy=267, near=0.01, far=10.0, width=640, height=480): """Initializes the camera with intrinsics fx, fy, cx, cy, with a near and far plane (in meters) with width and height in pixels""" self.env = env; self.lock = Lock() = openravepy.RaveCreateSensor(env, 'offscreen_render_camera') self.set_intrinsic(fx, fy, cx, cy, near, far, width, height); if (transform is None): self.set_transform(numpy.eye(4)) else: self.set_transform(transform)
def render_frame_thread(camera_sim): info = camera_sim.camera_info; = openravepy.RaveCreateSensor(camera_sim.env, 'rave_to_ros_camera'); camera_sim.send_command('setintrinsic ' + str(info.K[0]) + ' ' + str(info.K[4]) + ' ' + str(info.K[2]) + ' ' + str(info.K[5]) + ' ' + str(camera_sim.near) + ' ' + str(camera_sim.far)); camera_sim.send_command('setdims ' + str(info.width) + ' ' + str(info.height)); camera_sim.send_command('initialize ~ ' + camera_sim.namespace + '/sim_depth' + ' ' + camera_sim.namespace + '/sim_color ' + camera_sim.namespace + '/sim_points ' + info.header.frame_id + '_sim ' + camera_sim.fixed_frame);; while (True): time.sleep(0.016); with camera_sim.lock:; for add in camera_sim.additions: camera_sim.send_command('addbody ' + add[0] + ' ' + str(add[1]) + ' ' + str(add[2]) + ' ' + str(add[3])); camera_sim.additions = []; for rem in camera_sim.removals: camera_sim.send_command('removebody ' + rem); camera_sim.removals = []; pass;
def __init__(self, env, world_tf_id): self.env = env self.world_tf_id = world_tf_id self.or_tf = orpy.RaveCreateSensor(self.env,'or_tf or_tf '+self.world_tf_id) env.Add(self.or_tf)
from openravepy import * env = Environment() # create openrave environment # Load some objects and set them up in the environment env.Load('/home/mklingen/prdev/src/pr-ordata/data/objects/bowl.kinbody.xml') env.Load( '/home/mklingen/prdev/src/pr-ordata/data/objects/fuze_bottle.kinbody.xml') bowl = env.GetKinBody('bowl') fuze = env.GetKinBody('fuze_bottle') tf = fuze.GetTransform() tf[0:3, 3] = numpy.array([0.3, 0, 0.5]) fuze.SetTransform(tf) # Create the sensor sensor = openravepy.RaveCreateSensor(env, 'offscreen_render_camera') # Set its intrinsics (fx, fy, cx, cy, near, far) sensor.SendCommand('setintrinsic 529 525 328 267 0.01 10') # And its resolution in pixels sensor.SendCommand('setdims 640 480') #Initialize the sensor. Right now the size of the sensor can't be changed after you do this. # It will also open up an annoying opengl window just to get context. sensor.Configure(openravepy.Sensor.ConfigureCommand.PowerOn) # Add bodies to render with the given (r, g, b) colors sensor.SendCommand('addbody bowl 255 0 0') sensor.SendCommand('addbody fuze_bottle 0 255 0') # You can also set the sensor's extrinsic transform tf[0:3, 3] = numpy.array([0.0, 0, -0.5]) sensor.SetTransform(tf)