def generate_signal_PWM(period, modulator):

    number_of_samples_to_stay_in_A = period * modulator
    number_of_samples_to_stay_in_B = period * (dy.float64(1) - modulator)


    with dy.sub_statemachine("statemachine1") as switch:

        with switch.new_subsystem('state_on') as system:

            on = dy.float64(1.0).set_name('on')

            counter = dy.counter().set_name('counter')
            timeout = (counter >=
            next_state = dy.conditional_overwrite(
                signal=dy.int32(-1), condition=timeout,

            system.set_switched_outputs([on], next_state)

        with switch.new_subsystem('state_off') as system:

            off = dy.float64(0.0).set_name('off')

            counter = dy.counter().set_name('counter')
            timeout = (counter >=
            next_state = dy.conditional_overwrite(
                signal=dy.int32(-1), condition=timeout,

            system.set_switched_outputs([off], next_state)

    # define the outputs
    pwm = switch.outputs[0].set_name("pwm")
    state_control = switch.state.set_name('state_control')

    return pwm, state_control
steering = delta_star + Delta_u
steering = dy.unwrap_angle(angle=steering, normalize_around_zero=True)

dy.append_output(Delta_u, 'Delta_u')
dy.append_output(delta_star, 'delta_star')

# The model of the vehicle including a disturbance

# model the disturbance
disturbance_transient = np.concatenate(
    (cosra(50, 0, 1.0), co(10, 1.0), cosra(50, 1.0, 0)))
steering_disturbance, i =
    start_trigger=dy.counter() == sample_disturbance,

# apply disturbance to the steering input
disturbed_steering = steering + steering_disturbance * disturbance_amplitude

# steering angle limit
disturbed_steering = dy.saturate(u=disturbed_steering,
                                 lower_limit=-math.pi / 2.0,
                                 upper_limit=math.pi / 2.0)

# the model of the vehicle
x_, y_, psi_, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot = discrete_time_bicycle_model(
    disturbed_steering, velocity, Ts, wheelbase)

# close the feedback loops
    # main simulation ouput
    output_signals = [ output_x, output_v ]

if testname == 'loop_until':
    baseDatatype = dy.DataTypeFloat64(1) 

    loop_iterations = dy.system_input( baseDatatype ).set_name('loop_iterations').set_properties({ "range" : [0, 100], "default_value" : 20 })

    with dy.sub_loop( max_iterations=80 ) as system:
        system.set_outputs([ dy.counter() ])

        system.loop_until( dy.counter() >= loop_iterations )

    counter = system.outputs[0]

    # main simulation ouput
    output_signals = [ counter ]

if testname == 'loop_yield_until':
    baseDatatype = dy.DataTypeFloat64(1) 
steering = dy.saturate(steering, delta_min, delta_max)
steering = dy.rate_limit( steering, Ts, delta_dot_min, delta_dot_max, initial_state=steering )

delta_dot_hat = dy.diff( steering, initial_state=steering ) / dy.float64(Ts)
dy.append_output( delta_dot_hat,   'delta_dot_hat' )

# The model of the vehicle including a disturbance

# model the disturbance
disturbance_transient = np.concatenate(( cosra(50, 0, 1.0), co(10, 1.0), cosra(50, 1.0, 0) ))

steering_disturbance, _ =, start_trigger=dy.counter() == sample_disturbance, auto_start=False)
steering_disturbance = steering_disturbance * disturbance_amplitude

# # apply disturbance to the steering input
# disturbed_steering = steering + steering_disturbance * disturbance_amplitude

# # steering angle limit (model-intern)
# disturbed_steering = dy.saturate(u=disturbed_steering, lower_limit=-math.pi/2.0, upper_limit=math.pi/2.0)

# the model of the vehicle
# x_, y_, psi_, x_dot, y_dot, psi_dot = discrete_time_bicycle_model(disturbed_steering, velocity, Ts, wheelbase)

x_, y_, psi_, delta_, _delta_dot, a_lat_, _a_long, _x_dot, _y_dot, psi_dot_ = lateral_vehicle_model(steering, velocity, v_dot, Ts, wheelbase, delta_disturbance=steering_disturbance)

# close the feedback loops
threshold_for_x_to_leave_B     = dy.system_input( baseDatatype ).set_name('threshold_for_x_to_leave_B')
U2                             = dy.system_input( baseDatatype ).set_name('osc_excitement')

# some modification of one input
U = U2 * dy.float64(1.234)

with dy.sub_statemachine( "statemachine1" ) as switch:

    with switch.new_subsystem('state_A') as system:

        # implement a dummy system the produces zero values for x and v
        x = dy.float64(0.0).set_name('x_def')
        v = dy.float64(0.0).set_name('v_def')

        counter = dy.counter().set_name('counter')
        timeout = ( counter > number_of_samples_to_stay_in_A ).set_name('timeout')
        next_state = dy.conditional_overwrite(signal=dy.int32(-1), condition=timeout, new_value=1 ).set_name('next_state')

        system.set_switched_outputs([ x, v, counter ], next_state)

    with switch.new_subsystem('state_B') as system:

        # implement a simple spring-mass oscillator: 
        # x is the position, v is the velocity, acc is the acceleration

        # create placeholder symbols for x and v (as they are used before being defined)
        x = dy.signal()
        v = dy.signal()